09-22-04 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2004 1. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly Bob Isom was excused. 3. 04 -82 Agenda Approval MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - Mayor Rivas read the Random Acts of Kindness Day Proclamation. 5. Public Comment - Robert Dyrsetk.. Bob's Auto Repair, expressed concern about the Sign Code being enforced equally for all businesses. He provided Council with photos of signs that he believes are not in compliance with current regulations. Staff will look into the matter and get back to Mr. Dyrsetk. Frank Marshall.. Final Faze Tanning Salon, also expressed concern about equal enforcement. The legal signage for his business is difficult to see and he credits 30% of his business to walk-in customers find his business ITom seeing the out of compliance sign. He believes that the City did not work hard enough to incorporate small business owner's participation in the Sign Code revision process. Staff will review his individual complaints and respond to Mr. Marshall. Diane D' Acuti provided detailed information about her background and requested clarification concerning an article that appeared in the Tacoma News Tribune. Mayor Rivas acknowledged that the article appeared in the paper. Danielle Graham questioned the appropriateness of using City resources . to prepare an economic development package used to promote Yelm to the International Speedway Corporation. She also stated that she had taken advantage of public disclosure laws to investigate the mayor's fmancial situation. Ms. Graham alluded that the Mayor and his family's financial relationships with local businesses means that city leadership is the handmaiden of the ClappÆdwards/Williams dynasty. 6. a. Consent Agenda Council Minutes: September 8,2004 Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2004/09-22-04 Page 1 of3 b. 1) 2) c. d. 04-83 7. 8. a. b. 04-84 c. 04-85 9. 10. Payables: Checks 23471 - 23561 totaling $336,905.66 Manual Checks: 23471 - 23497 totaling $1,265.00 Claims Checks: 23498 - 23561 totaling $335,640.66 Payroll: Final, September 2004 Park Use Requests YCP, Yelm Chamber Circus, 5/22/05, All day, 500 +/- MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) - None Scheduled New Business Withdrawn from Agenda prior to the meeting. Resolution No. 447, Building, Plan Review, Sign, Plumbing, and Mechanical Permit Fees. Mayor Rivas requested a staff report. Gary Carlson explained that the recently adopted International Codes did not include provisions for establishing permit fees. This resolution readopts the fees established under the previous codes. The resolution also provides for collection of Hearings Examiners fees from applicants. MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING RESOLUTION 447 SETTING BUILDING CODE, PLAN REVIEW, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES, AND PROVIDING FOR APPLICANT BILLING FOR HEARINGS EXAMINER FEES. CARRIED. Resolution 448, Temporary Community Event Signs. Mayor Rivas requested a staff report. Grant Beck reported that this resolution establishes advertising provisions for temporary community events that are sponsored by community oriented nonprofit organizations as referenced by Yelm's Sign Code. MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING RESOLUTION 448 IDENTIFYING COMMUNITY EVENTSANDSPONSORSQUALI~NGFORTEMPORARY COMMUNITY EVENT ADVERTISING. CARRIED. Old Business - None Scheduled Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Councilmember Miller attended an event at Rosemont Retirement Center. Councilmember Harding attended Rosemont and the Patriot Day community event. Councilmember Fetterly attended the Patriot Day event and has an upcoming Nisqually River Council meeting. Mayor Rivas requested Councilmember Harding to host the Mayors' Forum on October 1. The slated topic for discussion is banning Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city cOUDciV2004/09-22-04 Page 2of3 · fireworks in all of Thurston County. An informal poll found councilmember in opposition to this position, as it hurts the community groups that earn money operating fireworks stands inside the City and because the individuals that support those stands would just buy fireworks at unregulated stands. A non-elected position opening for a representative from south county on the Thurston County EMS Council was announced. Councilmember Harding will submit a recommendation. 11. Executive Session - Mayor Rivas closed the regular meeting at 8: 15 and announced that Council would be going into an executive session for approximately 30 minutes to consider the acquisition of real estate. Staff was directed to prepare correspondence as discussed 12. Correspondence reviewed included the online availability of a Transportation Issues Brochure. 13. Adjourn: 9:00 p.m. "'- '(/ AdaniEUvas,Mayor Attest: (' t /J1l1A1L ' · Jkfu~-Š~hn~f, Deputy City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2004/09-22-04 Page 30f3