07-23-08 SS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2008 5:00 P.M. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:10 pm. Present: Don Miller, Bob Isom, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. Mike McGowan arrived at 5:35 pm. Staff; Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tanya Robacker, Todd Stancil and Stephanie Ray. Guests; Brown and Caldwell, Steve Romines and Rita Hutchenson. Presentations Steve Romines, Director, Thurston County Medic One presented an overview of the history of Medic One and the status of the current 911 service locations, response time statistics, equipment and the work being accomplished today. Council discussed the possibility of adding a Yelm seat to the Board to replace their current representation as part of the South County. Chief Stancil reviewed the current Records Management agreement and discussed the imminent upgrade to the system of records management using improved technology to improve how they conduct business. Costs would be determined by population and include Lacey, Olympic, Tenino, Tumwater and Yelm. Tanya Robacker provided a budget calendar and a master rate schedule for long term projections for the upcoming budget year work. This is the first year of the 2009-2010 Biennial Budget and will include some changes to the process, including a Budget Finance Committee and an added September budget work session to the schedule in October. Stephanie Ray, along with Brown and Caldwell updated Council on the upcoming Water System Planning Open House on August 6, 2008; Introduction to Water System Planning including; topics and tactics to present the required plan to the public. Stephanie provided an overview of the schedule, water projections for population estimates and steps to take to meet the water demands. Council was asked to consider new ways to structure water rates to support the new growth. Janine Schnepf reported that there is a conflict with the November 11 Council meeting. Council agreed to consider cancelling or changing the date of the meeting by the first meeting in October (14th) Mayor/Council Initiatives Councilmember Thompson commented on the temporary direction signs installed during the road construction and the amount of commercial space proposed by Thurston Highlands. Shelly Badger and the Mayor reminded Council that the Environmental Impact Review is available in disc format and hard copy for review. Council asked that this review be added to a future study session Councilmember Hendrickson was directed to the Chamber of Commerce for concerns with the length, content and the safety of the citizens on the sidelines during the Prairie Days Parade. Shelly Badger updated Council on the on-going legal proceedings before the City of Yelm. Council agreed to consider adding a second study session per month at the January 2009 planning retreat. Adjourn 0 i A st: Ron Harding, ayor City of Yelm Janine Schnepf, City Clerk