05 14 2019 Agenda PacketCITY OF YELM Washington CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5/14/2019 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) April Student of the Month b) Bicycle Commuter Month Proclamation 4. PUBLIC COMMENT *Complete a blue speakers card 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) April 23, 2019 & May 7, 2019 Minutes b) Council Voucher Approval for April 2019 $1,643,635.39 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Ordinance No. 1052 Establishing an Arts Commission Approve Ordinance No. 1052 Establishing an Arts Commission or move to the May 28, 2019 Council meeting. 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled S. UPDATES a) Departments — Michael Grayum, City Administrator b) Councilmembers c) Mayor JW Foster 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 10. ADJOURN 106 2nd ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings may be viewed at www.yelmwa.F-fov or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor JW Foster Yelm Emergency Operations Board Vice -Chair of Thurston Regional Planning Council Board of Director for Risk Management Service Agency Member of Community Investment Partnership Board member South Sound Military and Community Partnership Councilmember FJ Curry Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm Finance Committee Member of Solid Waste Advisory Committee Liaison to Yelm Senior Center Liaison to South East Thurston Fire Authority Councilmember Molly Carmody Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Finance Committee Board of Director for Intercity Transit Authority Liaison to Nisqually River Council Councilmember Cody Colt Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston County Emergency Services Councilmember Tad Stillwell Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm General Government Committee Board of Directors of Economic Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Member of Law and Justice Council Councilmember Tracey Wood Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Transportation Policy Board Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 Councilmember Joe DePinto Yelm Finance Committee Yelm Public Safety Committee Member of South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Councilmember Terry Kaminski Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston Thrives Page 2 of 2 EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" k)ROCLAMATION WHEREAS, transportation accounts for about a third of the energy use in Washington State, and about half of our carbon dioxide emissions; and WHEREAS, bicycling is one of the most energy-efficient forms of transportation ever invented, and is a mode of transportation well suited to community environments where trips are short in length and overly congested roads are difficult and costly to expand; and WHEREAS, bicycle commuting reduces energy consumption, pollution, and congestion; and WHEREAS, bicycle commuting makes people healthier and more productive through exercise; and WHEREAS, the national non-profit bicycling safety and education association, the League of American Bicyclists, has declared the month of May to be National Bike Month for each of the last sixty two (62) years, and has done so again in 2019, and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm has completed two commercial collector roadway projects that include bike lanes a third roadway project that includes bike lanes that connect to Yelm Middle School; and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm encourages and supports both walking and bike traffic through our development standards; and WHEREAS, Intercity Transit, with sponsors including the Capital Bicycling Club and many area businesses is hosting the 32nd Annual Bicycle Commuter Contest during the month of May 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JW Foster, Mayor of the City of Yelm, on behalf of the Yelm City Council, proclaim May 2019, as In the City of Yelm, and strongly encourage all citizens to put forth their best effort to Reduce single -occupant motor vehicle trips to reduce air pollution, energy consumption In improve the general health and well-being of the community. yor YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2019 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor Pro -Tem Wood called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto, Terry Kaminski and Mayor JW Foster. 19-032 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO EXCUSE CODY COLT FROM THE MEETING. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 2. Agenda Approval 19-033 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations — March Student of the Month — Megan Powell Arbor Day Proclamation 4. Public Comment Cameron Jayne, Director and Creator of the Triad Theater addressed Council regarding the location of the upcoming UFO Festival and Lodging Tax Advisory Committee funding and some posts made on Facebook by some Councilmembers. Robert Hillard also spoke about the UFO Festival. 5. Consent Agenda a. April 9, 2019 Minutes. 19-034 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business a. Downtown Transportation Strategy Plan 19-035 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TRANSPORTATION STRATEGY PLAN (DEPINTO-NO). MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business — none scheduled 8. UPDATES— City Administrator Michael Grayum — 4-23-19 TO APPROVE THE DOWNTOWN SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 5-1 • Groundbreaking Ceremony tomorrow for the Splash Pad and the Playground Equipment at City Park at 12:00 pm. • Arbor Day Celebration Friday, April 26, 2019 at 11:00 at the Yelm Community Center. • Home and Garden Show this weekend at the Yelm High School. • The Emergency Management Plan, the Salary Commission determinations and the Arts Commission Ordinance will be coming to Council soon. UFO Festival will be moving to Thurston County Fairgrounds so they will not be eligible for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee funds. Councilmember Curry attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting and the Solid Waste Advisory Committee Interlocal Agreement will be coming before Council for their approval in May. Councilmember Carmody attended the Annual Planning meeting for Intercity Transit Authority. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting, Chat with the Chief and met with Congressman Denny Heck and the Boys and Girls Club and Veteran's Hub regarding the old City Hall. Councilmember Stillwell welcomed a new grandbaby last week. Councilmember Wood attended the Lacey City Council meeting as Mayor Pro - Tem and accepted a tree for our Arbor Day exchange with Lacey. Councilmember Wood also attended the Administrative Board of Directors TCOMM 911 meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Yelm Public Works Committee meeting and the Thurston Thrives meeting. Mayor Foster attended the Nisqually River Council meeting for Councilmember Carmody and attended a meeting with Congressman Denny Heck and a Representative from Senator Patty Murray's office. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-036 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY JOE DEPINTO. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. 4-23-19 YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2019 6:00 P.M. PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor Pro -Tem Tracey Wood called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Present: Councilmembers: Terry Kaminski, Molly Carmody, EJ Curry and Joe DePinto. Absent: Mayor JW Foster, Councilmembers Tad Stillwell and Cody Colt. Staff present: City Administrator Michael Grayum, Community Development Director Grant Beck, Police Chief Todd Stancil and City Clerk & HR Manager Lori Lucas. 3. a. New Thurston County Courthouse Proposal (Added to the Agenda) Thurston County Project Manager Rick Thomas, Thurston County Manager Romero Chavez, Thurston County Commissioner John Hutchings presented the new Thurston County Courthouse plan and provided a project timeline. This proposed new structure proposal will be a bond that will be brought to the citizens of Thurston County for a vote on April 28, 2020. The proposed cost of the new courthouse plan is $250 million. 3. b. Incident Emergency Management Course Update Chief Todd Stancil and Erika Katt updated the Council on the training they attended in Ocean Shores in February. Chief Stancil showed the aftermath and the issues that would take place if a 9.0 earthquake hit our region and the damage that would be done and the long term recovery that would impact our area. An Interlocal Agreement will be brought to Council for a vote in the future for Council support. 3. c. Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) presentation Chief Todd Stancil and co-author of the CEMP Erika Katt gave a presentation on the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. This document provides a comprehensive framework for Yelm-wide emergency management. It addresses the roles and responsibilities of government organizations and provides a link to local, state, Federal and private organizations and resources that may be activated to address disasters and emergencies in the City of Yelm. An Ordinance to adopt the 2018 Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan will be brought to Council in the future. 3. d. Project Updates • Splash Park is ahead of schedule. • Friday, 5K Memorial Day Run is coming up. • Spring Cleanup is May 18. • Mayor is attending Operation Red tonight. • There has been an error on the sewer utility billing for commercial accounts. There will be a letter going out to commercial accounts explaining the problem. • A thank you email to State Legislators for the funding went out today. • May 14 Council meeting includes April Student of the Month, Bicycle Month Proclamation and an Ordinance establishing an Arts Commission. 4. Mayors Report — No report May 7, 2019 Page 1 5. Council Initiatives Councilmember DePinto will be bringing a new proposed Business and Occupation Tax rate structure for Council's consideration. Adjourn 8:01 p.m. Attest: Tracey Wood, Mayor Pro -Tem Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. May 7, 2019 Page 2 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, May 7th council meeting: Mayor Payroll April Total Expense A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts Excise Tax - March paid in April TOTAL Timberland Bank Checks Issued 4/1/2019 through 4/30/2019: Check number 3133 through check number 3317. Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member CITY CLERK: ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 7th day of May 2019. 606,320.10 1, 017, 721.50 19,593.79 1,643,635.39 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 2871 04/01/2019 Claims 2872 04/01/2019 Claims 2873 04/01/2019 Claims 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3147 3148 3149 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR EFT THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 1 Amount Memo 98.12 INVOICE - INVI925287 2,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0313 895.43 INVOICES - 484581830 & 484581848 4,580.10 March Hours 4,189.63 March Hours 3,138.60 March Hours 5,658.90 March Hours 4,249.21 March Hours 3,746.55 March Hours 2,750.06 March Hours 3,184.02 March Hours 5,390.58 March Hours 485.58 March Hours 1 EFT 3,936.72 March Hours 1 EFT 2,647.28 March Hours 1 EFT 1,997.16 March Hours 1 EFT 552.58 March Hours 1 EFT 552.58 March Hours 1 EFT 3,223.40 March Hours 1 EFT 552.58 March Hours 1 EFT 4,695.39 March Hours 1 EFT 3,350.18 March Hours 1 EFT 3,431.20 March Hours 1 EFT 2,119.66 March Hours 1 EFT 7,788.04 March Hours 1 EFT 2,933.87 March Hours 1 EFT 1,941.07 March Hours 1 EFT 2,439.01 March Hours 1 EFT 4,286.71 March Hours 1 EFT 4,473.15 March Hours 1 EFT 2,939.77 March Hours 1 EFT 2,022.82 March Hours 1 EFT 5,309.60 March Hours 1 EFT 1,331.44 March Hours 1 EFT 3,448.78 March Hours 1 EFT 2,251.31 March Hours 1 EFT 524.28 March Hours 1 EFT 3,206.58 March Hours 1 EFT 5,229.83 March Hours 1 EFT 3,456.46 March Hours 1 EFT 2,032.18 March Hours 1 EFT 2,558.25 March Hours 1 EFT 4,375.71 March Hours 1 EFT 4,706.17 March Hours 1 EFT 4,208.94 March Hours 1 EFT 4,305.39 March Hours 1 EFT 4,109.42 March Hours 1 EFT 2,655.08 March Hours 1 EFT 5,070.98 March Hours 1 EFT 3,891.74 March Hours 1 EFT 4,565.61 March Hours 1 EFT 4,082.61 March Hours 1 EFT 1,659.00 March Hours 1 EFT 7,304.73 March Hours 1 EFT 2,463.09 March Hours 1 EFT 524.28 March Hours 1 EFT 1,993.38 March Hours 1 EFT 3,845.49 March Hours 1 EFT 2,993.91 March Hours City Of Yelm 04/04/2019 MCAG 9: 3215 Trans Date Type 3162 04/05/2019 Payroll 3163 04/05/2019 Payroll 3164 04/05/2019 Payroll 3165 04/05/2019 Payroll 3166 04/05/2019 Payroll 3167 04/05/2019 Payroll 3208 04/04/2019 Payroll 3209 04/04/2019 Payroll 3210 04/04/2019 Payroll 3211 04/04/2019 Payroll 3212 04/04/2019 Claims 3213 04/04/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3214 04/04/2019 Claims 1 3215 04/04/2019 Claims 1 3216 04/04/2019 Claims 1 3217 04/04/2019 Payroll 1 3218 04/04/2019 Payroll 1 3465 04/12/2019 Payroll 1 CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Chk # Claimant EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 0 AFLAC 0 AWC 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE EFT BECK, GRANT (EFT) EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL COMM INC EFT ANDREW KOLLAR EFT SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC EFT THURSTONTALK INC (EFT) EFT TEAMSTERS EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY - PFMLA 3466 04/12/2019 Claims 1 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 3467 04/12/2019 Claims 1 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUN (D) 3468 04/12/2019 Claims 1 0 COPIERS NORTHWEST 3469 04/12/2019 Claims 1 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 3470 04/12/2019 Claims 1 0 PUBLIC FINANCE INC 3471 04/12/2019 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 3472 04/12/2019 Claims 1 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 3473 04/12/2019 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 3592 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3593 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 2 Amount Memo 4,792.35 March Hours 4,890.00 March Hours 5,308.56 March Hours 5,911.35 March Hours 5,213.32 March Hours 552.58 March Hours 803.40 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Aflac Pre Tax; Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Aflac Post Tax 82,443.99 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Medical Benefits; Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Supplemental Life 144,413.97 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2019 To 03/05/2019 - PERS 1; Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2019 To 03/05/2019 - PERS 2; Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2019 To 03/05/2019 - PERS 3; Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2019 To 03/05/2019 - LEOFF 2; Pay Cyc 6,498.49 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 03/20/2019-03/20/2019 95.70 INVOICE - 2019 0327 1,004.60 INVOICES - 1777 & 1778 2,916.00 INVOICE - 03-19; 82.50 INVOICE - 102054 400.00 INVOICE - 14213; 1,074.00 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Teamsters PW 301.00 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Police Guild Dues 2,492.23 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - WA PFMLA 366.76 INIVOICE - 4017971016;; INVOICE - 4018359824 & 4019593908;; INVOICE - 4018760643,4019173523;; INVOICE - 4019173528 & 4019594023; 2,296.97 INVOICE - 2019 03 (2638); INVOICES - 2019 04 (2603) (2646) (6792); INVOICE - 2019 04 (2638); INVOICE - 2019 04 (2611) 332.47 INVOICE - INV1924438; INVOICE - INVI927591 678.97 INVOICES - 2019 0401 (PURCHASE POWER), 2019 0401(4743) 456.00 INVOICE - 0002162; 26,451.97 INVOICES FOR PSE 2019 04 10.00 INVOICE - 2019 03; 4,446.11 INVOICES - 484800024, 484800032, - CREDIT MEMO - 485013601; INVOICE - 486347602 3,878.70 April Draw 923.50 April Draw CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 MCAG 9: 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Page: 3 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 3594 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT INTERNAL REVENUE 1,258.77 April Draw 3595 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT SERVICE 1,639.67 April Draw 3596 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT LABOR & INDUSTRIES 92.35 April Draw 3597 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 527.40 April Draw 3598 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT ALARM CENTER INC 460.95 April Draw 3599 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT AMAZON CAPITAL 1,023.40 April Draw 3600 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT SERVICES INC 1,481.32 April Draw 3601 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 851.56 April Draw 3603 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,172.96 April Draw 3604 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,253.31 April Draw 3605 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT B -N -H TOWING 872.70 April Draw 3606 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT BIAS SOFTWARE 1,031.43 April Draw 3607 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 696.86 April Draw 3608 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF 1,108.20 April Draw 3609 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT WASH INC 669.86 April Draw 3610 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT CANON FINANCIAL 1,280.45 April Draw 3611 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT SERVICES INC 460.95 April Draw 3612 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,394.94 April Draw 3613 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,321.44 April Draw 3614 04/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,232.31 April Draw 4053 04/29/2019 Claims 1 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 213.39 INVOICE - 4020021192, 4020444576;; INVOICE - 4020021253;; INVOICE - 4020444644; 4054 04/29/2019 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 503.09 INVOICES - 11159357, 11159919,11159976 4055 04/29/2019 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 41.10 INVOICE - 4607047 4056 04/29/2019 Claims 1 0 OFFICE DEPOT (D) 37564515 83.89 INVOICE - 301067286001 (ADM) 4057 04/29/2019 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 730.23 INVOICE - 487554602; INVOICE - 488869660 4058 04/29/2019 Claims 1 0 WA STATE DOL (D) - 52.00 INVOICE - 2019 0415 DRIVING RECORDS 4063 04/29/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 1,011.35 INVOICE - INV1938547; INVOICE - INV1939568; INVOICE - INV1942262; INVOICE - INV 1942263 4064 04/29/2019 Claims 1 EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR 2,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0401; 4157 04/30/2019 Payroll 1 EFT EMPLOYMENT SECURITY 19,334.70 IST Quarter 01/01/2019 - DEPT 03/31/2019 4158 04/30/2019 Payroll 1 EFT INTERNAL REVENUE 6,231.43 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 04/20/2019 - 04/20/2019 4159 04/30/2019 Payroll 1 EFT INTERNAL REVENUE 89,296.28 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 04/05/2019 - 04/05/2019 4160 04/30/2019 Payroll 1 EFT LABOR & INDUSTRIES 2,195.96 1ST Quarter 01/01/2019 - 03/31/2019 2874 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3133 ALARM CENTER INC 611.80 INVOICE - 1165280 2875 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3134 AMAZON CAPITAL 327.87 INVOICE - 13XL-FGT7-9FPM; SERVICES INC INVOICE - 1LNT-CC3C-L17V, 1C6F-Y3FW-THHR, 1HVL-GMTJ-QJNQ; INVOICE - 11TR-RP6Q-LPLL 2876 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3135 B -N -H TOWING 619.08 INVOICE - 34288 2877 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3136 BIAS SOFTWARE 3,188.92 INVOICE - 10751; INVOICE - 10760 2878 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3137 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF 54.65 INVOICE - 1061724 WASH INC 2879 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3138 CANON FINANCIAL 498.95 INVOICE - 19881679 SERVICES INC City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 2880 04/01/2019 Claims 2881 04/01/2019 Claims 2882 04/01/2019 Claims 2883 04/01/2019 Claims 2884 04/01/2019 Claims 2885 04/01/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Chk # Claimant 3139 CASCADE COMPUTER 1 MAINT 3140 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 3141 CONSOLIDATED COMMUN 2903 (D) 3142 DATABAR 3143 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 3144 FOSTER PEPPER PLLC 2886 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3145 GILLIARDI LOGGING & 2902 04/01/2019 Claims 2903 04/01/2019 CONSTRUCTION INC 2887 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3146 INDUSTRIAL SOFTWARE CENTER 3166 YELM VET CLINIC 3167 SOLUTIONS 2888 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3147 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 2889 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3148 KENYON DISEND 2890 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3149 LAFROMBOISE 121.75 INVOICES - INVI6557333 & INIV16557332 2,952.95 INVOICE - L129977 COMMUNICATIONS INC 2891 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3150 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 2892 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3151 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 2893 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3152 OFFICE DEPOT (D) 37564515 (ADM) 2894 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3153 PARAMETRIX INC 2895 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3154 PRAIRIE PARK HOLDING 2896 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3155 SCJ ALLIANCE 2897 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3156 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 2898 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3157 TICOTECH, INC 2899 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3158 TIMBERLAND VISA (D) 2900 04/01/2019 Claims 2901 04/01/2019 Claims 2902 04/01/2019 Claims 2903 04/01/2019 Claims 2904 04/01/2019 Claims 2905 04/01/2019 Claims 2906 04/01/2019 Claims 2907 04/01/2019 Claims 3128 04/05/2019 Payroll 3146 04/05/2019 Payroll 3150 04/05/2019 Payroll 3169 04/04/2019 Claims 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3159 VERIZON WIRELESS 3160 VERIZON WIRELESS 3161 WA STATE AUDITOR 3162 WA STATE DEPT OF INVOICES ENTERPRISE SVCS 3163 WA STATE DEPT OF 08395 TRANSPORTATION 3164 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 3165 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 3166 YELM VET CLINIC 3167 1,497.00 INVOICE - 3168 3,138.41 TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 3169 WOLFE; 3170 253 HOMES LLC Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 4 Amount Memo 39.65 INVOICE - 9207526 81.85 INVOICE - 4018760648; 1,673.78 INVOICES - 2019 03 (2646), 2019 03 (6792) 2,297.44 INVOICE - 239699 7,335.45 INVOICES - 0000349, 0000347, 0000339,0000343 11,615.00 INVOICE - 1217824 - CHECK REISSUE; INVOICES - 1219159 & 1219160;; 625.03 INVOICE - 19-0384 863.48 INVOICE - SIN004330 878.02 INVOICE - 474396 & 475220 2,307.50 INVOICE - 188328 108.80 INVOICE - 108959 39.96 INVOICE - 1903-088156; INVOICE - 1903-090851 51.48 INVOICE - 3742-290142 435.12 INVOICE - 284671848001; INVOICES - 290264011001 & 290263922001 5,055.16 INVOICE - 08395 141.60 INVOICE - 238739 15,644.07 INVOICE - 56312; INVOICE - 56439 2,526.18 INVOICES - B09609057 & 09607927 1,497.00 INVOICE - 14301 3,138.41 TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019 0114 - WOLFE; TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019 0114 - BECK; TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019 0114 - GRAYUM; TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019 0213 - BECK; TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019; 643.98 INVOICE - 9825448925 121.75 INVOICES - INVI6557333 & INIV16557332 2,952.95 INVOICE - L129977 54.45 INVOICE - 15118389 91.34 INIVOICE - RE-3113-ATB90318117 1,068.25 INVOICE - 38863; 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0301 118.19 INVOICE - 297704 4,186.62 March Hours 2,451.29 March Hours 1,488.93 March Hours 157.43 01-2532.0 - 9417 PRAIRIE WIND ST SE City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 3170 04/04/2019 Claims 3171 04/04/2019 Claims 3172 04/04/2019 Claims 3173 04/04/2019 Claims 3174 04/04/2019 Claims 3175 04/04/2019 Claims 3176 04/04/2019 Claims 3177 04/04/2019 Claims 3178 04/04/2019 Claims 3179 04/04/2019 Claims 3180 04/04/2019 Claims 3181 04/04/2019 Claims 3202 04/04/2019 Payroll 3182 04/04/2019 Claims 3203 04/04/2019 Payroll 3183 04/04/2019 Claims 3184 04/04/2019 Claims 3185 04/04/2019 Claims 3186 04/04/2019 Claims 3187 04/04/2019 Claims 3188 04/04/2019 Claims 3191 04/04/2019 Claims 3192 04/04/2019 Claims 3193 04/04/2019 Claims 3194 04/04/2019 Claims 3189 04/04/2019 Claims 3190 04/04/2019 Claims 3195 04/04/2019 Claims 3196 04/04/2019 Claims 3197 04/04/2019 Claims 3204 04/04/2019 Payroll 3205 04/04/2019 Payroll 3198 04/04/2019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 3171 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3172 MARIA BANISTER 3173 ALEJANDRO CAZARES 3174 CITIES DIGITAL 3175 COURTNEY EQUEVILLEY 3176 EVA & AYINDE FARRUKH 3177 KAYLA HOEFT 3178 DEREK & BETH HULL 3179 NORMA ISNER 3180 LEAGUE OF WOMEN MEADOWS VOTERS 3181 DOUGLAS MCDOWELL 3182 MICHAEL MCKEE 3183 MICHAEL G MALAIER, CT SE TRUSTEE 3184 MOUNTAIN TERRACE 100.51 10-8906.0 - BUILDERS 3185 NATIONAL FRATERNAL SW ORDER OF POLICE 3186 WILLIE/FELICIA PEARSON 3187 BRIAN PRATT 3188 QUILL CORPORATION 3189 CHRISTOPHER/CHRI SMITH 3190 SOUND BUILT HOMES LLC 3191 SOUND BUILT HOMES LLC 3192 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 3193 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 3194 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 3195 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 3196 SOUNDBUILT HOMES LLC 3197 SOUNDBUILT HOMES LLC 3198 VASILIY STUPIN 3199 TUMWATER, CITY OF 3200 SAMUEL & MAYRA VALLE 3201 WA STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY & CITY EMPL 3202 WACOPS 3203 MICHELLE/ DARBY WARD Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 5 Amount Memo 661.47 INVOICE - 1GH7-FJYW-H1G4; INVOICE - 1Q41-WWPW-F3FV; INVOICES - 1 FRP-T46T-RXL6, 1JME-MXDJ-TNJF; INVOICE - 1 JME-MXDJ-TG6C 116.12 01-1905.0 - 507 COATES RD SE 16230 PRAIRIE 15.60 03-5050.0 - 15407 KAYLA ST SE 16426 OAKRIDGE 19,194.25 INVOICE - 45326; INVOICE - 45359 - 531597; 45.91 02-4548.0 - 9128 CARYS ST SE 44.41 04-8625.0 - 16574 GREENLEAF AVE SE 9975 CHARLES ST 275.87 02-3860.0 - 15941 QUAIL MEADOWS CT SE 210.02 04-8830.0 - 9950 GREENLEAF CT SE 9936 DAIN ST SE 29.29 09-0580.0 - 10535 FARWEST CT SE 9957 JACKSON ST 250.00 INVOICE - 2019 0320 6.12 05-5100.0 - 15803 YELM TERRA WAY SE 114.24 02-4547.0 - 9134 CARYS ST SE 2,550.00 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Gamishments 21.98 02-5040.0 - 9540 TYLER TERRACE CT SE 1,071.00 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - FOP Police 150.00 06-1800.0 - 16230 PRAIRIE CREEK LP SE 53.89 04-2245.0 - 16426 OAKRIDGE CT SE 1,122.30 CREDIT MEMO - 531597; INVOICES FOR QUILL 128.41 03-5149.0 - 15302 91ST AVE 45.80 10-8902.0 - 9975 CHARLES ST 162.77 10-8903.0 - 9969 CHARLES ST 36.30 03-5118.0 - 15416 KAYLA ST SE 173.31 10-8791.0 - 9936 DAIN ST SE 160.15 10-8951.0 - 9985 CHARLES ST 7.71 20-2002.0 - 9957 JACKSON ST 48.20 10-8786.0 - 9942 DAIN ST SE 100.51 10-8906.0 - 9955 CHARLES ST 73.30 01-0910.0 - 207 MCKENZIE CT SW 1,093.27 INVOICE - 5909 85.33 10-4126.0 - 10008 DRAGT ST SE 848.25 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - AFSCME 150.00 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - WACOPS 49.49 04-2080.0 - 16335 RICHMONT CT SE City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 3206 04/04/2019 Payroll 3199 04/04/2019 Claims 3200 04/04/2019 Claims 3201 04/04/2019 Claims 3207 04/04/2019 Payroll 3401 04/12/2019 Claims 3402 04/12/2019 Claims 3403 04/12/2019 Claims 3404 04/12/2019 Claims 3405 04/12/2019 Claims 3406 04/12/2019 Claims 3407 04/12/2019 Claims 3408 04/12/2019 Claims 3409 04/12/2019 Claims 3410 04/12/2019 Claims 3411 04/12/2019 Claims 3412 04/12/2019 Claims 3413 04/12/2019 Claims 3414 04/12/2019 Claims 3416 04/12/2019 Claims 3415 04/12/2019 Claims 3417 04/12/2019 Claims 3418 04/12/2019 Claims 3419 04/12/2019 Claims 3420 04/12/2019 Claims 3421 04/12/2019 Claims 3422 04/12/2019 Claims 3423 04/12/2019 Claims 3424 04/12/2019 Claims 3425 04/12/2019 Claims 3426 04/12/2019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 3204 WESTERN STATES POLICE MEDICAL TRUST 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3205 MEYER WILLIAM 3206 KIM/EVERETT WORMAN 3207 YELM CHAMBER OF 3212 COMMERCE 3208 YELM, CITY OF 3209 ALARM CENTER INC 3210 AMAZON CAPITAL 3215 SERVICES INC 3211 AUTOZONE 3212 AV CAPTURE ALL INC 3213 AXON ENTERPRISE INC 3214 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 3215 CASCADE COLUMBIA DISTRIBUTION CO 3216 COAST CONTROLS & AUTOMATION INC 3217 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 3218 CORRECT EQUIPMENT 3219 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 3220 DATABAR 3221 DILLE LAW, PLLC 3222 EDWARDS, TONY 3223 FARLEY'S FULL SERVICE PRINTING INC 3224 EVERGREEN COMMERCIAL CLEANING, LLC 3225 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 3226 GOOD TO GO! 3227 HACH COMPANY 3228 HALF MOON SANITATION 3229 HD FOWLER COMPANY 3230 IVEY, JOHN 3231 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 3232 JERRYS COLOR CENTER 3233 K & L SUPPLY INC 3234 MCI Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 6 Amount Memo 958.50 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Western States Police Trust 53.17 10-8470.0 - 10015 DOTSON ST SE 98.73 10-4214.0 - 10007 DRAGT ST SE 80.00 INVOICE - 14917 160.23 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Police Car Use 135.00 INVOICES - 1165997, 116347 1,194.66 INVOICES - IYM9-JVLN-7F1J & IYM9-JVLN-97KK; INVOICE - 1 JME-MXDJ-TNHH, 1TK1-41YD-CJF6; INIVOICE - 1 FRP-T46T-KYR7, 1PF9-VRY7-GQJK; INVOICES - 1FD1-7NHQ-DP7D, 1JDQ-6CYM-1341; INVOICE - 1WFD-XPKC-6WFL; IN 7.30 INVOICE - 3731003403 271.66 INIVOICE - 1846 330.45 INVOICE - SI -15827222 146.55 INVOICE - 19881678 3,722.20 INVOICE - 746128; 5,400.60 INVOICE - 00052887; INVOICES - 00052953 & 00052882 265.12 INVOICE - S9204740.001; 1,750.07 INVOICE - 38996 157.53 INVOICE - 18400177 030119; INVOICE - 14117037 032719;; INVOICE - 14275350 032919;; INVOICE - 18400177 032919; 2,735.68 INVOICE - 240062, 240054 4,075.00 INVOICES - 1941, 1942, 1943 67.03 INVOICE - 2019 0327 146.75 INVOICE - 38995 714.61 INVOICE - 105042019 3,187.67 INVOICES - 0000351 -IN & 00000353 -IN 12.00 INVOICE - 2019 0401 1,289.37 INVOICE - 11376439 361.00 INVOICES - 41382, 41383 14,580.62 INVOICES FOR HD FOWLER (6) 760.50 INVOICE (REIMBURSEMENT) - 2019 4,924.01 INVOICES FOR JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC. - 2019 04 15.51 INVOICE - 59873 96.74 INVOICE - 42576 70.02 INVOICE - 2019 0325 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 3427 04/12/2019 Claims 3428 04/12/2019 Claims 3429 04/12/2019 Claims 3430 04/12/2019 Claims 3431 04/12/2019 Claims 3432 04/12/2019 Claims 3433 04/12/2019 Claims 3434 04/12/2019 Claims 3435 04/12/2019 Claims 3436 04/12/2019 Claims 3437 04/12/2019 Claims 3438 04/12/2019 Claims 3439 04/12/2019 Claims 3440 04/12/2019 Claims 3441 04/12/2019 Claims 3442 04/12/2019 Claims 3443 04/12/2019 Claims 3444 04/12/2019 Claims 3445 04/12/2019 Claims 3446 04/12/2019 Claims 3447 04/12/2019 Claims 3448 04/12/2019 Claims 3449 04/12/2019 Claims 3450 04/12/2019 Claims 3451 04/12/2019 Claims 3452 04/12/2019 Claims 3453 04/12/2019 Claims 3454 04/12/2019 Claims 3455 04/12/2019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 3235 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 1 3236 MOUNTAIN MIST 1 3237 MULLINAX FORD OF OLYMPIA 1 3238 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 1 3239 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 1 3240 PR DIAMOND PRODUCTS 1 3245 ROGERS MACHINERY CO INC 1 3246 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3247 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC 3248 SOLENIS 3249 SOUTH SOUND FIRE & SECURITY LLC 3250 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 3251 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 3252 THURSTON 911 COMMUNICATIONS 3253 ATTN: CENTRAL SVS ACCT THURSTON CO CENTRAL SERVICES 3254 THURSTON CO EMERGENCY MGNMT 3255 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH 3256 TUNDRA MECHANICAL 3257 USA BLUEBOOK 3258 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 3259 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 3260 INC 1 3241 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING 1 3242 RAINIER DODGE 1 3243 RAINIER ENVIRONMENTAL 1 3263 LABORATORY 1 3244 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 1 3245 ROGERS MACHINERY CO INC 1 3246 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3247 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC 3248 SOLENIS 3249 SOUTH SOUND FIRE & SECURITY LLC 3250 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 3251 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 3252 THURSTON 911 COMMUNICATIONS 3253 ATTN: CENTRAL SVS ACCT THURSTON CO CENTRAL SERVICES 3254 THURSTON CO EMERGENCY MGNMT 3255 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH 3256 TUNDRA MECHANICAL 3257 USA BLUEBOOK 3258 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 3259 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 3260 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 3261 WA STATE AUDITOR 1 3262 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOGY 1 3263 WALT'S TIRE FACTORY Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 7 Amount Memo 373.39 INVOICE - 1903-083212; INVOICE - 1903-084828; INVOICES - 1903-090321 & 1903-09636; INVOICES - 1901-071392,1901-074250, 1903-091037,1904-092980, 1904-093569 55.22 INVOICE - 2019 0331 538.26 INVOICE - 708391 16,477.58 INVOICES FOR NISQUALLY JAIL 415.63 INVOICES - 3742-291332 AND CREDIT MEMO - 3742-291339; INVOICE - 3742-291449, 3742291450; INVOICES - 3742-287933 & 3742-2908661 (TAX) 365.00 INVOICE - 0051960 -IN 220.00 INVOICE - 2019-254 375.04 INVOICE - 254070 3,250.00 INVOICE - 3227 6,675.79 INVOICES - 3753, 3754,3755; INVOICE - 3771; INVOICE - 3772 673.67 INVOICE - 1167592 86,649.48 Q1 - Q4 2018 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY IMPACT FEES; QTR 12019 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY IMPACT FEES 1,750.00 INVOICE - 2019 0401 782.64 INVOICE - 131433546 286.97 INVOICE - 18-975; 1,074.53 INVOICE - 87887975-0001; INVOICE - 88357871-0001 119.56 INVOICE - 105593 288.00 INVOICE - 2019-Q2-7013 627.33 INVOICE - 38-1904-246 1,402.00 INVOICE - 2019 0329;; INVOICE - 2019 0330 1,102.00 INVOICE - 2019 0304;; INVOICE - 2019 0401; 198.71 INVOICE - 1640 863.24 INVOICE - 848764; INVOICE - 844400 & 862026 54.18 INVOICE - 9030248; 3,151.74 INVOICES - 9826605432 & 9826605433 & 9827268908; INVOICE - 9827303256 121.75 INVOICE - INVI6746894 237.75 INVOICE - L128495 25,928.30 INVOICE - L0300026 19.02 INVOICE - 2019 0329 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date 3456 04/12/2019 CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Claims 1 3264 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 3457 04/12/2019 Claims 3458 04/12/2019 Claims 3459 04/12/2019 Claims 3460 04/12/2019 Claims 3461 04/12/2019 Claims 3462 04/12/2019 Claims 3463 04/12/2019 Claims 3464 04/12/2019 Claims 3602 04/20/2019 Payroll 4000 04/29/2019 Claims 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3265 WELLS FARGO 3266 WHPACIFIC INC 3267 WOOD, ADAM 3268 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY 3275 CENTER 3269 YELM COMMUNITY 4003 SCHOOLS 3270 YELM VET CLINIC 3271 YELM, CITY OF 3272 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC 3273 04/29/2019 3275 AMAZON CAPITAL 3277 SERVICES INC 4001 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3276 AUTOZONE 4002 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3277 B -N -H TOWING 4003 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3278 BOSS CONSTRUCTION INC 4004 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3279 BRADLEY AIR COMPANY 4005 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3280 BRINCKEN SAFE & LOCK 4006 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3281 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 4007 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4008 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4009 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4010 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4011 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4012 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4013 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4014 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4015 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4016 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4017 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3282 CENTRALIA CITY LIGHT 3283 CORRECT EQUIPMENT 3284 DATABAR 3285 EARTH AND TURF INVOICES PRODUCTS, LLC 3286 FASTENAL 3287 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & SEPTIC 3288 IDEXX 3289 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 3290 JW FOSTER 3291 LAFROMBOISE INVOICES COMMUNICATIONS INC 3292 MACDONALD, HEIDI Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 8 Amount Memo 4,579.00 INVOICES - 173908 & 174048; INVOICE - 174094,174700;; INVOICE - 174181;; INVOICE - 174319;; INVOICE - 173356;; INVOICES - 174532,174863;; 227.32 INVOICE - 5006076300; 37,477.18 INVOICE - IN71844W 16.00 REIMBURSEMENT FOR A. WOOD 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0402; 83,900.00 Q1 2019 YELM SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT FEES 119.96 INVOICE - 297704 5,477.06 YELM, CITY OF - WATER BILL 2019 04 84.84 INVOICE - 27173 708.00 April Draw 3,331.42 INOVICE - 1GYF-THFN-3K67; INVOICE - 1CTK-6RW9-TMVQ; INVOICES - 137C-LGR7-1VL9, 1D3G-39GX-43NT, 1 WG9-3RTN-6LGL, 1RCL-9GGP-R1YK; INVOICES - 1GYF-THFN-C1VT, 1GYF-THFN-CKQL; INVOICE - IYWQ-PMMM-Q3L7; INVO 11.76 INVOICE - 3731018662 275.15 INVOICE - 34800 40,399.13 INVOICES - 18023-6 & 18023-7 195.66 INVOICE - 1300 89.68 INVOICE - 015230 892.76 INVOICE - 19991608; INVOICES - 19991605 & 19991606; INVOICE - 199916607 27,486.40 INVOICE - 2019 0424 2,103.35 INVOICES -39245,39246 1,441.13 INVOICE - 240276 6,339.60 INVOICE - 5039 544.08 INVOICE - WAOLY73072; INVOICE - WAOLY73284/WAOLY73285 24,470.27 ALL INVOICES FOR MARCH 2019 & INVOICE 66056523; INVOICES - 66060225, 66060259,66060912; INVOICES FOR APRIL - FLOHAWKS 1,708.27 INVOICE - 3046319503 76.35 INVOICE - 479382 4.00 INVOICE - 2019 0416 120.80 INVOICE - 108754 22.01 REIMBURSEMENT City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type Acct # 4018 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4019 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4020 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4021 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4022 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4023 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4024 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4025 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4026 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4027 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4028 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4029 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4030 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4031 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4032 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4033 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4034 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4035 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4036 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4037 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4038 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4039 04/29/2019 Claims 1 CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Chk # Claimant 3293 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 3294 NORTHWEST CASCADE INC 3295 NORTHWEST CHEVROLET 3296 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 3297 PARAMETRIX INC 3298 RAINIER LIGHTING & ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3299 RI -12 ENGINEERING 3300 SKILLINGS-CONNOLLY INC 3301 SOLENIS 3302 SOUTH SOUND INTERPRETING & SERVICES 3303 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 3304 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 3305 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES 3306 THE OLYMPIAN 3307 THURSTON CO CHAMBER 3308 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY SERVICES, LTD 3309 TRUGREEN COMMERCIAL 3310 USA BLUEBOOK 3311 VERIZON WIRELESS 3312 WA STATE AUDITOR 3313 WA STATE DEPT OF RETIREMENT 3314 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4040 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3315 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 4041 04/29/2019 Claims 1 3316 YELM, CITY OF 3944 04/26/2019 Claims 1 3742 AARON M GREEN 001 General Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 102 Arterial Streets Fund 105 Park Reserve 202 Killion Road LID 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 9 Amount Memo 359.86 INVOICE - 1904-096831; INVOICE - 1904-094995, 1904-094245; INVOICE - 1904-097992; INVOICE - 1904-098378,1904-099418, 1904-099879,1904-100287, 1904-100426,1904-100508 359,306.70 INVOICE - 2019 0411 1,113.79 INVOICES - CTCS30528, CTCS30891 199.76 INVOICE - 3742-294629; INVOICE - 3742-297093; INVOICE - 3742-291024 34,744.50 INVOICE - 09239; INVOICE - 09241 559.03 INVOICE - 512398-1 1,612.84 INVOICE - 72931 1,003.82 INVOICE - 11748 782.64 INVOICE - 131442196 282.64 INVOICE - 30899 15,192.70 INVOICE - 88683344-0001 33.42 INVOICE - 105616; INVOICE - 105621 31.09 INVOICE - 199908 613.60 INVOICE - 2019 0320 - I YEAR 150.00 INVOICE - 43741 660.43 INVOICE - 19-0252 133.03 INVOICE - 2019 0406 871.91 INVOICE - 871464 849.73 INVOICE - 19827453040 1,400.76 INVOICE - L130337 25.00 INVOICE - 1333415 1,395.00 INVOICES - 174953, 175093, 174884; 10,664.76 INVOICES FOR FUEL - 1800002812,1800002813 107.72 INVOICE - 2019 04 (80130001); 3,000.00 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 0412 694,313.48 23,685.25 15,081.57 109.03 456.00 64.18 396,875.22 19,672.18 106,615.43 2,538.39 25,928.30 268,046.27 41,402.95 7,665.10 21,588.25 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 10 Amount Memo Claims: 1,017,721.50 1,624,041.60 Payroll: 606,320.10 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1052 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, CREATING A NEW CHAPTER OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE, TO BE KNOWN AS CHAPTER 2.40, ESTABLISHING THE YELM ARTS COMMISSION WHEREAS, the City recognizes the important role of art in the cultural enrichments of its citizens, the aesthetic quality of its physical environment, and the community character and civic identity of Yelm; and WHEREAS, public art enriches publicly owned places, and contributes a sense of ownership and community pride in public facilities and spaces for City residents; and WHEREAS, the establishment of an Arts Commission will further the City's goal of incorporating art into City -owned public places and encourage public programs to promote the fine, visual, literary and performing arts; and WHEREAS, the Arts Commission and will act as the City's representative and point of contact and will make recommendations to the City Council in connection with cultural and artistic endeavors involving the City, and WHEREAS, the Arts Commission will encourage donations, grants and other support to expand the arts in the community; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 2.40 of the Yelm Municipal Code is hereby added to read as follows: Section 2.40.10 Arts Commission established. An Arts Commission is hereby established to perform the following functions. (Ord. 1052) Section 2.40.20 Purpose, function and construction. The City recognizes that support for artists and arts organization, development and stewardship of public art, arts education and cultural development are public necessities and essential for the continuing growth and development of Yelm's citizens, economy, and quality of life. The primary duty of the Yelm Arts Commission is to identify and actively encourage the development and sustainability of the arts in the City by serving as the City's primary resource in matters of public art and culture, as provided for in this chapter. Section 2.40.30 Commission Established Membership. A. The arts commission (hereafter "commission") shall be composed of no fewer than five and no more than 12 members, appointed bythe citycouncil. B. The terms of the members shall be for three years; provided, of the initial members, at least one-third shall be appointed to a one-year term, at least one-third shall be appointed to a two-year term and the rest of the members to a three-year term to stagger membership expiration. Subsequent appointments shall be appointed to a three-year term or to fill any unexpired term. C. Prior to appointing members, public notice of available positions shall be provided at least two weeks in advance of appointment. Applicantsfor vacant positionsshall apply to the office of the city administrator. D. Vacancies occurring otherwise than byexpiration of term shall be filled in the manner used for regular appointments. E. Tothe extent reasonably possible the cityshall seek representation on the commission from as many as possible of the following arts and professions: painting, sculpture, music, literature, architecture and landscape architecture, performing arts, tribal or city historian, and education, as well as lay members who have an interest in the artistic, tribal, and cultural development of the city. The city shall attempt to have one member from the recommendation from the Yelm Chamber of Commerce and one member from a recommendation from the NisquallyTribe, one mem berto be a local school student interested in the arts, and one member to be an arts educator. However, any person, whether or not a Yelm resident, may apply and be considered for membership on the commission. Members shall at all times be either (1) residents of Yelm or greater Yelm area, (2) work in Yelm, or {3) own a business in Yelm. Only Yelm residents shall fill two of the positions on the commission; however, a vacancy in either of those positions shall not affect whether or not the commission can have a quorum for purposes of transacting business. Section 2.40.40 Rules of Procedure. A. The commission shall adopt procedural rules governing the transaction of its business. The rules shall include provisions for the date, time and place of regular meetings of the commission. Provisions shall be made for maintaining minutes of commission meetings and records of all commission board reports, conclusionsand recommendations. The rulesof procedure shall providefor the election of commission officers,which shall include a chairperson, and vice chairperson, and anyother such office as it may determine it requires. Theterm of these officesshall befor one year. B. The rules of the commission shall provide that all commission meetings shall be open to the public and that notice of meetings shall comply with the Washington Open Public Meetings Act, to the extent proceedings of the commission are governed by such Act. The procedures shall address receipt and processing of citizen proposals and requests. Section 2.40.50 Authority and Responsibilities A. The commission is an advisory body to the city administrator and city council on issues relating to artwork and art endeavors in the city of Yelm. B. The term "artwork" as used in this chapter shall include, without limitations, paintings, murals, stained glass, sculptures, bas-reliefs, monuments, fountains, arches or other structures of a permanent or temporary character intended for ornament or commemoration or any such graphic display as may be incorporated into the design and construction of public improvements deemed to illustrate historical, tribal, cultural or artistic impression. C. The commission shall be responsible for: 1. Developing policiesfor the acquisition, displayand presentation/placement of public artwork, 2. Identifying projects that can benefit from artists' involvement, 3. Selecting artists to be commissioned, providedthey are consistent withthe venue, community standards, plans of the city and within the commission's current budget, to be approved by the city administrator. 4. Providing advice to the city administrator regarding appropriate maintenance of public artwork after the work is in place. D. The commission is authorized to take the following actions: 1. Advise the city administrator on the receipt of and/or purchase of artwork to be placed on municipal property. 2. Reviewand make recommendations to the city administrator on all artwork acquired bythe city; 3. Gather information, perform studies and do whatever isdeemed necessaryto acquire a sufficient basis to adequately advise the city administrator as to the appropriate cultural and artistic development for the city, including, but not limited to, the acquisition and construction of cultural facilities and/or projects such as museums, performing art centers and convention facilities. 4. Provide recommendations to the city administrator in connection with cultural and artistic endeavors, projects, acquisitions of funds and expenditures in which the city becomes involved and will act as representative of the community in such matters; 5. Encourage, conduct, sponsor or cosponsor public programs to further the development and publicawareness of, and interest in the arts and Yelm'scultural and tribal heritage, 6. Encourage donations, grants and other support to further expand the arts and cultural services and programs available to the citizens of Yelm, includingobtaining private, local, state and federal funds; 7. Develop cooperation and coordination with Yelm and Nisqually Tribal schools and local, regional and national arts organizations, 8. Provide public information about art, cultural and tribal activities inthe city or affecting the city, 9. Serve as the "point of contact" for all individuals and groups in the Yelm community to bring their concerns and ideas concerning the arts, 10. Explore, promote, provide encouragement and aid to arts -related projects and events that provide an economic benefit and/or beautify and enhance the image of the city, 11. To take such other actions as the city administrator may direct from time to time. E. Thecommission shall not incurany indebtedness on behalf of the city without express Approval of the city administrator. Section 2.40.60 Meetings and Staff Services A. The commission shall meet regularly, at least once per quarter, at a date, time and place to be established bythe commission. Commission meetings shall be open to the public and written meeting minutes shall be maintained and made availableto the public upon approval of the minutes bythe commission. Special meetings of the commission maybe called at anytime by the chair or by majority of the members of the commission upon written notice being given to all members of the commission. All meetings must be properly noticed and in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. B. The City Administrator shall be responsible for providing administrative and staff services for the Commission and may assign City Hall staff members to provide services to the Commission. C. The Commission shall make a report to the citycouncil at least annually, covering its respective activitiesfor the past year and the recommended scope of activities for the forthcoming year. Section 2.40.70 Budget and Compensation A. Arts Commission programs and expenses shall be funded from grants, donations, admission charges and/or from monies appropriated by the City Council, in an amount that the City Council determines appropriate. B. Members shall serve without salary or compensation. C. The City Administrator shall be responsible for administrative oversight of the commission, and, until determined otherwise, the city will not provide staff services. The commission secretary shall take the meeting minutes and provide such minutes to designated city staff within five (5) days of the commission meetings. Passed by the City Council of Yelm this _day of , 2019. JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: Lori Lucas, City Clerk PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2019 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto, Terry Kaminski and Mayor JW Foster. Absent: Tad Stillwell 19-037 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO EXCUSE TAD STILLWELL FROM THE MEETING. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 2. Agenda Approval 19-038 MOTION BY TERRY KAMINSKI TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - April Student of the Month - Hannah Jenny Bicycle Commuter Month Proclamation - Duncan Green, Intercity Transit Bicycle Commuter Challenge Coordinator 4. Public Comment - no comments 5. Consent Agenda a. April 23, 2019 and May 7, 2019 Minutes. b. Voucher Approval for April 2019 for $1,643,635.39. 19-039 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business a. Ordinance No. 1052 Establishing an Arts Commission 19-040 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 1052 ESTABLISHING AN ARTS COMMISSION. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 6-0. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business - none scheduled S. UPDATES - City Administrator Michael Grayum - • Visit the new website at yelmwa.gov and sign up to receive notifications for upcoming meetings and other events. • Letters went out to the commercial accounts that received errors for their sewer billing. • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Awards will be distributed soon for 2018 qualifying events. • Public Works Director will be out of the office at least until the end of June. • Four seasonal employees have been hired. • Spring -Clean Up is May 18°h at the Public Works Facility. 5-14-19 • -Friday 5K for the Fallen" starts at the Yelm Community Center on May 24, 2019. • The Cochrane Park improvement plan has been approved and will be moving forward this fall. • The Solar grant application we submitted was denied. • We are updating the Facilities Plan at the Wastewater Treatment Facility and we will be bringing modifications forward for Council's approval. • Chip -sealing will start soon. We will put a notification on social media of the locations that will be done. • The sidewalk assessment has been completed and now the replacement and repairs will begin. Councilmember Curry attended the Groundbreaking ceremony for the Splash Pad, the State of the City at the Yelm Chamber Luncheon and the Arbor Day Celebration. Councilmember Curry also attended the Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting and the South East Thurston Fire Authority meeting. Councilmember Carmody attended the Arbor Day Celebration and the Board of Director meeting for the Intercity Transit Authority. Councilmember Colt attended the Groundbreaking ceremony for the Splash Pad and is coordinating another meeting with the Tribal Council. Councilmember Wood attended the Groundbreaking ceremony for the Splash Pad, the Transportation Policy Board meeting, the Arbor Day Celebration and the Yelm Chamber Luncheon to hear the Mayor's State of the City Address. Councilmember DBFinto is pleased about the money that will be received for the improvements to the Water Tower. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Groundbreaking for the Splash Pad and the State of the City Address today at the Yelm Chamber Luncheon. Mayor Foster attended the Community Investment Partnership meeting and will be attending an Association of Washington Cities Risk Management Pool conference. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-041 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 6:51 p.m. P'� Attest: ,- F ster, Mayor Lori Luras, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. 5-14-19 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, May 7th council meeting: Payroll April Taal Expense $ 606,320.10 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts $ 1,017,721.50 Excise Tax- March paid in April $ 19,593.79 TOTAL $ 1,643,63539 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 4/1/2019 through 4/30/2019: Check number 3133 through check number 3317. Mayor Council member Couttcelnember Co it member Council member CITY CLERK: K ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by i�JAC64 WfDD at a regular council meeting held thisW day of May 2019. ITIJx- CHECK REGISTER City OfYelm Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 MCAG #: 04/012019 To: 04/30/2019 Page: 1 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo 2871 04/01/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 98.12 INVOICE - INVI925287 2872 04/01/2019 Claims 1 EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR 2,000.00 INVOICE -20190313 2873 04/01/2019 Claims 1 EFT THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 895.43 INVOICES .484581830 & 484581848 3103 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,580.10 March Hours 3104 04/05/2019 Payroll I EFT 4,189.63 March Hours 3105 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,138.60 March He. 3106 04/05/2019 Payroll I EFT 5,658.90 March Hours 3107 04/05/2019 Payroll I EFT 4,249.21 March Hours 3108 04/05/2019 Payroll I EFT 3,746.55 March Hours 3109 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,750.06 March Hours 3110 04/05/2019 Payroll I EFT 3,184.02 March Hours 3111 04/05/2019 Payroll I EFT 5,390.58 March Hours 3112 04/052019 Payroll I EFT 485.58 March Hours 3113 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,936.72 March Hours 3114 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,647.28 March Hours 3115 04/052019 Payroll I EFT 1,997.16 March Hours 3116 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 552.58 March Hours 3117 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 552.58 March Hours 3118 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,223.40 March Hours 3119 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 552.58 March Hours 3120 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,695.39 March Hours 3121 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,350.18 March Hours 3122 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,431.20 March Hours 3123 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,119.66 March Hours 3124 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 7,788.04 March Hours 3125 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,933.87 March Hours 3126 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,941.07 March Hours 3127 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,439.01 March Hours 3129 04/052019 Payroll I EFT 4,286.71 March Hours 3130 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,473.15 March Hours 3131 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,939.77 March Hours 3132 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,022.82 March Hours 3133 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,309.60 March Hours 3134 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,331.44 March Hours 3135 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,448.78 March 11- 3136 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,251.31 March Hours 3137 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 524.28 March Hours 3138 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,206.58 March Hours 3139 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,229.83 March Hours 3140 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,456.46 March Hours 3141 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,032.18 March Hours 3142 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,558.25 March Hours 3143 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,375.71 March Hours 3144 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,706.17 March H- 3145 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,208.94 March H- 3147 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,305.39 March Hours 3148 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,109.42 March Hours 3149 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,655.08 March Hours 3151 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,070.98 March Hours 3152 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,891.74 March Hours 3153 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,565.61 March Hours 3154 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,082.61 March Hours 3155 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,659.00 March Hours 3156 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 7,304.73 March Hours 3157 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,463.09 March Hours 3158 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 524.28 March Hours 3159 04/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,993.38 March Hours 3160 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,845.49 March Hours 3161 04/052019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,993.91 March Hours City OfYe)m 04/122019 MCAG #: 3471 Trans Date Type 3162 04/052019 Payroll 3163 04/05/2019 Payroll 3164 04/052019 Payroll 3165 04/05/2019 Payroll 3166 04/052019 Payroll 3167 04/052019 Payroll 3208 04/042019 Payroll 3209 04/04/2019 Payroll 3210 04/04/2019 Payroll 3211 04/042019 Payroll 3212 04/042019 Claims 3213 04/042019 Claims 3214 04/042019 Claims 3215 04/042019 Claims 3216 04/042019 Claims 3217 04/042019 Payroll 3218 04/042019 Payroll 3465 04/12/2019 Payroll 3466 04/12/2019 Claims 3467 04/12/2019 Claims 3468 04/12/2019 Claims 3469 04/12/2019 Claims 3470 04/122019 Claims 3471 04/12/2019 Claims 3472 04/122019 Claims 3473 04/122019 Claims Acct # 1 1 I 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Chk # Claimant EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 0 AFLAC 0 AWC 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE EFT BECK, GRANT (EFT) EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL COMM INC EFT ANDREW KOLLAR EFT SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC EFT THURSTONTALK INC (EFT) EFT TEAMSTERS EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY - PFMLA 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUN (D) 0 COPIERS NORTHWEST 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 0 PUBLIC FINANCE INC 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 3592 0420/2019 Payroll I EFT 3593 0420/2019 Payroll I EFT Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 2 Amount Memo 4,792.35 March Hours 4,890.00 March Hours 5,308.56 March Hours 5,911.35 March Hours 5,213.32 March Hours 552.58 March Hours 803.40 Pay Cya19s) 04/052019 To 04/052019 - All. Pre Tax; Pay Cycic(s) 04/052019 To 04/052019 -Alia. Post Tax 82,443.99 Pay Cycle(s) 04/052019 To 04/052019 - Medical Bencfits; Pay Cycle(.) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 -Supplemental Life 144,413.97 Pay Cycle(.) 03/052019 To 03/05/2019 - PERS 1; Pay Cycle(s) 03/052019 To 03/052019 - PERS 2; Pay Cycles) 03/052019 To 03/052019 - PERS 3; Pay Cycle(.) 03/052019 To 03/052019 - LEOFF 2; Pay Cyc 6,498.49 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 03202019. 03/202019 95.70 INVOICE - 2019 0327 1,004.60 INVOICES - 1777 & 1778 2,916.00 INVOICE - 03-19; 82.50 INVOICE - 102054 400.00 INVOICE - 14213; 1,074.00 Pay Cycic(s) 04/052019 To 04/052019 - Teamsters PW 301.00 Pay Cycle(.) 04/052019 To 04/052019 - Police (mild Dues 2,492.23 Pay Cycle(s) 04/052019 To 04/052019 - WA PFMLA 366.76 U41VOICE - 4017971016;; INVOICE - 4018359824 & 4019593908;; INVOICE - 4018760643,4019173523;; INVOICE - 4019173528 & 4019594023; 2,296.97 INVOICE -201903 (2638); INVOICES .201904 (2603) (2646) (6792); INVOICE - 2019 04 (2638); INVOICE - 2019 04 (2611) 332.47 INVOICE - INV 1924438; INVOICE - INVI927591 678.97 INVOICES - 2019 0401 (PURCHASE POWER), 2019 0401(4743) 456.00 INVOICE - 0002162; 26,451.97 INVOICES FOR PSE 2019 04 10.00 INVOICE - 2019 03; 4,446.11 INVOICES - 484800024, 484800032, - CREDIT MEMO - 485013601; INVOICE - 486347602 3,878.70 April Orew 923.50 April Draw City Of Yelm INTERNAL REVENUE MCAG #: SERVICE Trans Date Type 3594 04/20/2019 Payroll 3595 0420/2019 Payroll 3596 0420/2019 Payroll 3597 04/202019 Payroll 3598 04202019 Payroll 3599 04202019 Payroll 3600 04/202019 Payroll 3601 04/202019 Payroll 3603 04202019 Payroll 3604 04/202019 Payroll 3605 04202019 Payroll 3606 04/202019 Payroll 3607 04/202019 Payroll 3608 04/202019 Payroll 3609 04/202019 Payroll 3610 04/202019 Payroll 3611 04/202019 Payroll 3612 04/202019 Payroll 3613 04/202019 Payroll 3614 04/202019 Payroll 4053 04/292019 Claims 4054 04/292019 Claims 4055 04/292019 Claims 4056 04/292019 Claims 4057 04/29/2019 Claims 4058 04/29/2019 Claims 4063 04/29/2019 Claims 4064 04/29/2019 Claims 4157 04/30/2019 Payroll 4158 04/302019 Payroll 4159 04/302019 Payroll 4160 04/302019 Payroll 2874 04/012019 Claims 2875 04/012019 Claims 2876 04/01/2019 Claims 2877 04/01/2019 Claims 2878 04/01/2019 Claims 2879 04/01/2019 Claims Aom # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Chk # Claimant EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 0 LEMAY-PACIFIC DISP(D) 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 0 OFFICE DEPOT (D) 37564515 (ADM) 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 0 WA STATE DOL (D) - DRIVING RECORDS EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR EFT EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT EFT INTERNAL REVENUE 3136 SERVICE EFT INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE EFT LABOR & INDUSTRIES 3133 ALARM CENTER INC 3134 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 3135 B -N -H TOWING 3136 BIAS SOFTWARE 3137 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WASH INC 3138 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 3 Amoont Memo 1,258.77 April Draw 1,639.67 April Draw 92.35 April Drew 527.40 April Drew 460.95 April Drew 1,023.40 April Drew 1,481.32 April Drew 851.56 April Drew 1,172.96 April Draw 1,253.31 April Draw 872.70 April Draw 1,031A3 April Draw 696.86 April Draw 1,108.20 April Drew 669.86 April Drew 1,280.45 April Drew 460.95 April Draw 1,394.94 April Draw 1,321.44 April Draw 1,232.31 April Draw 213.39 INVOICE - 4020021192, 4020444576;; INVOICE - 4020021253;; INVOICE - 4020444644; 503.09 INVOICES- 11159357, 11159919,11159976 41.10 INVOICE - 4607047 83.89 INVOICE - 301067286001 730.23 INVOICE - 487554602; INVOICE .488869660 52.00 INVOICE - 2019 0415 1,011.35 INVOICE - INV 1938547; INVOICE -INV1939568; INVOICE - INVI942262; INVOICE - INV 1942263 2,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0401; 19,334.70 1ST Quarter of/012019 - 03/312019 6,231.43 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 04/20/2019 - 04202019 89,296.28 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 04/052019 - 04/052019 2,195.96 1ST Quarter 01/012019 - 03/312019 611.80 INVOICE - 1165280 327.87 INVOICE - 13XL.FGT7.9FPM; INVOICE -ILNT-CC3C-L17V, 1C6F-Y3FW-THHR, 1HVL-GMTJ-QJNQ; INVOICE -11TR-RP6Q.LPLL 619.08 INVOICE - 34288 3,188.92 INVOICE - 10751; INVOICE - 10760 54.65 INVOICE -1061724 498.95 INVOICE - 19881679 City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date Type 2880 04/01/2019 Claims 2881 04/01/2019 Claims 2882 04/01/2019 Claims 2883 04/01/2019 Claims 2884 04/01/2019 Claims 2885 04/01/2019 Claims 2886 04/01/2019 Claims 2887 04/01/2019 Claims 2888 04/01/2019 Claims 2889 04/01/2019 Claims 2890 04/01/2019 Claims 2891 04/01/2019 Claims 2892 04/01/2019 Claims 2893 04/01/2019 Claims ACet # 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Chk # Claimant 3139 CASCADE COMPUTER 2895 MAINE 3140 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 3141 CONSOLIDATED COMMUN 04/01/2019 (D) 3142 DATABAR 3143 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 3144 FOSTER PEPPER PLLC 3145 GILLIARDI LOGGING & CONSTRUCTION INC 3146 INDUSTRIAL SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS 3147 J & 1 POWER EQUIPMENT 3148 KENYON DISEND 3149 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS INC 3150 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 3151 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 3152 OFFICE DEPOT (D) 37564515 (ADM) 2894 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3153 PARAMETRIX INC 2895 04/012019 Claims 1 3154 PRAIRIE PARK HOLDING 2896 04/01/2019 Claims 1 3155 SCJ ALLIANCE 2897 04/012019 Claims 1 3156 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 2898 04/012019 Claims 1 3157 TICOTECH, INC 2899 04/012019 Claims 1 3158 TIMBERLAND VISA (D) 2900 04/012019 Claims 2901 04/012019 Claims 2902 04/012019 Claims 2903 04/012019 Claims 2904 04/012019 Clams 2905 04/012019 Clams 2906 04/012019 Clams 2907 04/012019 Claims 3128 04/052019 Payroll 3146 04/05/2019 Payroll 3150 04/05/2019 Payroll 3169 04/04/2019 Claims 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3159 VERIZON WIRELESS 3160 VERIZON WIRELESS 3161 WA STATE AUDITOR 3162 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SVCS 3163 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 3164 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 3165 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 3166 YELM VET CLINIC 3167 3168 3169 3170 253 HOMES LLC Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 4 Amount Memo 39.65 INVOICE . 9207526 81.85 INVOICE - 4018760648; 1,673.78 INVOICES - 2019 03 (2646), 2019 03 (6792) 2,297.44 INVOICE . 239699 7,335.45 INVOICES - 0000349, 0000347, 0000339,0000343 11,615.00 INVOICE . 1217824 -CHECK REISSUE; INVOICES - 1219159 & 1219160;; 625.03 INVOICE - 19-0384 863.48 INVOICE - SIN004330 878.02 INVOICE - 474396 & 475220 2,307.50 INVOICE . 188328 108.80 INVOICE - 108959 39.96 INVOICE - 1903-088156; INVOICE - 1903-090851 51.48 INVOICE - 3742-290142 435.12 INVOICE - 284671848001; INVOICES -290264011001 & 290263922001 5,055.16 INVOICE - 08395 141.60 INVOICE -238739 15,644.07 INVOICE - 56312; INVOICE - 56439 2,526.18 INVOICES - B09609057 & 09607927 1,497.00 INVOICE -14301 3,138.41 TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019 0114 - WOLFE; TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019 0114 - BECK; TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019 0114 - GRAYUM; TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019 0213 - BECK; TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - 2019; 643.98 INVOICE - 9825448925 121.75 INVOICES . INV 16557333 & RJIV16557332 2,952.95 INVOICE - L129977 54.45 INVOICE . 15118389 91.34 INIVOICE- RE-3113-ATH90319117 1,068.25 INVOICE - 38863; 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0301 118.19 INVOICE - 297704 4,186.62 March Hours 2,451.29 March Hours 1,488.93 March Hours 157.43 01-2532.0-9417 PRAIRIE WIND ST SE City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date Type 3170 04/04/2019 Claims 3171 04/04/2019 Claims 3172 04/04/2019 Claims 3173 04/04/2019 Claims 3174 04/04/2019 Claims 3175 04/04/2019 Claims 3176 04/04/2019 Claims 3177 04/04/2019 Claims 3178 04/04/2019 Claims 3179 04/04/2019 Claims 3180 04/04/2019 Claims 3181 04/04/2019 Claims 3202 04/04/2019 Payroll 3182 04/04/2019 Claims 3203 04/04/2019 Payroll 3183 04/04/2019 Claims 3184 04/04/1019 Claims 3185 04/04/2019 Claims 3186 04/04/2019 Claims 3187 04/04/2019 Claims 3188 04/04/2019 Claims 3191 04/04/2019 Claims 3192 04/042019 Claims 3193 04/042019 Claims 3194 04/042019 Claims 3189 04/042019 Claims 3190 04/042019 Claims 3195 04/042019 Claims 3196 04/042019 Claims 3197 04/042019 Claims 3204 04/042019 Payroll CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 3171 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3172 MARIA BANISTER 3173 ALEJANDRO CAZARES 3174 CITIES DIGITAL 3175 COURTNEY EQUEVILLEY 3176 EVA & AYINDE FARRUKH 3177 KAYLA HOEFT 3178 DEREK & BETH HULL 3179 NORMA ISNER 3180 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 3181 DOUGLAS MCDOWELL 3182 MICHAEL MCKEE 3183 MICHAEL G MALAIER, TRUSTEE 3184 MOUNTAIN TERRACE BUILDERS 3185 NATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE 3186 WILLIEIFELICIA PEARSON 3187 BRIAN PRATT 3188 QUILL CORPORATION 3189 CHRISTOPHER/CHRI SMITH 3190 SOUND BUILT HOMES LLC 3191 SOUND BUILT HOMES LLC 3192 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 3193 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 3194 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 3195 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 3196 SOUNDBUILT HOMES LLC 3197 SOUNDBUILT HOMES LLC 3198 VASILIY STUPIN 3199 TUMWATER, CITY OF 3200 SAMUEL & MAYRA VALLE 3201 WA STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY & CITY EMPL 3205 04/042019 Payroll 1 3202 WACOPS 3198 04/042019 Claims 1 3203 MICHELLE/ DARBY WARD Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 5 Amount Memo 661.47 INVOICE- IGH7-FJYW.HI64; INVOICE - IQ41-W WPW-F3FV; INVOICES - IFRP-T46T.RXL6, 1JMNMXDJ-TNJF; INVOICE - I1MP-MXDJ-TG6C 116.12 01-1905.0-507 COATES RD SE 15.60 03-5050.0 -15407 KAYLA ST SE 19,194.25 INVOICE - 45326; INVOICE - 45359 45.91 02-4548.0 -9128 CARYS ST SE 44.41 04-8625.0 - 16574 GREENLEAF AVE SE 275.87 02-3860.0 -15941 QUAIL MEADOWSCTSE 210.02 04-8830.0 - 9950 GREENLEAF CT SE 29.29 09-0580.0 - 10535 FARWEST CT SE 250.00 INVOICE .2019 0320 6.12 05-5100.0 -15803 YELM TERRA WAY SE 114.24 02-4547.0 - 9134 CARYS ST SE 2,550.00 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - Gamishmcats 21.98 02-5040.0 -9540 TYLER TERRACE CT SE 1,071.00 Pay Cycic(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/05/2019 - FOP Police 150.00 06.1800.0 -16230 PRAIRIE CREEK LP SE 53.89 04-2245.0 -16426 OAKRIDGE CT SE 1,122.30 CREDIT MEMO -531597; INVOICES FOR QUILL 128.41 03-5149.0 -15302 91ST AVE 45.80 10.5902.0 - 9975 CHARLES ST 162.77 10-8903.0 - 9969 CHARLES ST 36.30 03-5118.0 -15416 KAYLA ST SE 173.31 10-8791.0 - 9936 DAM ST SE 160.15 10-8951.0 - 9985 CHARLES ST 7.71 20-2002.0 - 9957 JACKSON ST 48.20 10-5786.0 - 9942 DAM ST SE 100.51 10-8906.0 - 9955 CHARLES ST 73.30 01-0910.0-207 MCKENZIE CT SW 1,093.27 INVOICE - 5909 85.33 10-4126.0 - 10008 DRAGT ST SE 848.25 Pay Cycle(s) 04/052019 To 04/05/2019 - AFSCME 150.00 Pay Cycle(-) 04/052019 To 04/052019- WACOPS 49.49 04-2080.0-16335 RICHMONT CT SE a City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date Type 3206 04/04/2019 Payroll 3199 04/04/2019 Claims 3200 04/04/2019 Claims 3201 04/04/2019 Claims 3207 04/04/2019 Paymll 3401 04/12/2019 Claims 3402 04/12/2019 Claims 3403 04/12/2019 Claims 3404 04/12/2019 Claims 3405 04/12/2019 Claims 3406 04/12/2019 Claims 3407 04/12/2019 Claims 3408 04/122019 Claims 3409 04/122019 Claims 3410 04/122019 Claims 3411 04/122019 Claims 3412 04/122019 Claims 3413 04/122019 Claims 3414 04/122019 Claims 3416 04/122019 Claims 3415 04/12/2019 Claims 3417 04/122019 Claims 3418 04/12/2019 Claims 3419 04/12/2019 Claims 3420 04/1212019 Claims 3421 04/122019 Claims 3422 04/122019 Claims 3423 04/12/2019 Claims 3424 04/12/2019 Claims 3425 04/122019 Claims 3426 04/122019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/302019 Acct# Chk# Claimant 1 3204 WESTERN STATES POLICE MEDICAL TRUST 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3205 MEYER WILLIAM 3206 KIM/EVERETT WORMAN 3207 YELM CHAMBER OF 3212 COMMERCE 3208 YELM, CITY OF 3209 ALARM CENTER INC 3210 AMAZON CAPITAL 3215 SERVICES INC 3211 AUTOZONE 3212 AV CAPTURE ALL INC 3213 AXON ENTERPRISE INC 3214 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 3215 CASCADE COLUMBIA DISTRIBUTION CO 3216 COAST CONTROLS& AUTOMATION INC 1 3217 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 1 3218 CORRECT EQUIPMENT 1 3219 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3220 DATABAR 3221 DILLE LAW, PLLC 3222 EDWARDS, TONY 3223 FARLEY'S FULL SERVICE PRINTING INC 3224 EVERGREEN COMMERCIAL CLEANING,LLC 3225 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 3226 GOOD TO GOI 3227 HACH COMPANY 3228 HALF MOON SANITATION 3229 FID FOWLER COMPANY 3230 IVEY, JOHN 3231 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 3232 JERRYS COLOR CENTER 3233 K & L SUPPLY INC 3234 MCI Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 6 Amount Memo 958.50 Pay Cycle(s) 04/05/2019 To 04/052019. Westem States Police Tmst 53.17 108470.0 - 10015 DOTSON ST SE 98,73 10-4214.0 - 10007 DRAGT ST SE 80.00 INVOICE -14917 160.23 Pay Cycle(.) 04/052019 To 04/05/2019- Police Car Use 135.00 INVOICES - 1165997, 116347 1,194.66 INVOICES - IYM9.JVLN.7FIJ & IYM9.JVLN-97KK; INVOICE - I1MP.MXDJ-TNIK ITKI-4IYD.CJF6; INIVOICE - IFRP-T46T-KYR7, 1 PF9.VRY7-GQJK; INVOICES - IFDI-7NHQ-DP7D, IJDQ.6CYM-1341; INVOICE - 1 WFD-XPKC-6WFL; IN 7.30 INVOICE - 3731003403 271.66 IMVOICE -1846 330.45 INVOICE - SI -15827222 146.55 INVOICE -19881678 3,722.20 INVOICE .746128; 5,400.60 INVOICE - 00052887; INVOICES .00052953 & 00052882 265.12 INVOICE - S9204740.001; 1,750.07 INVOICE - 38996 157.53 INVOICE - 18400177 030119; INVOICE - 14117037 032719;; INVOICE - 14275350 032919;; INVOICE - 18400177 032919; 2,735.68 INVOICE - 240062, 240054 4,075.00 INVOICES - 1941, 1942, 1943 67.03 INVOICE - 2019 0327 146.75 INVOICE - 38995 714.61 INVOICE- 105042019 3,187.67 INVOICES -0000351 -IN & 00000353 -IN 12.00 INVOICE - 2019 0401 1,289.37 INVOICE - 11376439 361.00 INVOICES - 41382, 41383 14,580.62 INVOICES FOR HD FOWLER (6) 760.50 INVOICE (REIMBURSEMENT) - 2019 4,924.01 INVOICES FORJCI JONES CHEMICALS INC. - 2019 04 15.51 INVOICE -59873 96.74 INVOICE -42576 70.02 INVOICE - 2019 0325 City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Dare CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Type Acct# Chk# Claimant 3427 041122019 Claims 3428 04/12/2019 Claims 3429 041122019 Claims 3430 04/122019 Claims 3431 04/12/2019 Claims 3432 04/12/2019 Claims 3433 04/12/2019 Claims 3434 04/1220/9 Claims 3435 04/12/2019 Claims 3436 04/12/2019 Claims 3437 04/12/2019 Claims 3438 04/12/2019 Claims 3439 04/12/2019 Claims 3440 04/122019 Claims 3441 04/12/2019 Claims 3442 04/12/2019 Claims 3443 04/12/2019 Claims 3444 04/12/2019 Clams 3445 04/12/2019 Claims 3446 04/122019 Clams 3447 04/122019 Clams 3448 04/122019 Clams 3449 04/122019 Clams 3450 04/122019 Clams 3451 04/122019 Clams 3452 04/122019 Clams 3453 04/122019 Clams 3454 04/122019 Clams 3455 04/122019 Clams 1 3235 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3236 MOUNTAIN MIST 3237 MULLINAX FORD OF OLYMPIA 3238 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 3239 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 3240 PR DIAMOND PRODUCTS INC 3241 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING 3242 RAINIERDODGE 3243 RAINIER ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY 3244 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 3245 ROGERS MACHINERY CO INC 3246 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY 3247 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC 3248 SOLENIS 3249 SOUTH SOUND FIRE & SECURITY LLC 3250 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 3251 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 3252 THURSTON 911 COMMUNICATIONS 3253 ATTN: CENTRAL SVS ACCT THURSTON CO CENTRAL SERVICES 3254 THURSTON CO EMERGENCY MGNMT 3255 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH 3256 TUNDRA MECHANICAL 3257 USA BLUEBOOK 3258 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 3259 VERIZON WIRELESS 3260 VERIZON WIRELESS 3261 WA STATE AUDITOR 3262 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOGY 3263 WALTS TIRE FACTORY Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 7 Amount Memo 373.39 INVOICE -1903-083212; INVOICE - 1903-084828; INVOICES- 1903-090321 & 1903-09636; INVOICES - 190"71392,1901-074250, 1903-091037,1904-092980, 1904-093569 55.22 INVOICE - 2019 0331 538.26 INVOICE - 708391 16,477.58 INVOICES FOR NISQUALLY JAIL 415.63 INVOICES .3742-291332 AND CREDIT MEMO - 3742.291339; INVOICE .3742-291449, 3742291450; INVOICES - 3742-287933 & 3742-2908661 (TAX) 365.00 INVOICE - 0051960 -IN 220.00 INVOICE - 2019-254 375.04 INVOICE -254070 3,250.00 INVOICE - 3227 6,675.79 INVOICES - 3753,3754,3755; INVOICE - 3771; INVOICE - 3772 673.67 INVOICE - 1167592 86,649.48 QI- Q42018 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY IMPACT FEES; QTR 12019 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY IMPACT FEES 1,750.00 INVOICE - 2019 0401 782.64 INVOICE - 131433546 286.97 INVOICE - 19-975; 1,074.53 INVOICE - 87887975-0001; INVOICE - 89357871-0001 119.56 INVOICE - 105593 288.00 INVOICE - 2019-Q2-7013 627.33 INVOICE - 38-1904-246 1,402.00 INVOICE - 2019 0329;; INVOICE -20190330 1,102.00 INVOICE - 2019 0304;; INVOICE - 2019 0401; 198.71 INVOICE - 1640 863.24 INVOICE - 848764; INVOICE - 844400 & 862026 54.18 INVOICE - 9030248; 3,151.74 INVOICES - 9826605432 & 9826605433 & 9827268908; INVOICE .9827303256 121.75 INVOICE - INVI6746894 237.75 INVOICE - L128495 25,928.30 INVOICE - L0300026 19.02 INVOICE - 2019 0329 City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 3456 04/122019 Claims 3457 04/12/2019 Claims 3458 04/12/2019 Claims 3459 04/12/2019 Claims 3460 04/12/2019 Claims 3461 04/12/2019 Claims 3462 04/12/2019 Claims 3463 04/122019 Claims 3464 04/12/2019 Claims 3602 04/202019 Payroll 4000 04/292019 Claims 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3264 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 3265 WELLS FARGO 3266 WHPACIFIC INC 3267 WOOD, ADAM 3268 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 3269 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 3270 YELM VET CLINIC 3271 YELM, CITY OF 3272 ZUIVAR INDUSTRIES INC 3273 3275 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 4001 04/292019 Claims 1 3276 AUTOZONE 4002 0429/2019 Claims 1 3277 B -N -H TOWING 4003 0429/2019 Claims 1 3278 BOSS CONSTRUCTION INC 4004 0429/2019 Claims 1 3279 BRADLEY AIR COMPANY 4005 04292019 Claims 1 3280 BRINCKEN SAFE & LOCK 4006 04292019 Claims 1 3281 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 4007 04/292019 Claims 4008 04/292019 Claims 4009 04292019 Claims 4010 04292019 Claims 4011 04/292019 Claims 4012 04/29/2019 Claims 4013 04/29/2019 Claims 4014 04/29/2019 Claims 4015 04/29/2019 Claims 4016 04292019 Claims 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 4017 04292019 Claims 1 3282 CENTRALIA CITY LIGHT 3283 CORRECT EQUIPMENT 3284 DATABAR 3285 EARTH AND TURF PRODUCTS, LLC 3286 FASTENAL 3287 FLOHAWKSPLUMBING& SEPTIC 3288 IDEXX 3289 1 & I POWER EQUIPMENT 3290 JW FOSTER 3291 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS INC 3292 MACDONALD, HEIDI Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/1019 Page: 8 Amount Memo 4,579.00 INVOICES . 173908 & 174048; INVOICE - 174094,174700;; INVOICE- 174181;; INVOICE - 174319;; INVOICE - 173356;; INVOICES. 174532,174863;; 227.32 INVOICE - 5006076300; 37,477.18 INVOICE - IN71844W 16.00 REIMBURSEMENT FOR A. WOOD 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0402; 83,900.00 QI 2019 YELM SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT FEES 119.96 INVOICE .291704 5,477.06 YELM, CITY OF -WATER BILL 2019 04 84.84 INVOICE -27173 708.00 April D- 3,331.42 INOVICE - IGYF-THFN-3K67; INVOICE. 1CTK-6RW9-TMVQ; INVOICES . 137C-LGR7-1 VL9, ID3G.39GX43NT, 1 WG9-3RTN-6LGL, IRCL-9GGP-RIYK; INVOICES -1GYF-THFN-CI VT, IGYF-THFN-CKQL; INVOICE - IYWQ-PMMM.Q3L7; INVO 11.76 INVOICE - 3731018662 275.15 INVOICE - 34800 40,399.13 INVOICES - 18023-6 & 18023-7 195.66 INVOICE - 1300 89.68 INVOICE -015230 892.76 INVOICE - 19991608; INVOICES- 19991605 & 19991606; INVOICE - 199916607 27,486.40 INVOICE - 20190424 2,103.35 INVOICES . 39245, 39246 1,441.13 INVOICE - 240276 6,339.60 INVOICE. 5039 544.08 INVOICE. WAOLY73072; INVOICE - W AOLY73284/WAOLY73285 24,470.27 ALL INVOICES FOR MARCH 2019 & INVOICE 66056523; INVOICES - 66060225, 66060259,66060912; INVOICES FOR APRIL - FLOHAWKS 1,708.27 INVOICE - 3046319503 76.35 INVOICE -479382 4.00 INVOICE -20190416 120.80 INVOICE - 108754 22.01 REIMBURSEMENT City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Data Type Acct # 4018 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4019 04/19/2019 Claims 1 4020 04/292019 Claims 1 4021 04292019 Claims 1 4022 04292019 Claims 1 4023 04/292019 Claims 1 4024 04/292019 Claims 1 4025 04/292019 Claims 1 4026 04/292019 Claims 1 4027 04292019 Claims 1 4028 04292019 Claims 1 4029 04/292019 Claims 1 4030 04/292019 Claims 1 4031 04/292019 Claims 1 4032 04/292019 Claims 1 4033 04/292019 Claims 1 4034 04/292019 Claims 1 4035 04/292019 Claims 1 4036 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4037 04/292019 Claims 1 4038 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4039 0429/2019 Claims 1 4040 04/29/2019 Claims 1 4041 04/29/2019 Clams 1 3944 04/26/2019 Claims I CHECK REGISTER 04/01/2019 To: 04/30/2019 Chk# Claimant 3293 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 3294 NORTHWEST CASCADE INC 3295 NORTHWEST CHEVROLET 3296 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 3297 PARAMETRIXINC 3298 RAINIER LIGHTING & ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3299 RI -12 ENGINEERING 3300 SKILLINGS-CON SOLLY INC 3301 SOLENIS 3302 SOUTH SOUND INTERPRETING & SERVICES 3303 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 3304 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 3305 TAGS AWARDS& SPECIALTIES 3306 THE OLYMPIAN 3307 THURSTON CO CHAMBER 3308 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY SERVICES, LTD 3309 TRUGREEN COMMERCIAL 3310 USA BLUEBOOK 3311 VERIZON WIRELESS 3312 WA STATE AUDITOR 3313 WA STATE DEPT OF RETIREMENT 3314 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 3315 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 3316 YELM, CITY OF 3742 AARON M GREEN 001 Genera Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 102 Arteria Streets Fund 105 Park Reserve 202 Killion Road LID 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Constmdion 400 Smrmwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capita Improvements 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 9 Amount Memo 359.86 INVOICE - 1904-096831; INVOICE - 1904-094995, 1904-094245; INVOICE - 1904 -097992; INVOICE - 1904 -098378, 1904-099418, 1904-099879,1904-100287, 1904-100426,1904-100508 359,306.70 INVOICE - 2019 0411 1,113.79 INVOICES - CTCS30528, CTCS30991 199.76 INVOICE - 3742-294629; INVOICE - 3742-297093; INVOICE - 3742-291024 34,744.50 INVOICE - 09239; INVOICE - 09241 559.03 INVOICE - 512398-1 1,612.84 INVOICE - 72931 1,003.82 INVOICE - 11748 782.64 INVOICE - 1314421% 282.64 INVOICE -30899 15,192.70 INVOICE - 88683344-0001 33.42 INVOICE - 105616; INVOICE - 105621 31.09 INVOICE - 199908 613.60 INVOICE -20190320.1 YEAR 150.00 INVOICE -43741 660.43 INVOICE - 19-0252 133.03 INVOICE - 2019 0406 871.91 INVOICE -871464 849.73 INVOICE - 19827453040 1,400.76 INVOICE -L130337 25.00 INVOICE - 1333415 1,395.00 INVOICES- 174953, 175093, 174884; 10,664.76 INVOICES FOR FUEL - 1800002812,1900002813 107.72 INVOICE - 2019 04 (80130001); 3,000,00 REIMBURSEMENT -2019 0412 694,313.48 23,685.25 15,081.57 109.03 456.00 64.18 396,875.22 19,672.18 106,615.43 2,538.39 25,928.30 268,046.27 41,402.95 7,665.10 21,588.25 I CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG #: 04/01/2019 To: 04/302019 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk4 Claimant Time: 06:44:14 Date: 05/06/2019 Page: 10 Amount Memo Claims: 1,017,721.50 Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts 1,624,041.60 Payroll: 606,320.10