10/13/93~~o Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kathy Wolf. All present joined in the flag salute. Y Dunnam, Tim Peterson and Agnes Colombo. Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons and Amos Lawton. Patty Forrester and Bob Gallagher were unable to attend. Guests present: Barb and Robin Wood, Jean James, Jesse Isaacs, Jean Issacs, Lyle Sundsmo, Adam Rivas, Gail Re nolds and Jotlrl Thompson Staff: Shelly Badger, Glen 93-198 2. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE DELETION OF ITEM 7. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES AND THE ADDITION OF 10. f. MAYOR'S REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. 93-199 3. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 93-200 4. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #15143 - #15241 IN THE AMOUNT OF $749,241.83. MOTION CARRIED.. 5. Jean James expressed her concern about the emissions from Lasco. After speaking with individuals at the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, Department of Ecology and Sierra Club she determined that styrene, while not required by the EPA to be monitored, was on the list of compounds targeted by the Washington Toxic Coalition as being a carcinogen and causing birth defects. She questioned the logic in not allowing people to use wood stoves to keep their homes heated during weather inversions but allowing industrial emissions to continue during such periods. She indicated that she doesn't want to shut down Lasco, but felt that the issue needed to be addressed. Lyle Sundsmo, Lasco, Industries, stated that styrene had been studied for many years and that it had not been determined that it is a carcinogen. In the late 1980s, OSHA/National Institute for Occupational Health and an international panel of experts concluded that styrene is not a carcinogen. He explained that the compound will on a clear, sunny day biodegrade into carbon dioxide and water in a few hours. He also explained that technology exists to neutralize the associated odor, but that due to contradictions in Washington State Law, Lasco has not been able to take advantage of the technology. Lyle Sundsmo and Jean James agreed to work together in obtaining additional information on available technology and in determining appropriate contacts. ~i i~ YELM CLTY COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/13/93 PAGE ~1-. 1 6. 7. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/13/93 Mayor Wolf requested that Shelly together to determine the role of thanked those involved for their Barb Woods requested that available earlier and that locations around the city. public notices appear in the addition to the required legal Badger and Don Miller ~a~ -- ~ .~ the City in this issue -_ ~-~ input and involvement. future meeting agendas be they be posted in various She would also like to see paper in a text format in form. Mayor Wolf explained that it was not uncommon to have only one or two items on the agenda two weeks prior to the meeting and that the agenda can change daily. Agendas could be posted in some locations. Agnes Colombo added that the city will be looking at purchasing an outdoor bulletin board, during the '94 budgeting process and that anyone wishing to receive an agenda for posting or for their own use could be added to the city's mailing lists. John Thompson added that he believed that the time was approaching when the city could pick and choose which companies could come into the city. He also mentioned how much he enjoyed Yelm's presentation at the last Chamber of Commerce meeting. Barb Woods stated that King County had recently adopted a bicycle helmet law and that she would like to see a similar ordinance here. Discussion took place concerning the practicality of enforcement of such an ordinance. Chief Dunnam added that such an ordinance would apply only to adults and that the bike rodeo was held each year in an attempt to teach children bicycle safety. Adam Rivas questioned enforcement and added that with the burden on police departments due to increased crime, gang activity etc. he wasn't sure this would be the best use of available resources. Mayor Wolf requested that staff contact AWC to obtain a copy of the King County Ordinance. Barb Wood questioned progress on the Yelm Creek/Ft. Stevens footbridge and requested that the city consideration installation of a water spigot in the area. Shelly Badger explained that the design had been completed and the grant extended. Fort Lewis will perform the work. Mayor Wolf added that she felt a combination water spigot/fountain would be a good addition and staff could look into the possibility. Intergovernmental Agreement for Communication Services - deleted, waiting for arrival of new contract. PAGE 2 " ~~ ~ '8 . New Business : ~~®~-~'~ a. Mayor Wolf told Councilmembers that an invitation to the Thurston Co. Housing Authority Annual Dinner Meeting on 10/20/93 was available if anyone was able to attend. 9. Old Business: a. Skateboard Information - Chief Dunnam thanked the young people that had been working with him on the committee and presented a booklet of information to each Councilmember. The Chief pointed out that there was a difference of opinion between the city attorney and insurance company. According to the Chief there are two skateboard parks operating in the state, one in Seattle and one in Moses Lake. b. The Sewer Service Boundary discussed at the last meeting will be scheduled for public hearing at the 10/10/93 meeting. c. Chief Dunnam explained the inspection of traffic problem areas he and DOT Traffic Planning Engineer Jeff Moore had made and the resulting letter to DOT requesting assistance. Addressed in the letter was installation of a traffic light at Third and Yelm Avenue and taking measures to improve traffic flow at and approaching the Yelm Avenue/First Street intersection. Evaluation showed that improvements could be made by achieved through striping and that left hand turns being made too close to the intersections, as well as vehicles passing on the right, were creating problems. Plastic posts have been delivered by DOT for public works to install on First Street South. Chief Dunnam pointed out that some business owners felt that the no left turn would harm their business. He feels that any reduction in the volume of business will be temporary until people adjust to the changes. Councilmembers expressed concern and suggested that a newspaper article could be used to publicize the barrier installation and also alert business customers to the changes and direct them to the best alternate routes. 93-201 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO PROCEED WITH INSTALLATION OF BARRIERS AT YELM AVENUE AND FIRST STREET SOUTH. MOTION CARRIED. d. Resolution No. 299 - Agnes Colombo explained that ,Resolution 299 confirms that FCC Rate Regulations will be followed by Yelm in its regulation of basic service rates and charges; that reasonable opportunity for consideration of the views of interested parties will be ensured; and identifies the Yelm Chief Administrative Officer or designee to file any necessary forms. 93-202 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMO5 LAWTON ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 299 PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF BASIC SERVICE/EQUIPMENT. MOTION CARRIED. i~ 0 YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/13/93 PAGE 3 . 10. Reports: ~~®., ~~;~ a. Planning/Engineering - Shelly Badger reported that Development Standards were still being produced and that Mark Cook had been spending time working with public works on inspections/training. In response to questioning Shelly Badger explained that realignment was not planned for the Vancil Road/Yelm Ave. intersection. Current problems encountered when making a left hand turn from Vancil onto Yelm Avenue will be reduced by the traffic light controlling Nisqually Plaza, Vancil Rd. and Yelm Ave. traffic. b. Parks Advisory Board - Rotter Buick/Oldsmobile requested use of the park on a Saturday or Sunday in October or November to hold an auto exhibition/sale. The Park Board recommended approval for the water tower area only. When questioned Tim Peterson agreed that the area by the water tower or the parking area on the south side of the park would be the best areas for this purpose. At this time of the year vehicles could damage the park grounds. 93-203 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE ROTTER BUICK/OLDSMOBILE REQUEST FOR AN AUTO EXHIBITION/SALE TO BE HELD IN EITHER THE AREA BY THE WATER TOWER OR IN THE PARK'S SOUTH PARKING LOT. MOTION CARRIED. c. Sewer Update - Shelly Badger explained that staff was working on the cash flow system at this time. d. Police Report - Chief Dunnam reported that Youth Appreciation Day was not as well attended as he had hoped but that next year would be better. He also said that some of the young people had put on an excellent skateboard demonstration. The Chief explained that the new staff car, an '82 Chrysler Lebaron convertible, was taken as part of a drug seizure and can't be disposed of until April of 1994. In the interim the city will make use of the vehicle. e. Public Works - The cost will probably not be as great as expected for the repair/repainting of the water tanks. Final amount will probably be in the neighborhood of $107,000 plus engineering. City staff will begin looking for grant funding to help with the costs. Council was requested to approve an extension of a temporary part time Public Works position to temporary full time through 1993. The extended position would include meter reading responsibility. One week per month is already budgeted for the meter reader position and Shelly Badger felt confident that the rest of the funds could be covered in the existing budget. 93-204 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE COMBINED METER READER AND PARK LABORER POSITION AS A TEMPORARY FULL TIME POSITION THROUGH 1993. MOTION CARRIED. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/13/93 PAGE 4 ® ®~~`~'~= Shelly Badger explained that the Yelm Avenue project realignment for 103rd will require that existing trees be removed to accommodate drainage and sidewalks. Replanting and landscaping are planned. Council approval was requested for removal of the trees and for the waterline approval. 93-205 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING REMOVAL OF TREES ON 103RD FOR SAFETY REASONS AND AL50 APPROVING THE WATERLINE. MOTION CARRIED. f. Mayor's Report - Mayor Wolf briefed Councilmembers on recent meetings/activities including: the appointment of Steve Smeback to the Yelm Parks Advisory Board, Faith Hagenhofer's Cultural Diversity report, letters to Roberta Longmire and Emma Jean Lemoine requesting the assistance in keeping the City apprised of Senior Center and Rainier Apartment status, participation in a NVN article concerning the upcoming Hazo Day scheduled for 10/23/93, the Yelm Senior Center, the Olympia Airport terminal opening that she and Martha Parsons had attended, the team entered in the Heart Walk, the Thurston Co. Leadership Tour, Thurston Co. Transportation and Regional Planning, a sewer meeting and the Yelm Chamber of Commerce meeting. Mayor Wolf complemented Shelly Badger and Ty Peterson for their presentation to Chamber members and recognized all staff members for their dedication. 11. Correspondence - was reviewed. 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. ATTEST: ~ ; ~i~~ Aries P. Colombo, City Clerk Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor ~~ J YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/13/93 PAGE 5