05-13-08 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008 MINUTES 1. Call to Order -Mayor Harding called the Meeting to Order at 7:30 pm. 2. Roll Call -Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Mike McGowan, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. Excused; Bob Isom and Pat Fetterly. 3. Agenda Approval 8-44 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations. a. Seniors Appreciation Week. Mayor Harding read the first proclamation of the evening declaring May 25-May 31, 2008 as Seniors Appreciation Week recognizing the Yelm Senior Multipurpose Center and their service and volunteers who enhance the well being of the older citizens in our community. b. Yelm Prairie Days, June 26-June 29, 2008. Mayor Harding presented the Yelm Prairie Days proclamation to Scott Mills and David Pratt after urging all citizens, merchants, schools, and other service organizations to participate in and attend this Yelm signature, cultural, social and fundraising event sponsored by the Yelm Lions, continuing their 45 year tradition. c. Law Enforcement Week, May 11- May 17, 2008. Whereas the Congress and the President of the United States have designated May 15 as Peace Officers' Memorial Day in the week of National Police Week, Mayor Harding proclaimed May 11-May 17, 2008 to be Law Enforcement Week in the City of Yelm. By reading this proclamation he urged citizens to understand the duties, responsibilities, hazards and sacrifices of their law enforcement agency, as well as commemorate those who have lost their lives or were disabled in the performance of that duty. d. Public Works Week. Mayor Harding proclaimed May 18 -May 24, 2008 to be Public Works Week recognizing the variety of services these professionals provide to protect and enhance citizen's everyday lives with vital services, recreational facilities as well as responding to emergencies to maintain and restore the services they provide. 5. Public Comment- There was no public comment. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: April 22, 2008 Regular Meeting, April 17, 2008 Special Meeting at the Fire District Board Meeting. b. Payables; Checks 34294-34435, totaling $1,017,973.21 c. Payroll; May 2008 Final Payroll d. Park Use Requests: YCP, YHS Alumni Picnic, July 12,2008 all day, YCP, Yelm Lions, NW Eyeglass Recycling Center, September 6, 2008, 9am- 6pm, #100 CMP, Darden Wedding Ceremony, July 12, 2008, Noon, #70 h/council Page 1 of 3 8-45 MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings- none scheduled 8. New Business a. Collection and Hauling Septage and Waste Activated Sludge Contract with Northwest Cascade, Inc of Puyallup, Washington. Tim Peterson reviewed the staff report indicating that this is an annual renewal that went out to bid for septage and waste activated sludge removal. The current vendor, Northwest Cascade's bid was the lowest of the five bids received. The cost of fuel indicated in the contract is determined by the average of three local listings as of today's signing. 8-46 MOTION BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A ONE YEAR CONTRACT WITH NORTHWEST CASCADE, INC, PUYALLUP FOR THE COLLECTION, HAULING AND DISPOSING OF THE CITY OF YELM'S SEPTAGE AND WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,976.50. CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 484, Office of State Procurement, State of Washington Department of General Administration Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for Public Agencies. Tanya Robacker stated from the staff report that this Resolution would comply with the requirement to enter into an agreement with the state agency to benefit from the negotiated state contracts for the purchase of goods and services. 8-47 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN AN INTERLOCAL PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF STATE PROCUREMENT, PURCHASING AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ALLOWING YELM TO PURCHASE GOODS AND SERVICES THROUGH STATE CONTRACTS. CARRIED. c. Motor Vehicle Theft Consortium Memorandum of Understanding. Chief Todd Stancil provided a staff report with the Memorandum of Understanding stating that by partnering with Thurston County Law Enforcement agencies, the City of Yelm has a better opportunity to successfully receive grant funds to fight vehicle theft. There would be no budgetary impact but would provide communication, coordination and cooperation between law enforcement agencies in Thurston, Lewis, Mason and Grays Harbor Counties, thereby reducing theft across county lines. 8-48 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AS WRITTEN TO ALLOW THE CITY OF YELM TO BE PART OF THE COUNTYWIDE MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT PREVENTION CONSORTIUM. CARRIED. 9. Old Business- none 10. Mayor and City Council Reports Councilmember Miller attended Fire District meeting and Chamber student awards presentation. h/council Page 2 of 3 ~o Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit meeting reporting that Yelm is expecting an additional bus in September due to the "standing room only" on the current Yelm bus route. He reported that the Senior Multipurpose Center received a $15,400 grant from the Nisqually Tribe 2% committee as well as a shuttle bus from the Boeing Credit Union. Councilmember Baker added that he personally has received many calls claiming to be collecting for the Yelm disabled police officers. Chief Stancil was not aware of any agency collecting in this area. Councilmember McGowan attended Arbor Days Celebration and HOME Consortium meeting reporting that although not ratified, the five year plan represents an outstanding and cooperative effort for expenditure of funding and a proactive partnership with other agencies to help with the homelessness in our area. Councilmember Thompson attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting. Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Chamber meeting and the Coates Road Open House. Mayor Harding attended the Nisqually Tribe 2% meeting adding that the Yelm Police Department and Yelm Community Services also received grant funds. He attended the Mayor's Forum where mayors meet monthly to discuss regional issues. Also attended the Fort Lewis Covenant, Arbor Day Celebration and the Chamber meeting where the Citizen of the Year was presented to Denise Bagwell. 11. Executive Sessions 12. Correspondence no correspondence 13. Adjourned: 8:00 pm R ald Hardin ,Mayor Attest: ~~Z~~~~' Janin Schnepf, ity Clerk h/council Page 3 of 3