05/27/92~'° .~~~. 1~~ `°i4 ~' i 'V'Vi~ ~ ~f~ ~ MIN[)TES ;, CITY OF YELM REGULAR~COiINCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1992, 7:30 PM, YEIM CITY ~iAL.L COUNCIL (Z-IIIMBERS The re5ular meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tempore Kathy Wolf at 7:30 PIv~. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Amos Lawton, Martha Parsons, Arnold Drogseth and Don Miller. Staff: Glenn Dunnam, Gene Borges and Shelly Badger. Visitors:" John Dotson, Faith Hagenhofer, Glen McCarten, Brad Barrett, Gerald Schmidtke and Linda Powell. The agenda as circulated was approved on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Don Miller. Motion carried. The minutes of the May 13, 1992 Regular Counci]_ Meeting were approved on a motion by Don Miller, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Payroll for the month of May was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. At 7:33 PM, a Public Hearing was opened on the Mill Road Annexation (Forrester/Yelm School District). Gene Borges stated that the annexation request had been approved by Thurston County Boundary Review Board and that City staff recommends approval. With no comments from the Public, the Hearing was closed at 7:35 PM. Ordinance No. 433 annexing property commonly referred to as the Forrester/Ye]m School District annexation request (Mill Road) was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. EFFECTIVE DATE: June 9, 1992. Councilmembers received a memo from Todd Stamm, Planner stating that on May 19, 1992 the Yelm Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the setback variance requested by Brad Barrett (VAR-8050) subject to re- ceiving a written confirmation that Burlington Northern Railroad did not object to this variance. The Commission concluded that the narrowness of the property, the neighboring railroad use, and the fact that variances had been granted for similarly situated property to the northeast along the railroad were sufficient grounds to grant a zero setback to allow viable comrnercial development of,the site. Attached to the memo was a copy of a letter from Gene Holgate of Burlington Northern Railroad indicating no object if at least a setback of one-foot is provided. MOTION: Don Miller moved to grant a variance from the Yelm zoning stan- dards thirty-foot setback to permit a setback of one-foot from the rear lot line to Brad Barrett/Slopak as recommended by the Yelm Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. City Council_authorized Mayor Pro-Tempore Kathy Wolf to sign a letter to Robert Holcomb, Department of Transportation requesting that D.O.T. seek an exemption for the Burlington Northern rai]soad crossing immediately west of SR 510. The crossing is an at-grade railroad crossing and this portion of the BR route is very lightly used. It is Yelm's understanding that such crossings may be granted an exemption from signalization and other crossing .regulations. Mayor Pro-Tempore Kathy Wolf read a "Letter of Retirement" from Judge Huff effective September 30, 1992 or the date of cgmpletion of an audit of Yelm Court records and accounts, whichever is the latest. His letter states, "Your Yelm court system is one of which you may be justifiably proud. The employees of this office, past and present have grown in knowledge and ability and in general have been a pleasure to work with. I would cer- tainly not have received the accolades by the Washington Bars Association and my peers, both statewide and nationally, without their assistance". Martha Parsons moved to accept Judge I-Iuff's "Letter of Retirement" dated May 26, 1992 with regret and many thanks for his many years of devotion to the City of Ye]m, second by Don Miller. Motion carried. The City will plan a time to recognize Judge Huff for his many accomplishments near his retirement date. ~i ~l Don Miller moved to accept Puget Sound Securities' offer to purchase $180,000 worth of Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes to be used for the City Hall addition/remodel project. The Notes will be used as interim financing until the project is complete and Farmer's Home Ad- ministration purchases the Notes. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Don Miller moved to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 434 relating to con- tracting indebtedness; authorizing the issuance of limited tax general ob- ligation bonds of the City ($180,000) for general City purposes to provide funds with which to pay the cost of constructing an addition to and improv- ing the City Hall and parking lot; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the notes to Puget Sound Securities of Tacoma, Washington. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. EFFECTIVE DATE: June 3, 1992. Shelly Badger gave the May 19, 1992 Planning Commission Commission meeting report. Action items included an approval of the Barrett/Slopak Variance request as explained on page #1 and adoption of Resolution No. 92-O1 relat- ing to Hearing Procedures. Faith Hagenhofer, Yelm Timberland Librarian, gave the April 1992 Library Report. Tentative plans are that the Yelm Library will be closed from July 30-August 11, 1992 to move into the new facility. Faith asked Yelm staff for close coordination on the construction schedule to confirm the move-in time, transfer of phone and computer systems. With the larger facility, the Library will be open Tuesday-Saturday (30 hours) with expanded staff. Councilman Drogseth asked a question regarding shelving for the new facil- ity. Gene Borges stated that he has met with the Library Board, Friends and Timberland representatives regarding the shelving issue. He stated that there is no additional money in the construction budget for shelving and that he and Timberland are looking for surplus shelving that would be more affordable that new. Faith said that new shelving will be approxi- mately $4500 and that the Friends of the Yelm Library are working hard to obtain the funds through community support. Mayor Pro-Tempore Wolf suggested that there may be a Eagle Scout project with the addition project (landscaping, etc.) and that she had been con- tacted by Bobby Van Den Elzen for Eagle Scout project ideas. Chief Dunnam presented the City Council with a Five-Year Plan for the Yelm Police Department. The plan is based upon anticipated community growth and conceptualizes needs for personnel, facilities, equipment and vehicles. Minutes were presented to City Council members from the April 20, April 30, May 7 and May 19 Sewer Committee Meetings. Gene Borges will travel to Wenatchee May 28-29 to meet with FmHA to discuss the revised Parametrix en- gineering contract for FmHA consideration. The reduced contract shortens the construction schedule, thus reducing both engineering and constn.~ction costs. Kathy Wolf reported on the recent Urban Growth Management Committee meet- ings that she has attended along with staff relating to impact fees. The group has planned a series of forums to discuss impact fees, where informa- tion will be presented to the public with a question and answer period fol- lowing. The group is attempting to obtain a broad representation at the forums including communities who have implemiented impact fees. At this time, the only City in Thurston County to implement an "interim" impact fee is Tumwater. The Committee is discussing the feasibility of a county-wide approach to implementation of impact fees. Don Miller and Gene Borges attended the workshop sponsored by Owens Davies Mackie (featuring Sandy Mackie) relating to impact fees. Councilman Miller stated it was very beneficial, however, the issue is so complex, he feels that a similar workshop in the Yelm area would be very helpful in educating the Council and public prior to any decisions being made. The following park use requests were approved on a motion by Martha Par- sons, second by Don Miller. Motion carried: *Sue Smith, Birthday Party, June 6, 1992, 3:00 PM ' *Billie Needham, Yelm Extension School, Field & Track Day, June 8, 1992, lOAM-2PM At 8:42 PM, City Council went into an Executive Session to discuss a real estate contract. AT 9:00 PM, Council reconvened. As a result of the Executive Session, ~~ , ,. ~ ~ Martha Parsons moved to direct staff to continue dialogue and negotiations with Thurston County Parks & Recreation and Washington State DOT to obtain property for an active park, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Discussion followed regarding the park ordinance that has never been adopted as drafted by the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee in 1990. Gene Borges stressed that the City needs an ordinances that. establishes the authority of the Committee regarding park issues. City Council directed staff to contact Municipal Research to obtain sample ordinances from other communities Yelm's size with Park Boards, draft an ordinance and bring it back to the City Council for their review (after YPAC review and recommen- dation). The following correspondence was received by the Council: *Lake Lawrence Awareness Day - June 6, 1992 *Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights *Growth Management Report - An Implementation Brief *AWC Annual Elected Officials Survey With no further business, Council adjourned 'at 9:08 PM on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Amos Lawton. ATTEST: /V ~~ yt~c~ Shelly A. Badger C~/ City Clerk athryn olf Mayor Pro-Tempore ~~'~ ~~ ~,U'~ ~~~ ~'~ ~~~ 0