868 Utility Rate Reduction Disabled CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 868 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING YELM MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 13.04 WATER, 13.08 SEWER, AND 13.10 STORMWATER BY EXTENDING UTILITY RATE REDUCTION ELIGIBILITY TO PERMANENTLY DISABLED HEADS OF HOUSEHOLD AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Yelm has long standing utility rate reduction eligibility provisions for senior citizens; and WHEREAS, it is the Yelm City Council's intent to extend the established utility rate reduction provisions to permanently disabled head of household citizens meeting the same income guidelines; WHEREAS, program participation `median income' is established and amended periodically by Resolution of the Yelm City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington ordains as follows Section 1. 13.04.020 Water System Definitions. Yelm Municipal Code Section 13.04.020 is amended by insertion of the following test and re- lettering remaining definitions. " isabled Citizen" means a oermanentlv disabled head of household who e in ome from all so~rces whatsoever does not exceed the median income as established or amended v resolution of the citv council. Section 2. 13.04.310 Water System Rate Reduction - Eligibility. Yelm Municipal Code Section 13/04.010 is amended by adding and deleting text to A. 1. And adding a new number 3 as indicated. A. To be eligible for the water-service charge reduction set forth in YMC 13.04.300, a subscriber shall: 1. Be a single person, 65 years of age or older, who is retired and whose income from all sources whatsoever does not exceed the median income as established a~?~ ~°a~~"~ ~ amended by resolution of the city council; or 2. Be a couple where one partner is 65 years of age or older, whose income from all sources whatsoever combined with the income of the partners does not exceed the median income as established and set forth by resolution of the city council.) 3. Be a nermanentlv disabled h.acl nf hnusPhni~l whnce inr.nmP fr~?n au eni irrcq ~hatsoever does not exceed the median income a tabli hed or amended bv resol~tion of the city council. B. For the purposes of this chapter, the term "income from all sources whatsoever" includes all earnings, investment income such as dividends and interest, capital gains, benefits, social security benefits, pensions, disability payments, retirement pay and annuities, but does not include reimbursement for losses. (Ord. 512 § 2, 1994; Ord. 337, 1987}. Section 3, YMC 13.08.010 Sewer System - Monthly Sewer Fees 13.08.095 Monthly sewer fees. _ _ - @ Yelm Municipal Code Section 13.08.010 is amended by adding the following two definitions. B. Definitions "Disabled citizen" means a nermanentlv disabled head of household whose combined incnmP frc~m all sources does not exceed income leveis as establish~d or amended bv resolution of the city council. "Rate reduction ~gnlication ~rnr.Pr~ure" means the a~nlication nrocedure set forth in Yelm Munj~iqal Code Chaoter 12.04.320. Section 4. YMC 13.10 Stormwater 13.10.060 Adjustments to rates and charges Yelm Municipal Code Section 13.10.060 is amended by adding the following definitions. 13.10.060 Adjustments to rates and charges. The following adjustments shall be made to the rate and resulting storm and surface water utility charges: A. The charges billed directly to aualifvina senior citizens; or permanently disabled heads of households as defined in YMC 13.04.020, for single-family residences, duplexes and condominiums, shall, upon application of such citizen, as set forth in YMC 12.04.320 be reduced by an amount equal to 50 percent of the charge. (Ord. 718 § 1, 2000; Ord. 682 § 1, 1999). Section 5. Ratify and Confirmation Clause - Any action taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to the effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed. PASSED and signed in authentication on this 27th day of March 2007. . , r r ~ Ronald Hardi g, ayor ~ . Authenticated~ ~ ~ es P. Bennick, City Clerk-Treasurer