10-28-09 SS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2009 5:00 P.M. Mayor Ron Harding called the meeting to order at 5.12 pm. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, John Thompson, and Russ Hendrickson. Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tami Merriman, Sue Davis. Mike McGowan arrived at 5:25 pm 4a. Presentations Thurston Climate Action Team. Tom Crawford and Sam Garst provided a presentation on a Community Wide Urban Residential and Commercial Energy Efficiency Pilot Program and Grant Proposal Summary. TCAT is anon-profit agency, currently including Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Thurston County, energy provider Puget Sound Energy and financial groups. Their mission is to develop private and public partnerships to bring energy efficient opportunities to the public in the form of energy audits, credit enhancements for energy improvements, training for local contractors and home owners, and the education and support of visionary thinking. To address the threat of climate changes and high energy costs with bold innovative practices by bringing the needs and resources together as a cooperative consortium. CONCENSUS to consider participation in this consortium after further review of governance and use of local worker participation. 4b. Biennial Budget Sue Davis provided the Third Quarter Financial Review for revenue, expenditures and debt service history and forecast in the General Fund, Water Fund and Sewer Fund as compared to the budget benchmarks. 4c Property Tax Increase 1%. Sue Davis will bring tax increase of 1 % allowed to Council on November, 2009 Public Hearing. Latecomer Agreements. Tami Merriman looking for direction on request by property 4d. owner to extend expiring latecomer agreement by 5 years. CONCENSUS to keep the current term of 15 years as stated in local code. 5. Mayor/Councillnitiatives. Councilmember Hendrickson reported that Fairpoint Communications filed Chapter 11 Monday. Discussed citizen concern for ATV noise and noise ordinance. Councilmember McGowan asked Councilmember Hendrickson to inquire about the SWAC customer survey regarding garbage pickup and recycling collection. Mayor Harding updated Council on the expectation of available information at the next meeting regarding Palisades West. Shelly Badger updated Council on water rights work being done. Adjourn :35 p.m. Attest on Hardin , Mayor of Yel J ne Schnepf, City CI h/council/10/28/09 SCA?NNEa