10/12/2004BWS Agenda CITY OF YELM 2005 BUDGET WORK SESSIONS AGENDA WEEK #2 - Tuesdav. October 12.2004.4:00 -7:00 1. Current/General Fund Departments Note 1: Appropriated amounts are shown on the agenda for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005. It may be necessary to adjust the 2005 appropriation before we have a final budget ready for adoption. Note 2: Expenditure adjustments have been made including funding the Leave Accrual lines in each department and L&I increases. Attachment 1 001 514 - Administrative & Financial Services - (Janine) Pg. 1 $225,998, $251,070, $278,673, $264,984 001 515 - Legal/Professional Services - (Maryam) Pg. 2 $61,000, $62,000, $70,000, $73,000 001 521 - Police Department - (Todd) Pg.3 $762,627, $859,674, $927,561, $896,635 001 522 - Fire Suppression - Negotiated Contract, Pop. Based $200,460, $227,780, $250,712 $275,4991 ? (Pat Fetterly) *Note: Funding increased during 2004 001 523 - Prisoner Support - (Maryam) $34,000, $34,000, $34,000, $34,000 001 531 - Pollution Control- Contract, Pop. Based $1,234, $1,283, $1,400, $1,425 001 539 - Animal Control - (Tim) $44,120, $44,100, $38,786, $37,516 Pg.4 001 551 - WelfarelYCS and YSC ($75 per/m), Council Determines $2,000, $2,000, $2,000, $2,000 CITY OF YELM 2005 BUDGET WORK SESSIONS AGENDA 001 552 - OMWBE Operating Costs (State mandated program costs) $250, $250, $1,000, $250 001 558 - Planning/Community Development - (Grant) Pg.5 $252,232, $277,681, $239,370, $439,389 Includes: 001 524 - Building $71,314, $94,801, $98,496, Combined with 558 for '05 001 532 - Engineering $77,810, $86,781, $83,567, Combined with 558 for '05 001 566 - Mental/Physical Health (Required County Collection) $850, $1,100, $1,100, $1,000 001 572 - Library - Contract, Pop. Based, Subject to additional Adjustment in '05 $28,010, $28,542, $31,370, $35,291 ('05 INCLUDES A 3% COST OF LIVING INDEX FACTOR ADJ. IF NEEDED.) 001 573 - Historic Preservation - (Janine) $7,700, $7,700, $8,000, $4,450 Pg.6 001 576 - Park Department - (Tim) $101,194, $121,837, $138,733, $142,875 Pg. 7 001 596 - Capital Reserve - (Janine) $399,361, $Q44,013, $756,003 *$672,397, $715,000 *Note: 2004 Capital Reserve Reductions Include: 1) Ord 803 $25,000 to 302 Muni Bldg Fund 2) Ord 804 $24,787 to Fire Suppression 3) Ord 816 $8,000 to DARE 4) Ord 817 $8,350 to Five Corners (10/13/04 Mtg.) 5) Entrance Signs $17,559 (Expensed w/ CC Approval) Reserve Guidelines: The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends a minimum reserve of either: 5-15% of regular general fund operating revenues For Yelm (15% of $3,905,645 (2004 Rev.) is $585.845 OR CITY OF YELM 2005 BUDGET WORK SESSIONS AGENDA No less than one to two months general fund operating expenditures (I used March '04 ($336,300 x 2) because it included our insurance payment) For Yelm this would be $672.600 001 596 - Capital Reserve Bldgs/Grounds/Structures - (Janine) $7,500. $15,000, $15,000*$3,000, $15,000 *Note: 2004 Capital Bldgs/Grounds/Structures Reduction Ord 803 $12,000 to 302 Muni Bldg Fund 001 597 - Other Financing, Transfers Set as needed to balance fund or pay debt service 2. Individual Funds 109 - DARE - (Todd) $55,000, $73,000, $55,307, $64,699 Pg.8 116 - Tree Fund - (Grant) $14,868, $15,659, $18,732, $19,245 Pg.9 118 - Park Fee-In-Lieu Of - (Grant) $54,669, $69,058, $66,000, $67,000 Pg. 10 312 - Yelm Creek - (Grant) $18,000, $18,000, $18,000, $28,000 Pg.11 314 - Longmire Community Park - (Grant) $287,000, $211,100, $67,000, $45,000 Pg. 12