06/13/90~~c & 1 u~r~/ 11.1J CITY OF AIM R'EG[JLAR COUNCIL MEETING FIIDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1990, 7:30 PM, ELM CITY HALL In the absence of Mayor Sanders, who was attending the Association of Washington Cities annual convention, Arnold Drogseth nominated Kathy Wolf to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem. Martha Parsons moved to close the nominations and appoint Kathy Wolf as Mayor Pro-Tem, ~ second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Mayor Pro-Tem Kathy Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Arnold Drogseth, Amos Lawton, Rick Kolilis and Martha Parsons. Visitors: Archie McLean, Patsy Gudgell, Pat & Jake Purvis, Dennis T. Su, Penny Williams and Mark Schwindt. Staff: Daisy Lawton, Shelly Badger and Chief Glenn Dunnam. Amos Lawton moved to approve the evening's agenda, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. The minutes of the May 23, 1990 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The following vouchers were approved on Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Vouchers numbered 8011 through *Current: $32,797.60 *Police: $10,519.86 *Water: $ 4,299.35 *Street: $ 2,298.30 *Garbage: $ 6,804.44 *Art. Street: $ 2,073.83 *CDBG: $ 3,300.87 ,094.25 a motion by Amos Lawton, second by 8088: Mr. Maurin was not present to address his garbage refund complaint. Since this issue has been on the agenda several meetings, Amos Lawton moved to once again deny the garbage refund request and close the complaint issue, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Archie McLean was present from Harper, McLean & Co. to present ,the Council the purchase agreement for Yelm's $178,000 bond issue to construct well #3 & purchase real property. The average coupon rate for the issue of bonds is~7.048900, with a net effective interest rate, including the discount, of 7.376100. Rick Kolilis moved to adopt Ordinance No. 375, adopting a system of registration of bonds and obligations of the City, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis moved to adopt Ordnance No. 376 relating to the waterworks utility of the City; specifying and adopting a system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility and ordering the carrying out of that plan; authorizing the issuance of water revenue bonds in the amount of $178,000 to obtain a part of the funds with which to pay the cost of carrying out a portion of that system or plan; fixing the date, interest rates, form, maturities, terms, covenants and uses of the proceeds of those bonds; creating a special bond redemption fund and a construction fund; and providing for the sale~and delivery of the bonds to Harper, McLean & Company of Tacoma, WA. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Dennis T. Su, representing Thurston Highland & Associates (1200, acre subdivision), presented the City of Yelm with a petition to begin annexation proceedings, signed by at least 75~ of property valuation in the proposed annexation area. Mayor Pro-Tem Wolf explained that the minutes would reflect receipt of the petition and that it would be forwarded onto the Yelm Planning. Committee for their review. Shelly Badger, City Clerk, explained the annexation procedure for a code city and Mayor Pro-Tem Wolf asked that she provide the Nisqually Valley News with information on the procedure for publication. i~ Ordinance No. 377, relating to eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program, and amending a portion of Ordinance No. 353, was approved on a E 3 motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 379, amending City of Ye]m Ordinance No. 334, changing the prescribed rate for a 1-yard garbage container from $31.60 to $36.15 per month, was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Chief Dunnam reported that the City has obtained a DARE vehicle from Washington State for $2,500.00 and asked for formal approval from the City Council to purchase and make needed repairs to the vehicle. The purchase will be made from community donations and much of the needed repairs have also been donated, i.e., paint, wheels & tires, etc. Martha Parsons moved to approve of the purchase of the DARE vehicle for $2,500.00 and to make needed improvements to the vehicle, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis moved to purchase a sweeper broom unit with a water system to be mounted on Yelm's Case Backhoe for $4,900.00 plus tax and a $200.00 delivery fee, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Council received copies of Yelm Municipal Code 2.24.020 relating to compensation paid to Yelm's Judge Pro-Tem. Current code compensates pro- tems at the rate of fifteen dollars per session or portion thereof. Shelly Badger stated that the rate is very outdated and that other communities pay from $25 - $50 per hour for attorney Judge Pro-Terns. Amos Lawton, Court Liaison, will meet with staff to come up with a recommended change in the ordinance. Martha Parsons moved to allow non-profit and service club organizations to utilize the ad space on Yelm's concrete refuse containers for upcoming events and community-minded statements, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. The clubs would be responsible for the making of the signs, installation and take down after the event is over. The Council reiterated that the ad space is not to be used for advertisements for businesses. A letter will be sent to service clubs to notify them of this opportunity. " In regards to an ordinance to change Council Meetings to the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month (including summer months), it was found that the existing ordinance is correct and needs no amending. The Yelm Municipal Code will be corrected to reflect two meetings per month throughout the entire year. Ordinance No. 378 establishing a change and imprest fund for the City of Yelm Municipal Court was approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan Public Hearing: The joint Public Hearing of the Thurston County Commissioners and Yelm City Council will be held on Wednesday, June 20, 1990 at 7:00 PM, Yelm High School Little Theater. Staff will be available in the cafeteria from noon to 7:00 PM to meet with property owners on a one-on-one basis. In reviewing the plan, it was noted that there is a discrepancy between Yelm's existing "sphere of influence" (as established in the 1985 Comprehensive Plan) and the current proposed "community growth area" boundary established in the joint plan. Council agreed and recommended that the "community growth area" boundary should be consistent with Yelm's established "sphere of influence". The matter will be discussed further at the Public Hearing. Arnold Drogseth moved to direct staff to exercise the option on 11.95 acres, auditor's parcel #64300900400, and to prepare the check for approval at the June 27, 1990 Regular Council Meeting, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis moved to grant an extension on the hours of operation of the conditional use permit for the Farmer's Market at 202 Jefferson Ave. NW. extending hours of operation to 9 AM to 4 PI"I on Saturday and Sunday. Original approval was to operate from 10 AM - 2 PM, Saturday and Sunday. The motion was made subject to compliance with all provisions of the conditional use permit approved at the April 25, 1990 Council Meeting, specifically the parking requirements. As there have already been some complaints on the parking during the event, Council advised staff to contact the market manager to correct the problem for continuance of the permit. Motion was seconded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. r.~ ,~. Friend & Ri.kalo Claim (Crystal Springs Road Project): A memo was received from Attorney Randall Walker stating that the claim (for construction cost overruns) had been settled out of court as previously approved by Council. Rick Kolilis moved to pay the claim of $9000 and directed Mayor Sanders to sign the "Release of all Claims" which ends the lawsuit formally, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Attorney Walker is currently researching the possibility of reimbursement from the State Urban Arterial Board Grant which funded the project. Yelm Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of June 12, 1990: Martha Parsons reported that after discussion between the Park Committee and the UCBO, it was decided that the UCBO proposal for a community center and the Park Committee's proposal for a park & recreation facility would not be compatible in the same building. As the UCBO grant application process is well underway, with the City of Yelm as the lead agency, the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee expressed full support of the project and will not apply for a block grant in competition with the UCBO. The Park Committee will continue its, long-range planning for a future parks & recreation center, possibly located in Cochrane Park. The UCBO still is in need of a site for the facility. New time table for Cochrane Park has been established with the punching of the initial trail to be done by July 1, 1990. Martha Parsons asked that the Council forward any comments they have onto Clerk, Shelly Badger, on the proposed ordinance revisions on Yelm's parks. drafted by the Park Committee. . On recommendation of the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee, Martha Parsons moved to approve the following park use requests, second by Amios Lawton. Motion carried: 1. Request by Karen Crawford to use the park on Saturday, July 7, 1990 at 1:30 PM for a graduation family picnic.. No alcohol will be consumed. 2. Request by Yelm Prairie Christian Center for park use on August 12, 1990 at 2:00 PM for a church picnic. Due to the large crowd expected (100-160), Council asked _that one sani-can be provided to supplement existing restroom facilities. Council received a copy of the 1989 Annual Report. Council received notification from the Department of Retirement that the PERS (Public Employees Retirement System) employer rate will increase from 6.5o to 7.61 effective September 1, 1990. Council received copies of the 1990 Legislative Bulletin, from Association of Washington Cities, highlighting major legislative action. A copy of a letter. from Jolene Unsoeld, Congressvximan, to Ken Anderson, was received by the Council, congratulating Officer Anderson on being named "Yelm Police Officer of the Quarter Special recognition was given to Officer Anderson on his work with the ,DARE program. Council asked that a letter of congratulations be given to Ken Anderson also. With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: 11 A. Bad er She y 9 City Clerk , Robert-A. Sanders Mayor