02/14/90,r ~.h. #, _" ~'~ , . _~~ _ MINUTES CITY OF li~IM REG[JLAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDI~SDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1990, 7:30 PM, 7r~IM CITY HALL The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Daisy Lawton, Gene Borges and Shelly Badger. Visitors: Randy Suko, Housing Authority of Thurston County and Don Miller. Amos Lawton moved to approve the agenda as distributed, Kathy Wolf seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mayor Sanders stated that no additions/deletions by the Council will be made to the agenda after Tuesday at noon (prior to the Council Meeting), except in emergency situations. He requested that Council bring therr_ requests and questions to staff and/or the Council Liaison prior to the meeting. Additions and/or deletions from the public will still_ be welcomed. The minutes of January 24, 1990 were amended to correct, page 2, paragraph 4 (Marsons to Councilmember Parsons). Kathy Wolf moved to approve the minutes of January 24, 1990 as amended, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Vouchers numbered 7619 through Parsons, second by Rick Kolilis: Current Police: Water: Street: Garbage: Arterial Street: CDBG: 74 GO A Bond: TOTAL 7705 were approved on a motion by Martha $44,078.45 $ 5,066.60 $ 3,347.44 $ 1,268.94 $ 6,661.19 $14,244.29 $ 3,457.41 $ 423.00 $78,547. Randy Suko, Housing Authority of Thurston County, was present to discuss the proposed amendment to the program guidelines for the Town of Yelm Housing Rehabilitation Program. The amendments are as follows: SENIOR CITIZEN GRANTS: To allow grants up to $16,800 to senior citizens that are 62 years or older for rehabilitation work that have a household income equal or less than 800 of the .Thurston County median income. A 5- year write-down (after first year of rehabilitation, if sell must pay back 800 of grant, second year 600, third year 400, etc.) will be added to the amendment, but upon death (within the 5-year write-down) the grant becomes 1000 with no payback. Martha Parsons moved to approve the amendment allowing for senior citizen grants, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. 1000 LOANS FUR RENTAL PROPERTIES: Amend the program to allow for 1000 rehabilitation financing for rental housing occupied by low or moderate income tenants, with interest charged at the annual rate of 5`~, minimum monthly payments shall be $50. Rick Kolilis moved to approve of the amendment allowing 1000 loans for rental properties, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Randy Suko inforn~ed the Council that he would be leaving the I-Iousing Authority to pursue other opportunites. He thanked the Yelm Administration, Council and staff stating that they have been enjoyable to work with over the last 5 years. Yelm Parks Advisory Committee meeting of February 6, 1990: Martha Parsons reported that Cochrane Park has been surveyed and that the Committee is looking into the possibility of logging the -marketable timber. The Committee moved to recommend that the funds received from the sale of t_i.mb<~r he u~:c~d [~~r Curth~-~r. Cochrane Pr~,r}c dcwcl.oPrncnt. 'I'hc Cc.xrrni I:t.ce rrx>v~~cl to relocate. Chi main building, on ttrer t'~ulr.r::ur~ 1'crr_I. ~~.I_..ur_~ Lv II~~_• ~~I~I homestead site adjacent to Mill Road. i; n 1.1 The Parks Advisory Committee has recommended that Bill Miller be appointed to the Committee, Mayor Sanders reported that he appointed Mr. Miller along with Randy Henderson. Rick Kolilis moved to approve the park use requests (on recommendation from the Parks Advisory Committee) from the Cushman Club of America, Lorraine Lilley and the Yelm Eagles, second by Kathy' Wolf. Motion carried. The Council was given copies of the proposed amendment to the Park Rules for their review. Yelm Historic Preservation Commission meeting of Febuary 7, 1990: The Commission directed staff to draw up the contract between the City of Yelm and Janet Porter, Survey Consultant, to conduct the 1990 Historic Building Inventory. The State Office of Historic Preservation will be conducting a workshop for the Yelm Commission to provide training on how to prepare local register nominations of historic properties. Rick Kolilis moved approval for the Street Department to purchase an oiler for street repairs and maintenance, cost is approximately $4500.00, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Mayor Sanders informied the Council that he would like to hold a Council workshop on Tuesday, February 27, 1990 at 4:30 PM to discuss city land uses and short and long-range planning issues. City Clerk will properly advertise for the workshop. Kathy Wolf moved approval for Mayor Sanders to appoint Joe Huddleston to the Yelm Planning Committee, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. With no further business, Arnold Drogseth moved to adjourn the rr~eting at 8:40 PM, second by Kathy Wolf. Meeting adjourned. ATTE ~ • ` Shelly A. Badger City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor, City of Yelm 1