07/14/93~.I~~~~v„'J~$ CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion -_ Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kathy Wolf All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Amos Lawton, Don Miller, Patty Forrester, Martha Parsons and Bob Gallagher. Guests present: Roger McKown, Jacque Bond, Orval and Tonia French, Leo and Rhonda Jenness, Rod Kaufman and Wayne Erickson. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Mark Cook, Ty Peterson, Jerry Prock and Agnes Colombo. Kathy Wolf introduced Mark Cook, assistant engineer. Mark indicated that he was happy to be working for the City and identified development standards as a priority project. 93-135 2. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEMS: 8E. MEDIC 1 AND 9A. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. 93-136 3. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE MINUTES OF JUNE 23, 1993 AS CORRECTED TO READ (MOTION 93-123) PATTY FORRESTER ABSTAINED AND (MOTION 93-128) THE WORD DRIVEWAY TO BE 'CHANGED TO STRIP OF LAND. MOTION CARRIED. 93-137 4. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING VOUCHERS 12763-12872 TOTALLING $365,851.08. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Public Hearing - C-3 Low Traffic Commercial Zone - Mayor Wol closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. Staff member Ty Peterson indicated that the purpose of this proposed zone is to avoid strip development by requiring larger lots, minimum size 1 acre, and to allow more space between driveways. Roster McKown - asked if the 1 acre size was firm. Ty Peterson replied that it was firm for any new land divisions. Councilwoman Parsons questioned the subtle distinction between outdoor/drive-in theaters. Being no additional comment, Mayor wolf closed the hearing and reopened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. 93-138 6. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROV-ING ORDINANCE NO. 471 ADOPTING AND AMENDING THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE AND ZONING ORDINANCE BY THE ADDITION OF A C-3 ZONE. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - SR507 Annexation Zoning. - Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. Tv Peterson demonstrated to Council and the audience proposed zonin~~ for the SR507 annexation on the Yelm zoning map. West of Ye l: Creek would be C-1, East of Yelm Creek would be C-3 and North of 900 foot line would be RjA (1-1). Zone changes would follow property lines, not Yelm Creek. CITY CWNCIL MINUTES JULY 74, 1993 PAfiE 1 Being no additional comment the public hearing was closed by Ma~~ ~•• ~' ~ ~ Wo l f at 7 : 4 6 m :. p • ~ ~~ ~'-~~" ,~~~rr~~ ~ fi._~; :'~~ . ~~~'~ a~ ~:' ,~ • ...~ ~. ~~~ y c9 Council agreed with the proposed SR507 annexation zoning and directed staff to prepare an ordinance for. their approval. 8. New Business a. Erickson Construction request -'Mr. Erickson explained that he would like to develop five landlocked lots between Third and Fourth Streets. Access to these lots would be possible if the City would vacate the 25 foot easement along the front of the lots. A sale price of $1.00 was suggested with the City retaining a water line easement. Councilman Lawton expressed his belief that the state would not allow the City to give away land for individual gain. He also stated that a similar proposal from David Ashier had come before Council and been denied. Mayor Wolf also expressed uneasiness with the proposal. Mr. Erickson - suggested that Council could grant a variance and pointed out that this was an unusual situation. Councilwoman Parsons stated that she felt additional information was needed before making any decision in this matter. Shelly Badger suggested staff review the request with the engineer and discuss the street vacation process, then make a recommendation to Council. '•3-139 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER TABLING MR. ERICKSON'S REQUEST TO THE JULY 28, 1993 MEETING TO ALLOW TIME FOR STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. b. Jacctue Bond rectuested consideration of adoption of an ordinance to control cats - Mrs. Bond felt that the same constraints should apply to cats as to dogs. She expressed her frustration at having her flower beds turned into a litter box. Mrs. Bond gave an example of a mobile park in Tumwater with fifty units and an enforced leash law for cats. She believes that owners don't control cats because the City doesn't have an ordinance and that licensing would help control the number of cats in the community . Shelly Badger pointed out that the mobile home park controlled animals through covenants and/or the homeowner's group. She also pointed out that the City does not have adequate staffing to undertake such a task. Councilman Lawton said that he lives in the same mobile home park as Mrs. Bond and agreed that the cat situation is a problem.. He pointed out a lease agreement clause addressing the issue. c. Ordinance No. 472 establishinc Program - This ordinance would allow a fellow employee who has exhausted h an extraordinary condition. The only administration of the leave pool. CITY CWNCIL MINUTES JULY 14, 7993 ~ an Employee Leave Sharing employees to donate leave to is/her available leave due to cost to the city would be for PAGE 2 ~~~4~~' MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA "PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 472 ESTABLISHING AN EMPLOYEE LEAVE SHARING PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. d. Draft Sewer Capacity Resolution - Councilmembers reviewed tha .draft resolution which would mandate that Yelm maintain a listir. of available Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs). A balance wou: be maintained by deducting ERUs committed, within guidelines. Th<< .process would allow accuracy in determining availability of ERUs and establish user time frames to prevent individuals from holding ERUs. Councilwoman Parsons questioned the 85$ capacity. Mark Cook explained that figure supplied a buffer to allow for fluctuations within the system. Additions beyond 85~ would require mitigation; the developer would have to prove that it was acceptable to add users or through studies to upgrade the facility/plan. e. Medic 1 - Shelly Badger and Amos Lawton explained that attempts are underway to try and get the county's fourth Medic 1 unit located in Yelm. Consideration would go before the Thurston County Fire District and then the County Commissioners. The next step in the process would be a county-wide vote to approve increasing the levy from .28 to .41 cents per $1,000. Additional requirements would be providing housing for the staff, this is already planned as part of the new Fire Station and a cost share commitment from the City. The Medic 1 unit would be sponsored by Fire District 2 and other South County Towns are expected to be supportive. The current situation, with units coming from Lacey, pulls servi. from highly populated areas. Estimated time for a Medic 1 unit to Yelm is 31 minutes; the maximum time from injury to start of advanced life support should be under 15 minutes. 93-141 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, '`SECONDED BY DON MILLER THAT THE CITY PREPARE AND SEND TO THE MEDIC 1 BOARD AND THE THURSTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A LETTER IN SUPPORT OF LOCATING A MEDIC 1 UNIT IN YELM. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business a. Mayor Wolf announced the appointment of Ken Garmann to the Yelm Planning Commission. Ken Garmann is a City resident with a background in construction and engineering. 10. Reports a. Planning Commission - lack of quorum at the July 12, 1993 meeting. b. Parks Advisory Committee - Patty Forrester asked if the City or Police Department had been contacted by the Lions re arrangements for extra coverage during events. Service Clubs should be meeting with the City two weeks before any planned activity to coordinate City support required for the event. S also asked about plans to close Second Street to use for t~ carnival. Shelly Badger explained that while the possibility Y~ been discussed during Springfest, nothing had been mandated permit/allow this a change. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ` JULY 74, 1993 PAGE 3 .„ . , ,,; The Committee hopes to have completed restroom remodeling in ~~~~,~ for Octoberfest`:~.~ ~s. ~~._ - - ' ~` .. ~ ~ ~ ~~ Mayor Wolf commented on spending time in the park recently and being pleased with the overall appearance and upkeep. It was satisfying to watch families enjoy the park facilities. c. Historic Commission - no report, the next meeting is scheduled for 7/21/93. Mayor Wolf requested that the Commission give consideration to a public celebration and plaques identifying the Senior Center and Masonic Temple as registered historic sites. d. Sewer update - The City is waiting on a decision from the hearings examiner. At issue is if alternatives to discharge to the Nisqually were available at the time this direction was taken. Work on lines is should start on July 17. e. Police Report - Chief Dunnam: Scheduled for the weekend is the Seattle to Portland Bike Run, the Fun Run sponsored by the Yelm Therapy and Fitness Center and the Prairie Days coronation and dance. This amount of activity requires notice to allow scheduling of officers to cover the events. Better coordination is needed between service clubs planning events and the City. Problems are anticipated in meeting some new laws passed by the legislature. One example was providing state approved storage areas for impounded vehicles: Financial consideration of meeting the requirements is an issue. The City will need to develop a policy for addressing the issue. Large increases are anticipated for CAPCOM services. Fees will probably be increased to cover the addition of a new shift and to add a telephone answering shift. Costs could double based upon the number of calls. Initiatives 601/602 are a real threat to providing continued quality public safety to the community. f. Court Report for June 1993, showed 177 tickets processed, 68 criminal citations and 109 infractions. Fines and forfeitures totalled $15,239.66. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: I~ Agnes Colombo, City Clerk ~. -%%` Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 14, 1993 PAGE 4