02/28/90 MINUTES CITY OF AIM REGf.JL~1R COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, February 28, 1990, 7:30 PM, Yelm City Hall The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Kathy Wolf was absent due to injury. Staff: Glenn Dunnam, Gene Borges, Tim Peterson and Shelly Badger. Visitors: Mike Anderson, Bill Franklin, Faith Hagenhofer, Benjamin Hagenhofer, Rose Bailey, Mark Schwindt, Mayor Logan (Town of Rainier), Judi Tennant and June O'Brien. With no additions to the agenda from the public, Amos Lawton moved to approve the evening's agenda, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Martha Parsons moved to approve the minutes of the February 14, 1990 regular meeting, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Arnold Drogseth moved to approve payroll for the month of February 1990, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis moved to approve voucher #7706 for $176.00, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Judi Tennant and June O'Brien were present from the St. Peter Hospital Chemical Dependency Program to explain the Employee Assistance Program. Since the program is structured for a large group of employees, the towns of Rainier and Tenino and the Yelm Fire District were invited to hear the presentation. Since representatives from Tenino and the Yelm Fire District were unable to attend, the presentation will be rescheduled for a later date. Planning Committee Meeting of February 20, 1990 - Rick Kolilis: The Committee spent much of the mieeting discussing proposed changes to the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan. Further discussion will be held on March 13, 1990 at the regular Yelm Planning Committee Meeting (rescheduled from March 20, 1990). The Planning Committee recommended that staff and city officials begin discussion meetings with Acceptance North West to evaluate the feasibility of annexation into Yelm a 40-acre track of land at the corner of Crystal Springs and Canal Road (as requested in the Jan. 16, 1990 letter from Acceptance North West). A request was received by the Planning Committee to place an additional mobile home (10' X50') on the property off Yelm Ave. (Parcel #13-0302), to initially store on the lot and move into in the future. The property currently has one mobile home situated on it as a residence. Planning Committee moved that the request for a variance to place the mobile home on said property .be forwarded on to the Yelm City Council for their decision. City Council `motion: Martha Parsons moved to enforce the existing Yelm ordinances and disallow a mobile home to be stored and later resided in on Parcel #13-0302, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. On the Planning Committee's recommendation, Martha Parsons moved to approve the request from LaPorte Millworks to build a sawmilling/remanufacturing business on Rhoton Road across from Select Wood Products (Parcel ##64300800300), subject to meeting all of the required regulatory agencies standards, second by Rick Kolilis. Amos Lawton opposed. Motion carried. Library Report: Faith Hagenhofer presented the Council with the January 1990 report. District-wide comparative statistics were given showing that Yelm's circulation is 6th in the district. Copies of the results of the "library use and awareness survey conducted by the Friends of the Library are in and available. At the March 14, 1990 regular meeting of the Council, the Yelm Library Board will give a presentation. Police Report: Chief Dunnam reported that the draft "policy manual" has been completed and is currently under review. A letter was received from Thurston County Department of Communications thanking the Yelm Police Department personnel for their time and i~ ri l! ,, , ~ ~ ,, dedication to the citizens when the 911 system was down on February 13, 1990. Calls were routed to the Yelm Police Department were Marilyn Arnold dispatched until another alternative was found. The DARE-A-RAMA was held at the Lacey South Sound Center on February 24, 1990. It was very successful with representatives from Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Yelm and Thurston County participating. Yelm's meeting to discuss the DARE program on Sunday, February 25, 1990 will be held again in April due to poor attendance. Chief Dunnam explained that next year the new elementary school will be added to the DARE program and that contact will be made with students in the 8th grade to check on their progress since DARE in the 5th grade. Chief Dunnarn and Mayor Sanders attended a meeting in Seattle entitled "Community Mobilization against Substance Abuse", where they learned of possible funding opportunities for com-riunities to deal with substance abuse. Yelm Municipal Court Report: Statistics were presented showing the monies taken in by the court from 1975 through 1989. Approximately $5,500 has been collected from past due accounts turned over to the collection agency. Explanation of the penalty (showing breakdown of fine and additional assessments) for the mandatory liability insurance law was provided. Street Report: Street crews are almost finished with the grading of Rhoton Road. Two of the four intersection (Yelm Ave./First St) corners have been poured with the remainder to be completed next week. A slight delay occurred when a buried gas tank was found that had to be filled with sand slurry. Water Report: Crews have been working on a valve leak behind the Senior Citizen's Center. Due to poor weather and site conditions, the Well #3 project has been delayed until permissible conditions allow for work to resume. Wastewater Facilities Plan update: Grant application was submitted to the Department of Ecology for the Centennial Clean Water Fund dollars on February 23. The pre-grant application has been delivered to Farm Home Administration. Thurston Regional Planning Council: Rick Kolilis reported on the February 9 meeting where the following items were discussed: *Update on wetlands bill *Amendments to the 1990 transportation program *Disbursement of balance of AMTRAK environmental impact statement funds contributed by Thurston County & cities *Improvements to local urban growth management agreements A park use request was received from the McKenna Midgets, 4-H Club #55801 to practice with and train 4-6 dogs in the park. Park Advisory Corrmittee was polled and approved of the use. Rick Kolilis moved approval, as long as dogs remain on leashes and all feces are cleaned up, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Resolution No. 204 authorizing Mayor Sanders to execute paperwork to obtain federal and or state emergency or disaster assistance funds was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The request for funds was made to be reimbursed for additional police traffic control required when traffic was routed through Yelm during the I-5 closure (from flood). At 8:24 PM, Council went into Executive Session. At 8:55 PM, Council reconvened. Discussed during the Executive Session were the eligible uses of Yelm's federal UDAG funds (Urban Development Action Grant). At 8:56 PM, Arnold Drogseth moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Martha Parsons. Meeting adjourned. ATTE Shelly A. adger City Clerk ~Za-e,~.e a~ Robert A. Sanders Mayor