787 Add Approp and Dist. of MoniesCITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 787 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Yelm amending the 2003 City of Yelm Budget, adopted by Ordinance No. 772 (12/02), by adding appropriations for interfund transfer and distribution of monies between Funds 204, 99 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve, and 415, State Revolving Loan (SRL3118) Payment and Reserve and declaring an effective date. WHEREAS, Council approved Resolution 434, authorizing the City of Yelm to receive a Department of Ecology State Revolving Loan to refinance Sewer Revenue Bonds issued in 1994; and WHEREAS, the SRL agreement requires an independent fund to account for loan repayments and reserve amounts; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The 2003 City of Yelm Budget shall be amended by creation of appropriations in Funds 204 and 415 as follows: Approving appropriations for transfer of accumulated 1994 Revenue Bond Reserves of $104,118 in Fund 204 to Fund 415 and Approving appropriations for distribution of said reserves in Fund 415 as follows: Principal Payment Appropriation $40,000; Interest Payment Appropriation $13,000; Reserve Appropriation $51,000 Section 2. Ratify and Confirmation Clause -Any action taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to the effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed. PASSEC~ anb signed in authentication on this 11th day of September, 2003 Adary~ Rives, Mayor M l Authenticated: ~ ' ' ~ ~~ }~ ~ ` . ~t, gnes P. Bennick, City Clerk Effective: September 24, 2003 Published: September 19, 2003 City of Yelm Ordinance No. 787 Page 1 of 1 ab\legal\2003