12-14-05 Minutes 1. 2. 3. 05-103 4. 5. YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2005 Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Ron Harding. Excused: Pat Fetterly Agenda Approval MOTION BY RON HARDING APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations - None scheduled Public Comment Debbie Moss, Thurston County, asked about activity on the Thurston Highlands site and why a Determination of Non Significance published on 10/18 didn't mention Thompson Creek. Mayor Rivas/staff responded that while there may be activity on the property, no project has been submitted to the city, and noted that when a project does come before the city, legal notification would be generated. Jim Gibson provided information concerning typical developer testing. The property/project generating the DNS legal notice on 10/18 and being questioned does not impact Thompson Creek. 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes - November 22, 2005 b. Payables: Checks 26567 - 26777 totaling $853,958.38 1) Manual Checks 26567 - 26632 totaling $9,671.17 2) Claims Checks 26634 - 26777 totaling $844,287.21 c. November Final Payroll: Checks 10008- 10112 totaling $220,971.89 d. Park Use Requests: 1) YCP, 7/15/06, 1st Baptist Church Family Fun Day, 8 am-Dusk, 200-400 attending 2) CMP, 8/5/06, Gutierrez Wedding, 12-6 pm, 75 attending 40 vehicles e. Financial Report: November 2005 End of Month 05-104 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing(s) a. Yelm Senior Multipurpose Center (CDBG Grant) Public Hearing. Mayor Rivas opened the hearing at 7:40 p.m. announcing the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing and called for a report. Fran Sherrill, Yelm Senior Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2005/12-14-05 Page 1 of5 Center director, thanked the city for acting as lead agency and allowing the Senior Center to apply for the grant. She highlighted some improvements provided at the new facility including: parking, increased from 11 to 54 spaces; ADA approved restrooms, from 2 non-ADA to 8 ADA qualified; and adequate space to allow multiple ongoing activities so classes/activities can be held in one area at the same time the main assembly area is being used for a separate function. Attendance continues to increase and new projects being planned include partnering with a neighboring school and providing volunteers to read to students, and a senior/student gardening project. Ms. Sherrill expressed interest in applying for a future grant for Phase II of the project. Reba Minton spoke indicating that 14 new members have joined the center and that 73 new individuals were served at the Thanksgiving luncheon. Increased daily attendance is estimated at 55 people per day, compared to 35 per day at the old facility. Mayor Rivas entered correspondence from Patricia Stigen and the city response into the record. Ms. Stigen has concerns about the sidewalk design/accessibility. Mayor Rivas' response assured Ms. Stigen that all city, state and federal accessibility standards were met. Councilmember Baker, liaison to the Senior Center Board, indicated that he was sure Bill Dean and the Board could come up with a solution. Gary Nichols spoke indicating that he used a cane and other aids when walking and felt that accessibility is adequate. Mr. Nichols thanked the city for supporting this project, adding that the new Senior Multi-Purpose Center is a boon to city residents and residents in the surrounding area. Ms. Sherrill indicated that the center is also able to provide transportation and an alternative entrance for Ms. Stigen. Being no additional comments, Mayor Rivas closed the hearing at 7:52 p.m. b. 2006 City ofYelm Budget Public Hearing (Continued from 11/22/05). Mayor Rivas opened the hearing at 7:52 p.m. announcing the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing. Correspondence from Steve Klein with questions about the 2006 budget was entered into the record. Mayor Rivas indicated that the questions have been responded to by staff and a copy of the responses will be provided to Council. 1) 05-105 Being no additional comments, Mayor Rivas closed the hearing at 7:55 p.m. Ordinance No. 840 Adopting the 2006 City ofYelm Budget. MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINACE NO. 840, THE 2006 CITY OF YELM BUDGET. Opposed: Councilmembers Miller and Baker providing Mayor Rivas with an opportunity to cast his first tie-breaking vote before leaving office. MAYOR RWAS' VOTE SUPPORTED ADOPTION Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2005/12-14-05 Page 2 of5 THE 2006 CITY OF YELM BUDGET. CARRIED. 8. New Business a. Ordinance No. 842 Amending the 2005 City ofYelm Budget. Staff noted that this is an annual housekeeping item and pointed out that an update increasing the ordinance amount to $147,054 was provided. Staff provided examples of reasons for changes include increased activity levels resulting in revenue and expenditure increases, service/contract increases, matching bond redemption to higher than appropriated revenue, or unrealized beginning net cash estimates. 05-106 MOTION BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 842 AMENDING THE 2005 CITY OF YELM BUDGET. CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 461 Requesting a Speed Limit Reduction on SR 507 Within Yelm City Limits to 40 Miles Per Hour. Jim Gibson reported that due to citizen action WSDOT indicated that they are considering reducing the speed limit in the area of Nisqually Estates and Hawks Landing. WSDOT requested an updated council approved resolution requesting the speed limit reduction to 40 mph. (Resolution 433,3/2004, requested a reduction to 35 mph.) The Yelm Transportation Committee reviewed the resolution and recommended presentation to council. 05-107 MOTION BY RON HARDING APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 461 REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 443 AND REQUESTING THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REDUCE THE SPEED LIMIT ON SR507 ONE MILE SOUTH OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH MILL ROAD FROM 45 TO 40 MILES PER HOUR. CARRIED. c. City ofYelm-Yelm Public Works/Teamsters Local 252 Agreement. Shelly Badger reported that on November 22nd, following collective bargaining with the City negotiating team, Yelm Public Works employees ratified the 2005- 2008 Agreement. 05-108 MOTION BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND TEASMTERS LOCAL NO. 252, FROM DECEMBER 15, 2005 THRU DECEMBER 31, 2008, GOVERNING WAGES, HOURS AND WORKING CONDITIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE YELM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. d. NisquaUy Jail Contract Addendum Authorization, (Increasing bed space from 2 to 4). Todd Stancil reported that in response to discussion during the budget process and City Council's budget allocation, a new contract addendum has been prepared increasing the total number of available prisoner beds from two to four. The addendum has been approved by the Nisqually Tribe and Yelm's City Attorney. 05-109 MOTION BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE NISQUALLY JAIL CONTRACT ADDENDUM ALLOWING THE Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2005/12-14-05 Page 3 of5 CITY OF YELM TO SECURE FOUR GUARANTEED JAIL BEDS AT THE NISQUALLY JAIL. CARRIED. 9. Old Business a. Yelm to Roy Railroad Corridor, Administrative Settlement Authorization. Shelly Badger reported that the administrative settlement allows the right-of- way certification process to be completed. Differences were due to multi- source appraisal values and a subsequent review of those values, staff recommended an administrative settlement to finalize the purchase. 05-110 MOTION BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE ADMINISTRATIVE SETTLEMENT APPROVAL FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE YELM TO ROY RAILROAD CORRIDOR. CARRIED. b. City Administrator/Department Head's Employment Agreement Renewals. Shelly Badger reported that with the review of two union contracts it was also time to review employment agreements. (Corrections were provided for pages 4 and 25 of 43.) These contracts replace existing agreements with standardized agreements. Staff recommended approval of the agreements. 05-111 MOTION BY RON HARDING APPROVING EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR RWAS AND JUDGE MEYER TO SIGN AGREEMENTS FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, CITY CLERK/I'REASURER, MUNICIPAL COURT ADMINISTRATOR, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND CHIEF OF POLICE. CARRIED. c. Nisqually River Education Project Intergovernmental Services Contract. Shelly Badger reported that this is an annual contract update for 2006 that increases funding to $1,550. A formal request was presented to City Council at the October 18, 2005 Budget Work Session. Funding provides water quality training activities for local students and attendance at the Global Rivers Student Congress where students from throughout the region discuss the state of the rivers, including Yelm Creek. 05-112 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR RWAS TO SIGN THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS (NISQUALLY RIVER EDUCATION PROJECT-NREP) FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY I-MAY 31,2006 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,550. CARRIED. d. City ofYelm/Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Services Agreementfor 2006. Shelly Badger reported that this is a renewal of the contract for tourism-related services. The 2006 funding level is $6,000. 05-113 MOTION BY RON HARDING APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE SERVICE PROVIDER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND THE YELM AREA CHAMBER Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2005/12-14-05 Page 4 of5 OF COMMERCE FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY I-DECEMBER 31,2006 IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,000. CARRIED. 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Councilmember Miller noted the Comcast increase and asked how often the city reviews the contract. Shelly Badger responded that franchise agreements are for set terms and can't be renegotiated until expiration. Councilmember Baker attended an IT meeting where nothing pertaining to Yelm or the surrounding area was discussed. Council member Harding attended Christmas in the Park and added that it was a great community event. He also attended the Yelm EDC meeting. Mayor Rivas expressed his appreciation for the farewell reception held prior to the council meeting. 11. Executive Session - None scheduled 12. Correspondence reviewed included information concerning upcoming A WC training sessions for Newly Elected Officials and the City Legislative Action Conference and a request from Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council for the 2006 Girl Scout cookie sale. 13. Adjourn: 8:25 pm Attest: Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city counciV2005/12-14-05 Page 5 of5