05/09/907 ~ ~ c' ~:. ~~`~ ~' rtnv[r~s CITY OF AIM REG[JLAR OOUNCIL MEETING WEC~IVESDAY, MAY 9, 1990, 7:30 PM, ELM CITY HALL The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth and Martha Parsons. Rick Kolilis was unable to attend. Staff: Daisy Lawton, Marilyn Arnold, Gene Borges, Leo Porter, Keith Mercer and Shelly Badger. Visitors: Jeff, Sandy and Dean Norton, Don Miller and Vicky Hare. The agenda was approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. The minutes of the April 25, 1990 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. The minutes of the May 7, 1990 Special Meeting of the Council were approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton.. Motion carried. Vouchers numbered 7941 - 8010 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Current: $ 13,000.72 Police: $ 6,953.76 Street: $ 7,183.26 Water: $ 21,409.54 Garbage: $ 6,710.61 CDBG: $ 22,200.00 Arterial Street: $ 87,963.67 TOTAL: $165,421.56 Mayor Sanders presented Certificate of Appreciatio Jeff is currently working recess was taken for those Officer Norton. former Yelm Sergeant Jeff Norton with a a for his years of service to the Town of Yelm. for the Thurston County Sheriff's Office. A in attendance to express their appreciation to Mayor Sanders requested that Gene Borges provide consulting services to the City of Yelm, equivalent to one day per work, during the months of May and .laze 1990 and beginning July 1, 1990, expand his present position with the City to four days per week. Kathy Wolf moved to approve of the above stated request, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. A letter was received frccn a Yelm citizen regarding the use of blowers to clean up privately owned parking lots. The complainant was concerned that the use of blowers may be a health hazard due to the dust created during the dry weather. Council directed staff to contact other cities to check on their policies and to work with property owners on the time of day cleanup is conducted. Kathy Wolf moved to table Mr. Maurin's complaint regarding a garbage charge refund to a future meeting when he can be in attendance, Martha Parsons seconded the motion. Motion carried. YELM PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS OF MAY 1 & 8, 1990: Due to the increased time needed to handle the business of the committee, the committee will now meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 5;00 - 7:00 PM. Arnold Drogseth moved approval (on YPAC's recommendation) of the request by the Emanuel Lutheran Church to hold a church picnic and service, August 26, 1990 fran 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Much discussion on the request submitted by the UCBO and Thurston County Parks & Recreation Dpt. to hold a summer day camp in Yelm City Park from July 9 - August 29, 1990, weekdays from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The resubmitted request (earlier denied due to sanitation concerns) stated that sani-cans would be brought into the park during the summer. The Parks Advisory Committee recommended approval of the request with the stipulation that the park usage would not be exclusive (other community members would be allowed to use the park daily also). Council motion: Kathy Wolf moved to approve the original request to hold the summer day camp from July 9-13 and July 16-20, but to deny the extended request, due to a concern that walk-in park use would diminish if a large group was in the park daily, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Martha Parsons informed the Council that Steve Craig, community resident, has indicated an interest in helping the Yelm Park Advisory Committee develop a grant proposal for a community center in Cochrane Park. The Council asked that Cindy Cecil, Executive Director, UCBO, be invited to """" the meeting, as the UCBO is also pursuing a grant for a community center/UCBO facility. The Council asked that the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee invite a member of the Lion's Club to their next business meeting to discuss maintenance and renovations to the Yelm City Park kitchen facility. The recommendation to charge a $25.00 cleaning deposit for use of the kitchen, was tabled until further discussion with the Lion's Club on cleanup of the facility. The revised draft of the proposed acnendmnt to the park use ordinance was presented to the Council by the Park Committee. Council will review and. make comments back to staff. A letter of resignation was received from Randy Henderson stating that with his very full schedule, attendance at the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee Meetings was not possible. Yelm Historic Preservation Commission Meeting of May 2, 1990: Shelly Badger reported that work continues on the 1990 inventory of historic properties. Shelly Badger attended the annual CLG training in Port Townsend on May 4 & 5, 1990, attendance fulfills the annual training requirement to remain certified. ....,. Amos Lawton reported on the annual Spring Cleanup Day on April 28, 1990. Volunteer attendance was excellent (Yelm Chamber of ConTnerce and F'FA) provided for unloading at all three dumpsters. The event had to be closed approximately 1 hour early because the dumpsters were at capacity. Due to the fact that the event was abused by some (multiple loads, many large furniture items, construction materials, etc.) , it may have to be discontinued. If Spring Cleanup Day does continue in the future, many additional restrictions will need to be placed on the residents, i.e. one load per household, one large furniture item per household, no building materials, etc. The Council stressed that the purpose of the event is to allow Ye]m garbage customers a chance to do some spring cleaning, not an anrntal dumping. Daisy Lawton announced that the first meeting of the Yelm Recycling Committee will be held on Wednesday, May~16, 1990 at 7:00 PM at Yelm City Hall. A letter of resignation was received from Lois Mach from the Yelm Timberland Library Board of Trustees. Due to her new position as Service Area 4 PTA Vice President and attendance at Graduate School, she will not be able to attend the meetings. The Council received minutes from the Special Meeting of the Yelm Planning Committee held May 8, 1990. The Planning Committee moved to approve the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan, subject to each committee member's further review of the plan and reserving the right to make changes at the May 15, 1990 meting. Approval is also subject to committee approval of the "holding zone" definition which has yet to be determined. The plan will now be presented to the Yelm City Council and Thurston County Commissioners for their review and approval. At 8:50 PM, the Council went into Executive Se;~sion. At 9:02 PM, the Council reconvened. Discussed during the Executive Session was "pending litigation". Meeting adjourned at 9:03 FbI on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Lawton. ATTEST: S lly A. Badge City Clerk Robert A. Sanders, Mayor r,