Ordinance 390 Annexation 422 CITY OF YELM OR~INANL'E NO. 390 AN ORDINANCE provi~ing for th~ annexation of certain cuntiguous property to the City af Y~lni, Waehington; and declaring an etfective date. WHEREAS, purauant to the mzthod ~f annexation provided tor in RCW 35. 13.125 throu~h RCW 35.13.170, inclueive, the City Council and the Mayor of the City of Yelm have c~etermine+~ it appropriate tu annex to and ae a portion of the City of Yelm certain real property, more particularly described hereinafter, which property is contiguous to a boundary of the City of Yelm; and WHEkEAS, the ownEr~s of the said real pr•ape•rty r+ithir, tr,~ propos~d ar,nexation area riave all petitianed therefar; and WHEkEAS, the Tnur~stor~ Gounty Buundary kEView Baard has declined to assert or invake jurisdiatian over the said pra~,e-rty ar its annexetian; and WHEkEAS~ pursuant to tAe StatE Enviranmer,tal Pulicy Act <SEF'A), the ri~n~igr,ificance uf the praposEd ar,r,exatior, far environmental purposes has been determir,Ed and pu~li~hed; and WHEkEAS. a public hEaring hes beer~ aunducted by th~ City Council uf the C3ty af Yelm far the Aearing of public comment upor, such proposed annexation; NOW, THEfi'EFUkE, BE IT ORDAIHEU ANU ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY Gt]UNCIL UF THE CITY OF YELM, THURSTON COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON~ bs fallc,ws: SECTION 1. The fallawir,g descriDEd rEal pr~apErty, situ~ted ir, Tr,ureton Cour,ty. State of Washingtar,, ta wit : PARCEL "A" Tr,e Soutr,westerly 60 feet of ParcEl ~t:~1714410200, that part of tne Northwest Ouarter a# thE Suutheabt G~uar~ter~ uf Sectian, 24, Tuvnshi~, 17 Nurth, Rarige 1 East W. M. Heginning at ~a paint No-rth 52°09' West 2Ua feet from the most westerly corner of Salberg First Additiar, ta Yelrn, a~ •recardEd in vulume 5 of Ylats. page 31 ; r~unr,ing ther,ce SuutA 37 °56' West 217. 8 f~Et ar,d North 51° 04' West 200 feEt ta the SouthEasterly lir,E af L~nymire St. ; ther,ce North 3? ° 56' East alang said SauthEaste•rly line c,f Str~eet 217.8 feet; ther,cE South 52 04' Er~st 20U feet tu the paint of Degir,riir~c~ ir, Thurston Cu., Wash3ngton. ~ PARCEL "Bw The Southweste~rly 30 feet af Parcel ~t21?1441U6UU, that pa-rt of the Nortr,~ast quarter af the sautheast quarter~ uf SE'C't.fGt1 14~ TUWrlErilp 17 North, Range 1 East, W. M. Heyinr,iny at e point which is the NartTiwe~t corr~er c,f SalY+~rg's First Addition to Yelm r•ecorded in Volurne S uf Plats, pag~ 31 ; ther,ce Narth 52 °04' West 20U feet ; thence South 37°56' West 170 fEet tu the WestErly linE uf Mosrnar, Street ; ther~cE North 37 ° 56' East 17U f eEt to th~ poir,t af beyir,ning. IBeing kr,uwr, as lats 9, 1G. li br,d 1:? in the GIGG}S 10 inaluding street irl fror,~t uf th~ unrecarded pla~t uf SO.YL~el"C~J'~ SNCUr,d Acidll.lur, 4.u Y.:•lin). Ordir,ar,ce No. 39G Yage Ur,~ af Twa 423 ALL IH Thur~ton County, State o~ Washin~ton. Bein~ contiguous tu th~ City of Yelm, Washingtun, and nat bein~ ~ part of any incorporated ~ity or town of the State ot WaShingtor~, should be and the same hereby ie annex~d to thz City of Y~lm. r•-• ~ection 2. The real pruperty des~rih~d in Secti~n 1 ot this Ordinance ~hall be and b~come a p~art of the City uf Ye1ni:~~ provided herein on the effzctive ~ate at thie Ordinan~e, ~~ld nhall be subject tu all laws and ordinances of the City of Ye1m t104/ O1' r,e-reafter ir, fGrcE sr,d Effect, ar,d shall be sub~ect ta the existing ind~Y~tEdness a# the City o~ Yelm ar,d ~~Eesbed ar,d taxed at the same rate and an tt,~ samE basis as otr,er real prope-rty Withir, the CG1"pQ:CBtE litn3ts af the City of Yelrn i~ ~ssessed ar,d ~ taxEd. ul ~ Sectiur, 3. NUtrithstar,ding thE provisiur,s af Sectiar, 2 Q c+f this ardir~ance. er~y paxtian af thE ar,nexed r•eal prapE-rty wr~ich m is usrd as a~iuLlic raadway or~ right-a#-wey sr,all, far~ the periad u.+ ~uch u~e cor,tir,u~s or,ly. be ar,d the same hereby i~ exerr~pted fr•orn Q ~uch taxes and assessu?ents Y,y ur under tne sutY,a•rity af th~ City of Yelm, and from suY,j~ction to the indebtednES~ uf the City af Yelm. Seatior, 4. Trii~ Ordir,ar,ce shall D~ ar,d Decurne effective ur, arid af ter tt+e 24th day af December 1990. Sectior, The Clerk of tt,e City of Yelm st,auld Le and is hEreLy dir~ected ta recurd a aopy u~ this Or~dir~ar,ce ir, the OfficE uf the Auditor a# Thurstor, county. W$sriir~c~tun, ar,d ta ~ile a certified cupy thErEUf r+ith thE Boar~d af Cour,ty Cc~mmisszor,Ex~~ uf Tr,urstan Guunty~ Washington. Rohert . nders, May . ATTEST: ~ Shelly A. Ba ger, City lerk Ordinancz Passed: December 12, 1990 Appruvzd: December 12, 1`390 Publi~hed: De~:ember 2~, 19'30 ~ Ordinance No. 390 Page Two and Last