408 Annexation ~ ~~-i1 ~h:':T:?~'~ ~:'_1! I~;?`.i, 464 ~~~.~~~r~t~ 1~, ~a~ , I _;r''~ l. '.s'.=~ : ~ r y3' ` _ T :'i ~ , r'~'•.1 t . ~l ~ ~ r•.c~_~ _ E': i , ' ,.~rr~ '1. is ~I~ i T+_EE: M rn . • fi'~~' : ~ ~Ir~..~ ~ i~cr~JT,~, . , }=i~=1 , '~r', i ~ : ~ f_. b~_9 ar: . CITY OF YELM F].lY ~ ==c ~ ~~i-~ ~ ORDINANCE N0. _408 AN ORDINANCE providing for th~ annexation of cc:rt~in contiguous property to the City of Yelm, Washin~ton; arid declaring an effective date. . , ! ~ WFIERFAS, pursuant to t}ie method of annexation provii~e~l Yor in ftC 35.13.125 throu~h 1~CW 35.13.170, inclusive, the City C,ouncil anU tl,r; rlayor of the City of Yelm have determined it uppropriate to anricsx to and as a portion of the Gity of Yelm certain real propc;rty, more particularly describad hereinafter, which property is conl;i~'u~us to a Uouridt~i•y oi' the City of Yelm; and W1iLREAS, thc owners c~f the said real property wi i:hin 1:he ~iroi~o:;r~d til~ilLl:iiLlQll arc:a hava al l p~l:itionecl th~reror•; ~ricl Idlll?REt'~S, the 'I'hurston County F3oundary itevic,w kio~rci ha5 c:iec l inec.! to assert or invol.c juriscliction over the saia propr;rty or its anne~ation; ar~d WHLREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental I~ol ic;y tlct (tiI:PA> , th~ nonsignificance of the praposed annext~tion f'or envirorimc,riCuJ purposes has been detarmined and published; and WHER~AS, a public hearing has been conducted by the City Council of the City of Yi;lm for the hearing of public cotnment upon such proposed annexation; NOW , TtIEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED AND ES`I'A13LISHEll BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF' '1't1E C1T'Y ~i YELM, THUTtSTON COUNTY, STATE OF WASHING'TON, as Yollaws: Section 1. The f'ollawing described real property, situatea iri ~ Thurston County, State of Washin~ton, to wit: ~ PARC~L 1 ~64303G01500, 10Q30 West Road S~, .5 acres, value oP ~45,600. A commercial meat market (Tom, Dick & Harry's) exisl.s on this parcel. It would be allowed to continue in the city limits of Yelm in the single-faniily residential zone under the "~rar~cifai:hc-r clause" as a nonconforming commercial use. PARCEL 2 ~64303601501, 2.87 acres, value oi' ~70,E3t)U. A clouUla-wicie mobile home exists on the lot. Thursl;on County E~uilclin~; llepartment has not yet assigned an addr~ss to the lot. PARCrL 3 ~64303601502, 10042 West Road S1?, 3.00 acres, value oi' ~78,100. A single-tamily residential home exists on this pare~l. PaRCEL ~ #G4303601503, 2.99 acres, value of $66,OU0. Twc~ single-f'ami ly homes curr~:ntly exist on this parc,el . aLL IN Thurstun County, State of Washingtari. Fieing coritiguous to the City af Yelm, Wasiiirigtori, at~icl not k,c;inb j~ari of any incorparated city or town oi the State of' Washingl;oii, shoula ki utld tti~ sume her•eby i s annexed to the C;i ty of Ye l m. Seetion 2. Ttie real property described iri Sectiori 1 ot' this Ord inance sha 1 1 be and become a part of the Ci ty of Ye; 1 m a.s Eirov i~lc:i1 h~~r~in ori th~ eff~ctive date of this Orcfinance, and shal l k,e .~u~;,jc~c:t to all la}v5 and ordinaiices oP the City of Yelm nuw or hercaf'ti:r iri force and effect, and shall be sui~ject to the existin~ indek~te~lness ol' tlie City oP Yel?n ancl assessed arid taxE;cl dt the srsm~; rr~.l,i; ~tncl c~ii Lli~~ 5t?u~u uavi:+ u:i ult?ut• [`cassl }~r'c~~.~ut'Ly 4V1L~11C1 (.l~t~ c;c~r•~~c~r~~tc l Irnift; c~f LII~• i Ly i~l' Y~• 1 m 1 s ~tti~;~~ti:;i•~I i111<1 I.~~xu~l . I ci~rz• ot~ YLLri i oizi~~~a~cr. No. ~ ~ i~:~~~r: 1 _ a 465 Section 3. Notr~+ithstandin~' the provisions oY Section 2 of tt?i.~ ordinance, any portion of the annexed real property whiclz is us~d as u public roadway or ri~'ht-of-way shall, for the pariod such u:;r, continues only, be and the same hereby is e~etnpted fro~n such ta~es anc.i assr;ssments by or uncler the authority of the City of Yclm, arid i'r•om subjection to the indabtedness of the City of•Yelm. Section This Ordinance shal l be and Uecorne ef'1'ect ive ari and aftcr tha lOth day of September 1991. Section 5. The Clerk of the City of Yelm should ba ancl is her~Uy directed to record a copy of this Ordinance iri ttie Off ici; oi' the ~uditor ol 1'hurston County, Washington, and to file a certifie~l copy thereof with the Board of County Comrnissioners of Thursi.can County, Washington. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ Robe t A. an ers, hlayor a A1'TEST : ~ ; ; ; i i=. i~_i ='.y 9H : ~ i l e t';; =,=t j. i-_i 4_'C 4_i c:_`' ~ Shel y~. Badgrr, Ci y Clerk ~ Ordirianc~~ !'~.5sad ancl A~,proved; August 2f3, 1991 YuUlished: Septeniber 5, 1991, Nisqually Valley News ~ , ~~k"~~~,'"'',, ' : ~ • ' "..5 ~`~1': i, 1.~ .d . . ' ~ . i L 1 1 Z ~f~ 1~_~~l ' '~il~f\~-1.'~1~~~, tin. -~it)'i ~'Y,(,il~