07/28/93 Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kathy Wolf. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Martha Parsons, Patty Forrester, Amos Lawton and Bob Gallagher. Don Miller was out of state attending an Intercity Transit conference. Guests present: Leo and Rhonda Jenness and Faith Hagenhofer. Staff present: Jerry Prock, Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam, Shelly Badger, Mark Cook and Agnes Colombo. 93-142 2. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM 8E PRAIRIE DAYS PARADE ROUTE. MOTION CARRIED. 92-143 3. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE MINUTES OF JULY 14, 1993. MOTION CARRIED. I,~ 92-144 4a. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING THE JULY 1993 PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED. 92-145 4b. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHER NO. 12875 IN THE AMOUNT OF $213.00 FOR 74 GO A BOND REDEMPTION. MOTION CARRIED. 4c. Councilmembers were given copies of the Second Quarter 1993 Financial Report and'an Expenditure Report through 6/30/93. ~. 5. Public Hearing - Six Year Street Plan for 1994-1999 - Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. Shelly Badger explained that staff was recommending approval of the plan as presented allowing for minor typographical corrections that will not alter the arrangement or basic concept of material. The only major difference from last year's plan is the placement of the Y-2 alternative to number 1 due to State Transportation Improvement Program funding availability for the Corridor Analysis and Pre-Design Engineering. Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing and reopened the regular meeting at 7:39 p.m. 93-146 6. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION~NO. 294 ADOPTING THE SIX YEAR STREET PLAN FOR 1994-1999. MOTION CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 1 JULY 28, 1993 ., i i 0 1 7. Shelly Badger and Mayor Wolf gave a brief history of events leading to negotiations between the county and south county jurisdictions for payment to Thurston County for Health Services dating back to 1987. The contract before Council for approval would set a payment schedule for services through June of 1995. After that time services would be paid for directly by the state from motor vehicle excise taxes. Both felt that the final cost and payment arrangement was structured in a way to prevent being a hardship. 93-147 MOTION BY PATTY FORRESTER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THAT THE CONTRACT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES BE ACCEPTED. MOTION CARRIED. 8. a. Resolution No. 295 would approve a Whistleblower Policy as required by action of the Washington State Legislature. 93-148 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING RESOLUTION N0. 295 ADOPTING A WHISTLEBLOWER POLICY FOR THE CITY OF YELM. MOTION CARRIED. b. Shelly Badger and Mark Cook explained that they were recommending that Dennis Cochrane, city engineer, be appointed as Yelm's Drainage Administrator to allow appeal and peer review by a professional engineer when appropriate. 93-149 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER THAT DENNIS COCHRANE BE APPOINTED DRAINAGE ADMINISTRATOR. MOTION CARRIED. c. Councilmembers were given a letter from AWC concerning the loss control visit of 7/9/93. The letter pointed out the high level of cooperation between city departments and staff members and stated that little was found in the way of risk management problems. Removal and replacement of a slide and swing with approved manufactured equipment was suggested. Patty Forrester told members that Dick Carrig, Park Committee Chairman, requested that Council make a decision on the matter as soon as possible. 93-150 MOTION BY PATTY FORRESTER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT STAFF RESEARCH PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT AND LIABILITY ISSUE AND BRING BACK A RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. d. Shelly Badger explained that the Thurston Co. Commissioners were supportive of opening a satellite station for information intake and issuing permits. They are investigating the possibility of locating in Yelm's Public Safety Building with the Thurston Co. Sheriff. Many details still need to be worked out and additional information will be forthcoming. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 28, 1993 PAGE 2 ~~~~~ 93-151 93-152 e. Patty Forrester explained that complaints regarding the Prairie Day's Parade route included announcement difficulties and sites for precision motorcycle displays. She felt that perhaps a committee needed to be formed to review some of the issues. It was pointed out that the Lion's Club was the event organizer and that Glen Nutter could be contacted. Kathy Wolf added that she had also been approached, but had received more positive than negative comments . Glenn Dunnam - explained that this was the first time the Prairie Day's Parade had used this route and that there had been mixed reviews. This route has been used successfully for other parades and he believes that it is the best alternative. As the parade has grown, the old (two block) route has resulted in closure~of the intersection for longer and longer periods of time. Gene Borges pointed out difficulties with DOT over closure of the intersection of the two State Highways, and that SR507 is considered by the DOT to be an I5 alternate. Martha Parsons expressed concern over the lack of notice to the City when events are being planned. Shelly Badger suggested passing comments on to the Lion's parade committee. Patty Forrester will work, along with the Parks Advisory Committee, on developing criteria for future parades. 9. a. Erickson request tabled from 7/14/93. Mark Cook explained that he had made Mr. Erickson aware of issues that would be raised. As Mr.` Erickson did not have a substantive proposal at this time he was requesting rescheduling to 8/11/93. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER THAT THE ERICKSON REQUEST BE TABLED TO 8/11/93. MOTION CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 473 - SR507 Annexation zoning. Shelly Badger reviewed zoning being applied to specific sections of the annexation. MRDINANCE NOB 4p73~A PI,YINGCZONING TO THE SR507 (ANX8073G O ANNEXATION. MOTION CARRIED. c. Ordinance No. 474 - Rodriguez (Burnett Road) Annexation and Zoning. Shelly Badger explained that a waiver had been requested and granted due to size/value of the parcel. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 3 JULY 28, 1993 ~! ~i ~J ® .~_ 93-153 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 474 ANNEXING AND ZONING THE RODRIGUEZ (BURNETT ROAD) PROPERTY (ANX8081). MOTION CARRIED. d. Cat Ordinance - Agnes Colombo explained that while information included in Council packets made a strong case for licensing and control due to the spread of rabies. Enforcement of sample ordinances would probably require a full time animal control officer. Measures to educate cat owners was a good alternative. Yelm Librarian Faith Hagenhofer offered to display information for distribution and suggested the possibility of library involvement through programs featuring speakers. Staff was requested to contact the Humane Society and Concern for Animals. e. Sewer Capacity and hook-up resolution. Shelly Badger told Council that meetings with the County had resulted in suggestions for possible changes to the resolution. It was felt that the 21 month expiration from plat approval to construction was not realistic and could result in unusable plats. Approval was not recommended at this time. Additional information needs to be gathered. f. Participation in the voter's pamphlet was discussed. A nominal fee is charged to be included and information must be turned in by August 18. Members felt that this information is valuable for Yelm's voters. Don Miller will be asked if the NVN will take the photos as in the past. 93-154 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT YELM PARTICIPATE IN THE VOTER'S PAMPHLET. MOTION CARRIED. 10. a. Planning Report - no meeting held. b. Library Report - Faith Hagenhofer reported that on the Summer Reading Club, over 400 kids had signed up. Circulation for June '93 was up almost 3,000 items from the same time last year. Thanks to the Lake Lawrence Garden Club for planting petunias in the flower bed in front of the library. c. Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall/Court - Bob Gallagher told of the recent pot luck and reported that all is going well with those departments. Shelly Badger added that the public bid on the UCBO project will be the 2nd week in August and will take approximately one month, the award will take 2-3 weeks and then construction should begin. Two combined grants, administered by Thurston Co. Housing Authority, will be used to move and rehabilitate the house being stored by the City. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 28, 1993 PAGE 4 0~~~:~.~ 93-155 93-156 Mayor Wolf and Council expressed their appreciation for work done by City staff members and for the way they support the City and conduct themselves. 2) Police Report - a. Chief Dunnam explained that he had investigated the purchase, by state contract, of six hand held radio sets. Five sets for the PD and one for the sewer department. Chief Dunnam would like Council approval of $750.00 (.approximately) to be paid from sewer to PD for purchase of the sewer radio. This payment would allow installment payments through the balance of '93 for the radios. He is also requesting approval to commit funds from the 1994 budget year for continuing payments of approximately $150 per month. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF SIX RADIOS, ONE FOR THE SEWER DEPARTMENT AND FIVE FOR YELM PD, UNDER THE STATE LEASE/PURCHASE CONTRACT, AND PAYMENT OUT OF NEXT YEARS BUDGET. MOTION CARRIED. b-. Chief Dunnam presented the proposed 1994 CAPCOM Law Enforcement Agency Fees. In evaluating costs he felt that at some point in the future the City should investigate the possibility of Yelm operating its own communications system for the SE county and the fire department. c. Chief Dunnam stated that the state patrol is pulling out of accident investigations due to budget constraints. State patrol investigators receive 400 hours of training, local officers 30 hours. If the state patrol does pull out of patro,~ling state and county roads every police department will have to stretch their resources to provide coverage. Chief Dunnam requested Council support of Thurston County Sheriff Gary Edwards efforts to fight this move. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON IN SUPPORT OF THE THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ATTEMPTS TO KEEP STATE PATROLS ACTIVE ON ALL ROADS. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Public Works - Mark Cook told Councilmembers that he was working on an outline for Development Standards and that he expected to have a segment for review at each Planning Commission meeting. The completed outline will show that the September target date is not realistic. 4. Sewer - Gene Borges reported that the sewer treatment plant construction is 27$ complete. Two meetings have been held regarding Contract 2, collection lines. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 28, 1993 'PAGE 5 0 n L' ~~~.e.. ~ Council was advised to expect complaints, no matter how good a job is being done there will be complaints. Door tags will be used to advise people of next day construction to take place on their street. Local traffic will not be stopped. There may however, be delays. Three crews will be working in three different directions. Comments should be expected and need to be heard. Individuals should be advised bring their comments or criticism to Gene, he will handle it from there. It is expected that by the time complaints are received that 90~ of them will be corrected. Council members were advised to give Lynn's phone number. Gene has moved his office to the trailer at the treatment plant. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. ATTEST: 1 ~~ ~ ~~f~~ Agnes P. Colombo, City Clerk s [1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 28, 1993 ~~ ~' 1, -~i' Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor PAGE 6