10-16-07 BWS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORK SESSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER16, 2007 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly, Russ Hendrickson and John Thompson. Mike McGowan arrived at 4:45 pm. Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tanya Robacker, Janine Schnepf, Tim Peterson, Stephanie Ray, Maryam Olson and Lori Mossman. Chief Todd Stancil arrived at 7:10 pm. Funds to be discussed are: (001 512) Court and Prisoner Support, (109)YPD School Resource Officer Program, (404)Water Capital Improvement, (413) Sewer/Reuse Capital Improvement, (431)Water Construction Fund, (400) Stormwater Utility, (401) Municipal Water Fund Sewer/Reuse and fund (412) Operations/Maintenance. Proposed Capital assets and staff requests would be presented if time allows. Maryam Olson presented information on requested increase in Court and Prisoner Support fund (001 512). Maryam responded to Joe Baker's questions regarding the bed use and booking fees collected from defendants. Tim presented funds; Stormwater(400), Municipal Water(401) and Sewer/Reuse Operations/Maintenance (412)funds. Changes in revenues and expenditures were explained and discussed. 412 &413 are reserve funds for capital projects for additional growth. Stephanie reported on and provided explanation for Funds; Water Capital Improvement (404), Sewer/Reuse Capital Improvement(413), Water Construction (431) and Fund 401 with a Bond Parity spreadsheet from 2003-2008. 2. Mayor Ron Harding and Shelly Badger presented 2008 budget requests for equipment, staffing and related operations& maintenance from department heads. Discussion was held. Discussion followed regarding the amounts that the City gives to different service organizations in the community. Council agreed to add this topic to future study sessions. Mayor and staff were asked to leave the meeting for salary discussion. Meeting resumed at 7:50 pm. Council agreed with equipment and staff requests with excess revenue going to Cumulative Reserve for future Capital Projects and Urban Development and an additional $50,000 to General Fund Operating Reserve. Council consensus is to cancel the budget workshops scheduled for 10123& 10130, 2007. Adjourn: 7:55 pm aha d Hardi Mayor Attest: Jki Whine Schnepf, City Clerk Minutes by: Lori Mossman Page 1 of 1 H/council/2007/BWS 10-16-07