10-05-04 BUDGET WS Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers October 5, 2004 Present: Councilmembers: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Pat Fetterly Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Maryam Olson, Grant Beck and Janine Schnepf Work Session to review the major Revenue Sources projections for the 2005 Budget to the General Fund. Shelly Badger called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. Agnes Bennick reviewed the agenda format and explanation of the attachments supplied. Real and Personal Property Tax, Local Sales and Use Tax, Real Estate Excise Criminal Justice Business and Occupation Tax, Utility Tax and Gambling Tax Business License and Permits, Franchise Fees Building Permits and Inspections Animal License and Shelter Fees Motor Vehicle backfill for Criminal Justice Funding Liquor Excise and Board Profits Municipal Court Receipts Revenue going to other funds include; Motor Vehicle Fuel Excise Tax, Unrestricted and Restricted- to City Streets Tourism Promotion. 2) Other funds that were not discussed include: 105 Park Reserve, 106 Emergency Disaster, 107 Tourism Promotion, 110 Yelm PD Special Projects, 112 Five Corners, 119 Park Use Deposits, 202 1993 FMHA Library GO Bond paid in full, 203 94/99 Sewer Loan/Revenue Bond Payment refinanced, 204 Bonds, 402 Consumer Deposits, 403 Garbage, 405 Water Revenue, 406 Water Revenue Debt Reserve, 407 LID, 415 Sewer Loan Refinance and 416 LID Guarantee Fund. 3) City Debt- Agnes Bennick reviewed a schedule of long-term debt. 4) Current Fund Budget for Departments. Shelly Badger indicated she and the Mayor had directed each department to a hold the line budget excluding salary. Legislative-Council budget. Municipal Court- Reduced from 2004 Executive-Mayor, City Administrator, Administrative Assistant and Program/Project Manager 5) Salary discussion. Shelly provided a spreadsheet with the COLA and STEP adjustments. Changes/notes/follow-up; Discussed possible option of the addition of an Admissions Tax as new source of revenue. Research other cities for policy and rates. Review Chamber contract. Other topics: Number of City Council members. It was suggested to consider a pro active stance to increase members from 5 to 7 prior to mandatory addition when population reaches 5000. Allow for census data in April and election preparation inJuly rather than appointment. Topic to be revisited by council along with council salary. Council aske;J for a report on water loss percent. r ' Ad' 4. ~'J."'~' JO~T": ~>~I'" "~ ~ --:--::: . -I 0 Mayl! ! .-.....~.. '. Attest (/¡Af..lALJ . ~~-;i~; -;c~~ePf. Deputy C ----. js/BWS 10-05-04.doc