01-09-07 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2007 MINUTES Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan Pat Fetterly and Russ Hendrickson. John Thompson arrived at 7:42 pm 3. Agenda Approval 07-1 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations -None scheduled 5. Public Comment Steve Klein, Thurston County resident (property owner in the Yelm city limits), provided a questionnaire for the City Administrator. He expressed his concerns regarding the SW Aquifer, specifically the relationship with the Thurston Highland's Developers, application for development, contractual questions and how the aquifer studies are conducted. Mary Jane Friend, Thurston County spoke of the increasing flooding from Thompson Creek downstream from Tahoma Terra development. She provided a call list and notification of a January 17, 2007, 9 am meeting at the Department of Ecology Headquarters in Lacey to discuss this issue. 6. Consent Agenda Items a. Minutes- December 12, 2007 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 30076-30249 totaling $403,949.11 Manual Checks 30076-30128 totaling $3,363.35 Claims Checks 30129-30249 totaling $400,585.76 c. Payroll: December 2006 Final, Checks 11347-11443 totaling $256,274.96 07-2 MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing(s) -None scheduled 8. New Business a. Cherry Meadows Final Plat Approval, SUB-03-8340 YL. Nisha Box reviewed the staff report indicating the conditions of the preliminary plat have been met including a turn lane on Killion and Yelm Ave and a significant park space. Grant Beck added that this project has met the conditions of frontage improvements and has no further LID frontage obligation on Killion. 07-3 MOTION BYPAT FETTERLYAPPROV/NG FINAL PLAT FOR CHERRY MEADOWS SUB-03-8340-YL. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 3 clerk/city council/2007/01-09-07 Minutes Approved: 01-23-07 b. Tahoma Terra Phase 1, Division 2 Final Plat Approval SUB-05-0304-YL. Tami Merriman reviewed the staff report and completion of Division 2 on the east side of Thompson Creek. Developer has completed the conditions of the preliminary plat including improvements to the intersection of Longmire and 510, parks, water rights conveyance, and wetland conditions. As part of the master plan some conditions are unique to this development. 07-4 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR TAHOMA TERRA, PHASE 1, DIVISION 2, SUB-05-0304-YL. CARRIED. c. 2007 Nisqually Foundation Education Project Contract. Shelly Badger reported from the staff report. This is continued support approved by the Council for the 2007 budget. The Intergovernmental Services Contract continues with Nisqually River Foundation (NRF) associated with the Nisqually River Council. Funding of $2,450 was outlined including support for local student's involvement in the annual Global Rivers Student Congress, a watershed education program. 07-5 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARD/NG TO SIGN INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR JANUARY 1-MAY 31, 2007 BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND THE NISQUALLY RIVER FOUNDATION /N THE AMOUNT OF $2,450.00. CARRIED. d. Yelm Chamber of Commerce Contract for Services. Shelly Badger reviewed the staff report and the contract that outlined the scope of work provided by the Chamber for period of January 1 to December 31, 2007. 07-6 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARD/NG TO SIGN SERVICE PROVIDER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND THE YELM AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2007 TO DECEMBER 31, 2007, IN THE AMOUNT OF $6000. CARRIED. 9. Old Business -none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business a. Council Report Councilmember Baker attended Yelm Adult Community Center Executive meeting and Intercity Transit Board meeting. He reported that the Dash program has been reinstated during the Legislative session. Councilmember McGowan reported that attending the Thurston County HOME Consortium meetings has given him a better understanding of homelessness issue. He reported that Thurston County will be conducting a homeless census this Thursday and asked for any relevant information to pass on as part of the census inside and outside the city limits of Yelm. Councilmember Thompson attended Transportation Policy Board wrap up of 2006 and process to streamline guidelines for 2007. Councilmember Hendrickson was able to reach Cindy Cecil at Yelm Community Services and will meet with her as needed. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 3 clerk/city council/2007/01-09-07 Minutes Approved: 01-23-07 b. Mayor's Report Mayor Harding attended Nisqually Tribal 2% Committee meeting and reported that the holiday season funds were distributed to local agencies in need. He also presented Councilmember Fetterly with a wooden pen made from pruned branches of a Yelm Hawthorne tree. 11. Executive Session -None scheduled 12. Correspondence was available. 13. Adjourn: 8:10 pm Yelm City Council Minutes Page 3 of 3 clerk/city council/2007/01-09-07 Minutes Approved: 01-23-07 Attest: 6,,_ ~CJ~~IiI~ Ag s Bennick, City Clerk