10-26-05 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2005, 7:30P.M. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 1. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Ron Harding & Pat Fetterly 2. Agenda Approval 3. 5-087 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations: None scheduled. 4. Public Comment 5. Gregory May, Thurston County spoke about the type of traffic study done as heard during testimony at the recent hearing. He stated that he has done his own study on a day when there was no event traffic. He provided a handout to the council stating that the current standard does not account for the arterial traffic left hand turns, slow movement through town throughout the day, queing at intersections and behavior changes and accidents as secondary problems from these delays. He requested that other types of studies by considered in the future. Mayor Rivas informed Mr. May that the city has formed a transportation committee that includes staff from Public Works, Administration, Planning and Council. This information will be passed to the committee. Mr. May requested an invitation to attend. Meeting dates and time were provided. Consent Agenda 6. a. Council Minutes – October 12, 2005 Regular Meeting, October 11, 2005 Budget Work Session, October 18, 2005 Budget Work Session. b. Payables: Checks 26246-26338 - totaling $658,995.12 1) Manual Checks: 26246-26275, totaling $391.90 2) Claims Checks 26276-26338, totaling $658,603.22 c. Payroll Preliminary October 2005 d. Park Use Requests: YCP, Christmas in the Park, December 2+3 Community Event, Yelm Park Advisory Committee, open to public. 5-088 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearings – 7. New Business 8. 1 of 3 October 26, 2005 Minutes ab/cc/minutes/2005 8. a. Reclaimed Water Comprehensive Plan Rescheduled from 09/28/05. Stephanie Ray stated that council was familiar with the plan as presented in previous study sessions. The scope of work mimics the Water Comp Plan and contains critical components to utilize this unique utility. The Department of Ecology and Department of Health agree with the policies. Tom Skillings added that as the system becomes more accepted, it’s new uses are planned to expand to the needs using working knowledge of the reclaimed water system. Mayor Rivas added that it is a critical piece to future water rights litigation. 5-089 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING STAFF TO AWARD THE ENGINEERING CONTRACT TO SKILLINGS-CONNOLLY FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE CITY’S RECLAIMED WATER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $190,283.00 TO BE PAID FOR OUT OF THE WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 404 CAPITAL RESERVE. CARRIED. 8. b. Mountain Sunrise Final Plat, SUB-02-8329-YL,Tami Merriman reviewed the background of Phase 1 highlighting that Mr. Bob Coyne of Mountain Sunrise LLC has completed the conditions of the plat including, protecting right of way for future 510 Loop, frontage improvement at Canal intersection, extension of water and sewer line on NP/Rhoton Roads to Wilkenson, bus pad on Wilkenson, and open space walking path on Rails to Trails. Phase 1 includes 54 lots. 5-090 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING PHASE 1 OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR MOUNTAIN SUNRISE, SUB -02-8329-YL. CARRIED. 8. c. Resolution 459 Segregation of LID Assessment, Mountain Sunrise. Tami Merriman presented segregation of the original LID assessment from 2 tracts to 55 lots, 54 being segregated to Phase 1 and one tract of 54 for future development of Phase 2 equal to 108 ERUs. Tami introduced developer, Bob Coyne who commended the city staff for their courtesy while working diligently with him. 5-091 MOTION BY BOB ISOM SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 459 AUTHORIZING THE REQUESTED SEGREGATION OF THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT TO TAX PARCEL NUMBERS 64301200100 & 22717330100 IN UTILITY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1. CARRIED. Old Business none 9. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission 10. Business- Councilmember Fetterly attended Fire Department negotiations. a. Planning Commission Appointment Confirmation. Mayor Rivas made a recommendation to appoint Terry Kaminski to the Planning Commission from the 6 applicants who applied for one vacancy. 5-092 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY TO CONFIRM TERRY KAMINSKI TO THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. 2 of 3 October 26, 2005 Minutes ab/cc/minutes/2005 Executive Session - None 11. 12. Correspondence was available . Adjourn: 7:55 p.m. 13. _____________________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Pro Tempore Attest: _______________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk/Treasurer Minutes: Janine A. Schnepf 3 of 3 October 26, 2005 Minutes ab/cc/minutes/2005