Untitled (13) • Law Offices ' BETTS PATTERSON &MINES, Ps. 800 Financial Center 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98161-1090 Fax: 206-343-7053 Stephen L. Day Phone: 206-292-9988 entail: sday®bpmlaw.com December 1, 1998 Mr. Ken Garmann Director of Public Works City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 Re: The Prairie Line Dear Ken: Enclosed is a copy of an article from Railway Age, November 1998, entitled "PS&P: Listening to the Customer." cerel Stephen L. Da SLD:smt Enclosure r hortly after the Puget Sound ■ A 24-mile tie replacement and Psapee Pacific advertised for new roadbed resurfacing program between employees, a 19-year-old drove Elma and Shelton,Wash.,which included 30 miles on six Fridays in a row installation of approximately 10,000 ties. to apply for a job."On the sixth ■ Construction of a new 5,400-foot try he was lured. "At 18,when I siding at Blakeslee Junction to accommo- ' finished my first year of college, date direct interchange with UP,trimming some guy took a chance on me," says an average of 24 hours off transit times. PS&P Vice President and General Man- ■ Refurbishment of track for a cus- ager Tom Foster. Foster says he recog- tomer who had not used it in over 15 years. nized in this young man's persistence the ■ Reconstruction of a trestle near to the aggressive spirit that Chairman and CEO Aberdeen, Wash., wi:cre wooden pilings David Parkinson and President and were replaced with steel. customer COO Tom Schlosser wanted for PS&P. Foster asks potential customers to DIRECT MARKETING take a similar chance on his fledgling rail- Traveling the railroad every day, learning road,and they have responded. about its 10 main customers and their At start-up 14 months ago,PS&P was needs taught Foster valuable lessons in projected to haul 7,500 carloads in 1998, marketing PS&P's services more effective- its first full year of operation.The projec- ly. Crafting creative solutions to customer tion now is 9,500. In its first 10 months needs is a PS&P specialty. To do this,the of operation, PS&P won seven new cus- railroad uses a number of strategies: tomers and increased business 32%.Traf ■ Better equipment utilization. fic grew from 648 carloads a month dur- Instead of returning 65-foot gondolas 11 ` �'" "' ing the first three months of service to empty after receiving an inbound log ship- +""` 856 in second-quarter 1998, and is now ment, PS&P reloaded them with railroad at nearly 900. Lumber is PS&P's largest crossties, gaining a movement that previ Ili commodit}', accounting for 59% of its ously went by truck. The back-haul tech- business, followed by pulp (11%), logs nique was also used when UP could not (10%),grain(6%),chemicals(5%),metals supply boxcars to Skoocum Lumber— ' (3%),and special-purpose loads(6%). PS&P reloaded empties from an inbound Y The 131-mile short line, located on move. And with Paneltech International, the Western peninsula of Washington PS&P redeployed 73 log flats to generate State, was acquired from Burlington more than 300 carloads of new business. Northern and Santa Fe by Arizona & ■ Persuading customers that it is easy E � California Railroad Co. Interchange with to do business with PS&P. When dealing (� BNSF and Union Pacific at Centralia, with a Class I, "you've sometimes got to Wash.,affords PS&P nationwide connec- go to 20 different people" to get the job �+ tions. Operating in three shifts, its fleet done,he says.With PS&P,customers only of six EMD GP10s and GP30s,with 85% have to make one phone call. A customer availability,offers reliable service. who never shipped by rail telephoned PS&P's success,Foster says,is due to PS&P for a one-time log move. The cus- �. "sheer tenacity—how long can I hold tomer was shipping logs by barge from onto the dog's tail? Damn thing can wag Alaska, then reloading them onto trucks forever, but I'm not getting off." Such so they could be peeled in Rochester, efforts have not gone unnoticed: The Wash., before moving on to their final American Short Line and Regional Rail- destination in Montana. Foster is now oroad Association recently presented its working with Alaska Railroad, which { ° Excellence in Marketing award to PS&P. operates the rail-barge service, and BNSF to make the move a monthly one. That INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS would mean eight more carloads a month. f PS&P's infrastructure poses challenges. When a three-year truck movement of i . Responding to shipper needs The road has three mechanical swing magnesium oxide used in wood pulp pro- and expanding niche bridges in its main industrial area—all duction became unreliable,Foster worked vintage 1905—and a portion of line with with Weyerhaeuser and the Port of Grays markets have helpedguide a 2.8% grade. PS&P invested approxi- Harbor on a temporary transload to move this new short line to success. mately $500,000 in its first year. About about 50 carloads. PS&P now hopes to $1.9 million is needed to modernize the establish a permanent relationship,which '1 By and Luczak, bridges, and PS&P has applied for state could mean 500 carloads annually. and federal assistance. Among the main- ■ Class I partnerships. UP has helped Associate Editor tenance projects completed to date: PS&P obtain special-purpose cars.R �wLambs- 56 ailayAge • NOVEMBER 1998 I �� ,_ •,� IN.yMw MI. .=Gray Harbor Company needed r,cuaoe BU11DING ON SUCCESS ' cars to move 90,000-pound t ..dE� In 1999, PS&P will continue resur- winches destined for oil-drilling ' facing roadbed and replacing ties, platforms in Russia. To enable P.11LBOAD Co. and will obtain another locomotive. Lambs-Gray to ship by rail, PS&P Foster says the focus will continue to reopened 7/10ths of a mile of i0C— be on finding new business.If PS&P W EW track that had been closed for over + is able to establish a permanent 15 years.Rail service saved the cus- transload to move magnesium oxide, tomer more than$150,000. d" he predicts it could attract additional ■ Stressing safety. In 1997, °°arN' chemical business. He also hopes to PS&P received the Jake Jacobson Short gain more carloads from the U.S. Line Safety Award for having no y �. Navy, since PS&P successfully reportable injuries—an accomplishment :•"""'" - moved 300 container-loads of muni- achieved by 21 employees, many of 7eipo tions for a simulated war effort. These whom had neverpreviously worked on a G°°""" �°" niches,he says,keep a short line prospering. railroad. Foster says hiring non-railroaders eliminated "old bad PS&P's greatest opportunity—and its highest risk—is the habits." PS&P plans to assign a part-time employee to safety. Port of Grays Harbor.'Growing the port and developing water The Federal Railroad Administration and the Washington access with a marine carrier is a blessing and an Achilles heel, Department of Transportation have helped PS&P with signaling Foster says. Growth means more carloadings and the creation of and grade crossing safety, he adds, and to prevent fatigue,jobs jobs.But if the port is shut down,business suffers. and schedules have been restructured. Foster's main concern now is the Asian economic crisis. ■ "A good offense creates great defense."All PS&P employ- Dimensional lumber and wood pulp exports are dwindling as ees carry business cards presenting themselves as customer ser- markets dry up. Broadening PS&P's traffic base is important to vice representatives.The object is to solve problems locally. counteract the problem,he says,and the Railroad Industry Agree- ■Listening to the community.While installing the Blakeslee ment offers new opportunities.PS&P has submitted one proposal siding,PS&P changed switching operations to accommodate UP to BNSF, and "we're planning on flooding it" with others in direct connections.But area residents signed a petition complain- search of new business. "It shouldn't be a document that is put ing about the noise level of trains leaving at 9 p.m. Foster met on a shelf," he says, "because the key to this game is giving cus- with residents,and trains now begin service three hours earlier. tomers more options.And hopefully your's will be the best.," IM c • The Railroad i What It Is, What It Does I • rom the coal-fed"iron horses"that helped build a nation to the computer- assisted transportation systems in use today,the history of the railroad is told in the revised fourth edition of this indispensable } An indispensible resource from resource.New illustrations and diagrams classrooms to boardrooms help to explain the evolution of the railroad • Updated text throughout industry:changes in signal and communication • New&improved illustrations technology,maintenance,and design • 300+pages engineering.The ever-changing face of rail • Maintains its integrity as the most passenger service is described,as is intermodal a comprehensive railroad reference traffic.Examinations of the less-visible j available elements of the industry-administration,law, accounting and deregulation-make this i tum code one of the most valuable single volumes of RRCD...CD ROM Version..$89.95 background information available to anyone. . .- RRNN ..Paperback........$32.95 interested in the world of railroading. t-800-228-9670 Credit card number and iration date must be ' included Company invoicing is welcome,shipping will be added.We ship to the con- Add the following shipping&handling if your • tiguous 48 states,Alaska,Hawaii,Guam,Puerto Rico,Virgin Islands and merchandise subtotal is: • APO,FPO.For deliveries outside the 48 contiguous states,please contact us 25,01-50.00 Add 6.90 75.01-100.00 Add 910 for shipping costs.To fax call:402-346-1783.US funds only.Allow 21 days 50.01-75.00 Add 8.05 100.01-150.00 Add 1035 f o r RailwayAge • NOVEMBER 1998 57 i �iLL SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM �- The Sernor.Nutrition Pro ,.:,,.; , ram is run b :the. o thoun Y Commu S t , d ni .Act.. � .. tY on�Counlvolu �r x pride!iri r� -.fin parC3hrough pnval TA7C�TLME:_Nlor� /� and cofporate:donations,,.thE 4 .qtr a Berntsen;;AARPcoordiriatorforthe time.s..doin' thel mire return UrntedIN .andth people areneeded to help Program in oath sound TO k110W :Volunteers _ them The.work is'hmited to he Agency on Agmg e I'eSldritS{{) OUt`:t 17101'e• Bally get a good; 104Q,series:of-forms:.More.c Here;are th r om h e sites and da feeling that:.ahey,'ve;helpedaome- cated.'ret'rn o fOY'rilS t For more infdrmation about.the u s are;.referred to,!a,, . f mealseNice for;South Y Tax Aid Pro ram'call one' one.You are note ' ected to be an:` more e g. of the fol xperienced-voluriteen ;.found sernors s:: By Alex:'Goff lowing contacts ,h:. expert You:don to busiiess're The program has'growi `over the', ;�;Ye1m:;20,1:Yelm Ave turns°or any of the obscure`<forms'. For The Olympian. - ■AARq, on Berntsen,35.7-=5965 , Years.In1997;the'Program boasted: Monday;throuQh.Fnda .: rTIRSBobf: 9 p ple fro_0 U wall of iif. . :120-volunteer&at:37aites et e° Y MPIA-L;The word fills ma:y;. csuu nab,753-94,1;5-:" to heI .,helping `.!.Temno Quarry.House; Thurston Coun P 11;000 eo le in.Thurston-Lewisuesda .and.! o ith dread taxes-but for : tx Carl McPhetridge, Volunteers_ receive.,orientation P .P. s, y hursday..:. many n South.Sound;there's tradi- 458 .164 ;. Mason; Grays Harbor and Pacific: Rochestero- tionally been free help:available. �..I.ewis County,;:IVlaie Schltck,,. materials some timean December This year however,that help is in lesser,262-9647. . and.;then'can attend a' p rn er`, counties ` 4. or `` vallis Tuestlaythrough P Then r of volunteers waa PrP= Thursday.'z short.supply due to,a'lack of volun- P,Grays,Harborjand Pacific four day training program in Janu-' 27 percenmfrom 199a-,r Shelton::826'Railroad teers16r,the Tax Aid Program.., counties;Pat;Peyton,289-0283. ' The n+��-'Y r_ qve Monda thro' ■'Mason Coun Both the materials and theara�n Y ugh Thurs= The IflternalRevenue Service;m ty,Jir>l Huff,427 s' day conjunction with the"American As 9249 mg are free '■ Belfair E 22781 High ­ ion of Retired Persons runs; bP�"��-� y I .r _ To_ way 3,Tuesday and Thurs-• the free tax aid.ro — P gra that helps Despite a:growing,ne� �� � day more than 11;000 Soutli Sound tax service;-the;number of. ' 1 ' ■The'Ofympia Center: payers every year' hasn't kept up. iy +� L, }�,� 222 N Columbia St,week The program sends-volunteers to= •Now program organ J V days help the disabled disabled and low in-. looking for new helpers. �� p "' For more information,call come individuals prepare their "A lot of people freeze U14- vZ ` ,�� the Community Action Coun- taxes they even see a_tax form;" r r cil at 43&:1100, Fact 36 ✓' "� �� `�' NEXT WEEiK'S.MENU Yim vec For all sites ewes gra ■ Monday.Swiss steak, `) mashed potatoes,cream; ,r� ,��'� (f rn,pears,.- cobread/roll E; tty.Kinney The city will_receive$477 `�'� - r f For The Olympian complete the EastYehri'Aven S 1 �'Tuesday:,Beef - YELM.1 Ye1m:Mayor Kathy Wolf provement project �;, �y 4 stroganoff over noodles, might feel.Os if Christmas came ear , nixed vegetables,:mandarin, �Y It alsawill be'allotted$340 - ran es, r this year her to growing community liuy the Burhngton Northern ` 9 bead/roll Wolf has lea>~ried-,".:,from: the' rail line between Yelmand ---� '■Wednesday:Macaroni` Thurston'Regiotal<Planning Com , `In additions the exty will red �u each jurlsdic and cheese with hem, beets, mission that it has selected Yelin to E $40,OOQ to studyr:the much discus a%gge criteria, mixed fruit;bread/roll receiverriore thOn$857,000 in grant q 1. 1'. ro 'os to nui - "We;'.?'eJlt:very�please ":he said, ' `'!'Thursdaye Polish monies,for road improvements, a iiiajor`highwa throw` elm. ;1.. rr. rtz for', the r at last.�yeek's Ci ;Council meeting g sausage,sauerkraut,seal=' rail joie acquisition'aiid the'comple ;'An additionah. 35g200...als =..a'trsummers a possible About$s l`iriillion iri federal funds= loped;potatoes,.orange-apri tion of a.corridgr stu °.has funding:solution for:various:unffn will•be.allocated Ii' cot juice bread/roll dy ; been eaririarked for the city►as part ished'projects The.rrioney allocated betweeri;1999 a y the commission ■ Friday.Turke and.:.: "We were "ranked number.' one of a small cities" ant admuustered '.b the;re 'orial rid 2002 for,various y Y fr'°m"a11 the grants-submitted,"Wolf by Thurston Coti�n y regional transportation„'coin protects cheese sandwich,.vegetable t3' missiorn:came:.from various'state: . Patty Kinney.is a+correspondent for:: beef soup;coleslaw,,fruit.. told City Council members last week ;.Wolf•credited;Yelm Public Works_ and;federal funding sources The Olympian jl RAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 20 November, 1998 AGENDA 2:00 Welcome;Review minutes 2:10 Resolution disposition and review 2:30 Review proposed offer letter 2:50 Review draft of RAC by-laws 3:10 Discussion of media strategy 3:20 Operator criteria (sub committee) 4 i Railroad Committee Meeting Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 444, Yelm WA 98597; (360) 458-6608 Yelm/Roy Economic Development Rail Advisory Committee - ,`The Prairie Line ' Rail Advisory Committee Meeting November 9, 1998 Roy City Hall/Library 7:55 p.m. Present: Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 444 Yelm WA 98597, 360-458-6608 Joe Williams,President Jim Arthur, Economic Development Committee Chair Cecelia Jenkins, Executive Director Miles Sand & Gravel P.O. Box 130 Auburn WA 98071 253-833-3700 Brad Barton, Operations/Maintenance Wilcox Farms 40400 Harts Lake Valley Rd., Roy WA 98580,, 360-458-7774 Barrie Wilcox, Owner Yelm Prairie Development Company,P.O. Box 661 Yelm WA 98597,_360-458-0834 John Thompson, Office Management City of Yelm, P.O. box 479 Yelm WA 98597, 360-458-8499, Ken Garmann, Public Works Director Shelly Badger, City Administrator Glen Cunningham,Don Miller,Martha Parsons—City Council Members David Evans& Association 3700 Pacific Hwy E Ste 311 Tacoma WA 98466, 253- 922-9780 Charlie Burnham,Engineer(railroad engineer/planning) Betts Patterson&Mines P5 800 Financial Center. 1215 Fourth Ave Seattle WA 98161- 1090 206-292-9988 Steve Day, Attorney(specialist—railroad law) Locomotives Northwest LTD_(Locomotive Leasing& Sales),PO Box 1486, Shelton. WA 98584 (360) 490-0330 Pete Replinger Page 2 -Rail Advisory Committee Meeting,November 9, 1998 Chairman Joe Williams called the Rail Advisory Committee's meeting to order at 7:55 p.m., following the Roy City Council Study Session (Shortline Railroad—Burlington Northern/Santa Fe—Yelm City Council) held 7:00—7:50 p.m. Name of Line—'The Prairie Line' It was noted for the record the rail line's historical name is `The Prairie Line.' Name of Committee— `Rail Advisory Committee' The committee's name was officially.established. The `Rail Advisory Committee' ... RAC. Minutes Amended The minutes of the October 16, 1998 Railroad Committee meeting were amended. [Page 4, ... some income stream for the City of Yelm.] Resolution—Draft The draft Resolution was distributed for review. Members were asked to review the resolution and contact Ken Garmann immediately with any feedback. The Resolution will be submitted to the Cities of Roy and Yelm for approval. It was reported the attorneys from both cities have spoken several times on the railroad matter. Railroad Corridor Charlie Burnham discussed the importance of the railroad corridor. It was noted that the areas that would allow for operation and expansion should not'be sold. The committee discussed future expansion and development of the line. Grant Applications The current successful grants received by the City of Yelm were highlighted. The potential of Pierce County's HUD funds being applied for by the City of Roy and Thurston County funds by the City of Yelm were discussed. Draft Letters Ken Garmann will have.the draft letters to be sent to the railroad regarding the acquisition of the rail line prepared by the end of next week for review. The Yelm City Council will review the draft letter and resolution at their meeting on Tuesday,November 2e. Next Rail Advisory Committee Meeting A RAC meeting was scheduled for Friday,November 20, 1998, 2:00 p.m., Yelm Prairie Hotel's conference room. i i r� f Page 3 -Rail Advisory Committee Meeting,November 9, 1998 Tacoma Link Light Rail Transit Jim Arthur highlighted the `Tacoma Link Light Rail Transit' materials he had gathered at a recent meeting. The data was given to Cecelia Jenkins to keep on file at the Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce's office for committee review. Pete Replinger, owner of Locomotives Northwest,LTD. (Locomotive Leasing & Sales), located in Shelton was introduced. It was announced that Jim Arthur and Cecelia Jenkins had attended a meeting called by Mayor Derefield to discuss the planning for the downtown area of Roy. Barrie Wilcox discussed the prime industrial area.in the downtown Roy area, and stressed the importance of protecting the water tower. The committee discussed the pending media coverage. It was agreed to make copies of any news coverage and fax copies to the other committee members. It was requested that a copy be sent to Ken Garmann immediately. Cecelia Jenkins and Ken Garmann will be working together to develop news releases for the media. The committee agreed not to answer lease questions at this time. It is important to have' all the facts before promises or decisions are made. j The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. O Cecelia Jenkins,Executive Director Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce l RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION To state the guiding principles for the acquisition and use and operational oversight of the railroad branch line, the Yelm Branch Line, currently owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company; to create a Rail Advisory Committee to advise the city on the use, operation and development of the acquired property; and to provide guidance to the Director of Public Works on how to proceed; and WHEREAS, The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) currently operates over a railroad corridor called the Yelm Branch Line which extends from Milepost 8.55 near Lakeview on the north to mile post 25.55 in the City of Yelm on the south and has indicated its interest in discontinuing rail service over at least a part of that branch line; and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm has indicated its interest in acquiring all property interests now held by the BNSF in its Yelm Branch Line for general public welfare, economic development and investment purposes; and WHEREAS, The City of Roy has expressed its interest in participating with the City of Yelm in setting public policy for the use and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch, insofar as such use operation and development affects the City of Roy; and WHEREAS, The Yelm Chamber of Commerce has actively been supporting the public acquisition of the Yelm branch; and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, THE MAYOR CONCURRING: Section 1. The Council endorses the following guiding principles in,acquisition, operation and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch Line (formerly known as the Northern Pacific's Prairie Line): All BNSF property interests its Yelm Branch Line, should be acquired by the City of Yelm and after such acquisition the line of railroad shall be referred to as "The Prairie Line." The preservation and vitality of businesses located along the BNSF's Yelm Branch Line should be preserved, and additional businesses.should be encouraged to locate along the line. 982940186/111898/1142/ The exploration and development of commuter rail and other passenger uses in conjunction with development of the acquired property should be encouraged. The interests of the City of Roy and its citizens will be considered in any use or development of the BNSF's Yelm Branch line, and appropriate interlocal agreements or contracts may be entered into by the two Cities to achieve and carry out mutual interests and apportion ownership, as necessary. Section 2. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee is established to assist and advise the City of Yelm in acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail property, "The Prairie Line." (a) The Committee shall be composed of the Mayor of Yelm, the Mayor of Roy, or their designees, and three persons appointed by the City of Yelm and two person appointed by the City of Roy, to serve at the pleasure of the respective appointing Mayor. The Mayor of Yelm may designate one of the appointed members to serve as chairperson: (b) The committee members will receive no additional compensation, except that the City may reimburse any travel or administrative expenses of the appointees out of the marketing fund established herein, under the guidelines established by the City. Section 3. Rail Marketing Fund. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee shall advise the Public Works Director on an annual marketing budget as determined by the City of Yelm of up to 1/2 of 1% of any rents, profits or other payments received by the City of Yelm for use or uses of any part of the Prairie Line: This fund to be created annually as . part of the operating budget of the Department of Public Works, and its use shall be subject to review and audit. The fund shall be used to promote the use of the Prairie Rail Line. Section 4. The Director of Public Works shall: (a) Negotiate the acquisition of BNSF's Yelm Branch Line and appurtenant property with appropriate BNSF officials and submit to the council a proposal for such acquisition. (b) Develop in consultation with the Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee created herein, and submit to the Council for approval, a'proposed rail policy which will encourage and promote freight and commuter rail service, provide for safe and economical development and use of all property;in the acquired branch line, and prepare a prudent and business-like property management plan for-the acquired property. i 982940186/111898/1142/ 2 (c) Assist the Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee in preparing an appropriate budget for its operating expenditures and other such uses of the rail Marketing Fund created in Section 3, and, as part of the Public Works' normal budgeting process. (d) Create a proposed bid requirement to solicit appropriate offers from competent rail operators to contract with the City for engaging in common and contract carrier freight rail service over the Prairie Line. The qualifications for a contract rail operator should emphasize financial responsibility and rail operation experience, and ability to meet current rail customer's transportation requirements. (e) Develop an Operating Agreement which the City may use to engage the services of a competent rail operator, or operators, ensuring that such agreement will provide an operator or operators who will meet the reasonable service requests of businesses who desire common carrier rail service, that the City will remain in overall control of the properties, and that such operators will be able to bear the full expense and risk attendant with such rail operations. (f) Develop a program of active oversight of future rail operations and other property uses in the Prairie Line to ensure all such uses are in compliance with contract, safety and public use requirements. (g) Prepare and file on behalf of the City any documents necessary to carry out the acquisition and operation of The Prairie Line with the: Surface Transportation Board, the Federal Railroad Administration, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the Washington Department of Transportation, the Association of American Railroads, or any similar agencies. or organizations. Section 5. The Council supports all progressive and safe uses of the acquired property which will benefit the general public and directs the Mayor to explore all reasonable opportunities for The Prairie Line to yield a return on the City's investment; Provided, however, that such uses must be consistent, and not interfere, with the general acquisition purpose of providing freight and passenger rail service, so long as there is a reasonable demand or potential need for such services. { 982940186/111898/1142/ 3 THE PRAIRIE LINE RAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY-LAWS ARTICLE NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1. NAME. This organization shall be known as The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee. ["RAC"] Section 2. PURPOSE. The RAC is established to assist and advise the City of Yelm, Washington, in acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail property, to be known as "The Prairie Line." Section 3. AUTHORIZATION. The RAC was established by Resolution No. of the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington; on 1998. ARTICLE 11 MEMBERSHIP AND FUNDING Section 1. MEMBERS. The RAC shall consist of five members as follows: - the Mayor of Yelm, Washington or his/her designee - the Mayor of Roy, Washington or his/her designee - two members appointed by the Mayor of Yelm - one member appointed by the Mayor of Roy Section 2. TERM OF SERVICE. The Mayors or their designees serve so long as the Mayor remains in elected office. The appointed members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor responsible for their appointment or his/her successor. ARTICLE Ill FINANCES Section 1. FUNDING. The RAC shall be funded by an amount of up to one-half of one percent (0.5%) of any rents, profits or other payments received by the City of Yelm for use or uses of any part of the Prairie Line. By-laws of the Rail Advisory Committee - Page 1 c Section 2. ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS. Funding shall be budgeted annually as part of the operating.budget of the Department of Public Works of the City of Yelm. This funding, called the Administrative Fund, and its use shall be subject to review and audit. Section 3. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. The RAC may by majority vote reimburse any travel or administrative expenses of its members out of the Administrative Fund. The RAC members may not receive any additional compensation. ARTICLE IV DUTIES OF THE RAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Section 1. GENERAL. The RAC shall consult with the Director of Public Works of the City of Yelm ["Director"] a proposed rail policy which will encourage and promote freight and commuter rail service, provide for safe and economical development and use of all property in the acquired branch line, and prepare a prudent and business-like property management plan for The Prairie Line. Said rail policy shall be submitted to the City Council of Yelm for approval. Section 2: BUDGETING. The RAC shall assist the Director in preparing an appropriate budget for its operating expenditures and other uses of the Administrative Fund created in Article Ill., Section 1. The Director shall include the RAC's proposed budget in the budget for the Department of.Public Works budget for approval by the City . Council of Yelm. ARTICLE V MEETINGS AND LEADERSHIP Section 1. MEETINGS. The RAC shall meet at.the call of any one of the following: the Mayor of Yelm or designee; the Mayor of Roy or designee, or the Director of Public Works of Yelm. Section 2. LEADERSHIP. At its first meeting, the RAC shall designate a convener who will preside at each of the meetings.and set the agenda. Section 3. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Meetings may be called upon at least three days' notice to all Members by written communication. By-laws of the Rail Advisory Committee-Page 2 y - Section 4. COMMITTEES. The RAC may appoint committees to serve its purposes. All committees shall be answerable to the RAC. Committee members need not be members of the RAC and shall serve at its pleasure. Section S. QUORUM. A majority of the members of the RAC shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS' Section 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. No RAC member should take any position where a conflict of interest or bias might reasonably be thought to exist, unless the fact of such possible conflict has been fully disclosed. All activities should be conducted in a way which will give due recognition to competing points of view. Section 2. AMENDMENTS. These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the RAC by a vote of at least three members,.provided that such proposed amendment shall first have been sent to each member at least seven days in advance of the meeting. Dated this day of , 1998. i I By-laws of the Rail Advisory Committee -Page 3 ve Wily Christmas in the Pazk celebra ;f r1 H 01-1da �� t{ tign�,to�be�`h�l'�:this Saturda;` ~ y ,y '5 a ` ' ;A; !ork party is. lanne forti3 E30 ° Owner of L`ittic: p�xu�on Fnday,'m tl>4�pa=k, to{settMichelle'1Vliller,,b ups Booths;and complete decors;5, ping shoulci.;be`a +pons �nyQne interested iiihelpings `experience tht s shouldhhow upat the park orcallr always proviides` Cecelia Jenkins at�}58 6608E`i'or 5 `cookies'and friend] ,further,information $ ` ;' r her ci stomeis whilt c°•through her cozy sh a f r Russ Hendrickson This weekend;': rennRyes old iights,from ' "'� :rand 6,:Little Bit Cc xM7 t J f , ':�� :'senririg�itS'anrival r° the qty's Chrlstm sA ree �� V 1 g vulth!JohnrEdwards qd 3fi `'House to nt<oduc e : "�?y Ter� Vandiver assist ni g ° ";for the`,season, bu P, gro'OW �' importantly;lVhller r t rt a r, i c ca, ya >r u 4 everyone:get into: �� Christmas There Wj { c -uncilha roves ry—/ IL. ka , x r « rments,including apl Szz r '..P 1 ¢ K 3 , �' r :n! r< ; [andtlie oPl i X'.,�f/gipp Y' .■ ':;1 a. ■ r.-■. ,'F V ' .Cif;,.'':, R:, r� �on4�o1= ail°Advi3sor;. CommitteefaQd ; �z{variet + y t . , d K Yx;.t�,�tYM1... :f�.y f h.� r 7.r. r,v Y Y 1 �;�,ai`d ar ,y ' .x. ,• 1.�,i�ttle:BltCOun Myran QY: By da un .E�" ;�,<";v`Th'ePra�izeLme.' 9meetw ;v:. . z Kgerahttle=?bit of; C y y t Mayo• Kathy Wolf applapded •the council'approved`Margo �,;.Teenef Fxesh Sce S�� ►�isquall Valie News � , , .. Ga±mann for'lus work in acquuuig';� and William Cowles' Notice of files fillsthe stoF�� aYe1m CityfCouncihmembers xhre;e grants�forahe City:;Tlie Intent to annex three parcels of <, f <, . 3 c .,.- P F s�nglls the add:tp tl , .4Y unanunqusly approved Resolhoii grants include the:•short line acqui land on Canal and'Rhoton roads 01 `4 /Y Y 379;to estabhshra Rail Advisory sition grant-A'..$477,000 grant'for, into the city. The. parcels total ideas}for,evsry r3.. Gomnuttee;to offei'tadyice,on tte proying.the safety of East Yelm approximately acres:.:>Thes `f Christmas'isho i ' Ply. m use, operation at�d deyeop�aent of ;Ayenue which was ranked first: Cowles will now have to'receii+e a t Ca tll ; Beclmiai i sf '� tliie "S lin"" I orthern/Santa Fe ,out'of,all`fh'e other`safety��grapis, minimum of'60'perceiit`'approval atlh4"p oducts�Ftizz t(BNSI�fshort�liue}between Yelm received 6 Ahe Thurston Regional from area residents to.:.be::annexed r pards�nud calendars ,andLLakewoodr Yelmi received;a �l ung C.ouncilti(T0C)L and,a,; into the city., ; ,: y Cine d'e and,`D,ebt $ 40,000--,,T EA 21. giant:funding ii}all�`i s ant; om h g r 'S as , N.` S ty, Mgr .fir the TC . •voted to a in"negotiations of �; anrtoxtems=:inclu },paclagefrom ;Congress�tobetosguaiantee,Yelnp'$8,800 a::Xear;2 fees aiad'an;-interest'rate witli'� a '''` ' zt Ir1.i 31�ed LF a:s+ TrVia' Y'+. ''Ft , :�,! , fi�...,,a _ :�'h nnteads .stickers, t�;L app. rlo tfier cost of acquiring for the next four yeazs ti ; . Maitin'Nelson Coinpany to h file l more 11}``Hgllo Land,maii}taming theBN$Flizoper� � "Thank.you Ken.A lot of money'•; the.lOan"of''the Waste `Water 4 les,'balloons.wit s war ,sL3' ty Wlul�sYelmr will be„fheylead `and`work went into this,” said; Reuse's'=:IT=tihfy;=°Loc'al At Tms mugs;and gift;bag: ' agency m'theacquiisltion, `�1Sty 'WOIf .r ". Asa prQ e$ W er th>rows:; ;l wilh�veaniesentiq�rail„ Garmann-coiriiuente �tlia }lie, •approved tfie use of sodiu ,meq - roa�RbyCry Council approved a L RPC saw merit in the grants F hydroxide to'`adJust=tie=:pH�ancf fo ,m .Y , similar(resolution_recogn17411 ,its j ,YIn,.gther bu'siuess•- 5I k `' reduceFd s ,4 partiiGipahon in'theRail'E�dwfsoXy ; •hecause 1tlie assessed value of cities.in Thurston'Count are Ty. ComiYuttee no mes'in the cit has increased, ,re uued togmaintaina�'H of 7:5dOr 4s,AttC TeaSures; 4 ` f xa„ -z Y'' q ' P Looking fora silo {Tlie�Rai1 Advisory Corrimittee,r thea Council is waiting.to receiver higher to.reduce;the�.chance o£the t staffer? Little Bit C be composedlof the mayors of "W',information from-_the county water leaching with'lead and co -':' - ;�Yelm_and Royor.'their`designees, ;assessor's office'to determine#.per pipes. ' P z three peopleiappointed by�the°City:`exactly how much;property faxes. ` •approved;the-'.Pi fic.PeaieGirl and cwgpeople;by the R�will_go upChief Administrative; Scout.;Council.to,sell Girls , ut- �Yy Lof Roy:The'Committee will's Officer Shelly:Badger;explained` Cookies''cloor'.to door arid`at local ,i advise Ken Garniann,Yelmts pub that currently the.City:repeives businesses?from January-15 pto:24 hcworks director,''on how to�ro ' $ }769 peF$1,Q00 of-assesied Deliyeryaand booth saps yylllrbe ,rat;' J. ceed with'the purchase of the value'of,homes in.Yehn :She did` held`February?2'6 fo Mazch 14 BNSFprbperty. y..say"she expects the increase to-be :h -•� +�':7 y.' 7 � :- Onc 'A.hecquisition is com close to'$15 per home:The matter plete,,;the short line,willbe called was continued until the'December - t; t.r a. 4 �..t . - 1 U y J-f 3t- - •s< .✓.., r; Accuracy isuportantFto us,at�tpe,Nisq l�y_,Yall News When "y y errors do occur;wg,want toz con ect them to a tiiel�y;fashion This space is eoG set Q�ch weok forGtht�ipose;If:youl believe panted'; } �8 r w, ,s r ; 1't d C45& Y + i 2 rt L i' informatloa,ls in error please c ,us at 458 268 4''r _ r t �, ' nllIn astory�about Xhe; 'vis,ui}zhe riTovember?i6 issye o>FT ,. �g+_�x{, g s q r - yyta�r ANN ,rarr' r+e ! ;Pth4L\,r.17.,2thf..fa111111y�QjF•..-.o pi/• n � 4y^Baker;wonld,r.111CG t0_make K' '�-ti ', s it;Cleaz``that:the 11aI11 of th ' a 1 : ` t f ' eS fT,,e tv4nnsI asW I father Wright BakeI that { i .si ='•a.�,_,n ) , e n "�°�'S`r+. F{, J r�` 'one of Roy s daughters,LO18,'�{t83 inadVertetltly„Omittedl v $`v ��''j '. FiROM:THURSTON REG PLNG _ TO:Yelm City Hall J 19, 1998 3:02PM #651 P.01 1-LA To: Ken Garman, Fax: Phone: 4 - . From: Thera Black Phone: (360) 786-5480 Email: blackvt@co.thurston.wa.us There is a total of 4 Pages in this fax. NOTICE Q REVIEW & COMMENT AMENDMENT # 1 to TransAC7TICN 2020 The 1998 Regional Transportation Plan Update Thurston Regional Planning Council. ,FROM:THURSTON REG PLNG L TO:Yelm City Hall U 19, 1998 3:03PM #651 P.02 1.998 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE AMENDMENT#1 Sum�nary Thurston Regional Planning Council is considering an amendment to ' r —The 1998 Regional Transportation Plan Update (RTP). The RTP, which was adopted in February 1998, is a long-range (20+ years) planning document that guides local, regional, and state transportation decision-making processes: Amendment#1 to the 1998 RT`P Update adds new policy language to three sections of the current Plan in support of passenger and.freight rail in Thurston County: Public Trans op nation; Freight TratlSt2i)r1atiol]; and Rail Corridor Preservation_T1115 is in response to recent reit initiatives that have surfaced since adoption of the 1998 RTP tJpdiate, and which are regionally significant in nature. BAdig-round The city of Yelm is in the process of acquiring the Yelm-to-Lakewood segment of the Burlington Northern Sante It (BNSF) railroad to preserve its use as an operating.rail line, preventing the loss of this important transportation facility. 'this acquisition will preserve freight rail access for southeast Thurston and Pierce Counties. It will also provide the first viable option for this region to link up with the Regional Transit Authority's (RTA) commuter rail line which will terminate at Lakewood in 2000. The city of Yeltn's rail project is one of several regional rail initiatives that have surfaced since adoption of the 1998 Regional Transportation Plan Update (RTP). Others include the Port of Olympia's proposed enhancements for freight rail access to the marine terminal, and the Freight Access by Rail (FAR) Corridor project which will fret up capacity on the mainline for high speed passenger rail, and 1-5 roadway capacity, by providing an alternative corridor for freight movement by rail. In addition, several light density rail lines that.currently serve existing industrial uses, and which are at risk of abandonment, are attracting the attention of potential short-line operators and agencies who warm to keep theta operating. These initiatives represent significant regional transportation opportunities. Issues At the time of the 1998 RTP Update, c r�rrent rail��d not vet surfaced ,Consequently, there is no'language of support for them in the Plan's policies. The State is updating its own transportation plan at this time (Washington 'Transportation Plan, or WTP), which will draw heavily from policies and recommendations included in regional transportation plans. The WTI' will then be used to help prioritize funding for projects around the state. In order to ensure that the region's rail projects are nota disqualified or penalized in upcoming state funding processes because of their omission Froin the Regional Plan, it is prudent to arnend the current RTP to acknowledge their importance to the region's transportation network.. This may also enhance the ability of these projects to secure federal funding from other sources. FROM:THURSTON REG PLNG L TO:Yelm City Hall J 19, 1998 3:03PM #651 P.03 Proposed Changes following is suggested language changes for the 1998 Regional Transportation Plan Update. Added language is unclerlimd; deleted language is indicated with strikeod 2, Public Transportation Explore the viability of commuter rail connections to the Regional Transit Authorit.,y'5 `SaunWUL hail. line in Lakewood. 5. Freight Transportation 5,4 Explore the )ssibilit.yof exuandin mainline canaci.y and I-5_mobility by develonina. an alternative corridor dedicated to the movement of .ertegis�nal freight by rail, 9 envisioned in the Freight. Access by Rail (FAR) Corridor, $,S ftnort Port of Olympia efforts to secure state funding for imnr muems that enhance freight fail access to the Port's facilit"..,.ftxrby increasing the reg 'y , l ,v to attract and retain rnanufact.uritlg-based businesses, b. RMI eorrivafion Rail Transportatiou &Col.ritdslr Preservation Goal: Promote the con inued use of passenger and freight rail and preserve threatened lines that have been identified for future passenger or freight rail transportation. In conjunction with public and private partners. work to preserve and =ban servl� on and-=mote continued service on liabt_density lines that serve Thurston County cotnmunjUt:4,.minimizine the loss of oper. ating rail Jinr&to_the stgW of 'protected right-of-way corridor.' In particular, rtrS�S2L�tze the importance of the Yelm-to-Lakewood line as an-important light density line vital to the rQgngmic health 9f_Ye1hn and soutbcast Thurston C91.W.M fi& Work with communities and ptlic agencies to address rail-related safety issues. Amendment Process At its November 18, 1998 meeting, tho Transportation Policy Board considered the need for amending (lie R 1'1'and the proposed policies to be added. With minor revisions to the policy language, the Transportation Policy Board recommended that Thurston Regional Planning Council adopt the proposed changes to the 1998 Regional Transportation Plan Update. Public review of the proposed amendment commenced on November 19, 1998 and will continue through the close of business on Thursday, December 3, 1998. Public comments may be submitted at any time through the close of business on December 3, 1998 (see below for more information). All conunents received by that PROM:THURSTON REG PLNG _ TO:Yelm City Hall J 19, 1998 3:04PM #651 P,04 time will be presented to the Regional Council for their consideration. For those wishing to testify, a public hearing will be held before the Regional Council on friday, December 4, 1998, at.their regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting will be held in the second floor conference room at TRPC, 2404 Heritage Court SW, Olympia WA 98502. The meeting begins at 8:30 a.m. Thurston Regional Planning Council will consider t.hc proposed amendment to the RTP at its December 4, 1998 mecling. At that time the Council will review all public comments on the proposed amendment, and hear any additional testimony presented at the public hearing. The Council will be requested to take action on the proposed amendment via resolution. TQ nbmit Public,(:ortmrent.5 Public comments on the proposed amendment may be submitted via fax, quail, or email to Thera Black, at. 11urston Regional Planning Council Mail: 2404 Heritage Court SW, Ste B Olympia, WA 98502 Fax: (360)754-4413 Ernail: blackvt@co.thurston.wa.us Comments ents should be received by 5:00 p.m. on Tbursday, December 3, 1998, in order to be considered by the Regional Council at their December 4 meeting. For more information on Amendment #1 to the 1998 Regional Transportation Plan Update, please contact Thera Black at Thurston Regional Planning C(quicil: Phone• (360)786 Email: blackvt co.t nurston.wa.us )1FLANNI-,'Rlb4ncxVT%TRANS198RI'I,\AMBrmi.WPD y ig � -VaCvsu' .-._...- ,.:;., tl —fl;....: C a C." a .s '. .'1��`�'w'r -,��+*a�� ��'.�]�I�d� ar �-"3 e' c�Tf.�.+"A�s?i'4 !�E Mf—�■ v �e.-j ��_ C 1,4H,xra. reT'aWp lF n In r ., , a "rflu?r� L5 _ 1 tt •x°�. e"t ..-'. ,�,a' �. Get i' -.sSLun.r,�_r ,•tom+' ..!"+fi4'r+,��-�•� w�rF87' "'C @ � ^'gid"'4�+5`�: l C r'.- Cl''•'"' ,`�'"'�P` .x�'�..xvr -"� r�u��' � ..��,�+ R -Q ® � ¢+�, p, ,. �6.n+ :r � I I BLIND CC: IS i Li. K __-- - -- �yy,Pw uF THE p��� Ja �� FAX TRANSMISSION CITY OF YELM PO BOX 479 - 105 YELM AVE W YELM YELM WA 98597 WASHINGTON 360-458-3244 FAX: 360-458-4348 Date.. I q q S Fax#: �S 3 �R7 �Z7� Pages: including this cover sheet. From: Subject: l /k l R-L C— LAtr-- L�JTt-R, COMMENTS: Coe f ** `50)458-3244 as I ds/c:office\forms\fax.3 co of Yelm a M 105 Yelm Avenue West YELM P.O. Box 479 WASHINGTON Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 December 2, 1998 r-- Mr. Jerry Johnson, _ Assistant Vice President PA6E-� Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 .Lou Menk Drive P.O Box 961052 Fort Worth, TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our""Transportation Comprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due to a declining shipper base and increasing (for BNSF) cost of providing service. This past spring, it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was intending to, liquidate the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus severing an important transportation link to commercial/industrial development in Yelm. The potential loss of freight and passenger rail connections with other significant markets has proven to be a valuable catalyst for our community. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation of current service and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame- 1 of 3 work for the ownership of the Yelm branch line, to provide a short line rail service over what has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of track, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in beginning negotiations for acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To ensure the success of our plan, the City is interested in certain operational considerations outlined below to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as to develop new business and future shippers. Therefore, we propose the following: 1. The acquisition of all assets by the City of Yelm, including right of way, physical improvements (track, bridges, buildings, real estate contracts, easement agreements and other revenue generators) and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. 2. The "first right of refusal" for acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview with connections to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe mainline. 3. An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficient transfer of traffic between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". 4. The "Prairie Line" will service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots of six or more cars from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system. Our proposal will continue the present operation and revenue stream to Burlington Northern Santa Fe from current shippers on the "Prairie Line" through the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue service to existing customers and to aggressively market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway of the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet allow the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway to continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". In fact, it is our strong intent to dramatically increase the traffic on this line, allowing the Burlington Northern Santa Fe to enjoy additional revenues without increased costs. 2 of 3 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway will recognize cost savings by circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line, the elimination of most maintenance cost, and the elimination of certain liabilities, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the "Prairie Line" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Growth Management Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the corridor. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest in serving Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. For us, time is of the essence on this matter, and we would request your reply by December 30, 1998. Please direct all correspondence to the attention of Ken Garmann, Public Works Director. If you have any questions, feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garm n Public Works Director cc: Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor Shelly Badger, CAO att: acknowledgements letters of support map 98-bnsf9 3 of 3 a City of Yelm a r+ 105 Yelm Avenue West "WAP.O. Box 479 SFIwoTON Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 "The Prairie Line" Acknowledgement of Project Support Yelm to Lakeview / BNSF Slade Gorton United States Senate Patty Murray United States Senate Adam Smith United States House of Representatives Marilyn Rasmussen State Senator 2nd Legislative District Karen Fraser State Senator 22nd Legislative District Cathy Wolfe State Representative 22nd District Sandra Romero State Representative 22nd District Dick Nichols Thurston County Commissioner Judy Wilson Thurston County Commissioner Diane Oberquill Thurston County Commissioner Kathryn M.. Wolf Mayor, City of Yelm Joel Derefield Mayor, City of Roy Dennis Matson EDC of Thurston County Nick Handy Port of Olympia Harold Robertson Thurston Regional Planning Council Cecelia Jenkins Executive Director, Yelm Chamber of Commerce James H. Slakey Director, WSDOT-Rail 98bnsf10 .- .0 L October 22, 1998 Mr. Ken Garmann Public Works Director City of Yelm P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 RE: Burlington Northern Santa Fe - Yelm to Lakeview acquisition Dear Mr. Garmann: Wilcox Farms, Inc. is extremely supportive of the work you have done as the lead agency in acquiring the BNSF line from Yelm to Lakeview. As a user of services on this line (approximately 500 cars per year), we are concerned about future service and feel the City, as owner, will ensure long-range quality customer service. This letter formally gives the City of Yelm permission to communicate to the BNSF that Wilcox Farms agrees with the plans for the City-to acquire the short line railroad. We look forward to supporting the City both financially and with my involvement in the future. Sincerely, C (1 Barrie Wilcox WILCOX FARMS, INC. 40400 Harts Lake Valley Rd. S., Roy, WA 98580 (360) 458-7774 FAX(360) 458-6950 1. I ­ �-. . ,� , -.. �;,01.,,,. -1 ,;., ,. � , .� . - ., .. . -- :- ,, -. ,. , ...— . .- 11 , .. - ­... 1: , * � � ; .�,.,�I - - .1 -.i- -.- - . , . �.� ,: , � :I , ,- , . ,., �,�: ----., ,.� . �I . . � . I, . ..- .�. , - ,.z, . , � ,�, I. 4 . , I I. ....� �,�I ., " :i,IK"_7� * I �!_'.�-,I!, 7:... �., � . ��,.,,I" , . ,. 'i, . ;-i1i I- .. :--,� ..,-,,, � 7 ., I ;. .,�. . .. , .-�,�:, ."�,- � ,.. • :.; . YE.LM,PkA,I ZIE DEVELOPMENT CCIIVIPAN - . ,:. ., . . 1 r .. j =.December 2 1998\ . . . . , : The Honorable Kathryn NL Wolf,Mayor CityfYbln 105 Yelm Ave East P O `Box 479 II . Yelm.VVA 98597: Re Prairie Line Proposal to-:Burlington:Northern Santa FI. e,Railway Dear:Mayor Wolf; , .. I. . - . : We.have eonferred with`Ken Garmarin.an d reviewed it detail:the proposal`letter being sent to Jerry'Johnson at the Burlington Northern Santa F Tlus:ldo is to st1.ate that we are m hill agreement with all aspects of the proposal and you have our ,bi lete1.'su - g pport regarding this matter _. - : staid ready and willing to provide.our political contacts and other resources to ansure . = 11. ahe successful co1.mpletign ofthe crty'�s objective ;: . _. --. Sincerely, z hn'Gibbs Thompson . s, .. , ,:.: ,. f.r -...t. „'1'.• - C ). - ., s 4, i . / "l L FIT-L � - 4 J Iii ` _ - > 701 Praiz�e Park Lade NE PO Box,a210 ,,Y, I ' Waslungton_48597 , Phone 360 458.7501 Pax 360 4'58 X07. � F �" .. a r , ., Pea Chamber of Comb -L PO Box 444 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 45.8-6608 December 1, 1998 The Honorable K. Wolf Mayor The City of Yelm, Wa 105 Yelm Ave W Yelm, Wa 98597 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mayor Wolf, As the President of the Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce and a long time Yelm resident, I would like to express my strong support for the work that has been done to secure the Yelm to Lakewood rail service for the future of our community. The Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Board and their Economic Development Committee have participated in and followed with great interest this project since its beginning in December of 1997. We are absolutely committed to this course of action, and feel that the rail service link is the lynchpin in attracting new business to the Yelm area. Please convey to Burlington Northern Santa Fe the Chambers thanks and sincere appreciation for their attention, and the obvious good faith they have displayed to us over the last year. I look forward to commenting at length on the success of this project in the monthly Chamber insert very soon. Sincerely, i J Williams resident Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce MrLEs M MW ILES� -- . SAND AND GRAVEL COMPANY p.O. BOX 130 AUBURN, WA 98071 CONCRETE GRAVEL • CRUSHED ROCK SAND PLANTSIN AUBURN TACOMA ROY SHELTON FAX 833-3700 922-9116 843-1787 (360)426-3344 833-3746 December 3, 1998 Mr.Ken Garmann Public Works Director City of Yelm P.O.Box 479 Yelm,WA 98597 RE: Burlington Northern/Santa Fe—Yelm to Lakeview acquisition Dear Mr. Garmann, Miles Sand and Gravel Company is extremely supportive of the work you have done as the lead agency in acquiring the Burlington Northem/Santa F,rail line from Lakeview to Yelm. Over the past ten years our company has tried to use this spur line to rail gravel into the Tacoma area We are very interested in the future of the line and would very much like to use the line to rail our gra This letter formally gives the City of Yelm permission to communicate to the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe that Miles Sand and Gravel Company agrees with the plans for the City to acquire the spur track from Lakeview to Yelm. We look forward-to supporting the City in this endeavor,and I would like to actively participate in the process. Sincerely, MILES SAND AND GRAVEL COMPANY Lisa Kittilsby \ _ _ II_n�_Oa n1 11PTrt Pn1 "THE PRAIRIE LINE" YELM TO LAKOWEW Ixllpa � 0 Andove 46 Apyn ocKob � 4Roc o4r ��`° �w c Henrys .oQ Rav®nsdale Palm) w AUDtN'n Bit 0 omona 3ay Shore TACOMA 3 � tfe � lerTngar ion r vM tsr west Sumner lacoam Tacomo Puyalw Mee er fro KEVIE Ntdland erton cdiorG McNlyn upont• �d Sponoway R. P OLYMPIA Fredrickson 66FP °sow Niel/. O ..'� �a` �a 1hrift '' YY"" Ohm Tumwater IW St.Chir � � tp K ROY". ee0a Betmore Captto �®Olympia Kopowsln E. Plum ` YEl�hl Y McKenna 1: Clay City Uaytown western Jo+ e Utflerock a egole e Renter " Cote Temno �o'k� v4011 6� Bucodo •S? tpK* Natlond IoW Raton wwash Contralto Mineral CHEHAus � &� 0lvlde G Napavtne CtAls orton winlack City ofYelm "Branch Line oder TUA RUL UNE OTKR MAL UlES Otequa 0 6 10 Um costo Rook 0 6 a 1512MMEM a �.. CIS i ty of 'elm d M 105 Yelm Avenue West P.O. Box 479 YELM WASHINGTON Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 December 2, 1998 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 Lou Menk Drive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth, TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our "Transportation Comprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due to a declining shipper base and increasing (for BNSF) cost of providing service. This past spring, it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was intending to liquidate the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus severing an important transportation link to commercial/industrial development in Yelm. The potential loss of freight and passenger rail connections with other significant markets has proven to be a valuable catalyst for our community. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation of current service and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame- " of 3 i r work for the ownership of the Yelm branch line, to provide a short line rail service over what has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of track, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in beginning negotiations for acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To ensure the success of our plan, the City is interested in certain operational considerations outlined below to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as to develop new business and future shippers. Therefore, we propose the following: 1. The acquisition of all assets by the City of Yelm, including right of way, physical improvements (track, bridges, buildings, real estate contracts, easement agreements and other revenue generators) and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. 2. The "first right of refusal" for acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview with connections to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe mainline. 3. An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficient transfer of traffic between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". 4. The "Prairie Line" will service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots of six or more cars from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system. Our proposal will continue the present operation and revenue stream to Burlington Northern Santa Fe from current shippers on the "Prairie Line" through the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue service to existing customers and to aggressively market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway of the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet allow the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway to continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". In fact, it is our strong intent to dramatically increase the traffic on this line, allowing the Burlington Northern Santa Fe to enjoy additional revenues without increased costs. 2 of 3 r � The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway will recognize cost savings by circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line, the elimination of most maintenance cost, and the elimination of certain liabilities, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the "Prairie Line" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Growth Management Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the corridor. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest in serving Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. For us, time is of the essence on this matter, and we would request your reply by December 30, 1998. Please direct all correspondence to the attention of Ken Garmann, Public Works Director. If you have any questions, feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garm n Public Works Director cc: Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor Shelly Badger, CAO aft: acknowledgements letters of support map 98-bnsf9 3 of 3 li ce i of Yelm a en 105 Yelm Avenue West YELM P.O. Box 479 WA6HINOTON Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 "The Prairie Line" Acknowledgement of Project Support Yelm to Lakeview / BNSF Slade Gorton United States Senate Patty Murray United States Senate Adam Smith United States House of Representatives Marilyn Rasmussen State Senator 2nd Legislative District Karen Fraser State Senator 22nd Legislative District Cathy Wolfe State' Representative 22nd District Sandra Romero State Representative 22nd District Dick Nichols Thurston County Commissioner Judy Wilson Thurston County Commissioner Diane Oberquill Thurston County Commissioner Kathryn M. Wolf Mayor, City of Yelm Joel Derefield Mayor, City of Roy Dennis Matson EDC of Thurston County Nick Handy Port of Olympia Harold Robertson Thurston Regional Planning Council Cecelia Jenkins Executive Director, Yelm Chamber of Commerce James H. Slakey Director, WSDOT-Rail 98bnsf10 r•-Y October 22, 1998 Mr. Ken Garmann Public Works Director City of Yelm P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA.98597 RE: Burlington Northern Santa Fe - Yelm to Lakeview acquisition Dear Mr. Garmann: Wilcox Farms, Inc. is extremely supportive of the work you have done as the lead agency in acquiring the BNSF line from Yelm to Lakeview. As a user of services on this line (approximately 500 cars per year), we are concerned about future service and feel the City, as owner, will ensure long-range quality customer service. This letter formally gives the City of Yelm permission to communicate.to the BNSF that Wilcox Farms agrees with the plans for the City-to acquire the short line railroad. We look forward to supporting the City both financially and with my involvement in the future. Sincerely, Barrie Wilcox WILCOX FARMS, INC. 40400 Harts Lake Valley Rd. S., Roy, WA 98580 (360)458-7774 FAX (360) 458-6950 ll _. �I I . - . . -I ..: . �. � . I- , _-�", ,, , .�. .. ..'.:, ,. .,,..,. _' �..6_'; ':� , ��:':, ? -- ' - � ' ' ' . . , ...�.1 - .' ,.".�� .* � _. . . . : ;— -%.;�,.'��- - .�,t . ELiVI �'i�AIRIE DEVELO�'iViENT COMPANY. . I. . .December 2; 1998 . The Honorable Kathryn 1V1 Wolf,Mayor Glty bf helm O5 Yelm Ade East . P:O:'Box, Yelm.WA 98597:. . . Re` Prairie Line Proposal to'Burlington Northerim Santa Pe Railway Dear IVlayor Wolf; _ " : . 11 , We h1. ave conferred with Ken Garmann and re sewed in detail,the proposal`letter heing _ sent to`Jerr'A bhson at the B.urf'ngton,Northern Santa Fe This letter i5 to state that:...w..--_..--.'.:...,-' 'e are`m full agreement with all aspen is 'f the proposal and you: 'have our complete-support regarding this matter . 5. We staid ready and Willing to proved ;our polrtical;,contaets and other resources to insure; , `the successful,completion of the crty'sobective r - " -., Sincerely, ,`- y' .. - t_ hn Gibbs Thompson . _,�,_ .. .. . r .1 .:V, , y r J \ ,� Y - , + ,� f ;� i"- ' c.. i 4 1 1. 1. ' ' J Tf. ON S % r /. .,- t �r c J i -�,-,- 7Q1 Peine Park Lane 1'O Box 5210 �lelix;Washington x$597 J x Phone 360 458 7! Fax G0 458 X 07 \ \l 1 /' f /. A � r. ii i f _ _l.r h�ea Chamber of Com PO Box 444 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-6608 December 1, 1998 The Honorable K. Wolf Mayor The City of Yelm, Wa 105 Yelm Ave W Yelm, Wa 98597 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mayor Wolf, As the President of the Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce and a long time Yelm resident, I would like to express my strong support for the work that has been done to secure the Yelm to Lakewood rail service for the future of our community. The Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Board and their Economic Development Committee have participated in and followed with great interest this project since its beginning in December of 1997. We are absolutely committed to this course of action, and feel that the rail service link is the lynchpin in attracting new business to the Yelm area. Please convey to Burlington Northern Santa Fe the Chambers thanks and sincere appreciation for their attention, and the obvious good faith they have displayed to us over the last year. I look forward to commenting at length on the success of this project in the monthly Chamber insert very soon. Sincerely, i J . Williams resident Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce LUd AdLL LU t5o-GU-oI . � �QSIIl14?I eSi'l AMVdWO:)19AVxD CNV CNVS Saiz `,ClaxaoutS ssa0oxd aql u!oy?dzac)xed ,Clanrloe of awl pinoM l puu`xoneapua stir uI f4iO ail Suploddns o}pxuMxol X1001 OM 'uxlaA of Malnax[e7 iuox;joexl xnds all axmbou of j4IO all xo�sueld ail 11m sowffo famdu oD laAex�puu puuS saltl/�l lucp oa jo4uuS/LualWON uoiSu?ling ail of aleonmunuoo 01 uotSsnuxad u1IZA 3o f4l0 at[1 SOAa. KIIE UOJ-Ioual SIII.L •[aAua xno[rex 01 null ail asn of will gonut kIQA MOM PUB auil ail 3o axnlnj ail ill palsaxal«<kQA axe am -"Ie euxooey DID [anew lrex of autI ands sr 9 asn of pai a seq Xueduioo xno 9,995 1101;sed all xaAO .lulaA 01 MaiAaSleZ IUOJJ a11T1 lT 2 ad uluuS/uxaquoX uolau[ing ail%atxtnbae ui,taua$e peal ail se auop oAnq no,C�[xoM ail 30 oAllxoddns kjaimixa si�ueduiOO lanuuJ pus puuS salryi `uueuLMD 'IN xeaQ uo.41SI oe MaiAa�lu-1011111 a�—a3 ulue5/uxaquol�I uolSuilxng L6986 W `U19A 6Lt,xOg'O'd ui07,10 Ilio xoMgC,gloM oilgnd uueuJUD ua)l 'xy`l 8661 `f xaguIaoaQ 91?L£-££8 OnE;-9Zb(09£) LBLI£b9 9l l6 ZZ6 Nan9nV Xy� NOITIHS AOa VWOOVl NI S1N`d-Id ONVS 7IOOd 03HSnuo 13AH�lrJ 313>�3NOO 1L096 VM 'Nanenv 0£L X08 'O'd ANVdnOO 131 VHD ONV 4NVS l - y% "THE PRAIRIE LINE" YELM TO LAK=EW 0rllea 0 Andove �oNO AeW1 oc%. 4�°c ��•°Qr y�o Henrys e Rovensdae Pokn Auburn BIT,Cmam Say Shore TACOMA r Ife lerkwor Ion vel ter Rest Hillsd Sumner locoom Tacoma Puyal Mee er tr a KEVIE Midland erton Tim cC fiord 1Ac:Mt1111n upont• pi cpannwoy OLYMPIA Fredrickson nrlft ai Chm Tumwoter W St.Clair CA � e&• yro ROY Solmore Capita �OIYmPIa _ Kopowiln McKenna Plum `: YELM day City Raytown jp Wortarn Jo* o Littlerock e egoie o' °o Rainier Cote o �N� .°i O Tonto fox` votes 64 r`64°- _GC fid, Bucodo �p o e •t ,ta d° Q°,Te National Ratan Wabash Centralia Mineral M&� CHEHAUS 01vfae G Napavine i or-ton i I winlock City ofYeim 'Branca One oder YOM RUL LWE aum RAIL WIN Otequa 0 6 to Mees Costo Rook 0 6 10. S6 1RA{AE W YELM PRAIRIE DEVELOPMENT'-COMPANY '� December 2, 1998 . The Honorable Kathryn M,,Wolf,Mayor,, City of Yeln 105 Yehn Ave.East - RO.'.Bo"X 479 Yelin, WA 98597; Re: Prairie Line Proposal to.Burlington.Northern Santa Fe Railway. Dear Mayor Wolf;' '-.We.have"conferred with Ken-Garmann and reviewed in detail;the proposal letter being sent to JerryrJohnson at the Burlington Northern,Santa Fe: This letter is to'state that we.are'in full agreement with all aspects of the proposal:and you. have our complete support regarding this matter: We stand ready and willing to provide our,political contacts and'other resources to insure ' the successful completion of the city's objective. Sincerely; hn,Gibbs Thompson - 701.Prairie Park Lane NE PO Box 5210 Yelip,Washington 98597; Phone 360.458.7501'' .Fax-360.458.8501 y' mea Chamber of C o o � a � PO Box 444 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-6608 December 1, 1998 The Honorable K. Wolf Mayor The City of Yelm, Wa 105 Yelm Ave W Yelm, Wa 98597 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mayor Wolf, As the President of the Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce and a long time Yelm resident, I would like to express my strong support for the work that has been done to secure the Yelm to Lakewood rail service for the future of our community. The Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Board and their Economic Development Committee have participated in and followed with great interest this project since its beginning in December of 1997. We are absolutely committed to this course of action, and feel that the rail service link is the lynchpin in attracting new business to the Yelm area. Please convey to Burlington Northern Santa Fe the Chambers thanks and sincere appreciation for their attention, and the obvious good faith they have displayed to us over the last year. I took for;rrard to commenting at length on the success of this project in the monthly Chamber insert very soon. Sincerely, J Williams resident Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce L October 22, 1998 Mr. Ken Garmann Public Works Director City of Yelm P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 RE: Burlington Northern Santa Fe - Yelm to Lakeview acquisition Dear Mr. Garmarn: Wilcox Farms, Inc. is extremely supportive of the work you have done as the lead agency in acquiring the BNSF line from Yelm to Lakeview. As a user of services on this line (approximately 500 cars per year), we are concerned about future service and feel the City, as owner, will ensure long-range quality customer service. This letter formally gives the City of Yelm permission to communicate to the BNSF that Wilcox Farms agrees with the plans for the City to acquire the short line railroad. We look forward to supporting the City Moth financially and with my involvement in the future. Sincerely, c / Barrie Wilcox WILCOX FARMS, INC. 40400 Harts Lake Valley Rd. S., Roy, WA 98580 (360) 458-7774 FAX (360) 458-6950 Y 1 MEMO TO : Steve Day FROM : REN GARMANN RE : " BNSF Railway" " The Prairie Line " DATE : 11-30-98 Hi Steve ! ! ! I . have attached a copy of my acknowledgement list to be attached to the BNSF letter. Any comments ? ? ? The cc: list which will follow my signature will include, Mayor Wolf, Shelly Badger CAO, Sandy Mackie, City Attorney, Steve Day, Rail Acquisition Attorney, etc . Is it okay in your mind to identify you as our go to guy on the legal questions ? ? ? Any questions please call my office at 458-8499 . Thanks ! ! ! Steve Day fax # 206-343-7053 memo 98bnsfll Acknowledgement of Project Support Yelm to Lakeview / BNSF Slade Gordon United g Senate Patty Murry United S aS , *enate Adam Smith United States` o4s 2 ' 6:.of Representatives Marilyn Rasmussen State Senator n"d Legislative District Karen Fraser State Senator 22nd Legislative District Cathy Wolfe State Representative' 22nd District . , Sandra Romero State Representative 22nd District Dick Nichols Thurston County Commissioner Judy Wilson Thurston County Commissioner Diane Oberquill Thurston County Commissioner Kathryn M. Wolf Mayor, City of Yelm Joel Derefield Mayor, City of Roy Dennis Matson EDC of Thurston County Nick Handy Port of Olympia Harold Robertson Thurston Regional Planning Council Cecelia Jenkins Executive Director, Yelm Chamber of. Commerce James H. Slakey Director, WSDOT-Rail file 98bnsf10 �VXF CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NO. 379 (?eJ5XC-r--) fS� CC- Z4, 9' A RESOLUTION To state the guiding principles for the acquisition and use and operational oversight of the railroad branch line,the Yelm Branch Line, currently owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company;to create a Rail Advisory Committee to advise the city on the use, operation and development of the acquired property; and to provide guidance to the Director of Public Works on how to proceed; and WHEREAS, The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway(BNSF)currently operates over a railroad corridor called theelmlm�ranch L em w iieh eaten z ale . g 55near-Lakeview �^-1 onhe�orthtfl nul Host 5 Sm e ityof Yelin on the youth and has indicated its interest in discoPA ntinuuig ray ee-ov�r-at-1 aae s part of that branch line; and �f� WHEREAS, The City of Yelm has indicated its interest in acquiring all property interests now held by the BNSF in its Yelm Branch Line for general public welfare, economic development and investment purposes; and WHEREAS,Tl�ye Ci °f R yS expressed its interest in participating with the City of Yelm in setting public policy for the use and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch, insofar as such use operation and development affects the City of Roy; and WHEREAS,The Yelm Chamber of Commerce has actively been supporting the public acquisition of the Yehn branch; and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM,THE MAYOR CONCURRING: Section 1. The Council endorses the following guiding principles in acquisition,operation and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch Line(formerly known as the Northern Pacific's Prairie Line): All BNSF property interests its Yelm Branch Line, should be acquired by the City of Yelm and after such acquisition the line of railroad shall be referred to as"�h, iz Ley{- The preservation and vitality of businesses located along the BNSF's Yelm Branch Line should be preserved, and additional businesses should be encouraged to locate along the line. The exploration and development of commuter rail and other passenger uses in conjunction with development of the acquired property should be encouraged. The interests of the City of Roy and its citizens will be considered in any use or development of the BNSF's Yelm Branch line, and appropriate interlocal agreements or contracts may be entered into by the two Cities to achieve and carry out mutual interests and apportion ownership, as necessary. RES0LUTI/RES.98.RES379.D0C Section 2. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory,Committee,. The;Prairie Line Rail-Advisory. Committee is established to assist and advise the City of Yelm in-acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail prope , '�'T1h� -Pra ri-e-L-ine:' (a) The Committee shall be composed of the Nlayor o YEl ,the ayipT of Roy, or their designees, ands three-persons-appointed by-the City of Yelm anditwu-person a ted.by the City of Roy,to serve at`the pleasure-of the respective appourting Mayor. "The Mayor of Yelm may designate one,of the appointed members to.serve,as chairperson (b)The committee members will receive no additional compensation, except that the City may reimburse any travel or administrative expenses of the appointees out of the marketing fund established;herein, under.the guidelines established-by the,.City. Section 3. Rail Marketing Fund. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee shall advise the Public Works Director on an annual marketing budget as determined by the City of Yelm of up to 1/2 of 1% of any rents,profits or other payments received by the City of Yelm for use or uses of any part of the Prairie Line. This fund to be created annually as part of the operating budget of the Department of Public Works, and its use shall be subject to review and audit. The fund shall be used to promote the use of the Prairie Rail Line. Section 4. The Director of Public Works shall: (a)Negotiate the acquisition of'BNSF' Yelm Branch Line and appurtenant property with app ropriatf e BNSF officials and submit to the council a proposal for such acquisition. (b)Develop-iwconsultation with the Prairie-Line RED Committee created herein,and submit•to-the-Council for approval;.a~proposed.rai,17 1-cywhich will encourage and promote,ftogkI,and cQmmuter: l service,provide=for safe and ec mical develo merit and use of allproperty m the ac uired-brancli line and prepare a p _ _ _� q P P prudent and business-like property management plan for the acquired property. (c)Assist the Praane;Line tail Advisory`CC6- uttee:in preparing-an-appropriate- udget fbr its operating expendafures and other such uses of the rail Mff'lketirig'Furid created m 'Secti n 3, and, as part of the Public Works'normal budgeting process. (Yt)C�reae a,proposed'bid requirement yo solicit approp�nate;offers from,-competent rail operators to eoHtractwiti thewCrtyfor--erigagng iicommonand contract carner=freight _. rrail,soruice-over{the 1?raine:L-ine. The qualifications fora contract rail operato'r`sliould emphasize fi'naricial responsibility and rail operation experience, and ability to meet current rail customer's transportation requirements. RESOLUTI/RES.98/RES379.DOC 2 ( Develop as Oper,�t� Agreement which the-City,7may use to engage the services of a competent rail operator, or operators, ensuringg tlhat'such agreement will provide an operator or operators who will meet the4easonable service requests of businesses who desire common carrier rail service,that the City will remain in overall control of the properties;and that such'operators-will be able to bear the full expense and risk attendant with such rail operations: ( Develop a program factive oversight of future rdii op ations and other properly uses �. R��.�. in the Prairie fine to ensure all such uses are`ui compliance with contract, safety and public use requirements. (g�4epare4and file on'behalf of the City-any�documents necessary;to carry out the Federal'Railroad Admuustration the Washiri �on Utilities�ce Transportation Board,..the ac uisihon andoperation of The Prairie Lure with the Surfa rr,±y T'.Y..:,:' e gt r and'Tr`ansporta"tion Commission,the Washington Department of Transportation,the Association of American Railroads, or any similar agencies or organizations. Section 5. The Council supports all progressive and safe uses of the acquired property which will benefit the general public and directs the Mayor to explore all reasonable opportunities for The Prairie Line to yield a return on the City's investment; Provided,however,that,such uses,must be consistent, and not interfere,with the general acquisition purpose of providing freight and passenger rail service, so long as there is a reasonable demand`or potential''need for'sudh services. NOW, THEREFORE,'-BE IT RESOLVED,.bytl e City Council of the CitybfYelm,`,that RESOLUTION 379 is hereby`approved and adopted. ADOPTED this day of November 1998. KATHRYN M. WOLF, MAYOR , ATTEST: AGNES P. BENNICK, CITY CLERK RESOLUTI/RES.98/RES379.DOC 3 , November 20, 1998 O Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President x Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 Lou Menk Drive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth, TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our "Transportation Comprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due to a declining shipper base and increasing (for BNSF) cost of providing service. This past spring, it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was intending to liquidate the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus severing an important transportation link to commercial/industrial development in Yelm. The potential loss of freight and passenger rail connections with other significant markets has proven to be a valuable catalyst for our community. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation of current service and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame- " of 3 work for the ownership of the Yelm branch line, to provide a short line rail service over what has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of track, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in beginning negotiations for acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To ensure the success of our plan, the City is interested in certain operational considerations outlined below to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as to develop new business and future shippers. Therefore, we propose the following: 1. The acquisition of all assets by the City of Yelm, including right of way, physical improvements (trackfte' bids, buildings, real estate contracts, easement agreements and other revenutors) and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for o eveloping a short line rail operation. 2. The "first right of refusal" for acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview with connections to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe mainline. 3. An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficient transfer of traffic between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". 4. The "Prairie Line" will service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots of six or more cars from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system. Our proposal will continue the present operation and revenue stream to Burlington Northern Santa Fe from current shippers on the "Prairie Line" through the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue service to existing customers and to aggressively market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway of the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet allow the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway to continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". In fact, it is our strong intent to dramatically increase the traffic on this line, allowing the Burlington Northern Santa Fe to enjoy additional revenues without increased costs. 2 of 3 l - The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway will recognize cost savings by circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line, the elimination of most maintenance cost, and the elimination of certain liabilities, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the "Prairie Line" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Growth Management Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the corridor. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest in serving Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. For us, time is of the essence on this matter, and we would request your reply by December 22, 1998. Please direct all correspondence to the attention of Ken Garmann, Public Works Director. If you have any questions, feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Sincerely, City of Yelm b Ken Garmann , Public Works Director L.V-TW25 ac- 5v PP%-��- cc: list all cc's att: map 98-bnsf9 3 of 3 Stephanie Conners From: Stephen L. Day<sday@bpmlaw.com> To: 'Ken Garmann' <Conners@Yelmtel.com> Subject: Property rights issues Date: Wednesday, November 11, 1998 4:28 PM Last night Joe assigned me homework to respond to the property questions. Here is my cut at it. Perhaps you or Joe should reword it and then send it out as your won statements. Or you can attribute it to me. No pride of authorship here. Page 1 RAILROAD PROPERTY INTERESTS The City of Yelm recently decided to purchase the Burlington Northern Santa Fe ' s interest in the branch of railroad that runs from Lakewood to Yelm. At a recent Roy City council working session, the question arose about what property interests are acquired from the railroad. A contiguous strip of land containing railroad track is referred to as a railroad right-of- way. The underlying real estate can be owned, leased, or held under what is called a "railroad easement . " Railroad easements are the most common type of property interest held by railroads and rights-of-way in the State of Washington. In fact, there is a strong public policy in construing deeds that unless a clear and precise intent to convey full ownership of land in a deed is present, there is a presumption that only an easement for purposes of railroad operation has been granted to the railroad. Of course, land that is not a part of the rial right-of-way (the contiguous corridor containing the rail line or lines) would not be subject to similar rules . Railroads may acquire property for non-railroad use and hold that in as many varied forms of ownership or leasehold as any other property owner. Railroads are regulated by federal law. Before a railroad can "abandon" service over a rail line, it must first obtain permission from the Surface Transportation Board. In 1996 , the newly created Surface Transportation Board took over the duties of the Interstate Commerce Commission which had regulated 983150083/111298/0831/57820001 railroads since 1887 . The same commissioners who served at the Interstate Commerce Commission at its termination were continued as board members under the Surface Transportation Board. Before rights in a railroad easement along a corridor of railroad can be extinguished or transferred, a railroad must first obtain Surface Transportation Board approval for abandonment of rail service . There is no present plan to abandon rail service along the rail corridor between Lakewood and Yelm. Because there is a substantial amount of rail traffic as far south as Roy, STB approval of abandonment of service to Roy is unlikely. Abandonment of the line from Roy to Yelm had been contemplated by Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company, but that plan has been shelved. Generally, when railroads abandon service over a line with approval of the Surface Transportation Board, they may conduct salvage operations on that line and subject to historical and environmental limitations, may remove rail structures from the line . If the railroad holds the land and the right-of-way under a "railroad easement, " then upon cessation of rail operations authorized by the Surface Transportation Board, the railroad' s underlying property interests terminate . When another or a new railroad intends to continue rail operations on a transferred right-of-way, the Surface Transportation Board merely authorizes the transfer and the real - 2 - 983150083/111298/0831/57820001 estate property rights remain unaffected. In other words, there is never a period of non-rail use and whatever real estate interests are held by the transferring railroad are given to the transferee railroad through issuance of a quit claim deed. Large railroads today decline to issue warranty deeds and simply transfer by quit claim deed whatever interest in the property they may own. In the proposed City of Yelm transaction, the City intends to acquire all of Burlington Northern Santa Fe ' s interest in the right-of-way, which historically has been called the Prairie Line . The City will also obtain from the Surface Transportation Board authority to provide for railroad operations over the acquired line through a rail contractor. The Surface Transportation Board has the authority to require selling railroads to transfer all necessary property to carry out continued rail service over the transferred line . Persons or businesses with long term leases covering rail right- of-way property are unaffected except that the City of Yelm or its contractor would become the "landlord" instead of Burlington Northern Santa Fe . Similarly, persons with short term leases or month-to-month leases would have a new landlord. Any negotiation for change of these leases would be with the City of Yelm, rather then Burlington Northern Santa Fe . - 3 - 983150083/111298/0831/57820001 i i 'A bf � 0 11/23/1998 11:18 8432286 CITY OF ROY PAGE 81 CITY I`QSI OFFICE BQX 700 ■ ROY, ASIIINGTON 88580-0700 ■(253)843-W3 ■ FAX(253)843-0279 ■ OPEN 8:30-5:00 (M-p) DATE : TO: ATTN: IL1.I'.RO.NI NUMBER 0-P .PACE'S INCLUDING THIS COVER .PAGE : IF TFCETNJ�- T A PROBLEM WITH 1TH1.S-, 1- WANSMISS.IO.N PLEASE C"A 11-23-98 12: 33PM PO1 11123/1998 11:18 843229---, CITY OF ROY � PAGE 02 r � RESOLUTION NO. 387 CITY OF ROY, WASHINGTON A RESOLUTION of the City Council declaring its intent to participate with the City of Yelm in the acquisition and use of the railroad branch line, the Yelm Branch Line, currently owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company; and further declaring the City' s irit:ent to participate with the City of Yelm in setting public policy for the use and development of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Yelm Branch, insofar as such use, opera- tion and d{Mvelopment affects the City of Roy; and WHEREAS, the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) currently operates over a railroad corridor called the Yelm Branch Line which extends from Milepost 8 . 55 near Lakeview on the north to mile post_ 25 . 55 in the City of Yelm on the south and has indicated its intere,3t i.xi discontinuing rail service over at least a part of that branch line; an,d WHEREAS, the City of Yelm has indicated its interest in acquiring all. property interests now held by the BNSF in its Yelm Branch Line for general public welfare, economic development and investment purposes; and i WHEREAS, the City of Roy desires to declare its intention to participate with the city of Yelm in acquiring all property interests now held by the BNSF located within the City of Roy and setting public: policy for the use and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch, insaofar as such use, operation and development affects the city of Roy; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ROY, WASHINGTON: Section 1 . The City of Roy hereby declares its intention to participate with the City of Yelm in acquiring all property inter- ests now held by the BNSF. Section 2 . The City Council hereby declares its intention to participate with the City of Yelm in setting public policy for the use and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch, insofar as such use, operation and development affects the City of Roy, Section. 3 . That the City' of Roy enter into the appropriate interlocal agreements or contracts with the City' of Yelm to achieve and carry out r:he mutual interests of the two cities and apportion ownership, a�; necessary. 1 i i Section 4 . The City Council hereby endorses the following guiding principles in acquisition, operation and development of the BNSF Yel.m Branch Line (formerly known as the Northern Pacific, s Prairie Line) ; a. All BNSF property interests in its Yelm Branch Line should be acquired by the City of Yelm and, after such acquisition, the line of railroad shall be referred to as "The Prairie Line . " h. The preservation and vitality of businesses located along the BNS]i" s Yelm Branch Line should be preserved, and addi- tional busi.ne�:ses should be encouraged to locate along the line . Q"_ The exploration- and development of commuter rail and other passenger uses in conjunction with development of the ac- quired property should be encouraged. d. The interests of the City of Roy and its citizens will be considered in any use or development of the BNSF" s Yelm Branch LinFa, and appropriate interlocal agreements or contracts may be entered into by the two cities to achieve and carry out mutual interests and apportion ownership, as necessary. Section 5 _ That the Mayor of Roy and two (2) persons appointed by the Mayor of Roy, to serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, shall. participate in the Prairie Line Rail Advisory committee, which has been established to assist and advise the City of Yelm in acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail _ property, "The Prairie Line . " Section 6 . The City Council hereby endorses the following directive to the-, Public Works Director of the City of Yelm: t _ Negotiate the acquisition of BNSF' s Yelm Branch Line and appurtetnant: property with appropriate BNSF officials and submit to the Counc.:i. 1 a proposal for such acquisition. i) . Develop in consultation with the Prairie Line Rail .Advisory Committee created heroin, and submit to the Council for approval. , a proposed rail policy which will encourage and promote freight and commuter rail service, provide for safe and economical development, and use of all property in the acquired branch line, and prepare a prudent and business-like property management plan for the acquired property. C . Assist the Prairie bine Rail Advisory Committee in preparing an appropriate budget for its operating expenditures and other such Lzsos of the rail Marketing Fund, ', and as part of the rnublic Works' normal budgeting process . d . Create a proposed Yid requirement to solicit approp.r.iattt offers from competent rail operators to contract with - 2 - the City for engaging in common and contract carrier freight rail service over the Prairie Line. The qualifications for a contract rail operator should emphasize financial responsibility and rail operation �x.perience, and ability to meet current rail customer' s transportation requirements. e . Develop an Operating Agreement which the City may use to engage; the services of a competent rail operator, or opera- tors, ensuring that such agreement will provide an operator or operators who will meet the reasonable service requests of busi- nesses who desire common carrier rail service, that the City will remain an overall control of the properties, and that such -opera- tors will be able to bear the full expense and risk attendant with such rail operations. f . Develop a program of active oversight of future rail operations and other property uses in The Prairie Line to ensure all such uses are in compliance with contract, safety and public use requirements . q. Prepare and file oii behalf of the City any documents necessary to carry out the acquisition and operation of The Prairie Lime with the Surface Transportation Board, the Federal Railroad Administrat:.ion, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission; the Washington Department of Transportation, the Association c7f American Railroads, or any similar agencies or organizations . . Section. 1 . The City Council supports all progressive and safe uses of the acquired property which will benefit the general public and endorses the directive to the Mayor of ;Yelm to explore all . reasonable opportunities for The Prairie Line to yield a return on the cities, investment; provided, however, that such uses must be consistent. , and not interfere, with the general acquisition purpose of providing freight and passenger rail service, so long as there is a reasonable demand or potential need for such services . Adoptod this day of November, 1998 . M A Y O R Attest : Approved as to Form: i City Cly )Y/Treasurer Gopm- A. SCRAGGIN,QWGBA #3109 City Attorney - 3 - - ---- CITY OF ROY POST OFFICE BOX 700 ■ ROY,WASHINGTON 98580-0700 ■(253)843-1113 ■ FAX(253)843-0279 ■ OPEN.8:30-5:00(M-F) November 9, 1998 Ken Garmann Public Works Director City of Yelm PO Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 -- - –_ - — -� RE: Freight Access b Rail Planning Grant 5 Y g Dear Ken: The City of Roy was recently contacted by Jude Willcher from Thurston Regional Planning Council regarding the freight access by rail corridor planning grant. The City of Roy understands the Regional importance of preserving the existing rail lines throughout our communities, and whole-heartedly supports the application for grant funds to complete the related study. The freight access by rail corridor represents a realistic and economically viable opportunity to improve freight mobility, customer service and support potential light rail (passenger), service, which are vital to our region. The City of Roy supports the City of Yelm's .effort to conduct this study and looks forward to the future restoration and expansion of our local rail options. If the City of Roy can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Joel A. Derefield Mayor, City of Roy CC: Jude Willcher, AICP F ...•l� .. 11-20-98 12: 51PM FROM PUP"^ WORKS �., ,� POI t i November 20, 1998 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization d Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Q� 2650 Lou Menk Drive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth, TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our "Transportation Comprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due to a declining shipper base and increasing (for BNSF) cost of providing service. This past spring, it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was intending to liquidate the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus severing an imp ant transportation link to commercial/industrial development in Yelm. The potenti f freight and passenger rail connections with other pqy significant markets has proven to be a 4e st for our community. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City f Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation of current service and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame- 1 of 3 11-20-98 12: 51PM FROM PUP711 WORKS _ P02 work for the ownership of the Yelm branch linens-short line rail serviceAhat has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of track, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in beginning negotiations for acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To ensure the success of our plan, the City is interested in certain operational considerations outlined below to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as to develop new business and future shippers. Therefore, we propose the following: 1. The acquisition of all assets the City of Yelm, including right of way, physical improvements (track, brid 'ldings, real estate contracts, easement agreements and other revenue gene traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose 6�`'' a short line rail operation. 2. The "first right of refusal" for acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview with connections to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe mainline. 3. An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficient transfer of traffic between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". 4, The "Prairie Line" will service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots of six or more cars from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system. Our proposal will continue the present nod revenue stream to Burlington Northern rs on the "PrairYie.'. . r the selection of an appropriate rail Santa Fe from current shippers �, contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue service to existing customers well z ""~ clop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington aurv �Northern Santa Fe Railwa a cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet allow the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway to continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". In fact, it is our strong intent to dramatically increase the traffic on this line, allowing the Burlington Northern Santa Fe to enjoy additional revenues without increased costs. 2 of 3 11-20-98 12: 51PM FROM PU°r-'!' !CORKS P03 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway will recognize cost savings by circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line, the elimination of most maintenance cost, and the elimination of certain liabilities, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of th a ine" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Growthlan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the corridor. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest te-serve Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. For us, time is of the essence on this matter, and we would request your reply by December 22, 1998, Please direct all correspondence to the attention of Ken Garmann, Public Works Director. If you have any questions, feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmann Public Works Director CC. list all CC°S att: map ')44 98-bnsf9 3 of 3 S . November 20, 1998 Z gym Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 Lou Menk Drive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth,TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our "Transportation Comprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plane in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due to a declining shipper base and increasing (for BNSF) cost of providing service. This past sp ' , it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was g the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus severing an-i po t mrtation link to commercial/industrial development in Yelm. The potential loss o dpassenger rail connections with other significant markets has proven to be a valuable c alyst for our community. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation of current service and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame- v 1 of 3 work for the ownership of the Yelm branch linea short line rail service that has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of track, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in beginning negotiations for acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lake ilepost 8.55. To ensure the success of our plan, the City is i ertain operational considerations outlined below to provide efficient rail operations to rre °shippers, as well as to develop new business and future shippers. Therefore, we propose the following: 1. The acquisition of all assets by the City of Yelm, including right of way, physical improvements (track, bridges, buildings, real estate contracts, easement agreements and other revenue generators) and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. 2. The "first right of refusal" for acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from ' Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview with connections to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe mainline. 3. An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficient transfer of traffic between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". 4. The "Prairie Line" will service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots of six or more cars from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system. Our proposal will continue the pre r d revenue stream to Burlington Northern Santa Fe from current shippers on the " r e ru the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue se ice to existing customers as well as our desire to market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington Northern S'anta Fe Railway the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet allow you to continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". In fact, it is our strong intent to dramatically increase the traffic on this line, allowing the Burlington Northern Santa Fe to enjoy additional revenues without increased costs. 2 of 3 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway will recognize cost savings by circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line, the elimination of most maintenance cost, and the elimination of certain liabilities, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the " irie Line" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Gro gement Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the corrid The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's Contin dd interest to serve Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. For us, time is of the essence on this matter, and we would request your reply by December 22, 1998. Please direct all correspondence to the attention of Ken Garmann, Public Works Director. If you have any questions feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Thank you. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmann Public Works Director cc: list all cc's att: map 98-bnsf8 3 of 3 ti 11/19/98 THU 11:49 FAX 253 922 '9781 DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES 11001 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATVS, TELACOPY T R A 13 S M I T TA L e^a3700 Pacific highway East To. �Y7M FAX NO: 6D— T sg ~ 4co Suite 3:: PHONE NO: _ e f 59 ft TacOMA, Washington 98¢14 /1, Tel ;253.9=9780FIRM: �+(7'Y C»��,s2� #OF RAGES: I FROM; //.F'�J S Fax: ;53.92X978i 6 U T6 DATE. II I I 9 is COPIES: ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW: 0 REGULAR MAIL OVERNIGHT MAIL 0 COURIER kNIA COMMENTS: A GoM M&-w-fls /7~S. .SO M E /s CA LL._ w r-rig ;clN`>' 12 V S . _ 11/19/98 THU 11:49 FAX 253 922 9781 DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES 121002 Y 11/16/88 MON 12:53 FAX 2 22 9781 DAVID EVANS&ASSOC S [Moog ll;18-98 09:44AM FROM P-BLIC WORKS POZ November 4, 1998 CS a W. Terry Johnson, ,Assistant vice Prasident Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 26150 Lou Menk Drive. P.Q. Box 961052 Fort Worth TX 761.61-0052 RE: Prairie Line NON, Dear Mr, Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our--rT= portff ion Compreh Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of tits State of Weshitt 's"Growth Management Plan Thp plan includes a component for the development of I ve modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically.the development and utilisati n or multi-modal rail. Over the past few ye&, service on the "Prairie Lite'' from Yelm�Ifs 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost a_55 has been limited due to a lack of shippers and.an aagressive marketing plan. This past spring it came to our attention that elle Burlington Northern Sasha Fe Railway Company was ;Q-rous of liquida " th Y*0*-o-- 0D7Mer cutof the"'Prairie Line" thus SEV E+4 N h » �$ an important r d/industrial. development in Yelir� ager rail connections 'I other significant markets. odt.o c.oss Since our mewing with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm. Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation and development of future rail traffic on the"Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame work for the ownership of the Yelm branch line a short line rail service the has been hiak+orically known tie the "Prairie Line". We have flmds available to invest in the preservations Of� bridges and crossii>tgs, as well as to promote fixture business. We are ready to proceed with our plait and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent end interest in uegptiating the Acquisition of the "Prairie Line' from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, WdepOst 9.55. To ensure the success Of our plan, the City go require certain operational considerations las outlined below w provide efficiear rail operations to current shippers, as well aa-dw 7'0 develop new business and future shippers 'Kamfore , we pt+opese the following: 11/16/98 XON 09:28 11 URI No 8612] I�GA2 _ 11/19/98 TH_U 11:50 FAX 253 922 9781 DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES -IA00.3 X11/16/98 MON 12:53 FAX 2 22 8781 DAVID EVANS&ASSOC S F&010 ll;1fi-90 09:44AM FROM PUBLIC WORKS P03 W rrN CITy Di4iLf The acquisition of all uw*ncludiag right of w9iy,playsicnl improvcm*PR s ( + bridges, buildings, em) and traffic from Yelm,milepost 25.55 to Lakeview,milepost 8.55 for the.purpose of developing a short line rail operation. Acs ALA. 949ML aarr^-M SM4& 4s-d p Ixz,M,MT5.i GYL- W"fc fl latunv cle !`r`+w n-t t3 1CbVr_ .T'bc "first right of refUW, tom acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway tight of way, improvements and/raffia known as the "IN` °, fmm Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Du t and Lak -e ro �S Mme/N C.rM cow ell-xo"s 3,An agreement with the Burlington Northam Sauta Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tseoaw Yard to expedite efficientbUfth transfer of traffic between the Burling=Hort Santa Fe Railaiay and the `'`Prairie Lina'- 4.The "-Ptairie Liu®" 'cc all Current and !'fixture traffic on the short line (with rhe epti cxeon of L ots from FortLewis) and deliver tlteso cars to the Burlington Northern 5anra Fe ilway Tacoma Yard for intmgrAdOn into the Burlington Northern Snrxta Fe symm 5 A NuMGXI GAL UM iT oN `r/41JS/ L.e . 5 4W M iN imux1 �g We propose to pontine the present -- ' on the "Prairie Line" rhru the seleetion of an appropriate rail 100or. The City of Yelm desires to F continue-001 & service to existing custotn0s to market and develop sipificant new rail shippers, This will relieve the Burlington Northern Santa Pe)railway the ` cost of providing service ou this stub branch line,yet continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line'. yd!1i.1 + 'x IL f!1 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway cost 9avin� by cireurxventing 5eeviee 41 with its awn sot and crews throughout the leaWh of our branch lithe the elimination of, Maintenance costs liabilities LAme". -Tq&Y W,LL- Go�vrixu� Tb -11Afi N AAO vi FLL ,37Vgp� The owtnersltip and operation of the " xatxxe 0 the sty of Yelm will regionally benefit C7 S local rail Users and meet our "Growth Mmmagement Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport Opportunities along 10il1klt--Aws Collie-loop . The Burlington Northern Septa Fe Railway's continued iatarmst to sery Fe Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the BurliuSton North ern► Santa Fe Railway and the City Of'Yelm. As time is of the ®sseuco On this matter, may we have your reply to our request by December 22, 1998. If you have any questions feel free to call 1ny ofre at (360) 458-8499. Thank you. Sincerely, V City of Yelm 11/16/96 MON 09:28 [T%/RX NO 80121 19003 11/19/98 THU 11:51 FAX 253 922 9781 DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES 2004 + 11/16/96 MON 12:54 FAX 2 122 9781 DAVID EVANS&ASSOC IS la011 11-16-98 09:44AM FROM ,IC WORKS PO4 .Ken Garan= Public Works Dir9aW cc: Gist a]l CC's atk map 11/16/98 BION 09:28 [T8/RX NO 8812] 12004 t� CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NO. 379 A RESOLUTION To state the guiding principles for the acquisition and use and operational oversight of the railroad branch line,the Yelm Branch Line, currently owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company;to create a Rail Advisory Committee to advise the city on the use, operation and development of the acquired property; and to provide guidance to the Director of Public Works on how to proceed; and WHEREAS, The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway(BNSF) currently operates over a railroad corridor called the Yelm Branch Line which extends from Milepost 8.55 near Lakeview on the north to mile post 25.55 in the City of Yelm on the south and has indicated its interest in discontinuing rail service over at least a part of that branch line; and, WHEREAS, The City of Yelm has indicated its interest in acquiring all property interests now held by the BNSF in its Yelm Branch Line for general public welfare, economic development and investment purposes; and WHEREAS, The City of Roy has expressed its interest in participating with the City of Yelm in setting public policy for the use and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch, insofar as such use operation and development affects the City of Roy; and WHEREAS, The Yelm Chamber of Commerce has actively been supporting the public acquisition of the Yelm branch; and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, THE MAYOR CONCURRING: Section 1. The Council endorses the following guiding principles in acquisition, operation and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch Line (formerly known as the Northern Pacific's Prairie Line): All BNSF property interests its Yelm Branch Line, should be acquired by the City of Yelm and after such acquisition the line of railroad shall be referred to as "The Prairie Line." The preservation and vitality of businesses located along the BNSF's Yelm Branch Line should be preserved, and additional businesses should be encouraged to locate along the line. The exploration and development of commuter rail and other passenger uses in conjunction with development of the acquired property should be encouraged. The interests of the City of Roy and its citizens will be considered in any use or development of the BNSF's Yelm Branch line, and appropriate interlocal agreements or contracts may be entered into by the two Cities to achieve and carry out mutual interests and apportion ownership, as necessary. RESOLUTI/RES.98.RES379.DOC Section 2. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee is established to assist and advise the City of Yelm in acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail property, "The Prairie Line." (a) The Committee shall be composed of the Mayor of Yelm,the Mayor of Roy, or their designees, and three persons appointed by the City of Yelm and two person appointed by the City of Roy, to serve at the pleasure of the respective appointing Mayor. The Mayor of Yelm may designate one of the appointed members to serve as chairperson: (b) The committee members will receive no additional compensation, except that the City may reimburse any travel or administrative expenses of the appointees out of the marketing fund established herein, under the guidelines established by the City. Section 3. Rail Marketing Fund. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee shall advise the Public Works Director on an annual marketing budget as determined by the City of Yelm of up to 1/2 of 1% of any rents, profits or other payments received by the City of Yelm for use or uses of any part of the Prairie Line. This fund to be created annually as part of the operating budget of the Department of Public Works, and its use shall be subject to review and audit. The fund shall be used to promote the use of the Prairie Rail Line. Section 4. The Director of Public Works shall: (a)Negotiate the acquisition of BNSF's Yelm Branch Line and appurtenant property with appropriate BNSF officials and submit to the council a proposal for such acquisition. (b)Develop in consultation with the Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee created herein, and submit to the Council for approval, a proposed rail policy which will encourage and promote freight and commuter rail service, provide for safe and economical development and use of all property in the acquired branch line, and prepare a prudent and business-like property management plan for the acquired property. (c)Assist the Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee in preparing an appropriate budget for its operating expenditures and other such uses of the rail Marketing Fund created in Section 3, and, as part of the Public Works'normal budgeting process. (d) Create a proposed bid requirement to solicit appropriate offers from competent rail operators to contract with the City for engaging in common and contract carrier freight rail service over the Prairie Line. The qualifications for a contract rail operator should emphasize financial responsibility and rail operation experience, and ability to meet current rail customer's transportation requirements. RESOLUTI/RES.98/RES379.DOC 2 (e)Develop an Operating Agreement which the City may use to engage the services of a competent rail operator, or operators, ensuring that such agreement will provide an operator or operators who will meet the reasonable service requests of businesses who desire common carrier rail service,that the City will remain in overall control of the properties, and that such operators will be able to bear the full expense and risk'attendant with such rail operations. (f)Develop a program of active oversight of future rail operations and other property uses in the Prairie Line to ensure all such uses are in compliance with contract, safety and public use requirements. (g)Prepare and file on behalf of the City any documents necessary to carry out the acquisition and operation of The Prairie Line with the Surface Transportation Board, the Federal Railroad Administration,the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission,the Washington Department of Transportation,the Association of American Railroads, or any similar agencies or organizations. Section 5. The Council supports all progressive and safe uses of the acquired property which will benefit the general public and directs the Mayor to explore all reasonable opportunities for The Prairie Line to yield a return on the City's investment; Provided, however,that such uses must be consistent, and not interfere, with the general acquisition purpose of providing freight and passenger rail service, so long as there is a reasonable demand or potential need for such services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Yelm,that RESOLUTION 379 is hereby approved and adopted. ADOPTED this day of November 1998. KATHRYN M. WOLF, MAYOR ATTEST: AGNES P. BENNICK, CITY CLERK RESOLUTI/RES.98/RES379.DOC 3 1.1-17-98 12: 10PNI FRONT PUPT-rrJ WORKS �_'lL0- _ PO4 THE PRAIRIE LINE RAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY-LAWS ARTICLE 1 NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1. NAME. This organization shall be known as The Prairie Line Rail ,Advisory Committee. [„RAC"'] Section 2. PURPOSE. The RAC is established to assist and advise the City of Yelm, Washington, In acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail property, to be known as "The Prairie Linen Section 3. AUTHORIZATION. The RAC was established by Resolution No. of the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington, on , 1998. ARTICLE 11 MEMBERSHIP AND FUNDING Section 1. MEMBERS. The RAC shall consist of five members as follows: the Mayor of Yelm, Washington or his/her designee -the Mayor of Roy, Washington or his/her designee • two members appointed by the Mayor of Yelm - one member appointed by the Mayor of Roy Section 2. TERM OF SERVICE. The Mayors or their designees serve so long as the Mayor remains in.elected office. The appointed members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor responsible for their appointment or his/her successor. ARTICLE ill FINANCES Sectson 1. FUNDING. The RAC slut funded by an amount of up to one-half of one percent(0.5%) of any rents, profits or other payments received by the City of Yelm for use or uses of any part of the Prairie Line. By-laws of the Rail Advisory Committee-Page 1 EO 39Vd AM'd/SWtiITUM 2098-89b-09E EV:91 866T/9T/11 P 12: 10PM FROM PU"T-" WORKS P03 Section 2. .ADMINIS RATION OF FUNDS. Funding shall be budgeted annually as part of the operating bu t of the Department of Public Works of the City of Yelm. This funding, called the Fund, and its use shall be subject to review and audlt.l�,A-kt,Cz4,.\_ A- i-e Gin Sectlo 3. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. The RAC may by majority vote,�ec6�-e3 nv r reimburse y�ave"For administrative expenses of Its members out of the Adm�e- A\�- . The RAC members may not receive any additional compensation. ARTICLE 1V � �`� �� •� DUTIES OF THE RAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEES G `�o L Jv.ac Section 1. GENERAL. The RAC shall consult with the Director of Public Works o the City of Yelm ["Director"]7a pr�sed.rail policy which will encourage and promote freight and commuter rail service, provide for safe an onom cal!Aevelopment and use of all property in the acquired branch line, and,p�repa a prudent andfbusiness-like properly management plan for The Pr irie Line. Said rail poli shall be submitted to the City Council of r�appr Yelm foall Section 2. BUDGETING. The RAC shaltashttimlHrewritrpreparinran F in Article 111., Section 1. The Director node the�1tA dG budgeQl a budget for the Department of Public Works budget for approval by the City Council of Yelm. ARTICLE V MEETINGS AND LEADERSHIP Section 1. MEETINGS. The RAC shall meet at the call of'any one of the following. the Mayor of Yelm of designee; the Mayor of Roy or designee, or the Director of Public Works of Yelm. f Section 2. LEADERSHIP. ' who will preside at each of the meetings andXOM thraagen7a.'•� Section 3. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Meetings may be called upon at least dwee- notice to all Members by written communication. By-laws of the Rail Advisory Committee-Page 2 00 39Vd AM'd/SWtiITUM TOGS-690-096 60:91 866T/91/11 11=17-98 12: IOPM FROM P7 WORKS ,�, P02 f ti Section 4. COMMITTEES. The RAC may appoint committees to serve Its purposes. All committees shall be answerable to the RAC. Committee members need not be members of the ICAC and shall serve at its pleasure. Section S. QUORUM. A majority of the members of the RAC shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI �- ,�w MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS���5�.���(,� Section 1. CONEUCT OF INTEREST. No member should take any position where a conflict of Interest or bias might reason be thought to exist, unless the fact of such possible conflict has been fully disclosed All activities shouid be conducted in a way which wl(I give due recognition to competing points of view. Section 2. AMENDMENTS. These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the RAC by a vote of at least three members, provided that such proposed amendment shall Mu have been sent to each member at least seven days in advance of the meeting. Dated this day of . 1998. ]By-laws of the Rail Advisory Committee-Page 3 66 39Hd A3a"d/SWt1I��IM 2098-8Sb-09E Eb:91 8661/91/11 C 1.7 r/r� '� MEMO TO : Sandy Mackie Steve Day FROM KEN GARMANN RE : " BNSF Railway" " The Prairie Line" DATE : 11-17-98 Good morning Sandy and Steve ! ! Joe Williams has proceeded with lighting speed as yesterday the attached draft RAC By-laws were faxed to my office. When I spoke to Joe on Nov. 11, 1998 I advised him that the city has legal counsel to do these tasks . It appears he decided to strike out on his own anyway. Perhaps at the friday meeting Nov. 20th these issues may need to be addressed. The draft is for you info. and comment which perhaps I could have prior to the friday meeting. Any questions please call my office at 458-8499 . Thanks ! ! Sandy Mackie fax # 360-943-6150 Steve Day fax # 206-343-7053 memo49-98-bnsf8 c •• WILU AMB BROADCASTING,INC 741 Prairie Park bane. Scute J P.0j3M 5210 Yelm,Wa 95597 On &%5 Bw PAS."4%-8501 Date: To: ern: 144 Mbkp&m4-- Re: Ree: --Ow Nwnber of pages including this one-2c Remarks: 7l40ir A- -.nL ft, fir _ L,4i L /ice Yom d4vv c mb7f&-OS. TO 30Vd A3Q'd/SWdI-RIM TOSO-OSV-096 Eb:9T 8662/9T/TT James F. Freeley, A C. Attorneys at Law Olympia 0sce Please n7spond to Yelm Office 2120 State Avenue N.E. 01ymp,{a p ❑ Ye/m 701-A Prairie Park Lane N.E. Olympia WA 98506 P.O.Boat 2250 (360) 754.7661 Yelm WA 98597 (360) 754-0249 fax (360) 458-9524 Fax(360) 4589552 ].Lawrence Goniff, Jr., Of Counsel Nancy Irving, Aooclaae Carla Baker, Legal A k ant Ciaudla 1.Westbrook, Legal Assistant November 16, 1998 Joe Williams Williams Broadcasting hand -delivered Re: Rail Advisory Committee Dear Joe: Thank you for asking me to draft some by-laws for the RAC. The draft enclosed is based mostly on the draft resolution you provided for me. I guessed at many of the provisions about how the committee Will function. Feel free to change and modify. I will be glad to continue working on it with you. Sincerely, Nancy Irvin enc. Z0 39dd A3Q'd/SWdI-nIM 1098-896-098 Eb:9T 866T/91/TT THE PRAIRIE LINE RAMI.ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY-LAWS ARTICLE I NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1. NAME. This organization shall be known as The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee. ["RAC*"'] Section 2. PURPOSE. The RAC is established to assist and advise the City of Yelm, Washington, In acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail property, to be known as "The Prairie Line.' Section 3. AUTHORIZATION. The RAC was established by Resolution No. of the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington, on , 1998. ARTICLE Il MEMBERSHIP AND FUNDING Section 1. MEMBERS. The RAC shall consist of five members as follows: the Mayor of Yelm, Washington or his/her designee -the Mayor of Roy, Washington or his/her designee two members appointed by the Mayor of Yelm - one member appointed by the Mayor of Roy Section 2. TERM OF SERVICE. The Mayors or their designees serve so long as the Mayor remains In elected office. The appointed members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor responsible for their appointment or his/her successor. ARTICLE III FINANCES Section 1. FUNDING. The RAC shall be funded by an amount of up to one-half of one percent(0.5%) of any rents, profits or other payments received by the City of Yelm for use or uses of any part of the Prairie Line. By4aws of the Rail Advisory Committee-Page 1 60 39dd A3C1'd/SWdI-nIM 2098-est-096 6b:9Z 8662/91/11 Section 2. ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS. Funding shall be budgeted annually as part of the operating budget of the Department of Public Works of the City of Yelm, This funding, called the Administrative Fund, and its use shall be subject to review and audit. Section 3. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. The RAC may by majority vote reimburse any travel or administrative expenses of Its members out of the Administrative Fund. The RAC members may not receive any additional compensation. .ARTICLE IV DEITIES OF THE RAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Section 1. GENERAL. The RAC shall consult with the Director of Public Works of the City of helm ["Director"] a proposed rail policy which will encourage and promote freight and commuter rail service, provide for safe and economical development and use of all property In the acquired branch line, and prepare a prudent and business-like property management plan for The Prairie Line. Said rail policy shall be submitted to the City Council of Yelm for approval. Section 2. BUDGETING. The RAC shall assist the Director In preparing an appropriate budget for its operating expenditures and other uses of the Administrative Fund created In Article III., Section 1. The Director shall Include the RAC's proposed budget in the budget for the Department of Public Works budget for approval by the City Council of Yelm. ARTICLE V MEETINGS AND LEADERSHIP Section 1. MEETINGS. The RAC shall meet at the call of any one of the following: the Mayor of Yelm or designee; the Mayor of Roy or designee, or the Director of Public Works of Yelm. Section 2. LEADERSHIP. At its first meetln& the RAC shall designate a convener who will preside at each of the meetings and set the agenda. Section 3. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Meetings may be called upon at least three days' notice to all Members by written communication. By-laws of the Rail Advisory Committee-Page 2 VO 39dd AM"d/SWdITUM 10SB-890-096 £b:91 8661/91/11 Section 4. COMMITTEES. The RAC may appoint committees to serve Its purposes.All committees shall be answerable to the RAC. Committee members need not be members of the KAC and shall serve at Its pleasure. Section S. QUORUM. A majority of the members of the RAC shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. No ICAC member should take any position where a conflict of interest or bias might reasonably be thought to exist, unless the fact of such possible conflict has been Rally disclosed. All activities should be conducted in a way which will give due recognition to competing points of view. Section 2. AMENDMENTS. These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the RAC by a vote of at least three members, provided that such proposed amendment shall first have been sent to each member at least seven days In advance of the meeting. Dated this day of, 1998. By-laws of the Rail Advisory Committee-Page 3 90 39Vd A3Q'd/SWdI�-1IM 2098-89b-096 6b:9Z B66T/9T/TT Law Offices - BETTS PATTERSON & MINES, P s. 800 Financial Center 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98161-1090 Fax: 206-343-7053 Stephen L. Day Phone: 206-292-9988 eMail: sday@bpmlaw.com November 17, 1998 VIA U.S. EXPRESS MAIL Mr. Ken Garmann Director of Public Works City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 Re: The Prairie Line Dear Ken: Enclosed are my comments on the letter to Jerry Johnson and the RAC Bylaws. If the RAC is going to have bylaws, I think these are some changes you may want to suggest. Of course, you need to check with Sandie Mackie about the overall concept. 11 me if you have any questions. S erely, Ste en L. Day SLD:smt Enclosures c:\data\s1d\5782\01\garmam 111798.1tr.doc November 4, 1998 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 Lou Menk DO rive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our amended transportation comprehensive plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of rail. Over the past four or more years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been almost noexistent. At a point, this past spring it came to our attention the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was going to liquidate and scrape the Yelm to Roy segment thus eliminating this important economic opportunity to link our commercial/industrial development to railway freight and pa 1Xssanger connections with other significant ports of call. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City/Business community has been actively meeting to develop stratigies which includes the preservation and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame works for the ownership of a short line rail service for what has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of rail, ties, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We believe at this time we are ready to proceed with our plan and submit this letter as our statement of intent and interest for negotiating the acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To insure the success of our plan, we propose the following: We propose to acquire all the assets including right of way, improvements and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. We request the "first right of refusal" to the acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company right of way, improvements and traffic known as the Nisqually Line from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview. We propose an agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchance at the Tacoma Yard to expedite effeciently the transfer of traffic between the Burlington Norther Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". We propose that the "Prairie Line" service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of"national security" train load lots from Fort Lewis) and deliver cars to the Burlington Northerh Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the BNSF system. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmann Public Works Department F,CSS' .Y November 4, 1998 ; Mr. Jerry Johnson, Vice President, Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Monk Si Fort Worth TX, RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our transportation comprehensive plan in 1994 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of rail. Over the past four or more years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost , to Lakeview, milepost has been almost noexistent. At a point, this past spring it came to our attention the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was going to liquidate and scrape the Yelm to Roy segment thus eliminating this important economic opportunity to link our commercial/industrial development to railway freight and passanger connections with other important ports of call. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City/Business community has been actively meeting to develop stratigies which includes the preservation and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame works for the ownership of a short line rail service for what has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We believe at this time we are ready to proceed with our plan and submit this letter as our statement of intent and interest for negotiating the acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost to Lakeview, milepost . To insure the success of our plan, we propose the following: We propose to acquire all the assets including right of way, improvements and traffic from Yelm, milepost to Lakeview, milepost_ for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. We request the "first right of refusal" to the acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company right of way, improvements and traffic known as the rw ' Nisqually Line from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview. We propose an agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchance at the Tacoma Yard to expedite effeciently the transfer of traffic between the Burlington Norther Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". We propose that the "Prairie Line" service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of"national security" train load lots from Fort Lewis) and deliver cars to the Burlington Northerh Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the BNSF system. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmann Public Works Department lA of V N Pf PV P-)trQA3 L,�E -TZ 1-v u rL r November 4, 1998 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 Lou Menk Drive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our "Transportation Comprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due to a declining shipper base and increasing (for BNSF) cost of providing service. This past spring, it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was desirous of liquidating the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus severing an important transportation link to commercial/industrial development in Yelm. The potential loss of freight and passenger rail connections with other significant markets has proven to be a valuable catalyst for our community. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation of current service and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame work for the ownership of the Yelm branch line a short line rail service that has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of track, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in beginning negotiations for acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To ensure the success of our plan, the City is interested in certain operational considerations outlined below to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as to develop new business and future shippers. Therefore, we propose the following: The acquisition of all assets by the City of Yelm, including right of way, physical improvements (track, bridges, buildings, etc.) and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. The "first right of refusal" for acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improveme istraffi known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually �n'� to Tacoma which includes upont an > a eview.-va q fCS11; rv+P 14 8,►aCC An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficiently..tke transfer of traffic between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". The "Prairie Line" will service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system. Our proposal will continue the present operation and revenue stream to Burlington Northern Santa Fe from current shippers on the "Prairie Line" thru the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue service to existing customers as well as our desire to market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet allow you to continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". In fact, it is our strong intent to dramatically increase the traffic on this line, allowing the Burlington Northern Santa Fe to enjoy additional revenues without increased costs. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway will recognize cost savings by circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the le t_ of�ur branch line, the elimination of most maintenance cost, and �•inationrla ilities, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the "Prairie Line" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Growth Management Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the corridor. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest to serviL Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. For us, time is of the essence on this matter, and we would request your reply by December 22, 1998. Please direct all correspondence to the attention of Ken Garmann, Public Works Director. If you have any questions feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. .Thank you. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmarm Public Works Director cc: list all cc's aft: map VVI November 4, 1998 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 Lou Menk Drive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our "Transportation Comprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due to a declining shipper base and increasing (for BNSF) cost of providing service. This past spri it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Compan ws desos of liquidating the Yelm to Roy segment of the Ice"Prairie Line" thus:,.l hnan i�er4antp rJ&_o -o �to link 'm qIC Lmcommercial/industrial development in Yelm- frt anpassenger rail connections other significant markets has proven to be a valuable catalyist for out community. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation of current service and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame work for the ownership of the Yelm branch line a short line rail service that has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of gaiL-Uw bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in begining negotiaton5 for acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To ensure the success of our plan, the City is interested in certain operational considerations outlined belowl to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as t developrt of new business and future shippers, ereforej, we propose the following: 10 1, The acquisition of all assets'including right of way, physical improvements (tes;Wil, bridges, buildings, etc.) and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. C 13-T r4Q'T?_' p q- 21, The "first right of refusal" e acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview. . An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficiently the transfer of traffic between the Burlington NortheASanta Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". U4 JV% 4. The "Prairie Line"/service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system.odQ 40- ur rproposal will continue the present revenue stream to Burnington Northern Santa Fe from current shippers on the "Prairie Line" thru the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue ftr-e service to existing customers as well as our desire to market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet allow you 8ntinue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". In fact, it is our strong intent to dramatically increase the traffic on this line, allowing the Burlington Northern Santa Fe to enjoy additional revenues without increased costs. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's.lcost savings.iuromft circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line the elimination of most maintenance cost, �-s-$&P_h a r. is i hies, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the "Prairie Line" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Growth Management Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along theliue.L'cs�t,��^�. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest to service Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. For us, time is of the essence on this matter, and we would request your reply by December 22, 1998. If you have any questions feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Thank you. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmann Public Works Director cc: list all cc's att: map E-R8 09:40AM FROJi PUB?Tr WORKS P02 November 4, 1998 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization �t Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 4kS 2650 Lou Menk Drive t y� P.O. Box 961052 V� ASSY Fort Worth TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, �- `��►°J� The City of Yelm adopted our "Transportation omprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the St a of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the de v opment of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the dev opment and utilization of multi=modal rail_. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairi ine" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due a-larak of shi.. oe =a=kctin- :'-A This past spring it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was desirous of liquidating the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus eliminating an important economic opportunity to link commercial/industrial development in Yelm to freight and passenger rail connections with other significant markets. 'tis s k '71Pm V,••ti loG C` Ja VT 0.b(t CoL4—'-` s k J6,r a(o yr Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which btir� include the preservation and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame work for the ownership of the Yelm branch line a short line rail service that has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of rail, ties, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed with our. plan andAubmitth/ntiatitg' er to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest ingot;acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. 3 %v%3A+.r e-S',C'k%v% To ensure the success of our plan, the City udU-;@q*i-Pe certain operational considerations (as outlined below) to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as the development of new business and future shippers, therefore , we propose the following: 1i�?6-H HAMA FROMI PUB,r rn WORKS P03 The acquisition of all assets including right of way, physical improvements (ties, rail, bridges, buildings, etc.) and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. The "first right of refusal" to the acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview. An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficiently the transfer of traffic between the Burlington Norther Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". The "Prairie Line" service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system. continue the present revenue stream/from current shippers on the "Prairie Line" thru the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue future service to existing customers as well as our desire to market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burll�ington,Nort cern Santa Fe Railway the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet�,continue to enjoy the revenue stream ��.�• generated from the "Prairie Line". �-�. Fk -�• l /_ ,_J .P� . is o.�r r3'�v`esv.-=` `..��4-c..A-"� �C c�W`mnr►r- ct�a. V-c T�e Bu lington Northern Santa Fe Railwayimay-eafa5L cost savings circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line, the elimination of ".5k maintenance cost, as well as certain liabilities, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the "Prairie Line" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Growth Management Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the line. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest to service Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. 1 1 ��vS I C,—L time is of the essence on this matter, our reply to ^w-e-o.:r-equesx by December 22, 1998. If you have any questions feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Thank you. Sincerely, City of Yelm 1 -16-941) 09:40AM FROM PUP"^ WORKS _ PO4 Ken Garmann public Works Director cc: list all cc's aft: map CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NO. 379 A RESOLUTION To state the guiding principles for the acquisition and use and operational oversight of the railroad branch line, the Yelm Branch Line, currently owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company; to create a Rail Advisory Committee to advise the city on the use, operation and development of the acquired property; and to provide guidance to the Director of Public Works on how to proceed; and WHEREAS, The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway(BNSF) currently operates over a railroad corridor called the Yelm Branch Line which extends from Milepost 8.55 near Lakeview on the north to mile post 25.55 in the City of Yelm on the south and has indicated its interest in discontinuing rail service over at least a part of that branch line; and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm has indicated its interest in acquiring all property interests now held by the BNSF in its Yelm Branch Line for general public welfare, economic development and investment purposes; and WHEREAS, The City of Roy has expressed its interest in participating with the City of Yelm in setting public policy for the use and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch, insofar as such use operation and development affects the City of Roy; and WHEREAS, The Yelm Chamber of Commerce has actively been supporting the public acquisition of the Yelm branch; and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, THE MAYOR CONCURRING: Section 1. The Council endorses the following guiding principles in acquisition, operation and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch Line (formerly known as the Northern Pacific's Prairie Line): All BNSF property interests its Yelm Branch Line, should be acquired by the City of Yelm and after such acquisition the line of railroad shall be referred to as "The Prairie Line." The preservation and vitality of businesses located along the BNSF's Yelm Branch Line should be preserved, and additional businesses should be encouraged to locate along the line. The exploration and development of commuter rail and other passenger uses in conjunction with development of the acquired property should be encouraged. The interests of the City of Roy and its citizens will be considered in any use or development of the BNSF's Yelm Branch line, and appropriate interlocal agreements or contracts may be entered into by the two Cities to achieve and carry out mutual interests and apportion ownership, as necessary. RESOLUTI/RES.98.RES379.DOC Section 2. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee is established to assist and advise the City of Yelm in acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail property, "The Prairie Line." (a) The Committee shall be composed of the Mayor of Yelm,the Mayor of Roy, or their designees, and three persons appointed by the City of Yelm and two person appointed by the City of Roy,to serve at the pleasure of the respective appointing Mayor. The Mayor of Yelm may designate one of the appointed members to serve as chairperson: (b) The committee members will receive no additional compensation, except that the City may reimburse any travel or administrative expenses of the appointees out of the marketing fund established herein, under the guidelines established by the City. Section 3. Rail Marketing Fund. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee shall advise the Public Works Director on an annual marketing budget as determined by the City of Yelm of up to 1/2 of I% of any rents, profits or other payments received by the City of Yelm for use or uses of any part of the Prairie Line. This fund to be created annually as part of the operating budget of the Department of Public Works, and its use shall be subject to review and audit. The fund shall be used to promote the use of the Prairie Rail Line. Section 4. The Director of Public Works shall: (a)Negotiate the acquisition of BNSF's Yelm Branch Line and appurtenant property with appropriate BNSF officials and submit to the council a proposal for such acquisition. (b) Develop in consultation with the Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee created herein, and submit to the Council for approval, a proposed rail policy which will encourage and promote freight and commuter rail service, provide for safe and economical development and use of all property in the acquired branch line, and prepare a prudent and business-like property management plan for the acquired property. (c)Assist the Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee in preparing an appropriate budget for its operating expenditures and other such uses of the rail Marketing Fund created in Section 3, and, as part of the Public Works' normal budgeting process. (d) Create a proposed bid requirement to solicit appropriate offers from competent rail operators to contract with the City for engaging in common and contract carrier freight rail service over the Prairie Line. The qualifications for a contract rail operator should emphasize financial responsibility and rail operation experience, and ability to meet current rail customer's transportation requirements. RESOLUTI/RES.98/RES379.DOC 2 i I (e)Develop an Operating Agreement which the City may use to engage the services of a competent rail operator, or operators, ensuring that such agreement will provide an operator or operators who will meet the reasonable service requests of businesses who desire common carrier rail service,that the City will remain in overall control of the properties, and that such operators will be able to bear the full expense and risk attendant with such rail operations. (f)Develop a program of active oversight of future rail operations and other property uses in the Prairie Line to ensure all such uses are in compliance with contract, safety and public use requirements. (g) Prepare and file on behalf of the City any documents necessary to carry out the acquisition and operation of The Prairie Line with the Surface Transportation Board,the Federal Railroad Administration,the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the Washington Department of Transportation, the Association of American Railroads, or any similar agencies or organizations. Section 5. The Council supports all progressive and safe uses of the acquired property which will benefit the general public and directs the Mayor to explore all reasonable opportunities for The Prairie Line to yield a return on the City's investment; Provided, however, that such uses must be consistent, and not interfere, with the general acquisition purpose of providing freight and passenger rail service, so long as there is a reasonable demand or potential need for such services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Yelm, that RESOLUTION 379 is hereby approved and adopted. ADOPTED this day of November 1998. KATHRYN M. WOLF,MAYOR ATTEST: AGNES P. BENNICK, CITY CLERK RESOLUTI/RES.98/RES379.DOC 3 — 'F-)L:E Vayr° Yelm gets grant. to save abandoned railroad Ione Civic leaders in Yelm and -Roy have been given a ■ RAIL BUSINESS: Yelm is the lead agency for line after Burlington North- Dennis Risdon agrees. cities probably would con- boost in their efforts to, the railroad project, but Roy ern announced plans to aban- "Our perception in working tract with a commercial acquire a 14.5-mile-long rail City OIC1alS Say they line between Yelm and also would invest in it, Yelm don it. with businesses interested in short-line operator to man- Lakewood.A$340,000 want to save the line City Manager Shelly Badger Business leaders and mu- Thurston County is that the age and maintain the line, federal grant will help pay because businesses said. nicipal officials say the cities number of businesses inter- Badger said. for acquisition and/or could Stiffer. The grant can be used for would suffer without contin- ested in rail service seems to Burlington Northern has in maintenance of°the line. maintenance costs as well as ued freight rail access. be on the rise,"Risdon said. some past instances given By Larry Miller purchasing costs. No current Yelm busi- Yelm Public Works Director portions of unprofitable short The OI m ian The Yelm and Roy city nesses depend on the rail- Ken Garmann,who is heading rail lines to municipalities, Y p councils are scheduled to a road but Wilcox Farms in Roy the city's effort to buy the line which enables them to take 5 YELM—Efforts to save the p- y �' y ibLooq point a joint rail advisory does. said he plans to initiate negoti- tax write-offs. The railroad short line railroad connecting Yelm and Ro with Lakewood committee by Nov. 25. The Yelm officials see the line as ations with the railroad soon recently did so with the Ca Lacey k eceived a boost from the committee,'made up of offi- crucial for attracting new after the advisory committee mas Prairie Line near Van- tOlYmpia Roy cials from both cities as well businesses to the city's indus- is formed. couver and another line near t fi d government. as business leaders will ad- trial area. If acquired by the cities,the Yakima,Garmanh said. Yelm a Yelm has been awarded a vise city staff on how to go "It's extremely important to line would be known as the "Generally,it ends up being $340,000 Transportation Effi- about acquiring and manag- keep the rail line open for eco- Prairie Line after its historical a combination donation-pur- ciency Act grant to help pur- ing the Burlington Normal nomic development in Yelm," name,Garmann said. chase,"he said. r�tx'• r v„ .; ° chase the 14'/2-mile line from line,Badger said. Badger said. Don't expect to see city em- Larry Miller writes for The the Burlington Northern Rail- The cities became inter- The Thurston County Eco- ployees driving locomotives Olympian. He can be reached road. ested in purchasing the short nomic Development Council's or throwing switches. The at 754-5465. Fred Matamorosrrhe Olympian ■ Tumwater Develop- ■ Lacey Timberland Li- SOUTH �j� ''cc ment Services Department brary presents Page Turn- Turk Turkeys as pets has brochures to make the ers for adults from 1:30 to Obituaries, C2 process of building a home 3:30 p.m. Tuesday to dis- Lottery C2 Do you have a turkey that will survive Thanksgiving, one that you consider a pet easier. cuss "100 Years of Soli- Tides C2 or family member? We want to hear from you: They provide instructions tude" by Gabriel Garcia for submitting foundation, Marquez. WASHINGTON floor and roof plans, energy ■ Olympia Timberland code information and Library presents "An Intro- ■Election results: Uncle- plumbing detail. They also duction to the Internet"from cided races have lawmakers list information on required 9 to 10 a.m. Tuesday for itching to change the wa applications, timing and in adults. Register in advance votes are counted.C2 spections. The brochures at the reference desk or call are available at the Devel- 352-0595. ': Poo-BUSINESS Name: opment Services counter. ■ Tumwater Timber- For more information, call land Library presents Just ■Trade dispute: A bid to City: Phone: 754 4180. for Twos, a story program cut tariffs among Pacific Send items for Community for 2-year-olds, at 10:30 Rim nations sparks heated Mail your response by Thursday to Turkey, c/o The Olympian, P.O. Box 407, Olympia,wA 98507, to The Olympian, P.O. Box a.m. Tuesday. An. adult debate. C6 send a fax to 357-0202, or send an e-mail to olympian@olywa.net.Your answers may be published in must uesda an " each The Olympian. 407, Olympia,WA 98507. P y_; . child. � FG 34 MENU *�-= -U on Jonnson ureeK.hoaa,a Tew mues lvlemonat rarK. """`" "' 'oy" """y, "�"�'' " .a' Wednesda /W a ' Thursday « southwest of Rainier. Arrangements are by McComb rested Frida on suspicion of first de ree Wednesday 8.2 High 12:54a.ay 6.3 High We chose AmeriPark at Sequoia be He was born April. 13, 1960, in Funeral Home,Shelton. rape of a child and first-degree child mo 05:35 a.m. 2.6 Low 06:14a.m. 2.8 Low lestation. He remained in the county jail 11:51 a.m. 9.6 High 12:23p.m. 9.6 High Mont. She loved her home here and t Shelton to Edward and Marjorie without bail. 06:17 p.m. 0.0 Low 06:55p.m. -0.2 Low (Tibbets) Lycan. He was a 1978 0-- DEATHS Rhonda M. Bridges, 43, of the first Friday Nov.21 graduate of Tenino High School.He Maxwell, Charlotte, 87, Olympia, block of County Line Road,Rochester,was 01:37 a.m. • 8.3 High 02:19 a.m. 8.2 High attended Centralia Junior College tY 06:52 a.m. 3.0 Low 07:30 a.m. 3.2 Low When looking for Assisted Living,turn to: g Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1998, Olympia arrested Thursday on suspicion of drunken 12:56 p.m. 9.5 High 01:28 p.m. 9.4 High and Western Washington University Manor.Forest Funeral Home,Olympia. driving.She was cited and released. 07:32 p.m. -0.2 Low 08:09 p.m. -0.2 Low leader...AmeriPark at Sequoia the#1 Choi, Assisted Living in Thurston County. Wolve's cases of a healthy North American - settler times when wolves were pre- hunters. wolf killing a human-And none of sent,"she said. "I don't feel that the wolves would From Cl the wolf reintroduction'efforts re-. More troublesome are habitat and stay in the park,"commented Gerry •24 hour licensed nursing strict the use of public or private big game 'conditions outside the Rowland of Olympia, president of and caregivers on site. Secretary of the Interior Bruce property by humans,he said. . . park,which has seen extensive log- the Modern Firearm Hunters of Babbitt-is traveling to the remote Preliminary studies' suggest ging,road building and development Washington."We don't need another • Private Apartments Southwest wolf releag.e area Mon- there are enough.elk and deer in at since the wolves were killed off. hunter on the Olympic Peninsula." day to condemn the shootings and least four Olympic National Park Several elk populations in the ad- McNulty,a naturalist and author,is • 3 nutritious'meals a day aid in the release of two more river valleys to each support a pack joining Olympic National Forest are more optimistic about the potential •Weekly housekeeping wolves,Schlickeisen said. of wolves,park wildlife researcher in poor shape and already subject to of wolves returning to the peninsula. Y He conceded that wolves ocea- Patti Happe told the conference. hunting bans and restrictions. Returning wolves would add a • Personal care and medication sionally will prey on livestock,a con- At least 51000 elk reside in the park "Wolves.outside the park could sense of wildness to the park and re- cern that surfaced in the poll con- in the summer and up to 4,000 stay in take the big game currently set store the balance of nature,he said. management ducted in the Olympic .Peninsula the parkyear-round,she said. aside for hunters," state Fish and John Dodge covers the environ- • .and Puget Sound areas. "The elk and deer populations in Wildlife biologist Jack Smith said. ment for The Olympian. He can be Social activities highlighting 1. However, there- are no known the park are stable—similar to pre- That sits poorly, with some reached at 754-5444. Wellness • IHuy Vu signed up for a 30-minute spelling,and it's making'me a better sessions,Boercherding said. Large central garden area Club turn to do his history homework. speller,"Tran said: "And my teach- "There are more students than • Small pets welcome From C1 . 1 "Well,it's fun to work on the com- ers like.it'when we use computers." ever now, which means there are Y genc Einer intercomsystem I puter,"Vu said."And it does help me The union cash also is paying for more students to help,"Boercherd- parked in they homework club by organize my work." new study areas,Axtell said. ing said."It's not as noisy now,but a • Safe ' security i guaranteed 3:30 p.m.Thursday,and every one of The computer helps point out lan- The homework club has been a lot more is happening. �' the five computer stations was guage mistakes, said Thuan Tran, success since it started in 1996,and Chester Allen covers education for booked up. 13. dozens of Evergreen Village stu- The Olympian. He can be reached at Call today for a tour! Jefferson Middle School student "The computer checks my dents now attend the three weekly 754-4225. Y We look forward to hearing from you. Mills & MillsPUBLIC Funeral Directors a rc I 414.S.Franklin St. N ;U. ,. mere � Olympia . 357-7743 the price of Circuit City, The Good at 4; S Olympic Funeral Home • • • • '• • onents f # &Memorial Gardens • audio. - • R°E T I R E M E N T 5725 Littlerock Rd SW Tumwater Assisted L Brian Curnow Ron Kluemper 357-4404 Desco Audio & Video "Bringing comfort and support when you need us most"-since 1901 2306 Harrison NW 943-1393 (360) 491-0491 • 825 Lill 4g 1� Freight 4cce-5.5 by ZAL The FAR Corridor is a numerous public sector jobs at the U.S. Army's Fort partnered effort.to Lewis and in,the state capital. rehabilitate abandoned - rail facilities to Class 4 Cities in the Thurston rail operation,and - = region have adopted _ significantly improve, _- _ =v strong growth = freight and passenger 7 management policies movement in the South that promote Puget Sound region. development within -- existing urban areas. The Cities of Yelm and The greatest challenge for densification,however, is - Tacoma have acquired ,jVaccommodating the corresponding increase in q surplus rail line room traffic. Proposed commuter rail service along the Burlington Northern/ current freight rail line would act as a catalyst for Santa Fe to preserve rail access..Combined and densification,by providing an alternative .upgraded, they offer an exceptional opportunity to transportation network through the urban core. improve rail and highway congestion in the I-5 corridor from Tacoma south toward the Portland The.FAR corridor is being developed through a environs. partnership of thirty,state, local, private sector and advocacy entities.The Thurston Regional Planning Although interstate - ` �oqd Council is allocating improvements are - $340,000 of regional crucial,alone they STP funds to assist in will not be able to _ - - _ corridor acquisition. meet freight - F capacity needs.For As exurban develop- _ less than the cost of two lane miles of interstate ment reaches out from construction in this area, the FAR Corridor will the Seattle/Tacoma provide almost 55 miles of class 4 rail facilities to metropolitan area to the --� - . which interregional freight shipping can be diverted. . independent Olympia = environs-,the blending _ Relieving freight traffic on the single main line will of growth and economic allow the southerly extension of the RTA commuter activities will be greatly rail project currently underway in Seattle and influenced by the way Tacoma. Commuter rail service would then link common transportation Seattle to affordable exurban areas, as well to needs and issues are addressed. - upe!ville _ 4 I - W_ Fort•Angp s T in Q Clallam v tt Snohomish O Q Jefferson s /t►'tsa r a +v Po d King Mason y' 0 a Grays shelto J ua Harbor 6 IL Aberdeen o �± O t 4,0 BdOI1rL Pierce Durston TE u , Caatralia Routh O ` R Chehalis . == Q ® Lewis a p Pacific ,1, .., W ah um Cowlitz Skamania U = - Ca et 411 N Freight Access by Rail (FAR) Corridor UP Union Paoifio USG-United States Govt TE-Tacoma Eastern W CO-Weyerhaeuser Co. BT-Ballard Temvnal CMER-Curtis Mibum and Eastern BNSF-Burlington Northern PSAP=Puget Sound and Pacific • FAR Corridor 10 0 10 Muss wm__ - _ ES S®11A1® S PACIFIC ..--:NEWS.FOR.PUGET SOUND.&-PA'C/FIC`CUSTOMERS;=EMPLOYEES,.AND FRIENDS------ `—`- a October 1998 No.4 Shart lines, Mass I railroads E reach°new c®®perativ® PSOP grins marketing award I n a reerent� • After judging 27 entries, a panel of with Class I connections,As a result,the three judges selected Puget Sound & railroad gained seven new customers As good news to our shippers,small rail- Pacific to be one of three 1998 Market- in the first ten months of operation and roads(Class II and Class III lines)and large ing Award winners in the American Short overall business increased 32%. railroads (Class 1) reached an agreement Line and Regional Railroad "All of our employees should be very last month to deal with a number of issues Association's third annual marketing proud of this achievement," says Tom that affect our ability to serve you,the cus- awards competition.The award is con- Foster,PS&P VP and general manager. tomer.This_agreement_covers.several-major__._sidered_a-maj.or_achie-vement_among "Theirhard worl-p!rouiding_goo.d_ser- issues including car supply,Class I service smaller railroads, vice and putting the customer first has to short lines,restricted access to other car- PS&P's winning entry was based on helped us grow.It is imperative that we riers,routing options available to short lines, the railroad's success converting sev- always go the extra mile to meet the Class I switching fees and terminal access, eral truck movements to rail,use of on- customer's needs and that includes not rate making policies and division of rev- line equipment to generate additional only with shippers,but with vendors pro- enues for new, heavier freight cars. The loads, working with customers to find viding a service,and communities with agreement was reached without govern- new business, and close coordination problems concerning our operation." ment (Surface Transportation Board) man- date. AWARD WINNERS—a to r.) The net effect of this agreement will be Puget Sound&Pacific that short lines will have increased flexibility *` Railroad President Tom and options to serve our customers.Many of 424,-'x ° aY Schlosser,American Short these improvements will require case by Line and Regional Railroad� `; Association President Bill case requests to our Class I connections,the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe and the - Loftus, and PS&P VP and General Manager Tom Union Pacific, for the right to take specific Foster were at Atlanta,Go. actions.A provision is made for arbitration of October 5 when the PS&P issues that cannot be resolved between the received the association's individual small railroad and the Class 1. award for marketing There is not enough space in this column excellence. to lay out the entire agreement.Please con- :._ tact either Tom Foster or me at (707) 254- 1414 if you would like a complete copy of the agreement. In short,this agreement recognizes that 4 - - --- --- - •- .�,-•- - - .-- - there have been difficult issues faced by Carloads; short line railroads in recent years that focus 1,000 ' on their Class I partners and the resulting size of those partners due to Class I mergers. While the agreement will not be a panacea 900 for all the issues faced between short lines and Class I railroads, it is, nevertheless, a step in the right direction.The bottom line is that we have more tools at our disposal to 800 serve you, the customer. We plan to take - advantage of this agreement to help youi with your rail transportation needs. 700 As a final note,I should add that it is very important that small railroads and large rail- PUGE T SOUND U PACIFIC � roads make this agreement work to the Monthly carloadings advantage of our customers. If it is not an F 600 ® 1998 JK2 1997 effective vehicle for improvements, pres- sure will mount for change via other means. DAVE PARKINSON 500 CHAIRMAN S ' ,Jan Feb IMarApr May Jun, Jul Aug ,,Sep. Oct, Nov Dec.. . , c ctoi?er 149 F._ Working on the railroad log, lumber Meet Virginia Kalarna loadings decline A smiling Virginia Kalama often is the Virginia enjoys baking and cooking. Third quarter 1998 carloadings on first person to greet visitors to Puget "I love learning new homemade dishes, the Puget Sound & Pacific were 33% Sound & Pacific's operating office at including desserts. Believe it or not,I'm ahead of the fourth quarter 1997,shortly Elmo, Wash. She started with the rail- still skinny."She also enjoys music and is after the railroad began operations, road on July 13, 1998—officially as ac- currently attending a dance class with However,log loadings are down and counting supervisor—and quickly her boyfriend at Grays Harbor College. the recent softening of lumber markets learned to organize,schedule,check, "It's all kinds,country,swing,and jazz." has taken its toll. "Oversupply is driving distribute and juggle all the things that Virginia is also involved in crafts and the price down,"says Tom Foster,PS&P never are included in ajob description. currently is making Christmas cards. VP and general manager.Lumber and Born in Waukegan, III.,Virginia was A single mom, Virginia's daughter logs represent 60% and 10% of the raised in Humptulips, Wash. and has Tanya turned 18 on October 24 and will railroad's volume, respectively, lived in Montesano,Wash. since 1990. be attending Washington State Univer- New business includes a movement "It's a 15-minute drive to work," she sity at Pullman next fall. "She wants to -of bentonite clay for a land fill at Port laughs, "if you follow the speed limit." become a corporate attorney," says Angeles,Wash. PS&P is also participat- Virginia's accounting-responsibilities Virginia. "She's wanted to do this since ing with Burlington Northern and Santa include payables and receivables, she was a little girl." Fe in a two-way barge-rail haul of logs payroll and end-of-the month reports. from Alaska,via the port of Grays Har- She's also sharpening her skills learning a bar. Logs are unloaded for debarking to keep track of demurrage and car rna at PLS Pole in Stevensville,Mont„where hire. "I had to learn a lot of railroad g s Virginia. Its some- terminalegY sa 'It's the empty log flats are reloaded with Y g pipe for Alaska,Meanwhile,paper and thing that I gradually worked into.And chemical shipments remain strong. I'm still learning:" p Virginia likes working for the PS&P and her association with VP and Gen- NEW ADDITION—A big PS&P s welcome to Takata James Loefer,born era]Manager Tom Foster, "He's not the September 2 to Dispatcher/Equipment kind of boss that's always looking over Coordinator Donna Poynor,who plans your shoulder. It's up to you to work on y to return to work in January. your own and do a good job." 4 Prior to joining the PS&P, Virginia worked more than six years for a CPA , firm in Aberdeen and the Quinault Hous- ing Authority. Virginia Kalama—accounting supervisor The mission of the Puget Sound S Pacific ' PSOP briefs Railroad: I p.a Customer-oriented,reliable,and RAILWAY i4GE—In a Novem>e 998 wo-page s ory eadlined "PS& : Listening — co"s c po a itive to the customer," RAILWAY AGE Associate Editor Marybeth Luczak writes: rail/intermodal "Responding to shipper needs and expanding niche markets have helped ! transportation services. guide this new short Zine to success." Stock watcher—Rail industry newsletter publisher Tom Murray notes in his October newsletter: "...the biggest single ingredient in PS&P's success has been face-to-face contact between its employees and existing and prospective rail _ �_-S0_U"D 11-NES ': m customers." Murray notes, "Problems are resolved locally,not by calling an 800 i number. Service,equipment,rates and facilities are under unified control, not h fragmented as they are on large railroads." ! PUGET SOUND & PACIFic RAILROAD "Scissor-hands" joins the PS&P—The railroad calls it a "brush ho No.401 • 221 GATEWAY ROAD g"—a pair of NAPA,CA 94588 whirring five-inch blades attached to the end of a small railroad crane. Under (707)254-1414 the deft control of track foreman Mike Spalding,the brush cutter can reach out DAVID L.PARKINSON,CHAIRMAN SIDENT 15 to 20 feet,making quick work of any foliage lining PS&P's right of way, THOMAS L.S PERAT G OFFICER�c CHIEF OPERATINC>OFFICER especially vegetation that might obstruct sight lines at railroad crossings. "Eventually,we'll run the brush cutter over all subdivisions," says PS&P Track 501 N!,2ND ST.,P.O.sox L-2 Supervisor Ron Walley,The railroad also works with customers and communities i ELMA,WA 98541. 4994 to trim spots that are more accessible by rail, "We have a real partnership going 6STER, 4 &GENE k on here," comments Walley, THOMAS R FOSTER,UP&GENERA4 MANAGER �i r - MEMO TO : Steve Day Charlie Burnham FROM : KEN GARMANN RE : " BNSF Railway" " The Prairie Line " DATE : 11-16-98 Good morning Steve and Charlie ! ! Enclosed or attached, which ever you prefer is my first rough draft of the "first shot" letter to Jerry Johnson. Feel free to slash and gash with your "red" pencils as I will appreciate your comments ! ! ! Can I expect you comments by wednesday noon ? ? Thanks ! ! ! Steve Day fax # 206-343-7053 Charlie Burnham fax # 253-922-9781 i sok I 3 - memo_ November 4, 1998 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 Lou Menk Drive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, The City of Yelm adopted our "Transportation Comprehensive Plan" in 1992 and amended the plan in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past few years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 has been limited due to a lack of shippers and an aggressive marketing plan. This past spring it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was desirous of liquidating the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus eliminating an important economic opportunity to link commercial/industrial development in Yelm to freight and passenger rail connections with other significant markets. Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelm, Chamber of Commerce and business leaders in our community have been actively meeting to develop strategies which include the preservation and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have passed resolutions establishing the frame work for the ownership of the Yelm branch line a short line rail service that has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of rail, ties, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed with our plan and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in negotiating the acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To ensure the success of our plan, the City will require certain operational considerations (as outlined below) to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as the development of new business and future shippers, therefore , we propose the following: The acquisition of all assets including right of way, physical improvements (ties, rail, bridges, buildings, etc.) and traffic from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. The "first right of refusal" to the acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview. An agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficiently the transfer of traffic between the Burlington Norther Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". The "Prairie Line" service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe system. We propose to continue the present revenue stream from current shippers on the "Prairie Line" thru the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The City of Yelm desires to continue future service to existing customers as well as our desire to market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway may enjoy cost savings by circumventing service with its own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line, the elimination of maintenance cost, as well as certain liabilities, while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the "Prairie Line" by the City of Yelm will regionally benefit local rail users and meet our "Growth Management Plan" objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the line. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest to service Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. As time is of the essence on this matter, may we have your reply to our request by December 22, 1998. If you have any questions feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Thank you. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmann Public Works Director cc: list all cc's att: map mung 11/4 and MUDS Whu'01 Vubub w winter e coat an rus a-. fpm them ti1.1981,.She,returned':to ^rte z� � new'winter coat and`ae many;sew, t �qn t sM' Ei' .. rt''`r"+ F +anis' Yelm and-went to.work for FT until ,4 � xr ra4a f� , }� r3 gifts as possible.Last year,t�te,pro- her retirement in 1996. tr.'s f gram purchased between 300 and �. !t l+' °' .. !G nen �e`up` i '''The couple'met during a,trauung � � 350 new coats — Tl_ i ; .:s Yelm Commumty'$chools staff I°do session at TT,fell m love,and were f.s bar married in'19851 at'-the Carlson j r.� esiof students they provide themim Mar-.':Scout Cabin in Yelm;Theybbught feel are in need The names o went,': and moved in to Darlene's'moth- Dick and Darlene Rose,Owners of D and D Compute[eItd Jew children, are kept confidential 1'dou= 4 er's house.•`Whel}'rson'Den„ a a1ryjti ve_be`an rAartj9d Grand Marshals+fqr Yeltit's a n�CHriet� They all receive a iwrappedT a eseat a pressed an,interest m starting a roes In the Park Parade t ' ',` , p.is jt' it n ��d ua.6 from Santa`Claus 1 S sur-",i computer business,Dick and•Dar j ft1 Ii ha rt a,;ir : }7 "No one takes credit for the;pro-i heard-�lens bought in and added Je�velr� has always been the community; to help , r F Iect It's about neighbors helping aorior. and.ge`mstones to ilia l psmess ",Whatever work.I;can do with' "We want to be walking around I neighbors;',said Iia JenitiAs. kap-�:l Outsiddofwork,.theyenloyrocli thecommunity;'saidDick,"Twill when lve'df�,?Dene a41 co-chau>z}an;j �, ` hounding and spendYng tmle fin,t,px diol have always beet'the type of with a smile f l?or:more:irk, $leaser #1 ferent outdoors But-, the� 'person wlio,,,.R5_-1 ;>ts my duljr =r fir!' -�•t. t �'� ,�allryfco-chaitsTammy;Cookat4�58- "z 1 za„ blit1!$ nj 1G j.?,J e) dr.,tij,. ,{� �L,.F1>'Q '✓it' i ✓i f , t� 133'f. nr::JCnkms' at y$94-2411,.r Or Oe �. ici � 4d 'Ar ts(,i11l,l < 458x61 13 >i t e i :'RII3 � yfi�diff i:,�_. ! rice . 1 �, � r7 C1 : e r'e " : . , Yelm xeceives,r, , �. U.,j ,, r , ; h funding to,acqui f , ,ti ..: 7 ,short line between ! res aroma . BY Myranda Yun YMS 4<: X ^sit j Nis quallyl/alley News' ' •During a,,tmilroad,Fstudy seasiQAj chal g wl attended by;membe- of both`thc, al:was t Yehn and Roy city councils.Itlo-� year `d i. k'.sr vembei 9,:Yelm IN449 Works,DtT, morale s "".. M. ,.• {. '•... ..z,,. 'rector'Ken Garmanni announxdi :I impact.: �, rs` ,,; EaE that Yelm.had received a,$340.000 so;she'.' :I ;rite to,-; r':' ' TEA-21. grant funding;1? 8e frons Congress to go towards the blight �:: +t�7t, i^r. i t Cost of acq,,,, g'the BurlingtoA" v ' Noithern!$antn l?d (BNSf short 4:they; ,� :° .l ;line between Ye and Lakewood t;_ Ya " '� While t Yehn will be' the' lead rvg=asp - the - Robil, � _ _ N , s will have an�nvcstment�n�oOY °Y -� +•Jr a pj y;7> ^ .>^t� b� , p,� y r,-� rd id., nr b `.xis also ag r✓;: �i.ati,. i S' f ' .7 E rL 4 .Y P i atively,t i 4u t d 5 vt f 3 m �r fu it IOad Once ,the' aC(]uul hOn C'Rom 'c01Ro-' piste,.the short in, will be called �. tessage „ •_: ewhereH d ! s "The Prairie Lane 'Ye Middle School teacher LaureL,Roblllard Is pictured reacher her hand up to a hand treced on Along with_Gartnann. a banner by students In her leadership class The banner states"Askipg for help is a strength not, l railroad attorney Steve Day,acting, {" �d s engineer' Charles Burnham f and :(I S^ a:We�ISr19at3r' �i 5t iiuiPl 3�" , ef/ t t b 1 F4 c{i '.. f ' Yehn Area Chamberof Commerce President Joe Wi111ams offered in e + u.. m hlg, at8 t F'i73. tf,iS;V, Pi formation about the planned sego[ I gt sition and answered Que$ti0ns fin' All season,:, Garman told the group the rail r- �y {+ F :� i road will promote business devel g the V e' O O opment,' .economic. growth,'•'gym-. : (. prove s � b7 �u those less fortunate depend on do- age quality of.-life mong Vthe rail I As ThanJcaglthng gets closer, p corn nation's tQ make thplr holloay one for which they can be thankful:`' Day explained that die next,stepi r:Yelm CQjtnmtJnity�.Servjcas/ UCB0,4,food bank'coordinator 'is for the cities to pass resolutions. Raeann Klraten,and:driver Pete Wllsonsaro.plctured_laet Friday identifymg:;tho`gtu!g prinaplea A°unloading,food'*6r i the Food LIWWS artd;the`Tacoma Einer of the acqu�sltion and Frosting a a gency food Network Thay'receivetl;•6�0DO.Vounds of potatoaa, Rail �►dvisory Co yammrttee to,otler D'192.-bags of°wheat.flour;z6,000 pounde.;oY'onloris`and'`1;600 `advlbe'On the use;'operation sail,,_ .:. pounds of chicken broth.The food bank at Yelm Community Ser r development of the acquired prop-, i jK �0lce$/UCB0 accepts nonperlshableYood donations from 10 a.m Orty� rhe Cojpyruttee also will i to:A"p m �llondaythrough Saturday`,.The UCBO Is located at 624 Y Please see Railroad '`.Crystal Springs Road MW r:? i. 4s;,4 ,.., i s ". ' Page'A-12 I. ¢ nt on Morris Road Reimer football cruises Acclde , $onotwg Veterans Day, tune u f ;claims one life a M playoff. P �' Page A,9 'Page Page AEtS r - Vdile 23.00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN r WASHINGTON .. yr i-^Sr'�'1f�"'�'' '___._�..san.Y•.rr.�v.e..s•,a.�.:.•4 ekAs:rte a:Wit:er '-_`�'."==_.__... �+x:''. _- = ---- ._- -. ._._..._ iiANL 9, ThundayoNovembee 12�.1998 Railroadf Continued from front page ,t 1 de Ganmann on.how"'to proceed, a1 wwiith the.purchase, of the BNSF he pro.,,,. Garman°said expects • w axµ both cEkles to haW'adopted,a reso- a �a luaoa byNovember 25 The next ss;. � � � � � z �-•: �'�-. �; *��='�`°� '�'«.- step will;be to. aaletter tos BNS hnd begin tlie'negonatlons 0 ' i a Day jtold.thee,group that,tnany$r: � � , ,�, � � �.• cities atound the county tncludmg i;` ;; �..`` SeaWe, ,Wenatchee `and .:Astons '• have plirghased shorthnes p Garman said,they, ,,-plan=to ens ` courage;busmesses`!o locate alon J t g ' the line as well as exploring the de t velopittent of.a cgmmuter railand ; other passenger uses When i asked about the lease agreelnents''BbTS currently . with bu&tnesses?and residents intIra+ " �ama000 , the area. Gutmann replied, "WeY.; °0mi0Ds0 ;1 .: don't`�glaa on making any=radical•. �: •►. ;�' � ►. .I' � � eoomaa0000..:, changes: t ^` ' The Praute,Ltne Rail.Advtsory,, • • �- �� Committee will be established to f; assist and advise the City,of Yelm � J 3F 1 in uinn .o ratm :and level mpitta:will be composed of the' t� � g ac g Pe g o m the rail roe The Com P °r mayors of Yelm and Roy or their BW �ss; ?OS designees, two persons appointed , by the City of Yelm and one person ` %55/80R 12 :29A5 PI1b170R 13 34A6 %85160R 14 53 01 %55180R 13 3174 1 '%85110R 13F 35 81 PI9b/60R 14 5116 appointed by the City< of Roy: 419517044 t 4184 P115pOR 14 a ,37 45 ' P205/dOR 14 6211 Committee members'will not re-,:, P205/15R 14'„4668 r P185170R 14 X338,70 %95/60R 16 `.5815: ceive additional compensation,but< P155160R•12 M5175R 14 4756 ;%95110R 14' LQ21Q P206/6AR 16 59 74 - may bereimbursed for travel orad ; %95176R 15 ;4702 P205/10R 14 5360 P215/60R 15 f64 09 ; ministrattye.'-expenses' under the>' P206176R 15 4501 ` P21b170R 14 -P195/65R guuiellnes established by each of-,IoP215115R t6 1800 P205110R 16't6p e4�z1 PI85/65R 15 65182 P22bA5R tk;'�0 90 P215ry0R ib ,54 99 %95�65R 15 55 09 the"hies '+ � � Y fi P235116R 13 try 96,'P225110R 15 b196 x �P105165R IA 5616 According to Yehn s draft resci,, %6517AR 15 '3235 "1235/70R 16'R 65.98 a..1R DESIGN MUt YARY:; luuon,:::'an annual rail''tnarkeUng,i fund will be created to promotgthe use,of The Efairie L1ne:r:• ' For additional,information,46h-.".. tact Garman at 458T8499, A1 RAA Rob�llard Continued from.front page k r S�Q �3 sa 11r1 IM's else F P15U-12, Dedication sums,u YMS teacher , 155R 12 ` 3711 185R 14 .' 52 27 + 185/60R-14 5977 Lalirgi,Robillard's up to 145R 13; OB 175110R•13'49 86 + `195160R•14'6342 ' her... talents: ]tobillard;works ac 155R 13 '°,39 96 " +1851IORI13 5312 s`205160R=14 6779" least 12-hour:days.and puts in,an 165813 42 78 '` 1851708.14''S5 34 t . 1951608.15"66 61` 1158 14 49 28 '1951708=14 60486,, r,2051608.1.51082.r extra day on the weekend to make ' up'1'or;all theattme she devotes-to- coaching She coaches track,gErls' volleyballand basketball?_' � : Robillard&'first,came to Yelm u "Middle School in 1989 after gradu- ating from'Central Washington University.She stayed at And,, four years then taught at Mill ,. * 10140 k for.two':years.and'was drawn.back - to YMS in„1995..because abet,;; missed coaching sports: Robillard embraces a challenge h which has-motivated her to,teach: "p computers this year,afterlascyea'r ° 's computermoteacher ved to a agoth k. er state p145181 -T kickmyself because mY dPb. — P17;5181 - LL® R185I8! doesn't get easiert It's like being.a P18517 first-year teacher over:'agatn.' Sha; r � lsughu►SlY'sad°she.has°a constant; need for stress. J "Laurel is a teacher who.gives November 4, 1998 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Assistant Vice President Asset Rationalization Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 2650 Lou Menk Drive P.O. Box 961052 Fort Worth TX 76161-0052 RE: Prairie Line Dear Mr. Johnson, ' The City of Yelm adopted ourTansportation Comprehensive?Ian in 1992 and amended.in 1997 to meet objectives of the State of Washington's "Growth Management Plan". The plan includes a component for the development of alternative modes of freight and passenger mobility, specifically, the development and utilization of multi-modal rail. Over the past Fk� .Ar,aa,efe years, service on the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milep t 8.55 has been limited due to a lack of shippers and an aggressive marketing plan. This'spri�nCg' it came to our attention that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company was desirous of liquidating the Yelm to Roy segment of the "Prairie Line" thus eliminating an important economic opportunity to link commercial/industrial development in Yelm to freight and passenger rail connections with other significant markets. Qq Since our meeting with you on June 26th, the City of Yelmt and stn' businessicommurfity been actively meeting to develop strategies which include'the preservation and development of future rail traffic on the "Prairie Line". The cities of Yelm and Roy have �as,sed resolutions establishing the frame work for the ownership ofd a s�iort`"1 ne rai s'1"ervice what has been historically known as the "Prairie Line". We have funds available to invest in the preservation of rail, ties, bridges and crossings, as well as to promote future business. We are ready to proceed with our plan and submit this letter to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway as our statement of intent and interest in negotiating the acquisition of the "Prairie Line" from Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55. To insure the success of our plan, we propose the following: We�pose-to-acq e all 4 e assets including right of way, physical improvements (ties, rail, bridges, buildings, etc.) and traffic from.Yelm, milepost 25.55 to Lakeview, milepost 8.55 for the purpose of developing a short line rail operation. i We-peqttesttthe "first right of refusal" to the acquisition of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right of way, improvements and traffic known as the "Nisqually Line" from Nisqually to Tacoma which includes Dupont and Lakeview. W-&-pfepes,eAn agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company to interchange at the Tacoma Yard to expedite efficiently the transfer of traffic between the Burlington Norther Santa Fe Railway and the "Prairie Line". ehat the "Prairie Line" service all current and future traffic on the short line (with the exception of train load lots from Fort Lewis) and deliver these cars to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Tacoma Yard for integration into the BNSF system. Wye` F continue the present revenue.stream from current shippers oris "Prairie Line" thru the selection of an appropriate rail contractor. The Ap ' desires to continue future service to existing customers as well as ouf-de4+G to market and develop significant new rail shippers. This will relieve the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway the cost of providing service on this stub branch line, yet continue to enjoy the revenue stream generated from the "Prairie Line". To ensure the success of our plan, the City will require certain operational considerations (as outlinedl=)e) to provide efficient rail operations to current shippers, as well as the development of new business and future shippers. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway can enjoy cost savings by avoiding service with MS *Qua own equipment and crews throughout the length of our branch line, the elimination of maintenance cosh as well as certain liabilities,while enjoying continued current revenue streams and increased future revenue as the City of Yelm develops business on the "Prairie Line". The ownership and operation of the "Prairie Line" by the City of Yelm will benefit local residents and meet our Growth Management Plan objectives of providing multi-modal transport opportunities along the line. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway's continued interest to service Ft. Lewis will be included in our overall plan, to be negotiated between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the City of Yelm. As time is of the essence on this matter, may we have your reply to our request by December 22, 1998. If you have any questions feel free to call my office at (360) 458-8499. Thank you. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmann Public Works Director cc: list all cc's aft: map , . , . , �, : : ? : e : : : : : : : . ............................... ...... ....................,...,,..,,. ........... .,,.,.,.. A-7, rte! lta' bn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : , . . . . . . . Ail F,z, :...................... ..... ary .... .. ...,.. d0 133HS 31VG (13M03HO 31va A8 ON eor 103rOLid ':)Ul 'X.PlaweJed SHEEP NO. JOB N0. VY rj Cl rn � 1� OF THF p�� cel of Yelm a r+ 105 Yelm Avenue West Y E?LIVPP.O. Box 479 INGTON Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 v November 9, 1998 Mr."Gene Fong, Division Administrator Washington State Division Office Federal Highway Administration 501 Evergreen Plaza 711 South Capitol Way Olympia, WA 98501 RE: TEA-21, Section 1221 Application: FAR Corridor/City of Yelm, WA Dear Mr. Fong: On behalf of the City of Yelm, I am pleased to submit a Letter of Intent for the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program. The innovation that the City of Yelm has demonstrated in this effort is very much within the spirit of TEA-21. The FAR Corridor concept represents an outstanding public investment value. It offers a practical, low cost alternative for interregional freight movement. Further, FAR also offers the potential of commuter rail service, which would be a tremendous benefit to our communities by reinforcing growth management policies and future land use patterns. The proposed feasibility study is key to fully engaging state, local and private entities who have expressed an interest in the concept. The Thurston Regional Planning Council is demonstrating their support for the concept by allocating $340,000 in regional STP funds to assist Yelm in acquiring the core rail facility. We look forward to working with Thurston Regional Planning Council and FHWA to develop the potential of the FAR Corridor. Sincerely, City of Yelm Ken Garmann, Public Works Director