02/24/93~~i~.~~~ CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24; 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Robert Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. Council present: Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton and Kathy Wolf. Don Miller arrived late due to a Transportation meeting. Guests present: Bill Childress and Leo Deatherage, Seasons Development; Patty Forrester, Rick Kolilis and Kristin Blalack, Yelm Timberland Library. Staff: Shelly Badger, Tim~Peterson, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Colombo. 3. Agenda item #9a was moved back until the arrival of Councilman Miller. 4. Minutes of February 10, 1993. 93-52 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING THE FEBRUARY 10, 1993 MINUTES AS CORRECTED CHANGING MOTION NUMBER 92-39 TO INCLUDE THE NAMES LEFEBVRE AND HOBART. MOTION CARRIED. 5. February payroll. 93-53 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING THE FEBRUARY 1993 PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED.. ` 6. Vouchers 12345 and 12346, totaling $29,161.12. 93-54 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 12345 AND 12346. MOTION CARRIED. 7.~ Open 8. Open 9. b. Shelly Badger explained that it is possible to automate the standby generator that operates the City's well in case of power failure. At this time, if there is a power failure someone must manually start the generator and stand by to turn it off when power is restored. Automation "of .the system could be completed for '$2,500.00. Although this item was ,not included in the budget Badger felt funds could be found to cover the expenditure. 93-55 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF UP TO'$2,500 FOR AUTOMATION OF THE CITY GENERATOR. MOTION CARRIED. ~' c.:~ Shelly Badger explained that Resolution No. 283 is the formal authorization for the Mayor to sign a promissory note for purchase of the Lefebvre property for the UCBO Community Center . Actual payments would be made by the UCBO. . 93-56 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION N0. 283. MOTION CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 24, 1993 PAGE' 1 s d. Shelly Badger informed Council that Resolution Nok~+~~~[~~~.*e~ 284 would amend the Yelm Transportation Plan by deleting language that was too specific. Council packets contained material from Bob Hazlett, S. Chamberlain & Associates, explaining the deletion recommendation. Kathy Wolf stated that the Transportation Committee had not been in favor of the phrase being included in the plan. 93-57 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED SY AMO5 LAWTON APPROVING RESOLUTION N0. 284 WHICH AMENDS RESOLUTION 259, ATTACHMENT A. MOTION CARRIED. e. Councilmembers reviewed Thurston County's recommended fees for health services. The recommendation was based on a 3$ annual increase for services provided in past years. Shelly Badger explained that an interim contract had existed for 1988 and 1989 but that no contract existed for 1990, 1991 or 1992. 1993 costs are being negotiated for a South County contract. City budgets had included anticipated amounts through 1992, but the funds were dropped from the 1993 budget. Councilman Lawton stated that we had received benefit of the services without a contract. Councilwoman Wolf concurred and stated that we had a moral obligation to pay for these services, to the extent that the City's financial position allows. Staff was asked to investigate the matter and determine the amount available in the budget for payment of the 1990, 1991 and 1992 fees . 10. a. PRAIRIE CREEK PRELIMINARY PLAT (SUB8079) PUBLIC HEARING continued from 2/10/93. The public hearing was opened at 7:43 by Mayor Sanders. Shelly Badger informed Council that all requested changes, with the exception of the placement of the stub road, had been made. Council's options pertaining to the stub road are to: 1) approve; 2) require that the stub be moved; or 3) eliminate the stub road. The Planning Commission had recommended eliminating the stub roads. Leo Deatherage - developer, stated that property had been lost due to road widths being increased from 20' to 24' and that they would prefer to eliminate the stub road as movement would result in an additional loss of marketable land. Deathrage also indicated which lots had been submitted to the Thurston Co. Health Dept. for development prior to availability of sewer services. The ratio would be approximately 1 unit per acre. Complete build-out would occur with arrival of the sewer. Deatherage also stated that past experience had shown that paved stub roads end up being used as parking places for RV's or to work on vehicles. They detract from the overall appearance of neighborhoods. Bill Childress - developer, stated that most residents prefer avoiding cross traffic (when stub road connects to CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 24,,'1993 PAGE 2 A- ~Q i ~~4~~,~ ~' ~:~ - future development ) as it creates a ~ hazard for neighborhood children and that Council's decision could result in a $20,000 loss to the developers. Martha Parsons stated that the City should try to avoid single access, that emergency vehicle access needed to be considered. Police Chief Glenn Dunnam agreed that a second access was needed and stated that lives should take priority, money should be a secondary consideration. Rick Kolilis - asked about past conversations indication possible use of a stub road as a park until the road was needed. Shelly Badger informed Councilmembers that she had been in contact with Dennis Cochrane, city engineer, who recommended that sidewalk installation in a piece meal fashion not be allowed. He recommended posting of a bond for sidewalk construction within two years. In the meantime something would be needed for pedestrians to use when traveling from the back of the plat to Middle Road. Leo Deatheracte - stated that Dennis Cochrane told him that the street could be used in the interim (similar to Crystal Springs St.) and that they (developer) had agreed to provide frontage improvements on Middle Road running the full length of the plat and that no access would be allowed onto Middle Road from any lot. Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. 93-58 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE PLAT, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ANNEXATION AND WITH THE STUB ROAD LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED AFTER CONSULTATION WITH POLICE, FIRE AND CITY STAFF - REPRESENTATIVES. MOTION CARRIED. b. Council was given a copy of the proposed C-3 Low Traffic Commercial zone to review. Badger explained that the Planning Commission had requested Council attention to this issue and asked if Council would like staff to prepare an ordinance to make the zone part of the Yelm Municipal Code. The information, as presented, would need some additional review by our attorney. Uses permitted in this zone are not allowed in other commercial zones. Councilmembers recommended that staff pursue the matter. 11. a. Library Report: Kristin Blalack, librarian, told Council that circulation for January '93 rose by 24.5 over January '92. Members were invited to visit the library and view the African artifacts currently on display. Kristin explained an outreach service, for citizens who aren't able~to get to the library on their own, which will start by the end of the month. Kristin told Councilmembers that VITA volunteers are available for help with preparing tax forms. Councilmembers were CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 24, 1993 PAGE 3 very enthusiastic about the outreach program. b. Planning Commission: The SWY Annexation Draft EIS has been- recommended ~ for' approval'' when specific items identified in the 2/22/93 minutes have been met. J Council will begin the public hearing process on this issue at the 3/10/93 meeting with the hearing continued from meeting to meeting until members are prepared to make a motion for or against approval. No decision could be made until the final EIS was available. c. Council Liaison Reports: 1. Sewer - no report 2. Police Dept. - Chief Dunnam indicated that recent arrests had solved numerous burglaries in the area. 3. Municipal Court-showed 176 tickets processed in January, 54 criminal/122 infractions. 4. City Hall - Kathy Wolf reported that interviews would soon be scheduled for selection of a new Planner and indicated that a debt of appreciation was due to Shelly Badger who has been acting as Planner in addition to performing her CAO duties. Kathy, Shelly and Gene met recently with Thurston Co. to discuss updating the Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Plan. 5. Public Works - Tim Peterson reported 3-3 1/2 loads of logs to be sold as the result of thinning at Cochrane Park. Councilman Miller arrived at 8:17 p.m. *9. a. Council appointment - Mayor Sanders announced that the Council would be going into executive session to discuss qualifications of candidates for the vacant council seat. The meeting was closed at 8:20 p.m. Mayor Sanders reopened the meeting at 8:35 p.m. and again stated the reason for going into executive session. Ballots cast for the vacant seat were passed to the city clerk for reading and recording. Three votes were cast for Patty Forrester and one vote for Rick Kolilis. ~~ 13. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. ATTEST: ~~ ; d'Yt "I mw ~ ~ Agn~ P. Colombo City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 24, 1993 PAGE 4