03/14/90a, a' iJe'.[J' S CITY OF ELM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WIDI~SDAY, MARCH 14, 1990, 7:30 PM, AIM CITY HALL Mayor Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Arnold Drogseth, Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Rick Kolilis and Martha Parsons. Staff: Gene Borges, Daisy Lawton, Shelly Badger and Jeff Norton. Visitors: Mark Schwindt, Faith Hagenhofer, Bob Howard, Tom and Nancy Parkinson, Kate Cook, Lois Mach, Karen Bell, Christie Gorman, Bill West, Lisa Hills, John Marrotte and Jim Marrotte. Martha Parsons moved to approve the minutes of February 28, 1990, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Vouchers numbered 7801 - 7874 were approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Current: $17,175.46 Police: $14,746.50 Water: $ 8,221.05 Street: $ 3,830.91 Garbage: $ 6,849.57 74 GO Bonds: $ 105.00 CDBG: $ 1,036.44 Arterial Street: $ 37.00 TOTAL: $52,001.93 The paperwork for the loan of Yelm's UDAG funds will be prepared for the March 28, 1990 Regular Council Meeting. Rick Kolilis moved to approve the jail contract with the City of Olympia for 1990, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Requests for approval to purchase a tractor broom for the Public Works Department and air conditioning for Yelm City Hall were tabled pending quotations on price (both budgeted items). Rick Kolilis, representing the Yelm/Rainier Little League, explained their proposal to Thurston County Parks and Recreation to lease the 9-acre piece of property on Canal Road. The proposal is as follows: To build three softball fields with parking that can be used by softball teams, Little League and soccer. The Yelm/Rainier Little League is prepared to build, operate and maintain the fields without assistance from Yelm or Thurston County Parks. Softball tournaments will be held to raise the funds to maintain the fields and hire a full-time grounds-keeper. Sani-cans would be used for sanitation and bottled water for the water source until the City is able to extend water lines in the future. He asked for Yelm's support of this endeavor. Kathy Wolf moved to write a letter of support to Thurston County Parks and Recreation and the Thurston County Commissioners recognizing the need in the Yelm area for recreation fields and supporting the Yelm/Rainier Little League's proposal to enter into a lease agreement with Thurston County to build, operate and maintain the 9-acre piece of property for softball, . Little League and some soccer. Amos Lawton seconded the motion. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis moved to purchase a recording system, as per the quotation provided by Radio Shack, for the Council Chambers, subject to an initial trial basis to insure that the system will be adequate, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Kate Cook, Lois Mach and Christie Gorman, members of the Yelm Timberland Library Board were present to express their support of the City's proposal to add onto Yelm City Hall, moving the Yelm Police Department and Court to the City Hall facility. This proposal would move the library into the Police Department portion of the Public Safety Building. The Yelm Board feels that this would make an excellent temporary facility while they continue their efforts to raise funds for a large, new library in Yelm. It also gives hope for a potential future site for the new library. Gene Borges explained that he had met with representatives from Timberland Library and they are supportive of the proposal. Councilwoman Wolf 4'~i ~~ thanked the Yelm Library Board for their hard work and stated that the Board is very beneficial to the Yelm Community to improve the quality of the Ye]m Library system. Faith Hagenhofer, Yelm Librarian, presented a plaque to Karen Bell for her ten years of service as a Yelm Library Board Member. Kathy Wolf moved to allow Yelm staff to proceed with the annexation proceedings with Timberland Regional Library, subject to the Yelm Library Board's approval after their next meeting, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Resolution No. 205, Housing Rehabilitation Program amendment, was approved with revisions on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Martha Parsons, Council Liaison to the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee, Bill West and Lisa Hills, Committee members, reported on the March 6, 1990 joint meeting with the Thurston County Parks Committee. The Yelm Parks Advisory Committee requested of the City Council that they be on the agenda for the next workshop of the Council to discuss the ideas and goals of the committee. Mayor Sanders announced that the next Yelm City Council workshop will be held on Monday, April 9, 1990 at 5:00 PM at Ye]m City Hall. The following park use requests were approved (on recommendation of the Ye1m Parks Advisory Committee) on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. 1. Evergreen Rabbit Breeders Association - June 17, 1990 2. UCBO - Sunshine Day Camrp - July 9-13, 1990 3. Yelm Ministerial Association - Easter Sunrise Service - April 15, 1990 4. YeLn Prairie Kiwanis - Kiwanis for Kids annual games - Aug. 4, 1990 5. Lion's Club Easter Egg Hunt - April 15, 1990 „~,,,. Shelly Badger reported on the Yelm Historic Commission mieeting of March 7, 1990. The Committee is continuing its work on the Mayoral photo display. The survey of historic properties will begin soon in the NE and SE quadrants of Yelm. The Committee has decided on a standard plaque that will be used on all Yelm's Historic Register Properties. A "notice of tort claim" was received from Donna L. Holt, Attorney At Law. The pruning of the Hawthorne Trees along Yelm Avenue and in Yelm City Park has been completed. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST °° Shelly A. Badger ~~'L~.. Robert A. Sanders Mayor