11-09-05 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2005 Call to Order 1. . Mayor Pro Tempore Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call 2. . Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, and Pat Fetterly Excused: Mayor Rivas 3. Agenda Approval 05-93 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations 4. – None scheduled 5. Public Comment Don Barnard, Third St., Yelm, Veteran of Foreign Wars Post 5580, provided photocopies showing the Honor Roll sign from the late 1940s listing local service members. Mr. Barnard indicated that the VFW would like to create a memorial honoring past, current and future service members. A request was made to the City to provide a site for a suitable memorial. Council consensus supported a veteran’s memorial at Yelm City Park. Council requested that the project be coordinated with staff and the Park Advisory Board. Council would like to see the project ready for Independence Day. 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes 1) 10/25/2005 Budget Work Session 2) 10/26/2005 Regular Meeting 3) 10/27/2005 Study Session b. Payables: Checks 26339-26464 (Void: 26380, 26447, 26454, 26454) totaling $574,445.23 1) Manual Checks 26339- 26377 totaling $30,194.31 2) Claims Checks 26378 – 25464 totaling $544,250.92 c. Payroll: , totaling $203,800.03 Checks 9923 – 10007 Final October 2005 d. Financial Report: October 2005 End of Month 05-94 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WITH A CORRECTION TO THE 10/27/05 MINUTES. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s 7. a. ) - Revenue Sources Public Hearing Concerning the 2006 Property Tax (Ad Valorem) Collection. Mayor Pro Tempore Harding opened Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 3 ab/city council/2005/ the hearing at 7:42 p.m. announcing the time, place and purpose of the hearing. Agnes Bennick reported that this annual process sets the amount of property tax collection. The collection consists of the highest lawful levy (generally the prior year’s collection), plus a 1% or $7,990.03 increase to that amount. The second part of the collection is the value of new construction, as determined by the assessor, times the current years tax rate of $2.559083291298 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, bringing an additional $58,703.02 in taxes for 2006. The final part of the collection is based upon state assessed utility values, which won’t be available until December. No increase has been projected. Being no questions or comments, Mayor Pro Tempore Harding closed the public hearing at 7:48 P.M. 7. b. Ordinance No. 839 Setting the Amount Fixed as Ad Valorem for the Regular Levy of Property tax for 2006. Staff reported that this ordinance sets the property tax percentage and dollar increase as required by RCW, and the expected new construction collection. 05-95 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 839 APPROVING THE PROPERTY TAX COLLECTION FOR 2006. CARRIED. New Business – 8. None scheduled Old Business – 9. None scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business. Council discussed upcoming study sessions which will fall on Thanksgiving Day and on December 22. 05-96 MOTION BY BOB ISOM CANCELLING THE NOVEMBER 24 AND DECEMBER 22 STUDY SESSIONS. CARRIED. Councilmember Isom reported that discussion at a recent TRPC meeting concerned Water Rights. He indicated that a budget placeholder for $39,000 had been inserted while the matter is being considered. There is some disagreement among parties at this point and that the matter needs to be watched. Executive Session – 11. None scheduled Correspondence 12. was available for review. Adjourn 13. : 8:00 p.m. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 3 ab/city council/2005/ _______________________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: _______________________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Page 3 of 3 ab/city council/2005/