09-22-05 SS MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005, 5:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order – Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm 2. Roll Call: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Ron Harding, Pat Fetterly ACTION 3. The agenda was approved as presented. 4. Presentations Emergency Operations Board Appointment . Todd Stancil provided background on a. state approval of Yelm’s Emergency Management Plan and federal requirements that the National Incident Management System be adopted for federal grant eligibility. Meeting these requirements resulted in repealing and replacing YMC Chapter 2.28 and adding a councilmember to the Emergency Management Board. 2005 Revenue Review . Shelly Badger reviewed revenue received year to date and b. pointed out that increased building activity resulted in some areas of revenue exceeding projections. 2006-2010 Budget Forecast Revenue/Expenditure Snapshot ,. Shelly Badger and c. Grant Beck presented and overview of the budget committee’s projections for increases in population, building activity, revenue and expenses, along with staffing and equipment needs necessary to maintain current service levels. Fire Impact Fees . Grant Beck indicated that at a previous Council meeting, SE d. Thurston Fire/EMS had briefed the Council about Fire Impact Fees and the possibility of the City collecting impact fees from new development in order to help fund the capital needs of the Fire District. Council requested a study session before the matter came before them for hearing. Mr. Beck indicated that the District had completed its capital facilities plan and created a methodology for calculating impact fees which, for 2006, would be 21.6 cents per square foot. At this rate, the average fee based on housing starts in 2005 would be $446 per house. The Council requested that the staff report and capital facilities plan be provided earlier than typical but did not believe another study session would be required. Initiative 910. Shelly Badger reviewed her staff report which outlined the Association of e. Washington Cities Board of Directors action to officially oppose I-912. The Council requested Ms. Badger prepare a resolution opposing I-912 for consideration at a public hearing to be held at the October 12, 2005, regular meeting. Mayor/Council Initiatives . Grant Beck reviewed the process for a closed record public 5. hearing with the Council. 6. New Business – None scheduled 7. Old Business – None scheduled 8. Adjourn: 7:50 pm. _____________________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: ________________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk ab/city council/2005