07-25-07 SS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 2007 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:08 pm. 2. Present: Don Miller, Bob Isom, Russ Hendrickson, Pat Fetterly, John Thompson and Mike McGowan; arrived at 5:32 pm. Staff: Shelly Badger, Stephanie Ray, Grant Beck, Tanya Robacker, Tim Peterson, Tami Merriman and Janine Schnepf. Guests: Terry Wright, Engineer, KPG 3. Agenda Approval—Agenda was approved with the addition of Agenda Item 4 aa. Yelm Prairie Line Trail Project. 4. Presentations aa. Yelm Prairie Line Trail Project, KPG Rail Project. Stephanie Ray introduced Mr. Wright as engineer for design on Rail Trail Project. Stephanie reviewed the possibilities for the trail design and function and is looking for guidance on what direction to take on the project. Possible features would provide parking, historic kiosk, connectivity with safe crossing at Yelm Creek and Yelm Ave and sheltered facilities. Discussion concluded with determination that analysis of options was needed to service different interests for use by pedestrians and future rail including Yelm Creek and structural assessment of existing bridge. CONSENSUS TO TRANSFER$50,000 FROM 104 URBAN DEVELOPMENT RESERVES TO 430 SHORTLINE RAILROAD TO SHOW AS MATCH FOR GRANT REQUEST. a. Yelm Comprehensive Plan Amendments Update. Tami Merriman reported the findings of the Public Hearing of July 9 regarding the update to contents and definitions in the Comp Plan. Goal is to incorporate all utility services including transportation improvements in one plan. Plan involves three levels of planning including; policies, implementation, finance and budgeting to get there. Tami updated Council on zoning and rezoning requests received and considered. b. Urban Growth Area Sizing. Grant Beck reviewed Yelm's 20 year population projection as seen by Thurston County Growth Management Act Compliance— UGA Sizing Evaluation. Shown to be oversized based on the allowed formula. Must justify any above 25%. Able to do so with known growth over the years supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council. C. Financial Update. Tanya Robacker updated Council on the actual Revenue and Expenditures for a 6 month period as compared to the budget estimates. 5. Mayor/Council Initiatives—Mayor Harding updated Council on the finalized selection of full time new hires in Admin, Water, Streets and Parks and the intern who will be working for 18 hours per week through December 2007. A youth activity center modeled after the YMCA and Boys and Girls Clubs may be in Yelm's distant future with the help of the Pacific Youth Council. Mayor Harding asked staff to check the sound system in the council chambers. Patriots Day Parade is scheduled for September and council was invited to walk in the parade. Mayor Harding asked for direction from the council to take to the Family Initiative meeting regarding funding,jurisdictional makeup, accountability and where the council would be housed. 6. New Business—none 7. Old Business-none 8. AdjournecL- • 2 pm Ronald Hardin 1GI or At // Am c �,/ J ' ine Schnepf, City Clerk js/city council/2007 Page 1 of 1