12/16/92~ '~~®~3~ MINUTES CITY OF YELM REG[JLAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DE(~~IBER 16, 1992, 7:30 PM, YEIM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ;:~ The Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert A. Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Staff: Gene Borges, Todd Stamp, Glenn Dunnam and Shelly Badger. Visitors: Leo Deathridge, . Desmond Iverson. The agenda was approved as amended on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. .. Approval of minutes of December 4, 1992 was tabled to the meeting of January 13, 1993. The following vouchers were approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by .u4 Kathy Wolf. Motion carried: Current 001: $ 2,194.25 Water/Sewer 401: $ 4,967.21 Street 101: $ 90.64 City Hall Construct. 301: $ 8,718.56• . TOTAL: $15,970.66 At 7:38 PM City Council went into an Executive Session to last approximately 15 minutes to discuss qualifications of the Chief Administrative Officer position. They reconvened at 7:46 PM. YELM CREEK ANNEXATION: Leo Deathridge representing Seasons Development Co. was present to ask City Council to amend Resolution No. 240 to illustrate new boundaries for the proposed annexation. Todd Stamp stated that the new boundaries appear logical and seem to be the best package that can be put together for the area. MOTION: Don Miller moved to amend Resolution No. 240 (Annexation file #8042) to include the new boundaries as illustrated on the map presented to Council on 12-16-92. Motion was seconded by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.' . PUBLIC HEARING: 1993 City of Yelm Budget. Hearing was opened at 7:55 PM. .Regarding the Yelm Police Officer's Guild contract due to expire December 31, 1992, Shelly Badger explained to Council that City Administration had met with representatives from the Guild and that they agreed upon the following for salary increases: *A 4o cost of living adjustment (COLA) on present salary plus a Step increase effective January 1, 1993 for all present officers. The contract will be for a 2-year period from January 1, 1993 through December 31, 1994 with a COLA increase to be negotiated for calendar year 1994 plus the appropriate Step increase. . Shelly informed the Council that the salaries described above are illustrated in the 1993 Salary Schedule. With no further comments from the Public, the ~~ Hearing closed at 8:00 PM. ORDINANCE NO. 450: Martha Parsons moved to adopt the 1993 City of Yelm Budget including all appendices, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. ~~.~,~n~~j~ PUBLIC HEARING: Yelm Sewer System Substantial Shoreline Development Permit.- ;_. Hearing was opened at 8:05 PM. Todd Stamm explained that the Planning Commission held a-Hearing on this issue on December 15, 1992 and recommended approval on the Permit. Stamm stated that the Thurston Shoreline Master Program requires a substantial development for any development with a value of~..~ over $2000 within 200 feet of Yelm Creek or the Centralia Power Canal. - Copies of all comment letters received on the Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance for the Yelm Wastewater Collection and Treatment• System were ;Y~. distributed to Council. The comment period closed at 5:00 PM, Dbcember 16,~- 1992. Appeal period for the MDNS is open until 5:00 PM, Thursday, December=:_ 31, 1992. Gene stressed that the proposal is as originally outlined in the WW.~.~ Facilities Plan and calls for discharge of secondary-treated effluent into the Centralia Power Canal with backup discharge to the Nisqually River only when • the Power Canal is unavailable for use. The miaximum project flow described in~~: the environmental checklist to the Canal is 300,000 gallons per day. Expansion of the service area boundary and subsequent improvements to the.. system will require an amendment to the planning document and appropriate:,; environmental review. -The-City will send response letters to all those that--,u~ commented . • The Public Hearing closed at 8:09 PM. Don Miller moved approval of the Yelm Sewer System Substantial Shoreline , Development Permit, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. ~.~ PUBLIC HEARING: Parkside Rezone and Preliminary Plat. Hearing opened at 8:10 PM. Stamm explained the request to change zoning from multi-family to single-~ family residential had been withdrawn by Mr. Frick. The Preliminary Plat is currently being revised to comply with multi-family zone standards. Hearing closed at 8:12 PM. No action by Council at this time on the Parkside Rezone and Preliminary Plat. PARKSIDE WATER EASEMENT: Staff and developer have agreed to an easement for utility purposes along a proposed road on the southern portion of the plat (connecting to -the southeast corner of Cochrane Park). The easement influences the type of street network the developer can design in the preliminary plat. Council expressed no objection to the easement as shown on the map, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. - A request was received from Tomkins Industries, Inc. investigating the possibility of prepaying the City of Yelm's $350,000 loan to Hytec, Inc. The original maturity date of the loan is October 31, 2004. The promissory note requires written approval from the City for the loan to be prepaid. Council asked staff to research the issue and report back at the January 13, 1993 meeting. The 1993 Thurston County Sheriff's Department Jail Services contract in the-, exact form as the 1992 contract (including daily rates) was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. IVERSON REZONE #8072: Property owned by Mr. Iverson at 103rd and West Road. When annexed came in under County zoning, current request is to zone the', property multi-family residential. Planning Commission recommended approval,~~ ,. ~a~~: ~ . .x~=.k u subject to two conditions: 1. That when developed, there is no direct access to West Road. 2. Appropriate participation in providing necessary improvements to 103rd when developed. ORDINANCE NO. 452: Don Miller moved approval of Ordinance No. 452 rezoning the Iverson property to multi-family residential (R-2) subject to the above two conditions. Second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. PLANNING CCI~IISSION APPOINTMENTS: The Planning Commission has, expressed a desire to be re-appointed, however, Jim Brown will serve only until the City Council finds a replacement. City Council concurred with Mayor and staff that Planning Commission members draw lots for their new terms. The E.A.R./Peugh Y2 Alternative continued discussion was tabled to January 13, 1993. YEIM REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES: On recommendation of the Yelm Historic Preservation Commission, Kathy Wolf moved approval to place the Yelm Senior Center, 201 Yelm Avenue E. and the Yelm Masonic Temple, 302 Yelm Avenue E. on the Yelm Register of Historic Places. Second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 451: Emanuel Lutheran Church/Dunn alley vacation.. Ordinance No. 451 was approved on a motion by Don Miller, second by Kathy Wolf vacating the alley in block eight of McKenzie's Second Addition to Yelm and transferring title to owners of the abutting properties, one-half to each. Motion carried. Amos Lawton abstained. YELM CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS: POLICE REPORT: Chief Dunnam thanked the City Council and staff for their continued support. YELM MUNICIPAL COURT: Reports given to Councilmembers December 9, 1992. PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Planning Commission recommended approval of the Commute Trip Reduction ordinance. This issue will be on the Council's January agenda for action. Planning Commission mieetings will now be the first and third Monday of each month (unless a holiday falls on a Monday, then the meeting will be the following week). PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: No report at this time. SEWER DEPARTMENT: Meetings have been held with individuals to clarify the MDNS and accompanying environmental checklist (see page #1). CITY HALL: No report at this time. i At 8:58 PM, the meeting adjourned on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. ATTEST- /~ ~y' /'~ • v~ Shelly A. Ba ger City Clerk R~ a~ Robert A. Sanders Mayor