10-19-04 BUDGET WS Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers October 19, 2004 Present: Councilmembers: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Mayor Rivas arrived at 5:00pm Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Grant Beck, Tim Peterson, Stephanie Conners, Todd Stancil and Janine Schnepf Work Session to review the Special Projects, Street/Roads and Staffing and Equipment Requests for 2005 Budget. Special Projects Cumulative Reserve and Economic Development CDBG Community Development Block Grant Municipal Building Fund Street and Roads City Streets Arterial Streets SR 510/507 Yelm Loop Transportation Facilities Charges Yelm Ave ENancil Rd. Stage II Street Projects Fund Shortline RR 104 197 302 101 102 114 120 308 316 430 Shelly Badger Shelly Badger Shelly Badger Tim Peterson Stephanie Conners Grant Beck Grant Beck Shelly Badger Stephanie Conners Shelly Badger Changes/notes/follow-up: 302 Municipal Building Fund currently paying debt to PW facility, recommend build reserve in the future. 101 City Street continue to add to reserve anticipating equipment replacement needs. 120 Transportation Facility Charge research comparison update with other cities. 316 Street Projects Fund add reserve line item for project contingency. TIB application does not allow contingency amount to be included. Consensus by council to structure added reserve line to separate project costs and to limit use to a low percent without council approval. . 430 Shortline RR low priority, will come back to council 2006. Staffing and Equipment Requests and Program Needs. Agnes provided detailed overview of the 2005 Current Fund with the revenue and expenditure estimates including the items requested by department heads. Council and staff discussed each option to be included or excluded in these appropriations. Reduced conference room furniture expenditure and City Hall signage expenditure. Eliminated mobile computer unit and video surveillance equipment from PD and street banner poles. Added part time administrative staff person, lateral police officer, city hall roof, digital recording equipment, software program upgrade and additional funds to fire district. Request yearly report from each agency requesting funds from the city; Chamber of Commerce, Yelm Senior Center and Yelm Community Services. Adjourn: 7:90 p.m. Ad~vaSI Mayor js/BWS 10-19-04.doc