06/23/93CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kathy Wo All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Amos Lawton, Don Miller, Patty Forrester and Martha Parsons. Bob Gallagher was not able to attend. Guests present: John Johnson and Kathy O'Neil, First Community Bank, Lyle Burstad, Key Bank, Betsy Block, Larry Schorno, Don Barnard, Barb and Robin Wood and Faith Hagenhofer. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Colombo. 93-120 2. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. 93-121 3. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE MINUTES OF JUNE 9, 1993 AS WRITTEN AND THE MINUTES OF JUNE 15, 1993 A5 CORRECTED TO READ (MOTION 93-120) MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER. MOTION CARRIED. 93-122 4. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE JUNE 1993 PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Bank Presentations. Lyle Burstad, Key Bank manager, addressed Council giving background of the banks relationship with the community. The local Key Bank currently has 36 loans pending, all of them Yelm residents. Mr. Burstad pointed out that the b wants to grant loans to all creditable applicants. Mr. Burstad was aware of and accepted the rotation system, but would prefer to see a bid system in place. He pointed out that Key Bank had a wide variety of management tools available to assist City staff and stressed that Key Bank is an active supporter of the community and has the City's best interest at heart. John Johnson, First Community Bank president, addressed Council giving background of the banks relationship with the community. The Yelm Branch has a 93.14 loan to deposit ratio and has $1,897,403 in approved real estate construction and development loans for five different builders and two developments in Yelm. Mr. Johnson discussed the bank's mission statement and pointed out First Community Bank's "outstanding" Community Reinvestment Act rating. CRA recognizes commitment to determining community needs within the community and providing products and services to meet those needs. First Community Bank would respect Council's decision and would appreciate having the opportunity to earn the City's business. 93-123 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT CITY FOLI-^ ORIGINAL POLICY TO ROTATE CITY ACCOUNTS AND DIRECTING STAFF PROCEED WITH THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE WARRANTS CHECK ACCOUNT TO FIRST COMMUNITY BANK. MOTION CARRIED. Don Miller _ Patty Forrester Abstained. CITY CWNCIL MINUTES JUN~~Ej X~23, 1993 PAGE 1 1T"F y'~ (~~y ~~Fq~~1J"i ` ~., ~~`"~~ Shelly Badger, Daisy Lawton, Martha Parsons and Bob Gallagher were appointed by Mayor Wolf to a committee to make recommendations for future policy of using a strictly rotation or a bid basis. Gene Borges thanked bank stockholders for their assistance to the City. 6. Ordinance No 469 and Ordinance No. 470 amending City Budge Ordinance No. 450. 93-124 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 469 AMENDING 1993 BUDGET ORDINANCE NO. 450, APPENDIX II BY THE ADDITION OF A PERMANENT PART-TIME ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER POSITION. MOTION CARRIED. 93-125 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 470 AMENDING 1993 BUDGET ORDINANCE NO. 450, APPENDIX III MAKING PERMANENT PART-TIME EMPLOYEES ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS ON A PRO RATED PERCENTAGE OF NORMAL WORK WEEK BASIS. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - ~C~stal Springs Estates preliminary plat amendment. Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting and opened the Public Hearing at 8:00 p.m. Shelly Badger explained that the original plat had been approved approximately one year ago. The revised plat meets all buffer height and width requirements but by changing the road one lot was gained. A Public Hearing had been held by the Planning Commission with an approval recommendation. Staff recommended approval. With no questions or comments coming forth Mayor Wolf closed th public hearing and reopened the regular meeting at 8:05 p.m. 93-126 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES PLAT AMENDMENT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. 8. New Business: a. Barb Wood - Yelm Creek Stream Team Proiect. Barb Wood addressed Council and explained that the project goal is to make people aware that what goes into storm drains ends up in creeks and streams or groundwater. She requested City support in the stencilling project. Needs include barricades or safety cones for use while stencilling, a meeting place for possible monthly meetings and assistance in locating storm drains. Chief Dunnam will help in selection of an appropriate time but did say that it could not be during Prairie Days. Gene Borges explained that this project will actually help meet City stormwater goals and set a precedent which would establish standards for future development. Shelly Badger asked if the state had been contacted and indicate her willingness to speak with the state. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 23, 1993 PC.GE 2 ,. .~ ; ~p 93-12-7 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT YELM SUPPOR~ ~I~E.~ ~ ~.. • YELM CREEK STREAMTEAMPROJECT'ANDaHELP;,,THE TEAM IDENTIFY AND MARK STORM DRAINS IN THE COMMUNITY. MOTION CARRIED. Barb Woods said that slides of the project were available to show progress being made. Shelly Badger was willing to assist in arranging presentations for community groups. Kathy Wolf suggested the Senior Center. b. Don Barnard letter. Shelly Badger explained that she feels strongly that we should help if possible. Department of Retirement Systems has been contacted and indicated that an eligible ,position would be required. As an assistant engineer position has been approved earlier in the meeting; it would be possible to fill this position for a one day period and provide the City with much needed information pertaining to City water maps. Council concurred. No action was required. Mayor Wolf will speak with Don Barnard concerning the engineering department position. c. Ordinance No. 468 amending Ord. 433. This ordinance would add . a driveway that was omitted in the original ordinance. 93-128 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 468 AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.•, 433 BY INCLUSION IN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A STRIP OF LAND THAT WAS OMITTED IN THE ORIGINAL ORDINANCE'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION. MOTION CARRIED. Patty Forrester abstained. ~ ' d. Annexations Petition Signing Policy. Shelly Badger explained that the City needed to establish a policy to determine if the City should sign annexation petitions when city property is included in annexations. The City has the right to sign and would be counted toward the 60$ valuation goal. City policy has been' not to initiate annexations. However, when the City is included in an annexation and has approved'`and supported the annexation it seems logical to sign the petition. The particular case in point would obtain the needed 60~ by the City's signature. 93-129 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THAT THE CITY ESTABLISH A POLICY TO SIGN ANNEXATION PETITIONS WHEN CITY PROPERTY IS INCLUDED AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN THE ANNEXATION PETITION. MOTION CARRIED. e. Nisqually Pines Letter. Letter from Nada Ahrens requesting information on what standards would have to be met for the City to consider annexation of Nisqually Pines to the City. ' Mayor Wolf stated that until the Urban Growth Boundary is formally adopted the City can't make a determination as to possible annexation consideration. Staff was asked to send criteria for future use by Nisqually Pines including road, water, sewer requirements etc. .~ f. Thurston County Auditor. Letter received requesting Council concurrence to conduct the county-wide primary election by mail. Council discussed the appropriateness of providing ballots. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE.23, 1993 ~ PAGE 3 ~'~-•:'~ ~~3~0 ~ MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT THE THURSTON COUNTY AUDITOR'S REQUEST TO CONDUCT THE COUNTY-WIDE PRIMARY ELECTION BY MAIL NOT BE APPROVED: MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business: a. Cultural Diversity Agreement. Tabled from 6/9/93. Shells Badger explained that this nom binding agreement would require I time commitment from an elected official. Librarian Fait_ Hagenhofer expressed her interest in representing the City, if Council membership was not a requirement. She expressed that this was also a Timberland area of concern. 93-131 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION ON THE THURSTON CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL AND APPOINTING FAITH HAGENHOFER AS THE YELM'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE COUNCIL: MOTION CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 292 repealing Resolution No. 253 and No. 285. Shelly Badger explained that due to a change in boundaries two annexation petitions were being combined. Members discussed the new boundaries. 93-132 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED~BY AMOS LAWTON THAT RESOLUTION NO. 292 REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 253 (ANX8062) AND RESOLUTION 285 (ANX8082). MOTION CARRIED. b.l. Resolution No 293 (ANX8062 and ANX8082)~- Notice of Intent to circulate a petition of annexation. 93-133 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 293 (ANX8062 AND ANX8082) WITH CONDITION THAT FOX HILL ROAD NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE BOUNDARY. MOTION CARRIED. 10. Reports: a. Planning - Martha Parsons told members that the Plannin Commission was requesting that the Johnston Mini-Warehouse Site Plan (SPR8083) two year from occupancy paving requirement be changed to two years from August, when development standards are expected to be completed and approved. Gene Borges explained that he would like to see some reference made to possible exceptions from this policy allowing public works/engineering department the right to require paving if they saw a need for it. Sometimes small sites need paving more than larger ones. Small ones may need runoff contained and moved to an area where they can receive treatment. Shelly Badger explained that the new engineer's first priority is completion of development standards. When completed the standards will be reviewed first by the Planning Commission and then by Council. After adoption the public works department would be responsible for reviewing site plans for compliance with development standards. The City has adopted county stormwater standards, which were established by Department of Ecology. The C-3 zoning and SR507 annexation zoning has been scheduled fc; a Council Public Hearing on July 14. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 23, 7993 PAGE 4 x ~.jo ,~e~ ~~~~~~~ i~ L1 93-134 u Martha Parsons will explain Council's position on annexation boundaries to the. Plann~~ngComms~son. ,,~.~~r~_ Council indicated a preference that a replacement Planning Commission member be from inside the City limits. b. The Librarian's Report showed continuing circulation increases. Library hours of operation have increased. Friends of the Library earned over $800 in the book sale. c. Liaison Reports 1) City Hall/Court - Mayor Wolf indicated that Bob Gallagher would be the new liaison to these departments. Court reports were available for April and May. 2) Police - Amos distributed Chief Dunnam's 5 Year Proposal. One of the '89 LTD's is in need of a new engine. Money derived from combining several line items is available to cover the expense. Four bids have been received, several local shops contacted are unable to do the work and did not submit bids. Chief Dunnam was seeking Council approval to proceed with the replacement. The drug problem in the community continues to worsen. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER THAT STAFF LOOK INTO THE BIDS RECEIVED FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE ENGINE IN A 1989 LTD POLICE VEHICLE AND SELECT THE BID MOST BENEFICIAL TO THE CITY. MOTION CARRIED. 3) Public Works - everything is going well 4 ) Sewer - Gene indicated that .they were on top of legal appeals as best as possible. d. Urban Growth Management Committee Update. Mayor Wolf explained that the City had been successful in its attempt to move beyond item I. A. of the County Process for Establishing Urban Growth Boundaries for South County~Cities and Towns. Consideration of Yelm's position due to past involvement in working towards the Yelm Thurston County Joint Plan resulted in permitting a move to Section III. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. Meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. ATTEST: Agnes P. Colombo, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 23, 1993 ~~~ 7~t7~%t~ Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor PAGE 5