12/26/90~ ~.,~ MIlV[trES ~'+~r~ CITY OF YEIM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECErIDER 26, 1990, 7:30 PM, YELM CITY HALL The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth and Martha Parsons. Rick Kolilis was absent. Staff: Leo Porter, Glenn Dunnam, Shelly Badger, Gene Borges and Ken Anderson. Visitors: Don Miller. Kathy Wolf moved to approve the agenda as prepared, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Martha Parsons moved to approve payroll for the month of December 1990, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Vouchers numbered 8556 - 8558 were approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Current: $10,339.04 Police: $ 301.44 Art. St.: $ 806.96 `T'OTAL: $11,447.44 The minutes of the December 12, 1990 Regular Meeting were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. At 7:37 PM, the Public Hearing on the garbage rate increases was opened. No public present to offer comments. Public Hearing closed at 7:38 PM. On a motion by Arnold Drogseth, Ordinance No. 393 adopting new garbage rates for the City of Yelm effective January 1, 1991 was passed, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Customers will be notified of the change with their December 1990 utility bill. Ordinance No. 392 amending Ordinance No. 296 relating to Judge Pro-Tempore salary and the conditions for payment was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 394 amending the 1990 City of Yelm Budget was tabled to the January 9, 1991 meeting. Yelm Police Guild contract negotiations: After much discussion, Martha Parsons moved to accept the Police Guild contract with the following changes, subject to the Police Guild's unanimous approval, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. A $100.00 salary increase (from present salary) on January 1, 199], and a $25.00 increase on their anniversary date of hire. Also, the City will pay a disability insurance premium for each officer up tq a maximum of $25.00 per month. Contract to be effective January 1, 1991 - December 31, 1991. The Yelm Police Guild representative will report back to the Council on the Guild's decision regarding the proposal. 1991 City of Yelm Budget: Kathy Wolf moved to approve Ordinance No. 391 adopting the 1991 City of Yelm Budget, with the salary schedule changes as outlined above for the Police Department, second by Martha Parsons. Amos Lawton abstained. Motion carried. Staff updated Council on the Haapala request to construct a drainfield on Yelm City Park property. Gene Borges obtained an engineer's opinion that the addition of another drainfield in City Park was not possible due to the close proximity to Yelm's city wells. Gene notified Mr. Haapala that "°~` other alternatives would have to be investigated and pursued. November Library Report: Yelm Timberland Library now has the capacity to generate its own statistical figures on daily circulation. Faith Hagenhofer, Librarian has met with Timberland Administration to discuss building design for the Public Safety Building and will be working with city staff. Police Report: Glenn Dunnam reported that the Police Department has received an excellent response from local businesses over the holiday season. Maria Kramer, a Reserve, has been and continues to visit Yelm businesses to work with them r7n improving security. Yelm Municipal Court Report: 130 tickets were logged in November.°19~9,©r (compared to 52 in 1988 & 59 in 1989). $13,201.94 was received in fines and forfeitures in November. Street Report: Staff has been busy sanding icy streets and are preparing for the upcoming snow stone. Staff has recently completed an overhaul of the C3~IC flatbed truck. Cost was approximately $450.00 compared to an estimate of $2500.00. Water Report: Telemetry system contract work has been delayed due to poor weather conditions. Should begin work the first part of January. Mayor Sanders reminded all that the meeting between the Yelm City Council and Thurston County Commissioners to discuss the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan will be on Thursday, January 10, 1991, 7:00 PM, Yelm City Hall. With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. ATTEST ~f ~. ~. A ~ jJJY/ Y Shelly A. Badger City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor 1 L'