02/09/94~~0~ ~~ CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1994, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1 . The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 pm by Mayor Wolf . All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Patty Forrester, Amos Lawton and Bob Gallagher. Visitors: Pat and Jim Clark, Mike Jones of Martin Nelson and Co., David and Claire Doyle, Norm Falcone representing TOGETHER, and Jack Peugh. Jeri DeLa Pena, Lisa Thiesse, Trena Bradley, Penny Parsons, and~Rodney Orosko, Daily Olympian. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, and Agnes Colombo. 2. Agenda additions/deletions. 94-20 MOTION BY SOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Minutes of January 26, 1994. 94-21 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING MINUTES OF JANUARY 26, 1994 AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Approval of vouchers. 94-22 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVIN{ PAYMENT OF $168,374.76 FOR VOUCHERS 16371 THROUGH 16486. MOTIO. CARRIED. Chief Dunnam introduced Pat and Jim Clark. Pat is the new office assistant at the Police Department. 5. Norm Falcone, TOGETHER, addressed Council and explained that TOGETHER is a resource agency addressing the areas of youth drug and alcohol abuse and violence prevention. Mr. Falcone presented Councilmembers with TOGETHER'S Report to the Community and 1994-1995 Plan of Action for their review. He pointed out that volunteers have to become involved to influence problem areas; it is not possible for public officials to meet all of a community's needs. Mr. Falcone thanked the City for it's involvement and support of TOGETHER, especially Chief Dunnam's participation on the Board. Councilmembers were asked to pass a proclamation naming March as "Believe It - They're Looking For Role Models Month", in support of TOGETHER'S.upcoming multi-media campaign. Mayor Wolf acknowledged Chief Dunnam's and UCBO Director Cindy Cecil's involvement in TOGETHER and expressed appreciation of their efforts. CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 9, 1994 PAGE 1 ~ . • ~ ...-r 94-23 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, 'SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPRO,~ 'A~ PROCLAMATION DECLARING MARCH 1994 AS "BELIEVE IT - THEY'RE LOOKING FOR ROLE MODELS MONTH"~~MO,TION~-CARRIED: ~;~.. ., r .~.. ;` -,..~` 6. Public Comment/Questions: A~citizen expressed her belief that giving kids things isn't enough. Kids must be taught responsibility and be held accountable for their actions. She suggested that specific rules be formulated for the skateboard park and that loss of skateboard park use should be the penalty if rules aren't adhered to. Mayor Wolf explained how the skateboard park plan came about and that after proposing their idea for the park, the young people were involved in gathering information for a sizable informational booklet that was presented to Council on the viability of such a project. The youngsters will also be responsible for fundraising activities and will continue to be involved in the project. The City gave them the opportunity to work towards their goals and the community has responded with a great deal of support. 7. New Business: . a. Ordinance No. 490 - Shelly Badger explained that this ordinance brings the past year's appropriated expenditures and actual revenue into balance. ~ ' 94-24 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE 490 AMENDING THE 1993 BUDGET. MOTION CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 491 - Shelly Badger explained that this ordinance was for interim financing for Yelm's sewer project. Interim financing is necessary as grant payments are on a reimbursement • basis. Shelly introduced Mike Jones, Martin Nelson and Co., Inc. who informaed Councilmembers that the BAN (Bond Anticipation Note) was in the amount of $281,500 at an interest rate of 3.9~ per annum and due 4/1/95. Mr. Jones added that the loan may be repaid early, after 10/9/94, with 30 days notice. 94-25 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE 491 FOR THE ISSUANCE $281,500 OF SEWER PROJECT BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES. MOTION CARRIED. c. Cabaret License -, Jennee's Bar and Grill. Agnes Colombo explained that Jerry Prock, had inspected the premises and recommended approval with the stipulation that a lighted exit sign be installed over the gray door adjacent to the dance floor. 94-26 MOTION BY PATTY FORRESTER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING JENNEE'5 BAR AND GRILL CABARET LICENSE AND REQUIRING PLACEMENT OF A LIGHTED -- EXIT SIGN. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Reports: a. Planning Commission - Councilmember Parsons reported that the meeting was mostly informational and introduced the possibility of increasing the number of commission positions from nine to eleven. CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 9, 1994 PAGE 2 (~QO.~ 94-27 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER DIRECTING STAFF TO PREPARE AN pRDINANCE ADDING TWO POSITIONS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, ONE POSITION TO BE HELD BY THE CHAIR OF THE MAKE YELM ATTRACTIVE COMMITTEE AND ONE FOR A COMMUNITY MEMBER. MOTION CARRIED. Engineer's Report - Council reviewed the 2/3/94 report. Don Miller asked for clarification on the term "Grade Blow." Shelly ' Badger explained that the term was used to describe a situation where two different heights of land occurred requiring intervention to accomplish an acceptable grade. b. Parks Advisory Committee - Councilmember Forrester reported that discussion and a presentation had taken place at the meeting investigating a possible sound system for the park. The sound system representative indicated that it is possible to phase such a purchase. Also discussed at the meeting was the Park Ordinance, which should be back before Council on February 23, park restrooms and slide replacement. Mayor Wolf announced the appointment of John Huddleston the Park Board. c. Historic Commission - Agnes Colombo reported that the Historic Register Plaque for the Senior Center has been ordered. Wording for the Masonic Hall should be finalized at the February 16 meeting. New photos have been selected to be inserted as replacements in the historic publication. d. Sewer - Shelly Badger reported that Phase II collection line construction has started and that letters have been sent to the majority of property owners informing them of impending septic installation. Work will begin between Crystal Springs Street and Rhoton Road and work towards Yelm Avenue. When questioned about how it was possible for some locations to already be hooked into and using the system, Shelly Badger responded that some new construction had used STEP system compatible tanks and were able to hook-in to the system as soon as collection lines were installed. It was emphasized that these few instances are the only ones where existing septic tanks can be utilized. e. Police - Councilmember department continues to do an that he had recently testified Lawton reported that the police excellent job. Chief Dunnam reported before the legislature. f. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported that she had attended meetings or events included: Southworth Elementary School, the preschool, a staff meeting, met with EDC Director Dennis Matson. Councilmembers Miller and•Parsons and Mayor Wolf attended Water 101 where they learned that half of Olympia was still on septic systems. Mayor Wolf expressed her pride in Yelm for having taken initiative to protect CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 9, 1994 PAGE 3 ~DO~~~. their ground water; and;`r'ind"icated"'"that the probable approach for a solution would be a countywide effort:-,,Mayor Wolf also reported that _ thank you and appointment letters had been sent for membership " changes on the Civil Service Commission, Park Board and Library Board. Mayor Wolf suggested that Councilmembers interested in attending the LOTT tour on Saturday, February 26, contact Agnes. Reservations must be made prior to 2/15/94. Correspondence had been received from Dennis Matson, EDC, concerning Yelm's agreement to continue funding for services and from Senator Patty Murray congratulating Yelm on receiving a federal (sewer) grant. g. Council - Councilmember Gallagher reported that he had attended an Urban Growth Management meeting on 1/31 and would attend another this coming week. Councilmember Miller reported that he was now on Intercity Transit's External Affairs Committee and that they were looking at high capacity transit. He is promoting Sunday service for the Yelm area and a new turnout on Yelm Avenue. If successful in obtaining the turnout he will try to have a shelter installed also. He felt that Water 101 had been interesting and that water was the upcoming issue of importance and pointed out that communities had different individual needs. [7 Councilmember Parsons reported that discussion during the Water 101 .presentation indicated that we are losing rainfall at a rate of one inch every eight years and that steps needed to be taken to replace this loss . ~. 10. Executive Session - Mayor Wolf closed the regular Council meeting at 8:35 p.m. to discuss real estate. Mayor Wolf reopened the regular meeting at 9:14 p.m. • 11. Correspondence was reviewed - Mayor Wolf asked Councilmembers to read the letter from Edward Wiltsie. ' 12. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Kathryn M. Wolf, ayor ATTE -\ i " 7"~ ~ !7~.~~ _ Agne P. Colombo,. ity Clerk ' CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 9, 1994 PAGE 4