775 Amend Yelm Development RegulationsCITY OF YELM ORDINANCE N0.775 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, AMENDING the Yelm Development regulations including: the Zoning Code (Title 17 YMC); the City's implementation of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 14.04 YMC); Concurrency Management (Chapter 15.40 YMC); Subdivision Application and Review Procedures (Chapter 16.12 YMC); and the Development Guidelines for the City of Yelm. WHEREAS, The Growth Management Act (GMA), Chapter 36.70A RCW, requires certain Counties and the Cities located within those Counties adopt Comprehensive Plans and development regulations which are guided by the GMA's goals and which meet the GMA's requirements. Thurston County and the City of Yelm are required to plan pursuant to the GMA; and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on the proposed amendments on November 18, 2002. After receiving public testimony and deliberating on the proposed amendments to the development regulations, the Planning Commission recommended unanimously that the City Council adopt the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm Responsible Official determined that the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County addressed the potential environmental impacts of the proposed amendments to the development regulations and adopted the FEIS. This adoption fulfils the City's responsibility for environmental review pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW; and WHEREAS, The measures adopted by this Ordinance are consistent with the Growth Management Act and other governing laws and are reasonably related to the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, The measures adopted by this Ordinance are consistent with the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoption: In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 37.70A Revised Code of Washington, the Yelm City Council does hereby adopt amendments to the Yelm Zoning Code, Title 17 Yelm Municipal Code. Ordinance No. 775 Page 1 of 19 Section 2. Title 17 YMC, Zoning Code, is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 17.06 -Definitions 17.06.080 Acreage or area, gross. "Gross area" or "gross acreage" means all land within the exterior boundaries of the development, including, but not limited to all land allocated for open space, critical areas, buffers, streets, roads, public and private rights-of-way and easements, including all utility easements. 17.06.390 Kennel. "Kennel" means any place where more than six adult dogs armor cats, or other canines or felines, ,are kept fe~ser~~ersia-4 . by persons providina facilities for breedina. and the offsprina thereof are sold for profit: or where such animals are received for care. training and boarding for compensation: but not including a small animal hospital. clinic, pet shop. or a hobby kennel as defined by Chapter 6.08 YMC. 17.06.600 Parcel. "Parcel" ~; e~ .+~-~ReN~s~;e~~ '~~-I~eses-is ere-#1~e r~n~ntF~i _i cc~~{in~ n~j~rpaa riJ~j ~+f 4 h e n ~ ~ m h ocr of ~~ v n ~ rn~ n~4L,~~~ "' `7 ~~" `~9 "•7 `^ means a lot or tract of land created in accordance with the Chapter 58.17 RCW and Title 16 YMC and intended as a unit for the purpose. whether immediate or future. of transfer of ownership. If the parcel was not created pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and the Title 16 YMC, the external boundaries existing as of December 31y 1992, shall be used to establish what is a parcel for the purposes of this code. For parcels which have not been conveyed since that date. the legal description used in the conveyance closest to that date shall control. Ordinance No. 775 Page 2 of 19 17.06.682 Setback. "Setback" means the distance between any building foundation and the adjacent facing lot line. 17.06.685 Site plan review committee. "Site plan review committee" means a committee composed of the si~y ercommunity development director, who shall serve as chairs of the committee, r"~m+~~ ~rlminic~+r~+nr~ +{„ ni+„ • ~ the city engineer. and the building official, or their designees. New Section Temporary Use. A commercial land use limited in scope. duration, and intensity. Chapter 17.09 -Zoning Districts and Boundaries 17.09.045 Allowable Density. When calculating the number of dwelling units allowed on a parcel. the gross area is used and the subsequent number of units is rounded to the first significant digit. Chapter 17.39 - Industrial/VVarehouse District Delete entire chapter. Chapter 17.40 -Industrial District 17.40.020 Permitted uses. A. Specific types permitted in the industrial district include: 1. Public buildings and uses, including shops and public safety facilities. 2. Industrial activities involving the manufacture, assembly, repair, servicing of goods or products. Such goods or products may include, but are not limited to: Ordinance No. 775 Page 3 of 19 a. Mechanical, automotive, marine and contractors' or builders' equipment and supplies, b. Concrete, cement, asphalt, building materials and supplies, c. Electrical and electronic equipment or products; 3. Industrial activities involving the assembly of manufactured products, re-manufacturing/ recycling and processing of materials. Such products may include, but are not limited to: a. Wood products, including furniture, b. Metal, cans, cable and pipe, c. Plastics and synthetic materials, d. Concrete products, e. Cloth, paper, f. Commercial bakery goods, g. Cosmetics or other products for personal use, h. Agricultural or dairy products, i. Scientific, medical and precision instruments and equipment, j. Livestock rendering facility, k. Auto wrecking yards. 4. Other uses: a. Power generation, distribution or supply, b. Warehousing and storage of equipment, commodities and products, c. Gas and petroleum processing or distribution, d. Laundry and dry cleaning plants, e. Care and/or sale of livestock; Ordinance No. 775 Page 4 of 19 5. Accessory uses clearly subordinate to, and an integral part of, the primary use of the property (e.g., plant cafeteria, recreation area); 6. Commercial uses or activities which complement the permitted uses such as: a. Service stations. b. Hardware stores. 7. Livina or residential quarters as an accessory use such as auards' uarters in larae establishments where such auarters are customarily provided for security and/or insurability of the premises. B. Similar or related uses permitted, and criteria for determination of similarity or relatedness as follows: 1. Uses similar to, or related to, or compatible with those listed or described in subsection 17.40.020(A) are permitted upon a finding by the approval authority and/or the site plan review committee that a proposed use does not conflict with the intent of this chapter or the policies of the Yelm development plan; 2. The criteria for such finding of similarity, etc., shall include but not be limited to the following: a. The proposed use is appropriate in this area, b. The development guidelines for permitted uses can be met by the proposed use, c. The public need is served by the proposed use. C. Special uses may be permitted as provided for in Chapter 17.66 of this title. D. On-site and off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as an accessory use to any activity lawfully allowed in this zone, provided that such facilities meet the state siting criteria adopted pursuant to the requirements of RCW 70.105.210. Ordinance No. 775 Page 5 of 19 Chapter 17.60 -Planned Residential Development 17.60.125 Refuse Areas. A. Refuse container screenina shall be reauired and be of a material and design compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure. shall be a least as hiah as the refuse container. and shall in no case be less than six feet hiah. B. No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a buildin . C. Refuse collection areas shall be designed to contain all refuse generated on site and deposited between collections. Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. 17.60.190 Final review and approval--Application--Required documentation. The applicant shall submit at least seven copies of the application for final review and approval of the PRD to the {~a~+ag-community development department for its review. The application for final review and approval shall comply with the conditions imposed on the preliminary approval. In addition, if the PRD is being immediately subdivided, the data required of regular plats as required by the subdivision ordinance must be submitted. The application shall include the following: A. Final elevation and perspective drawings of project structures; B. Final landscaping plan; C. Final plans of and including profiles of the drainage, water, sewer, lighting, streets and sidewalks or pathways; D. Such other documentation, information and data not lending itself to graphic presentation such as restrictive covenants, incorporation papers and bylaws of Homeowners' Associations, dedications of easements, rights-of-way and other conditions specifically required by the approval authority for the particular PRD Ordinance No. 775 Page 6 of 19 No final PRD application shall be deemed acceptable for filing unless all of the above information is submitted in accurate and complete form sufficient for the purposes of gcommunity development department review. After receiving the final PRD application, the Wig-community development department shall route the same to all appropriate city departments, and each department shall again submit to the Wig-community development department comments and recommendations. If the city departments determine that the final PRD application conforms fully with all applicable regulations and standards, the final PRD application shall be presented to the city council for final approval. Chapter 17.61 -Townhouse Development 17.61.040 O. Refuse Areas. 1. Refuse container screenina shall be reauired and be of a material and desian compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure. shall be a least as hiah as the refuse container. and shall in no case be less than six feet hiah. 2. No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a buildina. 3. Refuse collection areas shall be desianed to contain all refuse aenerated on site and deposited between collections. Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. Chapter 17.62 -Master Plan Development 17.62.060 Master plan approval. A. Purpose. The master plan shall consist of map(s) and text which indicate major development features and services for the entire site, including a schedule indicating phasing of development and the means of financing services for the site. Ordinance No. 775 Page 7 of 19 B. Review. A complete master plan for the entire master plan area shall be submitted within ##ree--ten 10 years of conceptual approval unless an extension has been granted pursuant to Section 17.62.070. The master plan shall be reviewed by the hearina examiner and a recommendation submitted to the city council for final action. The ' hearina examiner shall not recommend approval of a master plan unless the nnmmic~einr~ examiner has conducted a public hearing pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 and it is determined that said plan is consistent with the conceptual approval and complies with the policies of the comprehensive plan, the purposes of Section 17.62.020, and the provisions of this chapter. The hearina examiner may recommend terms and conditions of approval, and require the provision, and further public review, of additional information and analyses in order to insure such compliance. In addition, the hearina examiner may propose changes in the proposed master plan or the proposed zoning on the basis of information presented in the course of master plan review, as long as the changes are consistent with applicable city plans and policies. Changes not consistent with city plans and policies may be made only if conceptual approval or other plans or policies are first amended accordingly. Chapter 17.69 -Home Occupations 17.69.090 Appeal procedure. Any person aggrieved by the determination of the city clerk to grant a home occupation permit may appeal such determination to the ~ ' Hem Examiner. en„ norcnn onnrievorl by+hc rlc+crmin~4inn of rho nib" r•n~innil fn rrr~n~ rennneir~cro~inn of ~,,,.h ~o+or,.,,,in,+inn Any appeal made pursuant to this section shall be in writing and filed with the city clerk within thirty days from the date of the determination being appealed, and shall contain a complete statement of the grounds upon which such appeal is based. Any appeal filed in compliance with Ordinance No. 775 Page 8 of 19 this section pertaining to the revocation of a home occupation permit shall stay the revocation of such permit pending reconsideration by the city council. New Chapter 17.70 -Temporary Uses 17.70.010 Applicability. Temporary events and uses that are of low impact (being limited in scope. intensity and duration). 17.70.020 Purpose. To identify temporary uses which are low-impact and limited-duration activities that would otherwise be subiect to a site plan review approval. site improvements, and connection to sewer and water. 17.70.030 Temporary Uses. A. The following temporary uses may be authorized. subiect to specific limitations in this section and such additional conditions as may be established by the site plan review committee: 1. Contractor's offices. eauipment storage sheds and storage yards. and portable lavatories on the site of a permitted. active construction project. for a duration not exceeding one year. 2. Circuses carnivals rodeos fairs or similar transient amusement or recreational activities. 3. Christmas tree sales lots and fireworks stands, limited to location on lots not used for residential purposes in commercial or industrial zones. 4. Indoor or outdoor sales sponsored by schools or other nonprofit or anizations for no more than three days per event and no more than four times in any calendar year. 5. Seasonal sale of unprossessed agricultural products. limited to location on lots not used for residential purposes in commercial zones which are improved to current city standards Ordinance No. 775 Page 9 of 19 6. Fund raising car washes. 7 Uses found by the Site Plan Review Committee to be similar in nature and impacts to those listed temporary uses. B. Standards for Temporary Uses. 1 Each site occupied by a temporary use shall be left free of debris litter or other evidence of temporary use upon completion of the use. 2. A temporary use shall not occupy more than 15% of the parking spaces reauired for the primary use of the property. 3. Temporary uses must provide sufficent off-street parking and vehicular maneuvering area for customers. 4. No temporary use shall occupy parks without an approved park use reauest or any public rights-of-way. 5. The site plan review committee may establish such additional conditions as may be deemed necessary to ensure land use compatibility and to minimize potential impacts on nearby uses. These include. but are not limited to. conditions regulating the time and freauencv of operation. parking and traffic circulation reauirements. screening. and site restoration. Chapter 17.80 -Landscaping Requirements 17.80.070 Species choice. The applicant shall utilize plant materials that are drought resistant and complement the natural character of the Pacific Northwest. 17.80.090 Performance assurance. A. The required landscaping must be installed prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy unless the approval authority or site plan review committee determines that a pertormance assurance device, for a period of not more than one year, will adequately protect the interest of the city. Ordinance No. 775 Page 10 of 19 In no case may the property owner/developer delay performance for more than one year. B. The city may accept, as an alternative to a performance assurance device, a contractual agreement or bond between the owner/developer and a licensed landscape architect, Washington-certified nurseryman or Washington-certified landscaper, along with a rider or endorsement specifically identifying the city as a party to the agreement for purposes of enforcement. Nothing in this alternative shall be interpreted to in any way modify the conditions of subsection 17.80.090(A). C. If a performance assurance device or evidence of a similar device is required under subsections 17.80.090(A, B), the approval authority shall determine the specific type of assurance device required in order to insure completion of the required landscaping in accordance with the approved landscaping plan. The value of this device must equal one hundred fifty percent of the estimated cost of the landscaping to be performed, and shall be utilized by the city to perform any necessary work, and to reimburse the city for documented administrative costs associated with action on the device. If costs incurred by the city exceed the amount provided by the assurance device, the property owner shall reimburse the city in full, or the city may file. a lien against the subject property for the amount of any deficit. D. If a performance assurance device or evidence of a similar device is required under subsections 17.80.090(A, B), the property owner shall provide the city with an irrevocable notarized agreement granting the city and its agents the right to enter the property and perform any required work remaining undone at the expiration of the assurance device. E. Upon completion of the required landscaping by the property owner, at or prior to expiration of the assurance device, the city shall promptly release the performance assurance device or evidence thereof. Ordinance No. 775 Page 11 of 19 F. The owner/developer of anv project reauirina site plan review approval. subdivision approval. or short subdivision approval shall provide a performance assurance device in order to provide for maintenance of the reauired landscapina until the tenant or homeowners association becomes responsible for landscapina maintenance. The performance assurance device shall be 150% of the anticipated cost to maintain the landscapina for three (31 years. Chapter 17.84 -Site Plan Review 17.84.010 Generally--Committee membership. A. Site plan review and approval shall be required prior to the use of land or building for the location of any commercial, industrial or public building or activity, including environmental checklist review, and for the location of any .building in which more than two dwelling units would be contained. Additionally, site plan review shall be required for any allowed, regulated or special use activity on lands containing a wetland or wetland buffer areas pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 14.08. B. Exemptions from site plan review and approval shall be granted by the site plan review committee if: 1. there-There is no addition of square feet or no additional tenant; ae or the expansion is for storage only (future conversion of storage area would require compliance with this chapter). 2. -a~4The proposed use is similar as classified by the Standard Industrial Code Classification Manual 3. the buildina has been occupied within the previous 18 months. C. An application, in completed form, shall be filed for site plan review and approval with the community development department. An application shall not be in completed form under this section if it fails to contain any of the information and material required under Section 17.84.060. Ordinance No. 775 Page 12 of 19 D. The site plan review committee shall consist of the following members: the community development director, who shall serve as chain the city enaineer. and the building official, or their designees. 17.84.040 Appeal of decision to ' Hearing Examiner. Appeals of all site plan review decisions may be taken to the ~ hem examiner in accordance with Chapter 15.49 of the Yelm Municipal Code. Chapter 17.93 -Nonconforming Uses 17.93.030 Abandonment or discontinuance. A nonconforming use shall be deemed abandoned by discontinuance or abandonment for a period of eighteen consecutive months, and any subsequent future use of such land or buildings shall be in conformity with the provisions of this title. Section 3. Chapter 14.04 Yelm Municipal Code, State Environmental Policy Act, is hereby amended as follows: 14.04.030 Designation of responsible official. For those proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall be the community development director of the city of Yelm. For all proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall make the threshold determination, supervise scoping and preparation of any required environmental impact statement (EIS), and perform any other functions assigned to the lead agency or responsible official by those sections of the SEPA Rules adopted by reference in the ordinance codified in this chapter. The city shall retain all documents required by the SEPA Rules and make them available in accordance with Chapter 42.17 RCW. Ordinance No. 775 Page 13 of 19 Section 4. Chapter 15.40 Yelm Municipal Code, concurrency Management, is hereby amended as follows: 15.40.020 Process A. Whenever a reviewing authority is asked to consider the approval of a division of land for sale or lease or the approval of a site plan, the reviewing official shall make a written determination of concurrency in connection with facilities proposed or available for the project. B. With respect to each of the public facilities identified above, concurrency shall be established and determined as follows: 1. Sewer. a. The project is within an area approved for sewer pursuant to the adopted sewer comprehensive plan for the city; b. Improvements necessary to provide city standard facilities and services are present or are on an approved and funded plan to assure availability in time to meet the needs of the proposed development. Yelm Municipal Code 15.40.030 2. Water. a. The project is within an area approved for municipal water service pursuant to the adopted water comprehensive plan for the city; b. Improvements necessary to provide city standard facilities and services are present or are on an approved and funded plan to assure availability in a time to meet the needs of the proposed development. 3. Parks. The project meets the requirements of the city fee-in-lieu requirements for parks, Chapter 14.12 YMC. 4. Schools. The project sponsor provides a letter from the local school district that the school facilities ,impacted by the proposed Ordinance No. 775 Page 14 of 19 development are present, or are on an approved and funded plan, to assure that facilities will be available to meet the needs and impacts of the proposed development. 5. Transportation. a. The project makes on-site and frontage improvements, consistent with city standards for utilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bicycle lanes where appropriate, and roads necessary to serve the proposed project consistent with safety and public interest; b. The project makes such off-site facility improvements, not listed on the capital facilities plan, as are necessary to meet city standards for the safe movement of traffic and pedestrians attributable to the project. Where a developer is required to oversize an off-site facility for a project by more than 10 percent of the need generated by the proposed project, the city may consider a developer reimbursement contract as authorized by state law; c. The project makes a contribution to the facilities relatina to capacity improvements identified in e#~t° ^^mnrohoncivo the adopted six vear traffic improvement rp oaram, in the form of a transportation facility charge calculated pursuant to Section 15.40.020 lB)(5)(d) YMC --._..... _.._ ..---~ -~-- ~ -~. _, _. ~_ r~.... ... .......... .,.~.,....... ......... > > 4hor^in hi t~ n^+ ~^ ^vi.^^rl +ho cahen+ ^~f n^4^n4i~l ~~aiinr~c. ~^ u ~a.~ vn ^, ~~ d. Table 15.40.020(5)(d) and Appendix A* to the ordinance codified in this chapter is the traffic report identifying the Ordinance No. 775 Page 15 of 19 transportation facility charge for the six-year road program in place at the date of the adoption of said ordinance. Such traffic report is to be updated no less than annually, by July 1'st, of each year; provided, however, the plan in effect shall remain in effect until a successor plan is fully adopted. 15.40.030 Determination and payment of the transportation facility charge. A. The transportation facility charge shall be based on the per peak-hour trip rate identified in the report from transportation trip calculations based on a transportation report consistent with city standards. B. City standards shall include: 1. Standard transportation assumptions as identified in Table 15.40.030(6)(1), Trip Generation Rate Default Values, P.M. Peak Hour; 2. For facilities not on the standard transportation assumptions, the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation Manual for the most recent year; 3. For projects with nontraditional peak hour impacts or different from standard projects modeled in said Table 1, a special report, based on .generally accepted traffic engineering principles may be submitted and considered. C. Credits shall be given to reflect the. projected impact on the community system such as, traffic decreases where an existing facility on-site is removed or replaced, and traffic reduction systems which are binding and likely to remain effective for the life of the project. D. Credits may also be given for projects which create a significant economic benefit to the community, including industrial or manufacturing uses with an excess of 500 trips per day. The size of the credit shall be measured at an appropriate percentage of the anticipated annual tax revenue increase to the community and available for capital contribution to transportation Ordinance No. 775 Page 16 of 19 facilities on the approved plan as a result of the project. The said credit shall be calculated as detailed in Table 15.40.030(D), Formula for Calculating TFC Credits. Table 15.40.030(D) Formula for Calculating TFC Credits 1. Estimated gross revenue for six years. 2. Multiply gross revenue by 0.2 percent (B and O tax). 3. Multiply gross revenue subject to sales tax by 1.5 percent (city share of state sales tax). 4. Add products of 2 and 3 above. 5. Multiply total from line 4 by nine percent (percentage of tax revenue budgeted to city road fund). 6. Multiply product from line 5 by 28 percent (percentage of money in the road fund that is designated as private share for projects on the TFC). E. Payment of the transportation facility charge shall be as follows: 1. For projects involving the division of land for sale or lease: upon the issuance of a building permit for construction of each lot of record, for the traffic attributable to that lot; 2. For projects approved through site plan review: upon the issuance of the building permit authorizing the construction of any phase, for the traffic associated with that phase. 3. For proiects approved throuah site plan review which do not include a list of tenants at the time of approval: upon the issuance of the buildina permit for the tenant improvements. if reauired. or otherwise upon the issuance of the business license, for the traffic associated with that tenant. Ordinance No. 775 Page 17 of 19 Section 5. Chapter 16.12 Yelm Municipal Code, Subdivision Application and Review Procedures, is hereby amended as follows: 16.12.300 Hearing examiner review. Upon receipt of all required administrative approvals, the community development director shall forward any proposed ' a~large lot subdivision of five or more lots to the hearing examiner for appropriate action. The hearing examiner shall review and render a decision regarding such large lot subdivision. 16.12.310 Council review. Upon receipt of the all reauired administrative approvals. the community development director shall forward anv proposed final full plat to the city council fog appropriate action. ' ~h~n r~roccn+ +ho .,~~+ +„ +he ,.,+„ ,.~,,..,.,~. Upon finding that the final plat has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this title and that all required improvements have been completed or that arrangements or contracts have been entered into to guarantee that such required improvements will be completed, and that the interests of the city are fully protected, the city council shall approve and the mayor shall sign the final plat and accept dedications as may be included thereon. The mayor shall immediately return the final plat to the city clerk/treasurer for filing for record with the county auditor. Section 6. The Development Guidelines for the City of Yelm are amended as found in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Section 7. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance or the application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Ordinance No. 775 Page 18 of 19 Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. by the Yelm City Council on this 26th day of March, 2003. am`Rivas, Mayor AUTHENTICATED: ~/ -~ `~~, Agn P. Bennick, City Clerk c PASSED and APPROVED: March 26, 2003 PUBLISHED: Nisqually Ual/ey News, April 4, 2003 Ordinance No. 775 Page 19 of 19 EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE NO. 775 Change references to the Director of Public Works to City Engineer and Public Works to Community Development, where appropriate. 3.010 Standard Specifications Change the list of adopted reference documents from specific editions to the latest edition. 3.110 Utility Locations Right of Way Permits B. Permit Appeal. Any person, firm or corporation feeling aggrieved by the decision of the City Engineer as to the granting of a permit may file an appeal pursuant to Section 15.49.160 YMC o~ui-cv #inn fnrFh hic• o.~c nn nr ro~~~n~ fnr c ~ ~nh a~ t ~-se -ram„-o,-T~,~-ten 3.150 Annexation Requirement Delete entire section. 46.030 Functional Classification City streets are divided into boulevards, major arterials, urban arterials, commercial and neighborhood collectors, local access commercial, and residential streets and alleys in accordance with regional transportation needs, the functional use of each serves and Transportation Policy No 11. Function is the controlling element for classification and shall govern Right-of-Way, road width, and road geometrics. The following list is provided to assist the developer in determining the classification of a particular street. Streets not listed are classified as residential local access streets. New streets will be classified by the Exhibit A -Ordinance No. 775 Page 1 of 7 City. The intersection commonly known as Five Corners is described as Yelm Ave. (SR 507)/Bald Hill Rd. SE/Morris Rd. SE/NE Creek St./SR 507. Boulevard Swale or w/Central Island Berry Valley Road SW (beyond commercial section through SW Yelm annexation area) Major Arterials First Street (from Y-1/Y-2 intersection to Yelm Avenue) Killion Road extension (so. to Berry Valley Road to Boulevard section) Y-1 (SR-510) Y-2 (SR-507) Urban Arterial Yelm Avenue East and West Bald Hills Road (Y-9 improvements) Canal Road (including Y-3 improvements) First Street (north of Yelm Avenue) Stevens-Coates Connector (Y-4 improvements) Commercial Collectors Creek Street SE Edwards Street NW (from Yelm Avenue to Coates Street SE) Killion Road NW (adjacent to commercially zoned areas) Morris Road SE N. P. Road NW Rhoton Road NW (from NE First Street to NW Rhoton Court) Stevens Avenue NW West Road SE 103rd Street NE (from Yelm Avenue to NE Creek Street) Neighborhood Collectors Burnett Road SE Clark Road SE Coates Street SE Crystal Springs Road (including Y-6 improvements-upon opening of Y-3 west) Cullens Road Killion Road NW Middle Road SE Mill Road SE Mosman Avenue SE Mosman Avenue SW Mountain View Road NW Neighborhood Collectors continued - Exhibit A -Ordinance No. 775 Page 2 of 7 Ordway Drive Railway Street SE Rhoton Road NW (from NW Rhoton Court to Canal Rd. SE) Southwest Access (Y-7 improvements) Vancil Road SE Wilkensen Road 93rd Avenue SE 105th Avenue Local Access Commercial Edwards Street SW (from Yelm Avenue to Mosman Avenue) Jefferson Avenue NE Jefferson Avenue NW Jones Street SE Longmire Street SW (to Jones Street) Mckenzie Avenue SE (from SR 507 to Second Street) Railroad Street NW Rice Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Solberg (Jefferson to Coates) Van Trump Street Second Street SE Solberg Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Third Street SE (from Jones Street SE to NE Jefferson Avenue) Local Access Residential Flume Road SE Fourth Street SE Longmire Street SW (to Jones Street) 100th Way SE 103rd Street NE (from NE Creek Street to Canal Road SE) All remaining roadways within the Yelm UGA 6.110 Backflow Prevention All water system connections to serve buildings or properties with domestic potable water, fire sprinkler systems, or irrigation systems shall comply with the minimum backflow requirements as established by the Department of Health (DOH) and the City of Yelm. The installation of all backflow devices is required to protect the existing water system and users from possible contamination. Public Works shall get the certificate for testing of any backflow prevention device before releasing the certificate of occupancy on any building. Test may Exhibit A -Ordinance No. 775 Page 3 of 7 be performed by any person holdina a current backflow tester certificatesert+f~ed ti~~~~^i~~~~c~~c Rn~rr! of uo~~+h A list of approved testers may be obtained from Washington Environmental Training Resource Center (WETRC) located in Auburn, Washington. Yelm Fire District No. 2 will test the fire line and obtain the certificate for underground piping. In any situation, Yelm Fire District No. 2 will not test their portion of underground until Public Works has tested and approved their main up to the fire line. 48.070 Private Streets See definition of private street in Section 3.025. A. Private streets within City limits shall not be allowed except when approved by the City and when all conditions of this section are met. B. Private streets will not be allowed when: 1. The proposed street is connected to two public streets. 2. The intersection of the proposed street with another street is signalized. (150. LF of the private street starting from the Right-of- Way will then be required to be a public roadway). 3. The street could be used as a thoroughfare or "short cut". 4. It would not be in the best interest of the public due to a threat to the public's safety, health, and welfare. C. Private streets may be allowed under the following conditions: 1 . sa#+s' ^smmea ~+ -r ..~Ted im : ~ ~ ~' ~ , ~ - p c~ ~Te s~ , e a~ppl+sa~eThe private street is permanently established by tract or easement orovidina leaal access. includina provisions for future use by adjacent orooertv owners. when applicable, and Exhibit A -Ordinance No. 775 Page 4 of 7 2. If the arivate street serves nine (9) or fewer dwellina units, it shall require a minimum 30-foot paved surface, and have a sidewalk 4 feet in width constructed to Citv standards. 1=1YY'QtC Jti-l:e~.~ ~ ~I~i_f~rv~ihi nr rr~nhilo hnmo~ III nn nno n~rnol ~h~ll and 3. Accessible at all times for emergency and public service vehicle use, and 4. Will not result in landlocking of present or future parcels nor obstruct public street circulation, and 5. Covenants have been approved, recorded, and verified with the City which provide for maintenance of the private streets and associated parking areas by the owner or homeowners association or other legal entity. D. Acceptance as Public Streets. Acceptance of private streets as public streets will be considered only if the street(s) meet all applicable public street standards, including Right-of-Way widths, walks, drairiage, lighting, and pavement composition. 4B.080 Street Frontage Improvements C. Frontage Improvement Deferrals. In certain circumstances it may not be appropriate to require installation of frontage improvements at the time a development occurs. In such situations, the City may permit deferral of installation of such improvements to a later date under the provisions of this section. The City may authorize a deferral of any or all required frontage improvements as defined by these Standards, provided one or more of the following criteria are met: • The design grade and alignment of the abutting street cannot be determined at the time of construction of the development. Exhibit A -Ordinance No. 775 Page 5 of 7 • The installation of frontage improvements required for the development would create or intensify a hazard to public safety. • The installation of required frontage improvements would be inconsistent with the City's long-range street and utility system comprehensive plans. • The installation of frontage improvements required in paragraph A of this section could be more safely, efficiently and effectively implemented if done concurrently with the installation of improvements required for other properties along the same street frontage. • The scope of the improvement being authorized by the permit does not constitute a significant change in the existing demands of the use of property upon the City's transportation and utility transmission systems. Any deferred frontage improvement shall be secured for installation at a later date by one of the following methods selected by the City. 1. Commitment to Participate in a Local Improvement District. The property owner shall execute and record a covenant document that insures the participation of the subject property owner(s) in any local improvement district formed for the construction of such frontage improvements. Said document shall be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and shall be effective for a period of fifteen (15) years from the date of recording. If the developer chooses to participate in a Local Improvement District, the document shall include an aareement that the subiect propertv owner(s) shall construct reauired frontaae improvements when directed by the Public Works Director at anv time within the effective life of the covenant document. The Public Works Director shall reauire frontaae im rovements to be installed by the subiect propertv owners(sl when the street is improved by fundina methods other than a Local Improvement District. 2. Payment in Lieu of Installation. The property owner shall pay to the City an .amount equal to the estimated value of the required frontage Exhibit A -Ordinance No. 775 Page 6 of 7 improvements as determined by the Public Works Director. Such amount shall be deposited into a municipal fund account reserved for the financing of such improvement. Such payment shall be refunded in full, plus interest to the successor in interest in the property should the City not install the required frontage improvements within five (5) years form the date such payment is made. Amend the following detail sheets: Drawing 6-1:5/8" Single Meter Service Drawing 6-2: 5/8" Dual Meter Service Drawing 6-3: 1 ~/2" to 2" Meter Service Drawing 6-4.1: 2 Inch Blow-Off Assembly Drawing 6-5: 3" - 4" - 6" Water Meter Drawing 6-8: 2" Air and Vacuum Release Valve Drawing 6-9: 2" Blowoff Assembly Drawing 6-11: Standard Valve Box Exhibit A -Ordinance No. 775 Page 7 of 7 ED EQUAL) PRO A * ENVIRONMENT METER. BOX LID TYPE . V P (OR * BCF-1416 12RL MIDSTATES CONCRETE BROOKS , SIDEWALK SERIES 36 CONCRETE. CONCRETE OR FOG TITE B9H CONCRETE *BROOKS DRIVEWAY SERIES `36 CAST IRON & OTHER CONCRETE TRAFFIC DOVER SERVICE SADDLE TRAFFC OR ROMAC 202S OR AREAS FOG TITE 69H ROCKWELL 313 tAETER BOX *CARSON *CARSON z EARTH SERIES 1419-B PLASTIC 1419 ~ " PLASTIC READER L1D FORD GRIP JOJNT i z 1 W CORPt?RA770N' STOP' TYPE ~;FB i]ai 3 14" 1 ° PLASTIC LINE. {USE 200 PSI -~ OR7 PHILLIPS DRISCO PIPE 5f00 POLYETffYLENE PIPE} VALVE 80X OR 4" DlA. PVC RISER.. SEE NOTE BELDW. 2% SLOPE TO BOX 18" n ~/~~~ tiY ~l~' ~i CURB Q D ` ~/~ ~~`. b a s n v v 4 D v VALVE BOX FOR SIDEWALK OR 7RAFFlC - SETT/NGS, SEE DWG. N0. 6-12 USE 4" 'DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC wTTN .CAP .FOR OTHER INSTALLATIONS. i 4 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER TONING 4t9RE WRAPPED AROUNI} THE PIPE (SEE GENERAL NOTES N0. 7}-~ METER J CHECK VALVE 19.1/2" i PVC.: CAP 12" 12" FORD 861-444-~, GRIP 22 ~/2 JOINT 8Y 7.P THREADS. ' 1 ~ T" MALE ADAPTER f 3f4" X 1" X i2" BELL ~ REDUCER. ~- 1 "x i " FORD GRIP JOINT CORPORATION' STOP TYPE` FB ii0i SERVICE SADDLE NOTES: 1. STAINLESS STEEL INSERTS REQUIRED FOR ALL PACK JOINTS.. 2. ALL.. SERVICE SADDLES SHALL AN© FITTINGS SHALL NAVE l.P. THREADS. FORD 'V1-1 72-15W 5/S"x 3f4" COPPER METER SETTER 4YITH CHECK VALVE AND UNION NUT AND SWl'VEL FOR CONNECTINC t " IRON PIPE CITY aF YELM, WASHINGTON DEPT.. OF PUBLIC WORKS 5/8'} SINGLE METER SERVICE APPROVED DWG. NO. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. DATE 6 - DES. DWN. CKD. DATE TEW TEW DLM 3 f 15~OG SERVICE SADDLE ROMAC 2025 OR ROCKWELL. 313 zI a ~ 1" x 1-i/4" FORD PACK JOINT W ICORPORATION STOP' 3 1" POLYETHYLENE. LINE-~ BROOKS SERIES 11, CHRISTY 624 OR EQUAL* - CQNCRETE DUAL METER BOX WITH STEEL TRAFFIC LID * APPROVED EQUAL MIDSTATES, BCF-14Y6 12RL 24 7/8" a~ BALL YALYE {CURB STOP) WITH PACK. JOINT 4" DIA. PYC R I f 18" 2% SLOPE TO BOX I ~n~ `~ Ct1R8 :: , . .a,' . ,fl~.. a.. Q : .Q.., .~. • .a 14 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER TONING WIRE WRAPPED 4" DIA. AROUND THE PIPE {SEE- SCHEDULE 40 P GENERAL NOTES N0. 7) 1'° x t" FORD PACK JOINT CORPORATION STOP TYPE FB 11 ~, METER ' 12" 12" ~. - -- - » n ~ 1" PLASTIC LINE {USE 20D FORD VH 72-15W 5/S x 3/4 ~ PSI PHILLIPS DRISCO PIPE COPPER METER SETTER WITH Z2 /z' 5100 POLYETHYLENE PIPE). CHECK VALVE, UNION NUT AND SWIVEL FOR CONNECTING FORD 861-555 BALL VALVE. 1" IRON PIPE WITH PACK JOINT & FEMALE FORD U88-43 BRANCH PIECE, 7 1 /2" I LP. THREADS. WITH MALE I.P. INLET AND COUPl1NG SERVICE SADDLE T M T R NOTES: 1. STAINLESS STEEL INSERTS REQUIRED FOR ALL PACK JOINTS... 2. ALL SERVICE SADDLES SHALL HAVE RUBBER GASKET AND LP. THREADS. FOR CONNECTIONS O E ER SETTE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON DEPT. OF PUBLIC` WORKS 5/8" DUaL METER SERVICE APPROVED DWG. N0. PUBLIC .WORKS DIRECTOR. DATE 6 - 2 DES. DWN. CKDs DATE TEW SRN TEW 3~15~00 SIZE II A I B 1 1 /2" ~~ 13 1 /4» ~ 15" z I a ~I ~ METER. BOX '- 1 1/2"-2" POLYETHYLENE .LINE. 1' 1 f 2"-2° MALE ~ ADAPTER _ BALL VALVE FORD (CURB STOP) I PACK JOINT CORPORATION VALVE BOX OR 4"- STOP FB 1101 DIA. PYC RISER SEE DETAIL 6-12 SERVICE SADDLE ROMAC 2Q2S OR ROCKWELL 313 2'/. SLOPE TO BOX (VARIES) v ..CURB : ~: 14 GAUGE. INSULATED A :: ,~ ~ ~~ q : `; a ..•~' v . •. ~ COPPER ':~ v '• •' • ` TONING WIR E c ~' ' •~' '. ~o' WRAPPED VALVE BOX FOR SIDEWALK OR -~- AROUND THE TRAFFIC SETTINGS,. SEE DWG. N0. 6-12 PIPE .(SEE USE 4° DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC. GENERAL WITH CAP FOR OTHER INSTALLATIONS. NOTES N0. FORD PACK JOINT 7)--1 ~ CORPORATIONI-STOP TYPE~FB 111., r PLASTIC LINE (USE 200 22~/z' PSI PHILLIPS DRISCO PIPE 5100 POLYETHYLENE PIPE): FORD BALL VALVE I ~ WITH PACK. JOINT & FEMALE ~, LP_ THREADS SERVICE SADDLE ~ NOTESc 1. STAINLESS STEEL INSERTS REQUIRED FOR ALL PACK JOINTS. 2. ALL SERVICE SADDLES SHALL HAVE.. RUBBER GASKET AND LP. THREADS. CITY STANDARD FOR COPPER:.. SETTERS ARE: 1 1/2" - FORD YFH fifi-15x13 OR EQUAL 2" -FORD VFH 77-15x17 OR EQUAL -PVC CAP CHECK VALVE ~ VALVE METER REST BELL REDUCER 1 1/2"-2" MALE ADAPTER 12" BY-PASS VALVE W/LOCKABLE CAP CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 1 /2" TO 2" METER SERVICE APPROVED DWG. NO. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE 6 - 3 DES. bWN. CKD. DATE TEw rEw TEw 3/ 15/00 3° TRUE FLOW 250 CONNEC110N -2" 6ALV. PLUG r- -2' SLEEVE COUPIJNG 18" VALVE BQX TOP ~- 8-10 CONCRETE METER BOX WITH METAL LID ~-- - 24" VALVE BOX BOTTOM •-2" GALV. PIPE DOUBLE STRAP SADOLC~ STOPORPORATION ~2° ST. ELBOW GALV. 2" GATE VALVE. WITH 2° OPEN NUT FlRE LINE CITY OF YELM DEPT.. OF PUBLIC WORKS 2 INCH BLQW-OFF ASSEMBLY .APPROVED DWG. NO. CITY ENGINEER DATE G - 4. .DES. DWN. GKD. DATE JEG TEW TEW TEW 3/15/(JO -GENERAL NOTES- e l:./ Q 11 a ~Q V O 1. ALl PIPE, VALVES, FITTINGS AND OTHER 'MATERIAL USED SHALL CONFORM TO AWWA STANDARDS (LATEST EOff10N). 2 ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO WSDOT/APWA STANDARDS SPECIFICATIONS, 2000 EDfT10N, AND CITY OF YELM STANDARDS. 9• ~IM1~ 18 ~ ~~ 12 4 4 6 5 MIN ~ ~ ~ I 12" MAX mo' . . -... ,." 12" MIN. r. 18" MAX. I ~ ( 24 MIN. 2 10 16 14 . ~:~ N 12~MAX~ 11 ~- ~ ~ .~~ ~ \,a ,, ~,2" MAX ..::.. VAULT, UTILITY VAULT OR APPROVED EQUAL, SIZED ?0 MAINTAIN. CLEARANCES AS SHOWN. ROCKWELL FLANGED TURBO-METER, MODEL W-1000 DR-READS IN CU81C FEET. "ROCKWELL. FLANGED STRAINER. *ROCKWEL.L X912 FLANGED .COUPLING ADAPTOR. +`DUCTILE IRON PIPE-CLASS' S0 INSTALL. VALVE AT MAIN LINE TEE. *X~X* TEE (MJxFLGxFIG). +GATE VALVE (FLGxMJ) W/2" THRD. PLUG. +BIJND FLANGED W/2" THREADED OUTLET. +x2` DOUBIJ= STRAP D.1. SADDLE W/2"' THRD. PLUG. 2" ROCKWELL 'SCREWED TYPE. SE METER=READS IN CUBIC FEET. 2" GATE.. VALVE, .KENNEDY FlG. 982 W/HANDWHEEL 2'x6' THRD: GACV. NIPPLE. 2° COMPRESSION COUPLING, ROCKWELL X522. 2' THRD. GALV_ .PIPE-CUT. TO LENGTH REQUIRED. 2' THRD. GACV. ELI. Y ADJUSTABLE PIPE. SUPPORT-GALVANIZED.. VALVE BOX. W/WATER MARKED ON LJD. MASTIC-AND MORTAR SEAL REMOVABLE DOORS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6'-0' X 3'-0" DIAMOND PLATE HINGED LOCKING DOORS, WITH HINGES. LOCATED AT EACH END OF OPENING. DOORS SHALL HAVE AN H-20 LOAD RATING IN AREAS THAT ARE SUBJECT TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC. DOORS SHALL BE SPRING LOADED WffH OPEN POSITION COCK. VAULT SHALL DRAIN TO DAYLJGHT OR STORM DRAJN. + - 3",4',OR 6" DEPENDING ON SERVICE UNE SIZE NOTE: APPROVED EQUAL SUBSTITUTIONS MAYBE MADE FOR MOST MATER44LS, EXCEPT THE METER. AND THE PIPE.. ' CLTY OF YELM I .DEPT. OF" PUBLIC WORKS 3,,_ 4~~_~~a WATE:R METER APPROVED DWG: N0. CITY ENGINEER. DATE ~-'~ TEW ~ TEW I TEW I 3/15/00 a. J W ~ n - ~~ Q Wd' ~ W ~ ~ \ _ ~ p H ~ ~ ~ ~Q Z'~ ~~~ ~ O Q ~ ~ a W ~ H ~ O N ( .-- p > J > ~ O ~ W ( ~ ~ F-p ~ W ~ o ~ O p a }'~ cYi -W- W Z~ ~ O l ---Q O~.l U~V m ~ W ~. ~ m ~~ mom, ~ Z~ -o ~~~ ~fW~ wino Q ~ ~ ~ ~ o I C? p l.J O Q © OC Cd p0o' C.} Li W V) Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U O N ~ WQO ~ ~ O' ~'~ ~~ WO ~~ W Q Z W 3 3 X ~ W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ W Cry F-N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~N L..iO O N~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w~ ~W ~z ~~ \ N a mod' d Q O Q $ Q a ?- > M ~ ~ .- O 3 w ~ ~- U ~ ~ Qa. O 0 m ~d L,.l ~ Z O O ~ ~ O ~''~ ~~ w 2 ~ Z U ~ (y Z Z ~ mU ~ m F- -- 3 I rn ~ O ~ _z 'NIW 9£ N w a a s o W o rn? ~° « a . Z a ~ ~ °Y W W Q W ~ W Z f/1 ~ Q `_ J Z ~ y W a t- S ~;,~ m O ZW ~ 2 ~ C.7 ~ N ~ W Z ~ -~ Z ~ mW q U >~ .J ZW O Q ~ ~il(~ ~ J = ~ O ~ ~ WZ oQ O~ ~ CQ7 W W ~ ~ l ' N 2 Q m ~ U ~ 0 m U ~ ~ a 3 ~~ V Q \~ Q E- ~ ~ W ~ Q Z ~ W W. W J .Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W J Q ~ m d C.) W C9 O Q H ~VIW z ~ p o _1 W `t JJ m O ~ ? C ~ ~ ~ S~ ~ 2 O ,T M N- f" ~ -~ p ~" ~ W ~ W Z W~ d W ~1 ~ O _ _ ~ Q Q N _ ~F Q z U ~ O V O ~ ~ ^ tY ~ ~ N ~ (j Q z W m' N O~ ~~ of v~ ~ o m W H J~ N ~,, ~ ~, W ~rza I- Q ~ w O ~ > W -~ W N oc m Q ~ Q Y m N F U d~ Q Q ~ ~ ~~ Z ~ ~ Q W~ ~ W F'Z- 3 N ~ Y li ~ ~ ~ O.' ~ ~ W O W W l/1 ~ « ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ Q' a~ W H ~ 0 VI H Vs L d o U ~ w ~ ~ ° ~ ~ 3 Vw i z ~ _. y f i• ~ . Q Q U N m ~ a.. ~ C> W W W N~ W D ~ ~ 'ai' ~ W Z Q ~ ~ 3 N H ~~ I=- N D `~ Z - M ! C Z Q W ~W ~ '~ • C7 rr • N ~ to r JpN~ ~:QO~pr ~ ~ ~ ~ >~Uw ~~. #4 RE6AR TO MEET ASTM A6t5 GRADE 60 FY=600flPSl COMMERCIAL £ONCRETE PAD - 8 ' x 3' x 4 " (IF OUTSIDE PAYED ROADWAY) PAVEMENT TRNC FLOW 250 WATER CONNECTION 42" MIN. COVER ` r i'.e ~' 1. r~ ~ ' ;: ~: ~ ~ z. ~ r ,. LCD A ~'. ~~-., t. ,~ . . ~: . : y ~ ti '} ~ ~. ~ _, ~ •L~ .A ~ ` ;.M. ~.~. . .t, y ,. ~~ - _ .-s' 1.5', 5}~0~ ~ 6" MIN. METER. BOX •.. . ; 2" DIA. BRASS. COMMERCIAL CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK CAP WITH 2" LP. THREADED TAP 7 ~ ~:..~::. TRUFLOW TF250 HYDRANT VALVE BOX WITH COVER SEE NOTE 1. 5'-0" DUCTILE IRON PIP Z" THREADED FLANGE (TYP) SWING JOINT AT BASE OF HYDRANT, ~Z" DIA. BRASS 36" MIN. .~.: .Y ~. i Z" GATE VALVE SHALL BE- EQUAL WITH 2"SQUARE M & H STYLE 4467 OR OPERATING NUT (GOUNTERGLOCKWISE OPENING). SEE .NOTE 2. NOTES: ~~`~ `- PIPE BEDQING TO 2" A80VE PIPE UNDISTURBED EARTH 1. VALVE BOX' AND COYER SHALL BE PER YELM VALVE BQX DETAIL 6-11. 2. ON WATERMAINS WHICH WILL BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE, THE VALVE WHICH OPERATES THE BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AND PROVIDED WITH A CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK. THRUST BLOCK CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 2" BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY APPROVED DWG. N0. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE 6 ~ 9 DES. DWN. CKD. DATE TEw TEw TEw 3/15/QO ~-- 3' x 3' x 4" .GLASS 3000 CONCRETE'PAQ OUTSLDE PAVED AREA TRACER WIRE. SEAL. WITH AR4000W ACP ~'~ ,...-I CSTC -~ BALLAST 0.5' CONCRETE CL 3000 JNSIDE PAVED ROADWAY 12" .,t-RECESSED HANDLE TYPE I CC?VER ~~- INLAND FOUNDRY 248 „ 6 3 4 VALVE BOX WITH YELM ~ ~ $ 3/4" ~ WATER" CAST IN LID SECTLON to W a n. w 0 x V z W w O U z in NOTE: ALL VALVES .MUST HAVE 14 GUAGE ..INSULATED COPPER ?RACER WIRE TIED OFF AT VALVE BODY, EXTENDED ©UTSIDE PVC RISER PIPE THEN EXTENDED ONE FOOT TOP OF VALVE BOX. VALVE. STEM EXTENSION LEGENb Q VALVE OPERATING NUT OR f 7/8" X 1 7/8" X 2" HIGH GRADE STEEL WELDED TO RISER .SHAFT. C? 3/.16" Thk X 5 1/5" DIA STEEL GUIDE PLATE WELDED TO RISER SHAFT. CJ 2"X2'~X 3/16" SQUARE STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBING TO FIT OPERATING NUT.. LENGTH AS REQUIRED. ~~ ALL WELDS TO SHAFT SHALL. BE 1/4" FILLET WELD ALL AROUND.. FINISHED GRADE i~ ~~ -~-6" SDR 35 PYC SEWER N ;° PIPE CONFORMING T0- ASTM 3034. RISER PIPE TO BE PLUMB AND CENTERED OVER VALVE STEM. .-~. /i' t 14" VALVE `STEM RISER REQUIRED WHEN MAX. 36" IS EXCEEDED {LENGTH VARIES) TRENCH 'BOTTOM GATE VALVE ..SHOWN-SIMLLAR INSTALLATLON REQUIRED FOR BUTTERFLY VALVES. CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD va~v~ eox APPROVED DWG. N0. PUBUG WORKS DIRECTOR DATE ~- DES. DWN. CKD. DATE ;, TEw TEw TEw 3/ 15/00