02/13/91~ MIlVUiES "s CITY OF AIM REGiJLAR COUNCIL MEETING WIDI~SDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1991, 7:30 PM, YEIM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAM6ERS The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Robert Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons & Rick Kolilis. Staff: Glenn Dunnam, Shelly Badger & Randall Walker. Visitors: Don Miller. Added to the agenda: New Business (c): Prairie Days Street Dance. Arnold Drogseth moved to approve the evening's agenda, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. The minutes of the January 10, 1991 Special Meeting and the January 23, 1991 Regular Meeting were approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. The following vouchers numbered 8645 - 8735 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Current: $ 915.32 Street: $ 8514.08 Water: $16848.48 Water Const. Fund: $ 464.50 Garbage: $ 7082.48 74 GO Bond: $ 423.00 TOTAL: $34247.86 Ordinance No. 395 establishing a change and imprest fund for the City of Yelm City Clerk's Office not to exceed fifty ($50) dollars was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Staff informed the Council that the City has been approached by two insurance pools to provide insurance for the City of Yelm, the AWC Risk Management Service Agency and the Cities Insurance Association of Washington, offered by Fournier Insurance Inc. Council asked that staff do research regarding both pools and only bring information back to the Council if the coverage is equal to or exceeds Yelm's current policy with Fireman's Fund through the Mosman Agency. " Rick Kolilis requested that Chief Dunnam meet with the Lion's Club Board regarding t)ie possibility of moving the Prairie Days Street Dance to the Yelm City Park. Chief will report back to Council the first meeting in March. Resolution No. 218 adopting the Moderate Risk Waste Plan for Thurston County was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Correspondence between Yelm and Thurston County was given to the Council regarding the process for resolving the Joint Plan issues discussed at the January 10, 1991 Special Meeting. A timeline has not been established by for the re-formation of the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning Committee. Council was presented the "draft" ordinance relating to a reduction in speed limit on Yelm Avenue (SR 510 & 507). Council may pass the ordinance upon final approval from the Department of Transportation; a copy of the ordinance has been forwarded to the DOT for their review and approval. Yelm Police Report: Chief Dunnam reported that increased drug activity in Yelm has prompted Yelm to work together with the Thurston County Drug Unit and Sheriff's office. Yelm has received good support from the community on """ projects the Police Department has been working on. The TOGETI-IER organization is attempting to pull together a coalition in Yelm to help combat the drug problem. Yelm Municipal Court Report for December and January 1991: 82 citations were received in December of which 55 were infractions and 27 were criminal in nature. 107 tickets were received in January, 88 were infractions, 19 criminal. Total fines and forfeitures receipted for the two months was $18475.28. Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of February 12, 1991: Martha Parsons reported that reports were given on the Canal Road parks property .~ .:r - :~ development, Cochrane Park and the Centennial Art Project. Suggest~e`d warding for the Centennial Plaque from the Committee is as follows: "Commemorating the Past and our Pride of the Prairie Spirit". Council had no objections. On a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons, the following park use requests were approved. Motion carried. 1. Yelm Prairie Kiwanis, Kiwanis for Kids Games, May 18, 1991, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. 2. Nisqually Basin Little League, field for practice, May & June, Mondays through Saturdays. Approved provided they accommodate all other approved park requests. The Park ~:ommittee expressed interest in attending two different conferences relating to small town park issues. Council asked that the committee provide cost information to the City Clerk prior to attendance approval. Yelm Historic Preservation Commission Meeting of February 6, 1991: Shelly Badger reported that the Commission met with the Boards from the Senior Citizen's Center and the Masonic Temple to discuss placement on the Yelm Register of Historic Places. No decisions have been made at this time. The 4th Quarter, 1990 Financial Report was submitted to the Council by Treasurer Daisy Lawton. The following correspondence was presented to the Council: 1. Memos from Randall Walker re: Wyman & Ruddell. Attorney Walker was present to update the Council on these pending issues. 2. Letter from Commissioners re: Thurston County Health Services Contract. 3. Richard T. Kennedy letter, AWC Board of Directors. 4. Legislative Bulletin #3 & #4/Legislative Digest #1. 5. Transportation Futures Review Workshop - February 27, 1991. 6. Tim~Y~erland Library Board of Trustees Annual Meeting. 7. Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity & Human Rights Survey. 8. Department of Transportation District #3 Newsletter. 9. AWC City Legislative Contact survey 10. City of Yelm "revised" Environmental Assessment re: Yelm Sewerage Project. With no further business before the Council, Arnold Drogseth moved to adjourn at 8:55 PM, second by Martha Parsons. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: ~' A d 1 ,P,+ t f' R f Shelly A. !bB>adger~ Q(Y(ekf City Clerk ~~ C~..~~ Robert A. Sanders Mayor