07-28-04 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 28,2004 1. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. . 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Pat Fetterly and Ron Harding Excused; Bob Isom. 3. Agenda Approval 04-81 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH A CHANGE TO MOVE OLD BUSINESS ITEM 9 A. FORWARD OF NEW BUSINESS ITEM 8. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- None scheduled. 5. Public Comment. Mayor Rivas asked if anyone wished to speak to the Council at the meeting, limited to 5 speakers at 3 minutes each. Diane A'cuti was given the opportunity to bring forward an issue from a previous meeting. Diane A'euti is opposed a NASCAR speedway in Yelm, referencing the 6 points in the Yelm Vision Plan as being diametrically opposed to a speedway. Felt time and energy would be better spent working on a plan based on the points of the Vision Plan. Stephany Ray, Thurston County, is opposed to a speedway. Cited the City of Yelm's web site stating that the City Council acts as a body to establish policy, treating all members equally and representing citizens equally. Took offense that there has been no public hearings or opportunities to speak out on alternative options to a speedway. Dolores Rudd, Thurston County. Feels she is being taxed without representation. Opposed to NASCAR speedway proposal represented only by those who stand to benefit financially siting potential problems; including horrendous traffic, RV parking issues, transient party atmosphere and misinformation about job opportunities represented in the proposal. Danielle Graham, Thurston County, thanked Tami Merriman and Grant Beck from Community Development and Councilmembers Harding and Fetterly for the time they spent with her answering questions. Stated that the proposal implied that it was a representation of the population but was without any public comment. Would like the City to address income issues for the City with less of a division between the Vision Plan and the NASCAR Proposal. Offered assistance in finding income sources to maintain beauty and quality of life in this area. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2004/07/28/04 page 1 of3 Michael Savoca, Rainier. Spoke to the impact of a speedway on operation of Rainier Schools. Stated his interest was that proper notice be given to local agencies and individuals as required. 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes - July 14, 2004 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 23079-23140, totaling $59,773.43 1) Manual Checks: 23079-23099, totaling $1,030.00 2) Claims Checks: 23100-23140, totaling $58-743.43 c. Preliminary Payroll July, 2004 d. Park Use Requests: YCP, 08-21-04 Local Pastors of Yelm, Rainier and Roy, Gary Duda, Family Fun Day, 9a.m.-6p.m.,100-300 . 04-62 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING . CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings - None Old Business- This item was moved forward of New Business 9. a. Ordinance 807 Clarifying the Comprehensive Plan Map by identifying areas within the SW Yelm Annexation Area as being Low-Density Residential (R- 4). This item was tabled from the July 14, 2004 meeting. Grant Beck provided a staff report clarifying the zoning of parcels of land under 40 acres within the SW Yelm Annexation Area. 04-63 MOTION BY JOE BAKER SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE 807 CLARIFYING THE ZONING OF PARCELS OF LAND UNDER 40 ACRES WITHIN THE SW YELM ANNEXATION AREA AND NOT UNDER THE OWNERSHIP OF THURSTON HIGHLANDS ASSOCIATES OF HENRY W. DRAGT ARE ZONES LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-4). CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 8. a. RESOLUTION 445 Local Improvement District No. 1 Segregation Parcel 64303600302 to Yelm Property Development. Tami Merriman reviewed the staff report dividing the original assessment equally among the newly configured parcels. 04-64 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING THE SEGREGATION OF THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT, PARCEL 64303600302 IN UTILITY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.1 TO 12 PARCELS YELM PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT. CARRIED. 8. b. ORDINANCE 809 City Policy for Water Leak Adjustment and Retaining Interest on Utility Deposits. Agnes Bennick reviewed the staff report providing staff with guidelines for managing water leak adjustments and explanation for notifying new customers on their receipt of the refundable deposit held in a non interest bearing account. 04-65 MOTION BY PAT FETTERL V, SECONDED BV JOE BAKER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 809 ESTABLISHING A WRITTEN POLICY FOR WATER LEAK ADJUSTMENT AND CLARIFYING THE CITY'S POLICV OF RETAINING INTEREST ON UTILITY DEPOSITS. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2004/07/28/04 page 2 of3 8 c. ORDINANCE 811 Time and Location of City Council Study Sessions. Agnes Bennick provided a staff report stating that this was a housekeeping item to update the Yelm Municipal Code with the new time and location for the study sessions. 04-66 MOTION BV RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 811 CHANGING THE TIME AND LOCATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSIONS. CARRIED 8 d. Resolution 446 Six Year Transportation Improvement 2005-2010. Grant Beck reviewed the staff report on the annual updates to the Six Year Transportation Plan as established by the Yelm Transportation Committee for guiding funding for a six year cycle and prioritizing projects with new construction estimates. Grant updated council on the ongoing projects. 04-67 MOTION BY PAT FETTERL V, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 446 TO ADOPT THE 2005-2010 SIX VEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN. CARRIED. Mayor Rivas thanked Councilmember Harding for his participation on the Transportation Policy Board at the Thurston Regional Planning Council. 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Councilmember Harding thanked the capacity crowd for attending the meeting. Mayor Rivas reminded.the Councilmembers of a elected officials event at the Thurston County Fairgrounds on August 4 at 6 p.m. 11. Executive Session- None 12. Correspondence was available. 13. Adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Adaln R. Rivas, Mayor Attestt]/ltu ~~ Agnes Bennick, City ClerklTreasurer Minutes: Janine A. Schnepf Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2004/07/28/04 page 3 of3