10/09/91MINU`IES ^ CITY OF YELM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETTIING WEDNESDAY, OC`iClBER 9, 1991, 7:30 PP4, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CIiAN1BERS The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Counci]mernbers present: Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Kathy Wolf was out of town. Staff: Shelly Badger, Daisy Lawton and Sandy Mackie (Owens Davies Mackie). Visitors: Don Miller and Dean Hooper. The following items were added to the agenda: --~ 6(c). Yelm Chamber of Commerce Harvest Festival 8(b). Yelm Sewer Report On a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Amos Lawton, the agenda was approved as amended. Motion carried. The following vouchers were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth: Vouchers numbered 9270 - 9352 totaling $111,455.98: CURRENT: $ 57,040.40 POLICE: $ 8,807.82 WATER: $ 16,395.42 STREET: $ 1,858.20 GARBAGE: $ 12,264.39 CDBG: $ 15,089.75 TOTAL: $111,455.98 The minutes of September 25, 1991 were approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Council granted the Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council approval to sell calendars door to door and in local businesses from November 15, 1991 to December 1, 1991, with the requirement that they be accompanied by an adult. Rick Kolilis rr-oved to authorize staff to draft a resolution opposing Initiative 559 (property tax rollback), second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Resolution will be presented to Council at the October 23, 1991 meeting. Rick Kolilis reported that the Yelm Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the First Annual Harvest Festival on October 26, 1991 at the Yelm Middle School. There will be displays, crafts, hay rides, pony rides, games, etc. concluding with a dinner/dance from 6-8 PM. The Charr~ber is asking elected officials and staff to participate by serving meals to attendees. Anyone interested should contact Rick Kolilis or Kathy Gilliam. Sandy Mackie reported on the draft agreement with the City of Centralia for disposal of sewage effluent to the Power Canal. He informed the Council that the agreement has been revised several times by both cities and feels that the latest draft is acceptable for Yelm. Martha Parsons moved to authorize the City Clerk to send a letter to the City of Centralia approving the agreement (as presented to the City Council) and stating that the agreement has been forwarded to the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Agency for their approval, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Thurston Highlands & Associates annexation process: Mr. Mackie reported that a meeting had been held on October 8, 1991 attended by Skillings & Chamberlain, Inc., Dennis Su representing Thurston Highlands & Associates, Jon Potter representing Venture Partners, city staff and himself. The draft scope of work for the Comprehensive Transportation Plan was discussed. The next step in the annexation process is for THA to conduct an environmental review. Due to the size of the proposed annexation, the city will go directly to the "scoping" for an environmental impact statement. The final "scoping" process will identify the specific environmental issues to be addressed in the environmental impact statement. Council agreed that the Regular Council Meeting of November 13, 1991 would be used as the "scoping" meeting to educate the public on the project and identify the environmental issues. Public notices will be sent on October 23, 1991 to all interested agencies for their comment on the proje t: ~ e~ .~ notice of the "Scoping" meetingr_will-~.be .published in the Nisquall~V,~ley,~ News , October 31, 1991. ~~ ~- ' `' On behalf of the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee, staff asked for Council approval to remove the Christmas Tree in Yelm City Park due to its irreparable condition. Council concurred that the tree should be removed. Staff will obtain quotes from tree transplant companies for a new tree with a guarantee. Council suggested that possibly a smaller tree could be planted and a cut tree be used until the tree grows to a size suitable for a living Christmas Tree. Yelm Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of October 8, 1991: No quorum was present at the meeting, a Special Meeting has been called for Wednesday, October 16, 1991 at 5:00 PM to discuss items from the October 8, 1991 agenda. Arnold Drogseth moved approval for Lisa Hills, YPAC member, to attend the Washington Recreation and Parks Association Mid-Year Conference in Yakima, October 23-24, 1991. Estimated cost $100.00. Second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Shelly Badger reported that Gene Borges had been invited by Farmer's Home Administration to tour the STEP sewage system in Loon Lake (north of Spokane) this week. He informed the office on Wednesday that the tour had been very successful and valuable. Loon Lake has used innovative techniques of installing the STEP tanks by combining several homes (4-5) on one tank. Gene will give the Council a more detailed report at the October 23, 1991 meeting. The following correspondence was provided to the City Council: 1. Letter from Marie Cameron regarding the process agreement on County-Wide policies (in response to SHB 1025, Growth Management Act) 2. Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights agenda and minutes 3. Letter from Brian Ebersole, ESHB 1884, 1991 Omnibus Domestic Violence Bill 4. Municipal Research News 5. Third Quarter Financial Report prepared by Daisy Lawton, Treasurer 6. Revenue and Expenditure Reports through September 30, 1991 With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. ATTEST: ~ .~-~~~ Shelly A. B dger Yelm City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor