05/11/94.~ ' ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL "'~;~~„ CITY;~OF -'YELM~, ` :--t'~r•''~~k3`ar:. MINUTES;; WEDNESDAY,' MAY 11, CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1994, 7:30 PM Benda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Mayor Wolf. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Martha Parsons, Patty Forrester, Amos Lawton, Don Miller and Bob Gallagher. Visitors: Jeff Crecelius, Nisqually Valley News, Steve Craig, Margaret Heck, Elmyra Hardy, Ruth Lucas and Cindy Cecil. Pavel Mikoloski, Kerri Kroll, Frances Andrews and Freda . - Willoughby. Thelma Wallace, Ulysses Wallace, Joseph Miller, and ._~ Joycelyn Eastland. John Huddleston, Shirley Eads, Margaret Clapp, -: John Thompson, LeeAnne Campbell, Peggy Wolf and Glen Blando, Yelm . Chamber of Commerce. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ty Peterson, Glenn - ~ - Dunnam and Agnes Colombo. 2. Agenda additions/deletions. ' 94-91 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM 11,G,5, PARK MINUTES FOR 5/10/94. MOTION • CARRIED. 3. Minutes of April 27, 1994. 94-92 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING MINUTES OF APRIL 27, 1994 AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Approval of Vouchers y4-93 MOTION BY PATTY FORRESTER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 16746 - 16844 TOTALLING $1,042,674.33. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Public Hearing, CDBG Projects/Proposals continued from 4/27/94 - The regular session was closed at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Wolf and the public hearing resumed. Shelly Badger explained that~the City could submit a grant request for up to $500,000; proposed projects must benefit those qualifying as low-moderate income. Agencies must submit proposals to the City for review by 5/20/94 with selection to be made on 5/25/94. Interest areas recommended at the 5/27/94 public hearing were listed for all to see and were also provided on the back of the meeting agenda. A final list, including ideas submitted this evening, will be presented to all present to identify their top seven choices. - Additional items submitted included: a community center offering space for theater/art exhibits/educational programs/entertainment and youth needs; improved park restroom facilities; programs to promote new commercial/industrial business and to retain existing businesses; technical assistance for development outline implementation; general social services and housing for low income senior citizens. CITY COUNCIL MAY 11, 1994 PAGE 1 Being no additional comments, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing and reopened the regular session at 7:47 p.m. Copies of the combiner' lists were distributed to the for the selection process. 6. Public Hearing, (ZON/SUB8110) continued from 4/27/94 - The regular session was closed at 7:48 p.m. by Mayor Wolf and the public hearing resumed. Ty'Peterson, city planner, explained that the proposal is for a 20 lot subdivision and rezone of approximately 5 acres along Rhoton Rd. City services are available and a rezone precedent was set by rezoning the Lewis property and UCBO site on Crystal Springs Rd. Items of concern: development could limit the use of the adjoining industrial site. The developer will create a 30' wide buffer/open space with a 12' wide, 4' high berm. The Planning Commission recommended approval 'of the rezone and the subdivision with two opposing votes. Mayor Wolf inquired as to potential liability due to existing contamination at the adjoining site. Ty Peterson responded that while the site was on the Super Fund Clean-Up List all indications are that the City would not'be liable. Margaret Clapp asked if the buffer would be adequate to prevent neighbors complaints and if the developer would be required to inform potential buyers of the adjoining industrial site. Ty Peterson responded that the buffer met existing open space requirements and that disclosure was required. Ruth Lucas, owner of adjacent property to the west expressed concern, over loss of privacy due to shallow back yards. Peterson explainer that the proponent had agreed to'clear some trees and to install a mutually agreeable fence and will consider location of buildings on adjoining lots to maximize privacy. Being no additional comments, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing and reopened the regular session at 7:54 p.m. 94-94 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT SUB/ZON8110 BE APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY STAFF. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Public Comment/Questions - Mayor Wolf explained that the floor was opened and that policy is to allow no more that five individuals to speak for a maximum of three minutes each. Margaret Clapp indicated that she will be removing the barn from her property. 7. John Thompson and Frances Andrews, Committee, updated Councilmembers Chamber has been investigating and investing additional time/money to CITY COUNCIL MAY 11, 1994 Yelm Chamber of Commerce Design on the "Visioning" Process the requested Council support before the process. The process woul< PAGE 2 include 3-4 months~of `re`search with all elements of the community included. Input gained would provide tools to work with in producing development guidelines. The Chamber hopes to raise $30,000 to fund the project. Shelly Badger added that she had attended the Chamber's visioning meetings and that a lot of support and interest was generated and that Chamber members felt it important to get an initial opinion from the City Council and Planning Commission. The guidelines developed in this process could be given to new businesses to assist with building design, landscaping etc. The City's present regulations are limited. Chamber members indicated that while guidelines would add some costs for businesses it would help maintain Yelm's small town atmosphere and could be very helpful in providing consistency and quality. In putting together the guidelines care would be taken not to step on people's rights. Viewpoints offered included that this process would result in commercial and city revitalization with predictable results; that it is critical to take advantage of existing growth opportunities to attract commercial enterprises; that it is critical that direction be established and that efforts go towards goals. Council was asked to individually share their thoughts on the process and goals. 1 Councilmembers felt that this could be a valuable tool. Some concern was expressed concerning costs and protecting Yelm's small town personality. Margaret Clapp explained that the Chamber would pay for the facilitation of the Yelm Citizens Creating Design Guidelines for Yelm. It will reflect what is happening in Yelm and be a tool that the City can pass out and use to help clarify requirements. The Chamber will support the City's efforts and follow through to completion. A formal action in the form of a resolution or motion was requested. Ty Peterson expressed that the planning department is willing to work with the group on this project and recommended that it be an element of the Comprehensive Plan which directs setting goals, objectives and policy, with specific time frames, to direct the City's pursuit of design guidelines. The flexibility allowed by this type of document would be more beneficial than the more specific and inflexible form established in an ordinance. Mayor Wolf felt it important that the presentation go before the Planning Commission so both bodies could be a cohesive unit, working together on the project. CITY COUNCIL MAY 11, 1994 PAGE 3 ~~01.~~~ 94-95 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT THE CITY GRACIOUSLY ACCEPT AND SUPPORT THE CHAMBER'S PLAN FOR A COMMUNIT.~ GENERATED DESIGN POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. MOTION CARRIED. 10. a. Shelly Badger announced that one applicant for the Public Work; Director's position rnet all requirements and an offer had been made. 11. a. Councilmember Parsons reported that Bob Haugt, Owens Davies Mackie, clarified that when a public hearing is continued it would be resumed at the next meeting. Shelly Badger reported on AWC's Land Use Decision Maker training session. The City will try to obtain a copy for Council/Commission viewing. b. Police Report - Shelly Badger reported that Chief Dunnam requested support of participation in a disaster preparedness exercise scheduled for 6/3/94. Council was unanimous in their support. . c. .Library Report 4/94 - showed increased enrollment d. Mayor's Report - Mayor Wolf reported on meetings attended. Medic 1 meeting resulted in acceptance of the City's offer to provide 1/4 of the requested $65,000 and to provide payroll services for staff. Don Miller agreed to attend the Olympian/TRPC workshop on 5/6/94. e. Sewer Update - the dedication has been rescheduled for 6/30/94 at 2:00. The contractor has reported difficulties in obtaining the large commercial tanks and is therefore falling behind schedule. f. Council Report - Councilmember Gallagher requested someone to attend the UGM meeting in his place on Monday night. Councilmembe Forrester agreed to attend. g. Park Use Requests and Minutes of 5/10/94 - Mayor Wolf requeste~~ that wording for the sign at City Park be added to the next Park Board agenda 94-96 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THAT ALL PARK USE REQUESTS BE APPROVED PROVIDED THAT DAYS ALREADY SCHEDULED FOR PRAIRIE ~~ ~ DAYS REMAIN RESERVED. MOTION CARRIED. 12. Correspondence was reviewed. 13. The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 pm. a~ ~~").1,~ A 1 Ka hryn Wolf, Ma or ATTES ~~ ] C ~ ~z ~, Agne P. Colombo, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MAY 11, 1994 PAGE 4 J _,