05/26/93~~®~~ CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Robert Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Amos Lawton, Kathy Wolf, Patty Forrester and Martha Parsons. Don Miller was out of town on City business. Guests present: Arnold Drogseth, Bob Gallagher, Faith Hagenhofer, Barbara and Robin Wood. Steve Craig from Nisqually River Council, Bob Wolf and Harold Robertson and Mark Foutch from Thurston County Regional Planning. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam, and Lynn Haigh. 2. Additions/changes to the agenda, included: 8.d. Bank change 93-103 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS CHANGED TO INCLUDE 8.d. MOTION CARRIED. ~7~y ~a:~ 93-104 3. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING - , 1993, MINUTES AS AMENDED TO INDICATE THAT OFFICER MERCER WOULD RECEIVE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ALONG WITH HIS MONTHLY SALARY FROM THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING COMMISSION DURING POSSIBLE LEAVE TO TEACH AT THE WASHINGTON CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. 93-105 4. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING THE MAY 1993 PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Thurston Regional Planning Council - Harold Robertson and Mark Foutch spoke of TRPC's new Mission and Functions Statement which was adopted in December of 1992. Primary functions identified in the statement include: 1) development of regional plans and policies for transportation, growth management, environmental quality and other topics determined by TRPC; 2) providing data and analysis to support local and regional decision making; 3) building community consensus on regional issues; 4} building intergovernmental consensus on regional plans, policies and issues and advocating local implementation; and 5) providing planning and technical services on a contractual basis. Mr. Robertson expressed that TRPC members would like to dedicate themselves to acting as advocates for citizens and their governments by promoting an awareness of our interdependence and by guiding development of a compact urban area surrounded by rural countryside. Additional areas to be addressed by the TRPC include an efficient and balanced transportation system, assuring housing availability for all economic segments of the community, providing essential public facilities and services, and economic development. Gene Borges questioned if TRPC's new involvement economic/industrial development would duplicate the work being by the Thurston Co. Economic Development Council. it done CITY COUNCIL ` MAY 26, 1993 ~ •~`PAce 1 Mr. Robertson stated they would be coordinating this work w~t~-fi~th~et~ Port of Olympia and Thurston Co. Economic Development Council. 6. Steve Craig - Nisqually River Council - A draft letter from the Nisqually River Council to Dana Rasmussen, Regional Administrator at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requesting consideration of designating the Nisqually River basin as a target area for the implementation and demonstration of new, innovative sewage system and treatment technologies which would avoid the direct discharge of effluent to surface and ground waters, was presented to Councilmembers. Gene Borges stated that the letter goes back to a lot of groundwork between the City and the council looking for alternate options on sewage disposal, agencies and Yelm staff worked a long time with Nisqually River council staff. Yelm's intention is not to go to the river, the current situation is due to agency requirements. The Facilities Plan is based on what was allowed by regulatory agencies. The Nisqually River Council needs to know that Yelm is pursuing a pilot program. Steve Craig stressed the necessity of agency funding (DOE & EPA) to make alternate disposal solutions possible. 93-106 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT YELM SEND A LETTER TO EPA WITHIN TWO WEEKS STATING YELM'S SUPPORT OF THIS PROPOSAL AND REQUESTING THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDING TO ALLOW THE PROPOSAL TO MOVE FORWARD. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Mayor Sanders explained that he was closing the regular meeting to go into executive session for the purpose of evaluating the qualifications of candidates for appointment to the vacant council seat. Meeting closed: 7:55 p.m. Regular meeting was reopened by Mayor Sanders at 8:13 p.m. Shelly Badger explained that a conference call connection with Councilman Don Miller had allowed him to participate in the executive session and that he would also be casting his vote for a candidate to fill the position via conference call. Voting results: three votes for Bob Gallagher, one vote for Harry Hutnick Jr., and one vote for Barbara Wood. Councilwoman Wolf remarked that all three were excellent candidates and encouraged the candidates to run for open council positions in the fall. 8. New Business: a. Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity Agreement - requesting that Yelm join with Thurston Co. and Olympia as a sponsor of the Council. Shelly Badger requested additional time to review the agreement. 93-107 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TABLING ACTION ON APPROVAL OF THE THURSTON COUNCIL CULTURAL DIVERSITY AGREEMENT TO THE 6/9/93 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL MAY 26, 1993 PAGE 2 0 ®~~~ ~ b. Resolution 291 - amending Section 4.3 of Yelm Personnel Policies by changing paydays to the last working day of each month. Kathy Wolf felt that current city policy creates a hardship on employees, she would like to see the last working day of each month established as "payday." 93-108 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTINC- ~RESOLUTION 291 AMENDING SECTION 4.3 OF YELM PERSONNEL POLICIES BY DESIGNATING THE LAST WORKING DAY OF EACH MONTH AS PAYDAY. MOTION CARRIED. c. Chief Administrative Officer Employment Agreement - Mayor Sanders stated that Shelly Badger, CAO, should have ari employment agreement with the City. 93-109 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. MOTION CARRIED: d. Bank change-- Shelly Badger explained that City policy is to rotate banks at three year intervals. The new bank is usually willing to pay for reprinting of checks for moved accounts. The change applies for checking and savings accounts only. 93°110 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER THAT APPROPRIATE CITY CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS BE MOVED TO FIRST COMMUNITY SANK. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business a. Mayor Sanders expressed his thanks to the council, employees, and Gene Borges and Shelly Badger for their hard work. Mayor Sanders also expressed his gratitude to Chief Glenn Dunnam for doing an excellent job shaping the police department. Mayor and Mrs. Sanders were thanked for the tree they donated to the City. 10. Reports a. Library - Faith Hagenhofer explained the summer reading club. Several programs are planned for the summer. April ' 93 circulation showed an increase of 21$ over April '92. b. Historic Commission - The June 16, regular meeting will be rescheduled to June 2, 1993. c. Sewer Update - Gene Borges presented a copy of a Yelm Sewer Plan from 1946. The plan was for an eventual population of 800 with a flow of 65,000 gallons per day. d. Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall/Court - Kathy Wolf hoped for a smooth transition between staff, mayor and councilmembers. 2) Police - Glenn Dunnam requested correction of 5/12/93 minutes to reflect that the Training Commission would be paying for all benefits and requested $300 monthly per diem for Officer Mercer to cover travel. This amount would be paid to Office Mercer by the Training Commission. Shelly Badger added that a budget salary amendment showing the increase would be needed. 93-111 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRE5TER APPROVING THE REQUEST FOR A BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR $300 MONTHLY PER DIEM FOR OFFICER MERCER. MOTION CARRIED. 3) Public Works - Everything is going well, Amos Lawton , expressed appreciation to "Smitty" for the outstanding job he is doing - he works for more than the City. CITY COUNCIL _-<MAY 26,1993 ~' PAGE 3 11. 12. 13. Gene Borges reported that the Mill Road/Parkside wat i ;j~I,~.~~e~~ has been constru_cted,, --~wa~ter ~service.to the school is pending _. a favorable bact~era~* test ~ °~~~`"`~~ ~ ~'~'`{ 4) Sewer - as Don Miller was absent, members. were referred to the sewer update. ~ ~ ~ 5) Planning - Martha Parsons reported that the last meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Ty Peterson and Jerry Prock attended the South Thurston Co. Chamber mieting in Tenino. i .. Mayor Kathryn M. Wolf was formally sworn-in at 8:50.p.m. , effective June 1, 1993. Outgoing Mayor Robert A. Sanders presented her with a gavel and name plate. ~ Correspondence was reviewed. Meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. Attest: ~• ~~ ~i-~ ~ ~~~. ~ A es P. Colombo City Clerk Draft minutes prepared by Lynn Haigh ;,, CITY COUNCIL MAY 26, 1993 Robert A. Sanders Mayor ~~ PAGE 4