01/23/91~y ~ ~ MINU`IES CITY OF YEll~I REGULAR COUNCIL MEE'PING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1991, 7:30 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CEi~M~6ERS The regular meeting was called to order by City Clerk Shelly Badger, all present joined in the flag salute. In the absence of Mayor Sanders, Martha Parsons moved to appoint Councilman Wolf as Mayor Pro-Tem for the evening, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Shelly Badger and Gene Borges. Visitors: Cindy Cecil, UCBO. Council was very supportive of the joint City and Yelm High School FFA effort to tie yellow ribbons around Yelm's Hawthorne Trees in support of our troops in the Middle East. Added to the agenda was 5(a), "Voucher Approval". Motion made by Rick Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons to adopt the evening's agenda with the addition. Motion carried. The minutes of the January 9, 1991 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Approval of the January 10, 1991 Special Meeting minutes was tabled to the February 13, 1991 Regular Meeting. Payroll for the month of January 1991 was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Vouchers #8641 - 8644 totaling $8,002.61 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Cindy Cecil, Director of the UCBO, was present to discuss the Community Development Block Grant application. Last year, the City Council granted approval to act as the lead agency on the UCBO's application to the DCD for construction of a new UCBO/community facility. Since that time, the regional ECEAP/Headstart program has agreed to work on the project in conjunction with the UCBO, so that a new Headstart program could be operated in Yelm. During the financial planning process to implement Yelm's sewer system, staff discovered that• the $500,000 CDBG would most likely need to be applied for by the city to complete the financial grant/loan package necessary to design and construct the system. Each jurisdiction is only eligible to submit one grant application per year, therefore Cindy reported that it was the unanimous consensus of the UCBO Board to delay their application for a new facility one year so as Yelm may apply for the necessary funds to complete the sewer project. Cindy also offered the UCBO's technical support to complete the application, i.e. conducting the needs assessment survey, preparation of parts of the application, assistance in coordinating the public hearings, etc. The City Council agreed that the City CDBG application for 1991 needs to be for the sewer project and expressed a sincere appreciation to Cindy and the UCBO Board for their continued community support. They also stated that the 1992 CDBG application would be for a new UCBO/community facility. A letter will be sent to the UCBO Board to express the city's appreciation. Staff reported that the hawthorne tree west of Clark Road on the south side of Yelm Avenue is badly damaged (split down the muddle). Council agreed that if the tree can not be saved, it should be removed and every effort should be made to replace the tree with another hawthorne. Staff will check with the Department of Transportation on their plans for Yelm Avenue prior to replacing the tree. Mayor Pro-Tem Wolf stated that staff will now be meeting regularly with Sandy Mackie, Yelm City Attorney. Yelm/Thurst~n County Joint Plan: Gene sported that in his contacts with Thurston County Planning staff, they informed him a work plan to complete the joint plan was underway and should be done shortly. At that time, the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning Committee can be reformed to corm up with a recommendation to the elected officials on the location of an urban growth boundary around the City of Yelm. * ~ .~~ Yelm Planning Commission Meeting of January 15, 1991: A reque's,t came before the Commission by Timothy Persons, Director of Marketing for the Street of the Cheesemakers, for approval of a master plan to construct a "ancient" style marketplace in the vacant lot behind the building (formerly Yelm Prairie Christian Center) at Railroad and Jefferson. The lot was the former location of the Farmer's Flea Market approved by the Yelm City Council in 1990 as a conditional use (due to the multi-family zoning designation). Farmer's Market was not granted renewal of their 1991 business license due to nonpayment of city taxes, therefore the conditional use peanut is no longer in effect. The current request is for a year round market. The Yelm Planning Commission asked that staff review the request for compliance with fire and building codes and informed Mr. Persons that a new conditional use permit request would need to go before the Yelm City Council for their consideration and approval prior to any activity on the property. Staff will meet with the property owner to inform of the situation. Council stated that the conditional use permit request must comply with all regulations for the construction of a pernlanent business. No action necessary by the Council at this time. Library Report for December 1990: Information was provided to the Council on upcoming children's programs. Timberland continues to work with Yelm staff on the interior design of the Public Safety Building for use as a library upon completion of the City Hall addition. The Police and Municipal Court reports were tabled tp the February 13, 1991 Regular Council Meeting. Water Report: The telemetry system is in and currently being tested. Yelm Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of January 22, 1991: Council received minutes of the meeting. On the recommendation of the Parks Committee the following park use requests were approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. *Tessier Family Reunion, Saturday, July 20, 1991, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM, 1 sani-can will be required for the event. *Yelm Prairie Days, July 25, 26 & 27, 1991 (for carnival). Work has begun on Cochrane Park, coordinated by the Lion's Club, to trim the trees. Trustee prisoners from the Thurston County Jail are assisting. The nomination has been prepared nominating Gabe Ferguson for the Thurston County Youth of the Year Award and will be forwarded onto the "Selection Committee". Rick Kolil~s stated that he would like to attend the February 7, 1991 "Doing the Right Thing" workshop sponsored by AWC and possibly the AWC 1991 City Legislative Action Conference February 20-21, 1991. A reminder that the Port of Olympia will hold their next regular meeting in Yelm on Monday, February 4, 1991, 7:00 PM, Yelm City Council Chambers. With no further business before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. ATTEST: ~. Shelly A. Badgeru City Clerk ~~~ ~.~ Robert A. Sanders Q~~'~" ""- Mayor