04/24/91~ ~, ~; ~ Mlr~s CITY or YRTM REG[7LAR COUNCIL N~ETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1991, 7:30 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert A. Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons & Rick Kolilis. Staff: Shelly Badger & Glenn Dunnam. Visitors: Don Miller & Ute Allen. The agenda was approved with the deletion of item 7(d): Yelm Farmer's Flea Market, John Klapp, on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. -~- The minutes of April 10, 1991 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. April 1991 payroll was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Kathy Wolf moved to recognize May 5 - 11, 1991 as Yelm Heart Association Week, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Councilmernbers were presented a copy of the April 4, 1991 monitoring report from the Department of Community Development regarding Yelm's Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Program. Recommendations from Val Fieldsend, Community Development Specialist include: *Adoption of a "Fair Housing Ordinance". *A change in the current payment process to decrease the time that DCD funds are held in escrow. *A re-marketing program to renew interest in the program. Funds remiain in the account for Yelm citizens to rehabilitate their homes in the amount of $126,000. Ordinance No. 397, establishing "fair housing policies" for the City of Yelm was distributed to the Ye]m City Council for the "first reading". Ordinance will be adopted on May 8, 1991. Council received the latest correspondence between Ye]m and Centralia regarding a meeting date to re-establish negotiations regarding discharge of Yelm's sewer effluent to the Centralia Canal. Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, May 2, 1991, 6:00 PM, Centralia City Hall. Councilmembers Wolf & P arsons will represent the Council at the meeting. Council received a letter from Farmer's Home Administration requesting the city to commit to a hook-up fee to cover any grant dollars that are not obtained. Yelm will apply for the balance needed of $900,000 in February of 1992, however, to obtain a FmHA grant & loan this year, Yelm must agree to charge a hook-up fee if and when necessary. Funds from the Community Development Block Grant could be used for low-income families that qualify. Martha Parsons moved to commit to Farmer's Home Administration request that Yelm will charge a hook-up fee in lieu of any grant funds not successfully obtained, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning Committee meetings of April 11 & April 18, 1991: Kathy Wolf reported on the meetings where the following unanimous recomriendations were made by the committee: *To recommend to the Thurston County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners that they approve the zoning designations and interim growth boundary, which includes the properties southwest of Yelm (Thurston Highlands, Venture Properties & Forrester proposed annexation properties), depicted on the map entitled Yelm Area Proposed County Zoning, dated April 18, 1991. *To recommend to the Yelm City Council and Thurson County Board of Commissioners that they consider the expanded sphere of influence (expands west to Fort Lewis) line depicted on the map dated April 18, 1991 when determining the Yelm Urban Growth Boundary in compliance with SHB 2929. *To recommend to the Thurston County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners that they approve the proposed Transition Residential Zoning District (as amended). Yelm Planning Commission meeting of April 16, 1991: Based on the rc~:~nnx~nd~~ti.ons cif thc~ PJ.~~nninc7 Corrrni.ssion, tho following? action was taken by the Yelm City Council: