01/27/93k.~. , ~~ ' CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Mayor Robert Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Arnold Drogseth, Amos Lawton and Kathy Wolf. Visitors: Fran McVay, Lyle Jenness, Art Justman, Roger McKown, Jerry Morrissette, Raymond Abbott, Denise Rodriguez and Gary Hudson. Jackie and Frank Jones, Cindy Cecil, Rick Kolilis, David Frick, Steve Gilbert and Michael Van Gelder. Staff Present : Sandy Mackie, Yelm Legal Counsel, Shelly Badger, Todd Stamm, Tim Peterson, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Colombo. ~~ 3. Agenda additions/deletions. 93-12 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE ITEM 11, i, SWEEPER BID SPECIAL-, MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. ~, 4. Minutes of January 13 and 20, 1992. 93=13 MOTION BY DON MILLER,~SECONDED BY.ARNOLD DROGSETH APPROVING AS WRITTEN THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 13 AND 20, 1992. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Approval of payroll. 93-14 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE PAYROLL , FOR JANUARY 1993. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Yelm Creek/Middle Road (Season's Development) 50$ Annexation .~ SANX8042~ & Prairie Creek Preliminary Plat (SUB8079Z. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:32 by Mayor Sanders. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking and to add their names to the sign-in sheet if they wished to speak or be included on the mailing list for future public hearings concerning this project. The audience expressed no objection to any couneilmember's participation in the public hearing: No councilmember had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Todd Stamm gave an overview of the staff report, including ,Planning Commission recommendations, that was'included in Council packets. Shelly Badger told councilmembers that she had spo~.en with Dennis Cochrane, city engineer, and his recommendation is ti~at sidewalks be done immediately, not piecemeal as homes are built. He also recommended that "frontage"-improvements be made t~• both sides of Middle Rd. and indicated that policy/ordinances would require waterlines across the front of the entire plat. , Kathy Wolf questioned Planning Commission member Roberta Longmire on reasons for the proposed stub roads. Longmire responded that stub roads offer advantages to the school district as it •:s better to have CITY COUNCI! JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 1 : ~_~ l ~~~~`~~~ C more than one access, it also serves the City by accommodating creation of a potential street grid system at some point. Longmire also cautioned that requiring adjacent property owners to connect to the stub road takes away some of their options. Roger McKown - recommended leaving areas identified for stub roads unpaved to be used as park/play areas until such time as it is needed to connect to another street. Councilman Miller expressed support for this idea. Councilwoman Parsons questioned whether open space requirements had been met. Stamm explained that it was unclear at this time. Sandy Mackie questioned whether the stub roads should be dedicated and not built or reserved as future easement, and the maintenance of small pocket parks. Would maintenance be through a homeowners association or the developer? He also pointed out that while "abnormally irregular boundaries" are to be avoided. Thurston Co. Boundary Review Board does recognize that it isn't always possible to have nice straight boundaries and that consideration would be given as to whether the property surrounding the boundary would end up in the City eventually. C~ 9~-15 93-16 Council indicated that many questions remained unanswered. Stamm suggested that meeting with Dennis Cochrane, city engineer, would be beneficial. Jerry Morrissette, stated that this project had been in process for a year and requested that Council give its approval if it was comfortable with the plat. Kathy Wolf suggested that the City consider the desires of the property owners across the road to be included in the annexation. There being no additional comment, Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing at 8:35 pm. MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY ARNOLD DROGSETH TO APPROVE CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NO. 279 APPROVING THE MIDDLE ROAD ANNEXATION (ANX8042). MOTION CARRIED. Kathy Wolf stated that :she would like time to consider issues raised concerning the plat and sending the issue back to the Planning Commission, if possible. MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TO CONTINUE THE PRAIRIE CREEK PRELIMINARY PLAT (SUB8079) TO THE FEBRUARY 10, 1993 COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Parkside Preliminary Plat (SUB8065~ Public Hearing was opened at 8:38 by Mayor Sanders. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking and to add their names to the sign-in sheet if they wished to speak or be included on the mailing list for future public hearings concerning this project. The audience expressed no CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 2 ~~~~~,~~ objection to any councilmember's participation in the public hearing. No councilmember had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Todd Stamm gave an overview of the project explaining that the plc was proposed and submitted prior to the Open Space Ordinance takir effect. He also stated that the rezone request had been withdrawn Issues raised by Stamm included: street vs. private road, degree oz curve and disadvantages of allowing a private street. Roberta Longmire expressed her feelings that she would like to see open space requirements apply to all subdivisions. Sandy Mackie explained that any decision on a land use request must be reviewed on criteria existing at the time of submission and be consistent with Yelm's Comprehensive Plan. David Frick, developer, requested approval of the plat subject to the road curve meeting approval of the city engineer. There being no additional comment, Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing at 8:50 pm. 95-17 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING PARKSIDE PRELIMINARY PLAT (SUB8065j SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF FINAL GRADE OF THE CURVE. MOTION CARRIED. 8. East 507/McKown Annexation (ANX8073) Public Hearing was opened at 8:51 pm by Mayor Sanders. All speakers were requested to identif""°" themselves prior to speaking and to add their names to the sign-~. sheet if they wished to speak or be included on the mailing list fo future public hearings concerning this project. The audience expressed no objection to any councilmember's participation in the public hearing. No councilmember had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Todd Stamm gave a brief overview of the project explaining that as policy the City doesn't combine commercial and residential in an annexation. The Planning Commission had recommended that this annexation include the residential property on Tranquility Lane but made no recommendation concerning zoning. The annexation can go to the BRB without zoning at this point. Stamm explained that the annexation includes three different zones, including the proposed new "C-3" zone. Business permitted in this zone would include appliance/furniture stores, auto repair/sales and auto body shops and mini-warehouses/storage. Art Dustman - expressed his concern about being included in this annexation. Items mentioned included taxes, land division, land valuation and loss of status as open space. Sandy Mackie assured Mr. Dustman that any changes in taxes would probably not be significant as he would be maintaining the same us of his land. There would however, be a penalty when/if he change CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 JANUARY 27, 1993 ~~ from Agricultural/open space tax designation. Penalties could~.gby~~~~~ as far as ten years. He also explained that if Mr. Dustman desired he could change zoning to a higher density at some point in the future. Roger McKown - stated that an attempt had been made to include Tranquility Lane in the petition and that it was very difficult due to the high number of absentee owners. Sandy Mackie pointed out that Council could accept the Planning Commission recommendation or possibly have City staff work with the applicant on a fact sheet to be distributed along with a letter inviting them to join the annexation. Art Dustman - withdrew his appeal objecting to inclusion in the 507/McKown annexation. Stamm added that as it would take two months to finalize the annexation, zoning could be withheld until the Planning Commission had an opportunity to review it. There being no additional comment, Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing at 9:20 pm. 93-18 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF THAT RESOLUTION 280, THE 507/MCKOWN ANNEXATION (ANX8073), BE APPROVED AND FORWARDED TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. Staff was directed to prepare letters for Tranquility Lane property owners and to send the request to the Planning Commission for their zoning recommendation. 9. Mayor Sanders informed Council of the resignation of Jim Brown from the Planning Commission. He stated that Ethel Jo Curry had been appointed to the vacant seat. Council confirmed the appointment. 10. A letter was received from the Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council setting cookie sale dates of March 1-22, 1993. 9,~-19 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE PROVIDED THAT THE GIRLS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT WHILE MAKING SALES. MOTION CARRIED. 11. a. Cameron Variance (BLA/VAR8070) requesting deviation from City established lot size and building set backs. 9~-20 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ALLOWING THE CAMERON VARIANCE REQUEST (BLA/VAR8070). MOTION CARRIED. b. Council reviewed the proposed 1993 Development Fees - Resolution No. 276. 9,~-21 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED KATHY WOLF APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 276 E5TABLiSHING 1993 DEVELOPMENT FEES. MOTION CARRIED. n it CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 4 lfw~.~i ~Y `~ ~9'~~~. a ".:$~. 93-22 c. As the Rodriguez Annexation request may be_ waived for jurisdiction by the BRB being less than 10 acres (9.88), staff member Stamm recommended going forward with the annexation. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING RESOLUTIO NO. 277, THE RODRIGUEZ ANNEXATION (ANX8081), ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL NOT REQUIRING SIMULTANEOUS ADOPTION OF ZONING, REQUIRING ASSUMPTIO: OF CITY INDEBTEDNESS, NOT REQUIRING INCLUSION IN A LID OR LOCA:b SEWER/WATER DISTRICT, WITH A ONE YEAR PERIOD TO COMPLETE. MOTION CARRIED. d. Mayor Sanders read a Proclamation appointing Arnold Drogseth as Yelm Public Works Citizen Representative. * Transcript available for agenda item 11, e, upon request. e. Shelly Badger explained that Gene Borges, Sewer Project Manager, had been out of the office for a few days due to illness and briefed the Council on happenings to date. Steve Gilbert, Parametrix, explained that bids had been opened on January 15, with recommendation that the award go to Red Samm Construction. The recommendation was based on Parametrix review of Red Samm's references and discussions with engineers involved in other public works projects completed by Samm. Gilbert was aware of the protest and ,that it could ultimately affect the contract award. Sandy Mackie, Yelm legal counsel, reviewed the situation for Council. He requested that the record show that he is involved with a trust for Pease & Sons, a sewer project bidder, and that he would have to step down if Pease & Sons was considered. Mackie proceeded t~~ explain requirements of the bid process, pointing out that minority/women owned business enterprise goals raise more protest than any other issue. Mackie indicated that the apparent low.,b_idder had answered all material elements and that items not completed could be waived as not being significant. Mackie stated that if the bidder elected to use a substitute during construction it would be ., permissible, as long as requirements are met. Mackie's conclusion was that the bid was responsive and responsible and should be referred onto the Department of Ecology, Farm Home Administration and Environmental Protection Agency. He. stated that it was appropriate to allow both parties to comment. 4 When,. questioned by Council about the Minority Business Enterprises/Women Business Enterprises form, Mackie explained that it wouldn't matter if the form had been left blank intentionally or as an oversight as the data was informative, not mandatory. Mark Jensen, Project Manager for McClure & Sons Inc., stated that he had no issue with the integrity or quality of Red Samm's work. He said that the MBE/WBE form, along with the language in the contract, was standard and indicative of requirements. He believed that the checklist on front indicated .that the form was not optional and feels that not completing the form "gives an unfair advantage as th contractor could cut the price and shop for contractors after th~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 5 fact. He believed that Red Samm did not meet the required $~~0~~~0'0~ participation for MBE/WBE. He pointed out what he claimed was an identical case with Parametrix in Tacoma and that if this form was uniformly dropped a price difference would result on all bids. 0 Sandy Mackie reviewed the Parametrix/Tacoma situation and pointed out differences between the two situations. Dan Krech, Red Samm, Inc., referred to the second page of the advertisement for bid and pointed out that the MBE/WBE goal was to be met to the maximum extent possible and that they were "goals" not quotas, and were not mandatory. He also stated that all bids were different and that the bid documentation doesn't say that the actual dollar amount (MBE/WBE) information had to be supplied with the bid. Mr. Krech stated that Red Samm was committed to 19g MBE/WBE and that the percentage would continue to grow until all jobs were filled. Councilman Miller asked if everyone had filled out that page. Steve Gilbert, Parametrix, Inc., responded that all submissions had been completed in various stages. Sandy Mackie asked if the Council had any questions. ~~ i~ 93 -2 3 9,~-24 9~-25 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED MARTHA PARSONS THAT THE PROTEST BE DENIED AND THAT THE APPARENT RESPONSIBLE LOW BID (RED SAMM) BE SENT ONTO DOE/EPA/FmHA FOR APPROVAL FOR AWARD. MOTION CARRIED. f. Tim Peterson, Fire Marshal, Shelly Badger, Chief Administrative Officer and Councilman Amos Lawton will renegotiate the contract with Yelm Fire Protection District #2. g. Yelm City Hall improvements. MOTION BY ARNOLD DROGSETH, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 278, IMPROVEMENTS TO CITY HALL. MOTION CARRIED. h. Shelly Badger explained that a separate contract for Parametrix engineering services was needed and that although this item was not included in the 1993 budget most of the costs would be passed onto the developer. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING AN ON CALL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH PARAMETRIX, INC. MOTION CARRIED. i. A special meeting to review and accept the low bid on a street sweeper was set for 4:30 pm, February 3, 1993, City Hall Council Chambers. ~_~ 12. a. UCBO SPECIAL USE ZONING (SUP8063) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING was opened by Mayor Sanders at 10:15 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking and to add their names to the sign-in sheet if they wished to speak or be included on the mailing list for future public hearings concerning this issue. The audience expressed no objection to any councilmember's participation in the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE b • ~~`0("~'~~~• Frank and Jackie Jones, neighbors to the project, thanked the Council and staff for recognizing their concerns. Areas questioned included: fence height, preferably six foot; type; location of Thrift Shop; screening around refuse disposal area; and trash accumulation. Rick Kolilis, pointed out that the parking was inadequate. Cindy Cecil, "explained that the plan submitted was conceptual a,_,_ that changes would likely occur. She also said that existing trash problems were due to the current location of the Thrift Shop and that the new location would not have the same problems, and that fencing and screening were planned. She expressed her willingness to cooperate with the Jones'. Councilman Miller stated that the Planning Commission should specify the fence height during review of the site plan. Councilwoman Wolf pointed out that while the original grant budget did not include funding for the Thrift Shop, funds had 'become available due to the grant only paying the down payment on the land vs. the entire cost, and that it was always believed that the Thrift Shop would eventually be located with the other services. She also pointed out that the cost of maintaining two sites could be, detrimental to a non-profit. Roberta Longmire stated that she believes that the Planning Commission always believed the site plan would include the Thrift Shop. There being no additional comment, Mayor Sanders closed the publ hearing at 10:35 pm. 9.~-26 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 455 UCBO SPECIAL USE ZONING (SUP8063). MOTION CARRIED. b. Commute Trip Reduction Plan, ORD 454 and Resolution No. 281. 9~-27 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED KATHY WOLF APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 281 ADOPTING THE CTR PLAN AND ORDINANCE NO. 454 IMPLEMENTING THE MEASURES REQUIRED. MOTION CARRIED. c. Harry Lewis/Crystal Springs Estates Rezone request. 9$-28 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 268. MOTION CARRIED.. d. City staff informed Council that the payoff of the Tompkins Industries loan is $266,000 and that the prepayment penalty is very small. Stamm indicated that after reviewing the contract he believed it was written to result in a minimal fee. Upon receipt the money would become available for loans to new businesses. 9~-29 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON TO ACCEPT THE EARLY PAYOFF IF FORMALLY REQUESTED. MOTION CARRIED. e. Request to vacate Washington Ct. (Jones Ct.) (VCT8075) Ordinan. No. 457. CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 7 9~-30 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED .BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING ORDINAN,CE'~NO. .. 4. ,-~.... :- Y., . ~~_. 457 WASHINGTON CT. VACATION~(VCT8075)'AS PRINTED. MOTION CARRIED. ~~ I11 L- f. Morrey Stafford architectural agreement (UCBO). 9~-31 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS AUTHORIZING MAYOR SANDERS TO SIGN THE .CONTRACT. MOTION CARRIED. g. Mountainaire Ct. final plat approval (SUB8054). 9.~-32 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF TO APPROVE THE MOUNTAINAIRE CT. FINAL PLAT WITH AGREEMENT THAT THE DEVELOPER WILL BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL COSTS IF THE WATERLINES DON'T MEET CITY STANDARDS. MOTION CARRIED. 13. a. The Librarians' report indicated a 62~ circulation increase for December '92 compared to December '91. The library will have a display of West Africa artifacts in honor of Black History Month. Faith said that the Search Committee has been looking for a new director and will make a recommendation to the TRL Board tonight. b. Stamm reviewed 1/4/93 and 1/25/93 Planning Commission meetings. c., 2., Council Liaison Reports showed the Police Department seeking approval of an expenditure of funds for a new computer system. 9~-33 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING EXPENDITURE OF $6,700 FOR COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE AS REQUESTED. MOTION CARRIED. 14. .Correspondence: h. Glenn Dunnam urged Councilmembers to call their legislators re Bill 5117 which would prohibit appointment of municipal court judges. Dunnam has been with meeting with representatives and senators on this issue. Mayor Sanders read a letter of resignation submitted by Arnold Drogseth. Council adjourned at 11:15 pm on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, seconded by Amos Lawton. ATTEST: Ag es P. Colombo City Clerk CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 1993 ~ a~ R~~~ Robert A. Sanders Mayor PAGE 8