10-23-07 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2007 MINUTES 1. Call to Order— Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm 2. Roll Call — Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom and Pat Fetterly, Excused; Mike McGowan, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 07-88 MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations— none scheduled 5. Public Comment-There were no comments. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes, Regular Meeting; October 9, 2007 b. Payables 32607-32736, Totaling $639,543.53 07-89 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings— none scheduled 8. New Business a. Wood and Son Earthwork Retainage Release for Completion of Stevens Street NW Roadway Project. Stephanie Ray reported that the project has been declared complete per the plans and specifications by the Public Works Director, Engineers and Labor and Industries. The project cost remained within the budget. 07-90 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ACCEPTING THE STEVENS STREET PROJECT AS COMPLETE AND RELEASING THE RETAINAGE TO WOOD AND SONS EARTHWORK AND UTILITY CONTRACTORS IN THE AMOUNT OF $32,071.61. CARRIED. b. Killion Road Local Improvement District#2, Phase II Bond. James Nelson from Martin Nelson & Company reviewed their offer to purchase the Bond Anticipation Notes and described the terms, anticipated rates and completion dates for the Local Improvement District Phase II on Killion Road. 07-91 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 883 PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING INTERIM FINANCING FOR IMPROVEMENTS WITH THE KILLION ROAD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $4,300,000 AND PROVIDING THE FORM, TERMS AND MATURITY OF SAID NOTES; AUTHORIZING A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT; AND APPROVING THE SALE OF SUCH NOTES. CARRIED. js/city council/2007 Page 1 of 2 C. Interlocal Agreement between Yelm, Lacey and Olympia for Water Rights Acquisition Research for Deschutes Basin. Stephanie Ray reviewed the staff report provided by Shelly Badger for water rights acquisition work on the Dechutes Basin. This agreement would allow all parties equal access to resource documents, meetings and correspondence from the water rights consulting firm, Westwater Research at a shared cost. Further, this agreement would require a separate process for purchasing or acquiring water rights identified in the scope of work. It does not preclude any of the cities to obtain local water rights. 07-92 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN AN INTER-LOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF OLYMPIA, LACEY AND YELM FOR WATER RIGHTS ACQUISITION WORK IN THE DESCHUTES BASIN IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,820. CARRIED. 9. Old Business 10. Mayor and City Council Reports Councilmember Miller attended the Fire Commissioner's Preliminary Budget meeting. Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board Budget meeting. He thanked Mayor Harding for speaking at the Yelm Adult Community Center and for the contribution increase proposed in the preliminary budget. Councilmember Fetterly also attended the Fire Commissioner's meeting. 11. Executive Sessions— none scheduled 12. Correspondence provided for review included; Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Efficiency Hotline Notice from the Washington State Auditor and General Election Processing Information from Thurston County. 13. Adjourned: 8:10 pm onald Hard' g, Mayor Attest t'X& 4, /Ml�t_z JaninEV. Schnepf, City Clerk js/city council/2007 Page 2 of 2