08-11-09 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2009 MINUTES 1. Call to Order- Mayor Harding called the Meeting to Order at 7:00 p. m. 2. Roll Call - Councilmembers present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly and John Thompson. Excused: Bob Isom and Russ Hendrickson 3. Agenda Approval 9-066 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- WSDOT update on SR510 Yelm Loop Project. Dennis Engel was unable to attend tonight's meeting. Jeff Petterson provided an update for Stage One; Mud Run to Cullens Road and Stage Two; Cullens Road to SR 507 of the Yelm Loop project. Washington State Department of Transportation is actively working on the design elements and has secured 95% of the property and right of way for construction. Call for bids for Stage One will go out in November 2009, construction to begin in Spring 2010 with completion planned for January 2011. Mayor Harding expressed appreciation for the efforts and management of the project moving forward. Mayor Harding introduced Michael Wessels as the new Managing Librarian for the Yelm Timberland Library. 5. Public Comment -seeing none, Mayor moved to the next item on the agenda. 6. Consent Agenda a. Regular Minutes of July 28, 2009, July 22, 2009 Study Session b. Voucher Approval checks 51605-51738, Totaling $452,551.06 9-067 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings- Ordinance No. 909 Utility Business & Occupation Tax Rate Increase. Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 7:14 pm. Finance Director, Sue Davis provided a staff report explaining the increase from the current 4% to 6% tax rate on utilities including; cable, phone, electricity, natural gas and solid waste. This is not a new tax but an increase to bring Yelm's tax rate in line with other cities and raise revenues. Utility companies will be notified prior to effective date of October 20, 2009. Mark Steves, Yelm resident and Realtor, stated that this increase, along with the water rate increase is anti-productive to increase revenue because of the negative affect on businesses moving into Yelm. Shelly Badger added that Council and the Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed tax increase as a way to offset any further cuts. They recommended that this be moved forward for Council vote. Mayor Harding closed the Public Hearing at 7:27 pm. 8. New Business - a. Ordinance No. 909 Amending Utility B&O Tax 9-068 MOTION BY MIKE MCGOWAN ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 909 INCREASING THE UTILITY BUSINESS AND OCCUPATION TAX TO 6%. 3 VOTES; YES 1 ABSTAIN; PAT FETTERLY WAS NOT PRESENT AT STUDY SESSION OR FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING. CARRIED. H/council/07-28-09 Page 1 of 2 b. Longmire Park Enhancement Stephanie Ray provided the Scope of Work from KPG for the design work proposed for Longmire Park Enhancement project including; survey and utility design, design for structure for restrooms and concession kiosk and construction cost estimates. Funding is provided by Washington State Public Works Board direct appropriation from the 2009- 2011 Capital Budget. KPG completed a similar scope and construction management of the Yelm Prairie Trail Line as well as the reclaimed waterline extension to Longmire Park. Councilmember Baker expressed concern for the public perception of funding enhancements in the midst of layoffs and tax increases. Councilmember Miller asked about the added work for Public Works with fewer staff, however, it does provide and attraction to Yelm. Councilmembers McGowan and Thompson responded that Longmire Park is the most used park in Yelm with baseball, soccer, football and playground facilities. The development of the land use was a joint effort with Thurston County and would be an appropriate use of state funds. 9-069 MOTION BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH KPG ENGINEERING OF TACOMA, WASHINGTON, FOR THE SURVEY AND DESGN SERVICES FOR THE LONGMIRE PARK ENHANCEMENT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,629.74. CARRIED. 9. Old Business -none scheduled 10. Mayor and City Council Reports Councilmember McGowan attended Thurston County HOME Consortium updated Council on the funding projects in the surrounding area. He announced that he was elected to Chair the committee beginning in September 2009. Councilmember Thompson attended the Chamber Forum presentation by Dwight Littlefield on the Economy. 11. Executive Sessions -None scheduled 12. Correspondence included Primary Election Ballot Processing information from the Thurston County Auditor. 13. Adjourned: 7:40 p. m. r? onald rdi g, Mayor Attest: J me Schnepf, City Clerk H/council/07-28-09 Page 2 of 2