12/08/93CITY OF YELM ~ ~ ~ - ~~ -~- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 I Mr. Gorman explained that the Yelm Phone Company's primary community focus has been on kids. Mr. Gorman presented a check for $5,000, to be used toward the acquisition of a replacement DARE vehicle, to Mayor Wolf. Mayor Wolf and Councilmembers thanked Mr. Gorman for this generous contribution. 6/7 Vacant ~~ Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. 93-236 2. 93-237 3. 93-238 4. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kathy Wolf. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Bob Gallagher, Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton and Patty Forrester. Guests present: Gordon Kampfer. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Mark Cook and Agnes Colombo. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE NOVEMBER 23, 1993 MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS # 16141-16231 IN THE AMOUNT OF $492,625.58. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Tom Gorman, Yelm Telephone Company - Chief Glenn Dunnam explained the difficulties encountered in acquiring Yelm's first DARE vehicle. He pointed out that Yelm Telephone Company made a substantial contribution towards that vehicle and that as a replacement was being considered he had again spoken with Tom Gorman about financial assistance. Chief Dunnam then introduced Tom Gorman. 8. a. Gordon Kampfer, Gordon's Garden Center, displayed a prepared drawing to demonstrate the proposed use for his property and the existing means used to control stormwater runoff. Mr. Kampfer explained that conversations several years ago led him to believe that his project could be completed with little additional work or costs. Mr. Kampfer explained that he believed current requirements were more extensive and costly than need be and that he did not feel he should be responsible to accommodate runoff from the state highway. Mr. Kampfer added that time was an additional issue as he expects a large shipment of trees to be delivered in February. He appealed to Council for relief in his situation. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 12/08/93 PAGE 1 ~tl~~..`~ ~ Assistant Engineer Mark Cook explained that the City was bound to meet requirements of the Council adopted Thurston County Drainage Manual which had not been in effect at the time of Mr. Kampfer's original conversation with staff. It was pointed out that had the project been undertaken at that time it could have been completed following former standards. Shelly Badger explained that all projects must meet current requirements and that while a variance was possible, a formal appeal would have to be made to Dennis Cochrane, Yelm's engineer. It was pointed out that variances must benefit the land, not the project. Mayor Wolf and Councilmembers explained that while they understood Mr. Kampfer's situation, state mandated rules and regulations had been enacted and must be met. Following discussion Mr. Kampfer agreed that he would make the necessary formal written request to Dennis Cochrane, as advised. Mark Cook explained that the engineer could run variables on his software to identify the most accommodating scenario based on Mr. Kampfer's written request. Mark Cook also explained that it was Mr. Kampfer's responsibility to provide the city with engineered plans for approval. He offered to hand carry Mr. Kampfer's request and promised a rapid response to the request. Due to time constraints Mr. Kampfer agreed that the matter be scheduled for City Council action at the 12/22/93 meeting. b. UCBO Community Center Bid Award - Shelly Badger explained that issues remained to be resolved with 2 state agencies and recommended that the item be tabled to the next meeting. 93-239 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THAT THE UCBO COMMUNITY CENTER BID AWARD BE TABLED TO DECEMBER 22, 1993. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Vacant 10. Reports: a. Planning Commission - mostly information meeting, maps showing the location of affordable housing developments as presented at the last Council meeting were provided to Planning Commission and Council members. Engineering - Mark Cook explained that he prepared a weekly. project status report for staff members and would provide the same to Council if it was helpful. Council felt the update would be helpful to them. b. Parks Advisory Committee - meets next week. Patty Forrester asked if anything had been received from the Parks Board concerning the name of the park. Nothing has been recieved. 0 ~1 YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 12/08/93 PAGE ' 2 ' c. Historic Commission - meets next week. ~ ®®~.~ ~ d. Sewer update - Shelly Badger explained that the city was waiting for DOE and FHMA approval to award Contracts III and IV and that the Treatment Plant substantial completion date is 12/20/93. e. Police - Chief's Report - Chief Dunnam reported that five grants had been returned. Received through grants were: pocket breath testers, radar equipment, funding for DWI peak period emphasis, buckle up campaign, and a camera. Chief Dunnam told Council that KIRO had broadcast a two minute segment on small agency police departments from Yelm and promised to bring it to the next Council meeting. The Mayor and Chief Dunnam met with Morning News Tribune columnist C.R. Roberts who was interested in Yelm's decision to allow a skateboard park when funding allows. Chief Dunnam requested Council's approval to proceed with the paperwork for 3 state contracts, two for vehicles and one for a copy machine. 93-240 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON AUTHORIZING CHIEF DUNNAM TO SUBMIT A REQUISITION FOR TWO VEHICLES AND A COPY MACHINE. MOTION CARRIED. f. Mayor's Report - Mayor Wolf, along with Council members had been attending budget meetings. Councilmember Martha Parsons was thanked for participating in Christmas in the Park. g. Council Report - Bob Gallagher reminded all that the City Christmas Pot Luck would be held on Thursday, December 16, and requested that Dana be called with menu items. 11. Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed 12. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ~. ATTEST: Ag~fes P. Colombo, City Clerk Kathryn Wolf, M yor YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 12/08/93 PAGE 3'