01 28 2020 Yelm City Council Agenda PacketCITY OF YELM Washington CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1/28/2020 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) December 2019 Student of the Month 4. PUBLIC COMMENT *Complete a blue speakers card 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) January 14, 2020 Minutes b) Financial Report for December 2019 •Council Approval for November 2019 Vouchers $1,124,309.00 •Council Approval for December 2019 Vouchers $2,188,877.56 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Interlocal Agreement - Regulation of Transportation Network Companies An updated interlocal agreement between the cities of Yelm, Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater, regarding the joint regulation of Transportation Network Companies. b) Ordinance No. 1058, Park Use Hours Authorize Mayor Foster to sign Ordinance No. 1058 changing the park use hours. 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled 8. UPDATES a) Departments — Michael Grayum, City Administrator b) Councilmembers c) Mayor JW Foster 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 10. ADJOURN 105 Yelm Avenue West • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings may be viewed at.www.velmwa.F-vov or a copy maybe purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor JW Foster Councilmember Tad Stillwell Yelm Emergency Operations Board Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Vice -Chair of Thurston Regional Planning Council Yelm Public Safety Committee Board of Director for Risk Management Service Agency Yelm General Government Committee Member of Community Investment Partnership Yelm Emergency Operations Board Board member South Sound Military and Community Member of Law and Justice Council Partnership S. Thurston Economic Development Initiative Councilmember Jaynes Blair Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm Finance Committee Member of Solid Waste Advisory Committee Liaison to Yelm Senior Center Councilmember Molly Carmody Yelm Public Works Committee Yelm Finance Committee Board of Director for Intercity Transit Authority Yelm Homelessness Task Force Councilmember Cody Colt Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Medic One EMS Council, South County Member of Transportation Policy Board Councilmember Tracey Wood Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm General Government Committee Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 Liaison to South East Thurston Fire Authority Councilmember Joe DePinto Yelm Public Works Committee Board of Directors of Economic Development Council Yelm Homelessness Task Force Thurston Economic Development Council Councilmember Terry Kaminski Yelm Finance Committee Liaison to Nisqually River Council Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Member of Thurston Thrives Page 2 of 2 YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2020 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Roll Call Present: James Blair, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. Absent: Molly Carmody 20-001 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO EXCUSE MOLLY CARMODY FROM THE MEETING. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 2. Agenda Approval 20-002 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO AMEND THE AGENDA TO ADD RESOLUTION NO. 604 TO 6C. UNDER NEW BUSINESS. SECONDED BY JAMES BLAIR. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. Special Presentations - none scheduled 4. Public Comment - Diane D'Acuti shared her concerns about the new sidewalks going in on Yelm Ave. City of Yelm Civil Review Engineer Derek McCoy, addressed her concerns. Mary Abramson spoke about the dangers of 5G Cell Towers. Erika Fehr spoke about concerns and dangers of 5G Cell Towers. Robert Hilliard shared concerns about 5G coming to our area. Jayne Cameron spoke about the dangers of 5G. Preston Collins shared concerns about the 5G. Kevin Bone shared concerns about 5G and the possible dangers. 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: December 10, 2019 & January 7, 2020 Minutes 20-003 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. Professional Services Agreement - Design Engineering Services for the 2019 Water Main Improvements -Civil Review Engineer Derek McCoy 20-004 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PARAMETRIX, INC. FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE 2019 WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $235,869.90. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Selection of Mayor Pro -tem 20-005 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO NOMINATING TAD STILLWELL FOR THE POSITION OF MAYOR PRO -TEM. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. January 14, 2020 Page 1 1 c. Resolution No. 604, Declaring intent to adopt legislation to authorize a Sales and Use Tax for Affordable and Supportive Housing in Accordance with Section 82.14.540 RCW. 20-006 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 604, DECLARING INTENT TO ADOPT LEGISLATION TO AUTHORIZE SALES AND USE TAX FOR AFFORDABLE AND SUPPORTIVE HOUSING IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 82.14.540 RCW. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business — none scheduled 8. UPDATES— City Administrator — • Sadly, Andrew Kollar has accepted a position with Yelm Community Schools. The Communication Specialist position is posted along with the Public Works Director position. • Public Works has done a fantastic job keeping the roads clear and safe. • Kudos to Human Resource Specialist Karen Bennett for completing the Well City Application and getting it turned in. If the City has met all the criteria, we will see reduced medical premiums in 2021. • The General Government Committee is working on scheduling the Council Retreat and securing a facilitator. • Have not heard from Council on their Legislative Policies. • The priorities for the city are to hold the line on the bypass, fixing the Water Reclamation Facility, Habitat Conservation Plan, Water Rights and Education and Innovation building in the lot located behind the City Hall building. • Future meetings: February 4th Study Session will be held at the Yelm Community Center and the Homelessness Task Force will present their recommendations. The February 11th Council meeting will also be held at the Yelm Community Center and the Council will vote on the Homelessness Task Force recommendations and see a presentation from the Department of Health on vaping. Special meeting on February 18 will be held at City Hall a and discussion on the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) will be held. February 25th Council meeting will be held at City Hall and Officer of the Year and Reserve Officer of the Year will be awarded, Mutual Aid Agreements and a Professional Services Agreement for the WRF will be presented. • Mr. Grayum suggested that the public use the comment button on the city website if they have questions or want to make comments. Councilmember Stillwell thanked the Councilmembers for nominating him for the Mayor Pro -tem position. Councilmember Stillwell suggested that the Councilmembers with new committee assignments attend a couple of meetings with the old committee members for a smooth transition. Councilmember Wood attended the Administrative Board of Directors meeting for TCOMM 911. Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative meeting and had the opportunity to meet the new Speaker of the House. January 14, 2020 Page 1 2 Councilmember Kaminski attended the Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee meeting. Mayor Foster welcomed James Blair to Council. Mayor Foster will be sending out the Committee assignments to each Councilmember and thanked them for the representation of Yelm on those committees. Former Councilmember Curry has been asked to be Co -Chair of the Bond Committee for SE Thurston Fire Authority, the City has made many improvements in their annual Association of Washington Cities Risk Assessment in the last few years, and HR Specialist Karen Bennett has turned in the Well City application for the reduced medical premiums for 2021. Mayor Foster attended the Regional Legislative Agenda meeting last week, did a census walk with Associate Planner Tami Merriman to gather information from the newly annexed residents on Grove Road, met with the Department of Transportation and city staff to mitigate traffic during Interstate closures, Mayor Foster gave the "State of the Community Address" at the Thurston Chamber, met with the Farmers Market to debrief on the 2019 season, Mayor Foster has been appointed to Acting Chair of the Regional Planning Council, attended the Community Investment Partnership meeting and a Cyber Security meeting at the Thurston County Auditor's Office along with our IT staff. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 20-007 MOTION BY JAMES BLAIR TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY CODY COLT. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. January 14, 2020 Page 1 3 mm V.coi L t EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" STAFF REPORT - FINANCE To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Heidi MacDonald, Finance Director Date: January 23rd, 2020 (for January 28th Meeting) Subj: Monthly Financial Report for December Monthly Financial Report • Year to Date Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures by Fund for January through December (before yearend adjustments) • Voucher Approval for November Payments Issued • Voucher Approval for December Payments Issued • Overtime Report for November 2019 as reflected in the December 5th payroll • Overtime Report for December 2019 as reflected in the January 5th payroll The Cite of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider 2019 BUDGET POSITION TOTALS City Of Yelm Time: 08:58:43 Date: 01/23/2020 MCAG #: Page: 1 Fund Revenue Budgeted Received Expense Budgeted Spent 001 General Fund 8,046,467.00 8,033,328.69 99.8% 7,840,765.00 6,569,159.03 84% 101 Municipal Street Fund 550,848.00 437,244.63 79.4% 553,151.00 605,221.87 109% 102 Arterial Streets Fund 211,886.00 156,966.52 74.1% 214,303.00 133,907.97 62% 104 Cumulative Reserve 322,543.00 322,543.24 100.0% 322,501.00 0.00 0% 105 Park Reserve 896.00 893.38 99.7% 1,178.00 0.00 0% 107 Tourism Promotion 297,824.00 307,198.63 103.1% 212,800.00 7,473.47 4% 109 YPD School Resource 78,597.00 78,726.39 100.2% 77,328.00 39,488.00 51% 119 Deposts & Retainage 8,070.00 8,069.81 100.0% 8,070.00 0.00 0% 120 Transportation Facility Charge 236,017.00 202,700.13 85.9% 156,032.00 118,097.00 76% 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 333,948.00 279,223.33 83.6% 360,692.00 467,585.00 130% 202 Killion Road LID 1,283,807.00 1,222,211.33 95.2% 1,403,042.00 383,339.49 27% 203 Sewer Revenue Bonds 174,462.00 174,388.07 100.0% 173,802.00 86,513.00 50% 204 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve 428,599.00 428,087.89 99.9% 427,609.00 0.00 0% 302 Municipal Building Fund 1,835,867.00 1,064,812.93 58.0% 1,906,572.00 1,327,973.14 70% 316 Road & Street Construction 2,282,985.00 1,622,926.25 71.1% 1,865,773.00 822,594.57 44% 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 448,073.00 502,688.42 112.2% 316,203.00 248,685.09 79% 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 7,986,499.00 8,345,665.85 104.5% 8,570,248.00 2,643,368.33 31% 402 Utility Consumer Deposits 95,737.00 92,517.00 96.6% 101,807.00 2,412.79 2% 404 Water Capital Improvements 3,866,286.00 3,816,377.26 98.7% 3,632,277.00 461,510.00 13% 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemptior 1,040,571.00 1,038,426.83 99.8% 1,022,344.00 971,825.73 95% 406 Water Capital Inprovements 931,599.00 931,716.02 100.0% 943,561.00 0.00 0% 412 Sewer Utility Fund 4,819,102.00 5,033,413.23 104.4% 4,752,525.00 2,894,158.91 61% 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 4,122,552.00 3,415,211.64 82.8% 4,313,506.00 695,249.49 16% 415 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve 217,322.00 217,147.11 99.9% 242,076.00 22,621.97 9% 430 Shortline Railroad 4,688.00 4,720.76 100.7% 4,395.00 0.00 0% 431 Water Construction Fund 1,365,711.00 1,366,024.48 100.0% 1,365,711.00 1,366,024.48 100% 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 834,356.00 791,586.87 94.9% 889,714.00 409,807.13 46% 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 1,316,253.00 1,248,148.23 94.8% 786,537.00 218,180.73 28% 630 Project Performance Assurance 'I 11,079.38 11,079.00 100.0% 11,079.38 0.00 0% 43,152,644.38 41,154,043.92 95.4% 42,475,601.38 20,495,197.19 48.3% VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, January 28th Council meeting: payroll November Total Expense $ 512,270.36 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts $ 590,689.48 Excise Tax- October paid in November 5 21,349.16 TOTAL $ 1,124,309.0 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 11/1/2019 through 11/30/2019: Check nu mber 4295 through check number 4475. l 1 ayor Council memher Coymilrftrember unci e r Council member CITY CLERK:G ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by�(( I%MD at a regular council meeting held this 28th day of January 2020. 0 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type Acct # 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Chk # Claimant Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: I Amount Memo 11005 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4401 507 TAPROOM AND FILLING 473.56 B&O 2019 Q1 - REFUND INVOICE - STATION INC 10696 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4304 AARON ARMGA 148.15 10-4174.0 - 14825 99TH AVE 1,980.47 October Hours 10501 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT SE 10509 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT EFT 4,171.08 October Hours 11038 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4434 ABBY NAFZIGER 346.17 03-2060.0 - 15809 90TH AVE 4,226.62 October Hours 10524 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT SE 10554 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 28.60 Pay Cycle(s)10/25/2019 To 1,967.57 October Hours 10955 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 10/25/2019 - Aflac Pre Tax 10555 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 4.29 Pay Cycle(s)10/25/2019 To 27.91 INVOICE - 3731166262 10847 11/14/2019 Claims 1 4370 10/25/2019 - Aflac Post Tax 10556 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 683.28 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2019 To 75.16 INVOICE - 3731164819; 11/05/2019 - Aflac Pre Tax 10557 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 6.76 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2019 To 271.66 INVOICE - 1988 10558 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 11/05/2019 - Aflac Post Tax 11006 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4402 ALTURA COMMUNICATION 272.75 INVOICE - 337342 10/25/2019 - Medical Benefits 10559 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 SOLUTIONS AWC 10695 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4303 AMAZON CAPITAL 1,521.94 AMAZON INVOICES - 2019 10/25/2019 - Supplemental Life 10560 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 SERVICES INC 1024; INVOICE - 1.00 Pay Cycle(s)10/28/2019 To 1FY4-C7L6-JD94; INVOICE - 10/28/2019 - Medical Benefits 10561 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 1JNM-7RNQ-1L6T; INVOICE - 80,415.47 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2019 To 1JNM-7RNQ-NFRH; INVOICE 11/05/2019 - Medical Benefits 10562 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 - 1MLM-QC3Q-13XD; 280.50 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2019 To INVOICE - 11/05/2019 - Supplemental Life 1GKW-M3MR-GF74; INVOICE - 1L3T-J9KD-FMPK; INVOICE - 1X14- 10846 11/14/2019 Claims 1 4369 AMAZON CAPITAL 277.35 INVOICE - SERVICES INC 1W97-NPGW-WP3H; INVOICE - 1XKJ-PQH4-76DL; INVOICE - 14NK-N1R3-TKFJ 11007 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4403 AMAZON CAPITAL 8,899.96 INVOICE - SERVICES INC 17CP-FMKL-V6KY; INVOICE - 14MN-PWLI-1NJ7; INVOICE - 1QQD-WMN9-LPLR; INVOICE - 1PTC-NGNX-3X97; INVOICE - 11325 11/27/2019 Claims 1 4461 AMAZON CAPITAL 418.00 INVOICE - 1X3Y-FX9R-CFJL; SERVICES INC INVOICE - lYMC-4W WL -L 1 WD 10519 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,980.47 October Hours 10501 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,322.01 October Hours 10939 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 527.40 November Draw 10539 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,226.62 October Hours 10524 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,068.96 October Hours 10544 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,967.57 October Hours 10955 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,321.44 November Draw 10697 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4305 AUTOZONE 27.91 INVOICE - 3731166262 10847 11/14/2019 Claims 1 4370 AUTOZONE 64.35 INVOICE - 3731176801 11008 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4404 AUTOZONE 75.16 INVOICE - 3731164819; INVOICE - 3731192277 11326 11/27/2019 Claims 1 4462 AV CAPTURE ALL INC 271.66 INVOICE - 1988 10558 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AWC 2,442.68 Pay Cycle(s)10/25/2019 To 10/25/2019 - Medical Benefits 10559 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AWC 13.80 Pay Cycle(s)10/25/2019 To 10/25/2019 - Supplemental Life 10560 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AWC 1.00 Pay Cycle(s)10/28/2019 To 10/28/2019 - Medical Benefits 10561 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AWC 80,415.47 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - Medical Benefits 10562 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AWC 280.50 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - Supplemental Life CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 11749 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT AWC 11751 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT AWC 1175211/05/2019 Payroll 1175011/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT AWC 1 27815 AWC 1100911/21/2019 Claims 1 1069811/08/2019 Claims 1 1069911/08/2019 Claims 1 1101011/21/2019 Claims 1 1050011/05/2019 Payroll 1 1093811/20/2019 Payroll 1 10493 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 1085011/14/2019 Claims 1 1084811/14/2019 Claims 1 10485 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 1051211/05/2019 Payroll 1 1094611/20/2019 Payroll 1 1132811/27/2019 Claims 1 1084911/14/2019 Claims 1 1070011/08/2019 Claims 1 11011 11/21/2019 Claims 1 10701 11/08/2019 Claims 1 11013 11/21/2019 Claims 1 1070211/08/2019 Claims 1 10673 11/06/2019 Payroll 1 1054811/05/2019 Payroll 1 1049811/05/2019 Payroll 1 1093711/20/2019 Payroll 1 10715 11/08/2019 Claims 1 10675 11/08/2019 Claims 1 1067611/08/2019 Claims 1 1084011/14/2019 Claims 1 10703 11/08/2019 Claims 1 1049611/05/2019 Payroll 1 1070411/08/2019 Claims 1 11001 11/21/2019 Claims 1 1067911/08/2019 Claims 1 1099811/21/2019 Claims 1 1101411/21/2019 Claims 1 4405 BARCODES INC LLC 4306 BECKWITH & KUFFEL 4307 BETSCHART ELECTRIC CO EFT INC 4406 BID -LOW TREE & STUMP 4312 SRV LLC EFT CALIBRE PRESS EFT CANON FINANCIAL EFT SERVICES INC 4373 BRAD CHATWOOD 4371 BRADLEY AIR COMPANY EFT CINTAS CORP #461 (D) EFT CINTAS CORP #461 (D) EFT CODE PUBLISHING CO 4464 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF 4312 WASH INC 4372 CALIBRE PRESS 4308 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 4407 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 4309 CASCADE COLUMBIA DISTRIBUTION CO 4409 CASCADE COLUMBIA DISTRIBUTION CO 4310 CENTER ELECTRIC INC EFT EFT EFT EFT 4323 CHRISTY GARCIA 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 4311 CODE PUBLISHING CO EFT 4312 COLUMBIA FORD 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 4410 CORRECT EQUIPMENT Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 2 Amount Memo -115.38 Payroll Credit From AWC For Misc. Overpayment Of Benefits. -67.50 Credit For Sonia R. For Supplemental Life Per AWC Request For March 2019 - Unapplied And Refunded 2.96 MEDICAL BENEFITS AWC - EAP/EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE ADDITIONAL PAYMENT 11/05 67.50 Additional Payment For Sonia R. For Supplemental Life Per AWC Request For March 2019 159.20 INVOICE - INV6242770 1,273.59 INVOICE - BI -0334524 8,000.00 INVOICE - 19295 1,303.20 INVOICE - 700201 5,352.86 October Hours 92.35 November Draw 3,873.46 October Hours 84.00 CHATWOOD, BRAD (REIMBURSEMENT) - 2019 1106 887.81 INVOICE - 1517 4,454.92 October Hours 1,858.58 October Hours 2,173.55 November Draw 45.15 INVOICE - 1064019 159.00 INVOICE - 75858 147.09 INVOICE - 20663281 892.76 INVOICES - 20776778, 20776779, 20776780, 20776781 299.89 INVOICE - 763186; 3,997.90 INVOICE - 746717; 369.18 INVOICE - 75190-000 685.29 Bedlington Adjustment 4,884.87 October Hours 4,117.13 October Hours 1,639.67 November Draw 250.00 YCC DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND - 2019 1026 30.74 INVOICE - 4032919392; 30.74 INVOICE - 4033493102 81.77 INVOICE - 4033493115 263.34 INVOICE - 65059 736.78 October Hours 32,900.48 INVOICE - 3-K1576 G752 2,283.71 INVOICES - 2019 11 (6792); 2019 11 (2603); 2019 11 (2646); 2019 11 (2638); 2019 11 (2611) 397.86 INV2039193; INVOICE - INV2042133 337.55 INVOICE - INV2053347 644.32 INVOICE - 40554; INVOICE - 40530 City Of Yelm Payroll MCAG 9: Payroll Trans Date Type 11015 11/21/2019 Claims 10851 11/14/2019 Claims 1101611/21/2019 Claims 1070611/08/2019 Claims 1070711/08/2019 Claims 1054011/05/2019 Payroll 1053711/05/2019 Payroll 1070811/08/2019 Claims 1085211/14/2019 Claims 1101711/21/2019 Claims 1070911/08/2019 Claims 10563 11/05/2019 Payroll 1056411/05/2019 Payroll 10565 11/05/2019 Payroll 1056611/05/2019 Payroll 1056711/05/2019 Payroll 1056811/05/2019 Payroll 1161411/05/2019 Claims 10525 11/05/2019 Payroll 1054611/05/2019 Payroll 1095611/20/2019 Payroll 1105011/21/2019 Claims 1071011/08/2019 Claims 1052911/05/2019 Payroll 10523 11/05/2019 Payroll 10951 11/20/2019 Payroll 1048911/05/2019 Payroll 10853 11/14/2019 Claims 1068011/08/2019 Claims 1099911/21/2019 Claims 1049711/05/2019 Payroll 1075411/08/2019 Claims 10711 11/08/2019 Claims 1051811/05/2019 Payroll 11611 11/04/2019 Claims 1101911/21/2019 Claims 1132911/27/2019 Claims 1102011/21/2019 Claims 11021 11/21/2019 Claims 1071211/08/2019 Claims 10713 11/08/2019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 4411 COUNTRY GREEN 1 4374 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 1 4412 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 1 4314 CUMMINS INC 1 4315 DAILY JOURNAL OF Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 3 Amount Memo 231.02 INVOICE - 409964 42.56 INVOICE - 14117037 110619 9.20 INVOICE - 14275350 110819; 2,920.35 INVOICES - 04-6187,046188;; INVOICE - 04-6260; INVOICE - 04-6262; INVOICE - 04-6263; INVOICE - 04-6261, 04-6265, 04-6267 420.00 INVOICE - 3352556 4,160.46 October Hours 4,626.44 October Hours 722.76 INVOICE - 243346 1,981.31 INVOICE - 243495 854.04 INVOICE - 34365; INVOICE - 34364 2,286.82 INVOICE - 10350699921 3,461.22 Pay Cycle(s) 10/25/2019 To 10/25/2019 - PERS 2 -2,579.87 Pay Cycle(s) 10/28/2019 To 10/28/2019 - Deferred Comp 881.13 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - PERS 1 40,259.78 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - PERS 2 9,860.45 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - PERS 3 15,650.81 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - LEOFF 2 0.01 Rounding Variance 4,598.20 October Hours 3,106.50 October Hours 1,232.31 November Draw 20.00 2019 1110 (REIMBURSEMENT) 7,127.50 INVOICE - 3106; 3105 5,138.54 October Hours 2,530.21 October Hours 669.86 November Draw 2,727.09 October Hours 5,757.15 INVOICE - 2019 0825 464.00 INVOICE - 1931 900.08 INVOICE - 1969 723.48 October Hours Wrong vendor - invoice misleading 3,444.15 INVOICE - 0919-0733 3,511.30 October Hours 123.36 MERCH SERVICE FEES 2019 11 290.25 INVOICE - WAOLY77081, WAOLY77082 3,543.84 INVOICE - 0000382 -IN; INVOICE - 0000380 -IN 2,340.00 INVOICE - 3108-21909091 14,630.31 INVOICE - 2019 11 (6344) 6,546.00 INVOICE - INVIO683 160.26 INVOICE - 488146 COMMERCE 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 4316 DATABAR 1 4375 DATABAR 1 4413 DATEC INC 1 4317 DELL MARKETING LP 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 1 EFT DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 4446 DEVON D TAYLOR 1 4318 DILLE LAW, PLLC 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 4376 DOOLITTLE CONSTRUCTION, LLC. 1 EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL COMM INC 1 EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL COMM INC 1 EFT 1 4362 ENERGY PRO. WA ST. DEPT OF ENT. SVCS 1 4319 EPIC LAND SOLUTIONS INC 1 EFT 1 EFT ETS 1 4415 FASTENAL 1 4465 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 1 4416 FCS GROUP 1 4417 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & SEPTIC 1 4320 FORECASTS ANALYTICS, INC 1 4321 FOREMOST PROMOTIONS Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 3 Amount Memo 231.02 INVOICE - 409964 42.56 INVOICE - 14117037 110619 9.20 INVOICE - 14275350 110819; 2,920.35 INVOICES - 04-6187,046188;; INVOICE - 04-6260; INVOICE - 04-6262; INVOICE - 04-6263; INVOICE - 04-6261, 04-6265, 04-6267 420.00 INVOICE - 3352556 4,160.46 October Hours 4,626.44 October Hours 722.76 INVOICE - 243346 1,981.31 INVOICE - 243495 854.04 INVOICE - 34365; INVOICE - 34364 2,286.82 INVOICE - 10350699921 3,461.22 Pay Cycle(s) 10/25/2019 To 10/25/2019 - PERS 2 -2,579.87 Pay Cycle(s) 10/28/2019 To 10/28/2019 - Deferred Comp 881.13 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - PERS 1 40,259.78 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - PERS 2 9,860.45 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - PERS 3 15,650.81 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - LEOFF 2 0.01 Rounding Variance 4,598.20 October Hours 3,106.50 October Hours 1,232.31 November Draw 20.00 2019 1110 (REIMBURSEMENT) 7,127.50 INVOICE - 3106; 3105 5,138.54 October Hours 2,530.21 October Hours 669.86 November Draw 2,727.09 October Hours 5,757.15 INVOICE - 2019 0825 464.00 INVOICE - 1931 900.08 INVOICE - 1969 723.48 October Hours Wrong vendor - invoice misleading 3,444.15 INVOICE - 0919-0733 3,511.30 October Hours 123.36 MERCH SERVICE FEES 2019 11 290.25 INVOICE - WAOLY77081, WAOLY77082 3,543.84 INVOICE - 0000382 -IN; INVOICE - 0000380 -IN 2,340.00 INVOICE - 3108-21909091 14,630.31 INVOICE - 2019 11 (6344) 6,546.00 INVOICE - INVIO683 160.26 INVOICE - 488146 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 MCAG 9: 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Page: 4 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 11022 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4418 FOREMOST PROMOTIONS 692.45 INVOICE - 491805 11023 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4419 FOSTER GARVEY PC 8,223.00 INVOICES - 2729151, 2731733 11024 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4420 FOSTER PEPPER, PLLC 456.50 INVOICE - 1225510 11025 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4421 GALLS LLC 107.36 INVOICE - 014234651 11026 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4422 GILLIARDI LOGGING & 1,572.33 INVOICE - 19-1778; INVOICE - 2,482.03 INVOICE - 11724665 10717 11/08/2019 Claims 1 CONSTRUCTION INC 19-1789 617.62 INVOICE - 49815, 49816, 49817 10507 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,460.87 October Hours 10943 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 851.56 November Draw 10487 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,605.29 October Hours 10716 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4324 HACH COMPANY 4,724.55 INVOICE - 11693512; INVOICE - 11708196 11027 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4423 HACH COMPANY 2,482.03 INVOICE - 11724665 10717 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4325 HALF MOON SANITATION 617.62 INVOICE - 49815, 49816, 49817 10681 11/08/2019 Claims 1 EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR 2,000.00 INVOICE - 20191031 10718 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4326 HD FOWLER COMPANY 180.00 INVOICES - I5307248, I5307216 10521 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,849.76 October Hours 10570 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 4,200.75 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 10/25/2019 - 10/25/2019 10571 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 159.69 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 10/28/2019 - 10/28/2019 10572 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 91,308.23 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 11/05/2019 - 11/05/2019 11477 11/06/2019 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 119.78 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 11/06/2019 - 11/06/2019 10962 11/19/2019 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 5,633.39 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 11/20/2019 - 11/20/2019 10854 11/14/2019 Claims 1 4377 IVEY, JOHN 84.00 IVEY, JOHN (REIMBURSEMENT) - 2019 1105 10720 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4328 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 479.79 INVOICE - 513974; INVOICE - 514691; INVOICE - 515149; INVOICE - 513345 11029 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4425 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 109.08 INVOICE - 515805 10506 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,941.07 October Hours 10714 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4322 J W FOSTER 133.44 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1025 10545 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6,568.56 October Hours 10508 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 4295 4,234.23 October Hours 10944 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 4399 708.00 November Draw 10510 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,723.54 October Hours 11030 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4426 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 1,128.51 INVOICES - 805789, 805811 11031 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4427 JCI PERFORMANCE INF. 183,114.36 INVOICE - 2019-010A(1) ATTN: LEA THORPE 10486 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,246.00 October Hours 11327 11/27/2019 Claims 1 4463 JENNIFER L BEAUCHAMP 234.92 BEAUCHAMP, JENNIFER (PER DIEM) - 2019 1125 10490 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,986.80 October Hours 11018 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4414 JIMMIE/GEORGIA DRAKE 329.34 08-0550.0 - 14920 PRAIRIE VISTA LP SE 10547 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,305.39 October Hours 10499 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 736.78 October Hours 10515 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,767.06 October Hours 10947 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 872.70 November Draw 10502 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,679.21 October Hours 10940 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 November Draw 10534 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,871.60 October Hours City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 11043 11/21/2019 Claims 10535 11/05/2019 Payroll 10721 11/08/2019 Claims 1103211/21/2019 Claims 1048811/05/2019 Payroll 1072211/08/2019 Claims 10855 11/14/2019 Claims 11033 11/21/2019 Claims 1053011/05/2019 Payroll 10861 11/14/2019 Claims 10723 11/08/2019 Claims 1085611/14/2019 Claims 1103411/21/2019 Claims 1100211/21/2019 Claims 11003 11/21/2019 Claims 10985 11/20/2019 Claims 1052011/05/2019 Payroll 1094911/20/2019 Payroll 10725 11/08/2019 Claims 1053611/05/2019 Payroll 10953 11/20/2019 Payroll 1072611/08/2019 Claims 11035 11/21/2019 Claims 1052211/05/2019 Payroll 1095011/20/2019 Payroll 1072411/08/2019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 4439 JONATHAN L RICHARDS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EFT 4329 JP COOKE COMPANY 4428 K & L SUPPLY INC EFT 4330 KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. 4378 KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. 4429 KENYON DISEND, LLC EFT 4384 KIMBERLY R RACHOR 4331 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS INC 4379 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS INC 4430 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS INC 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 4400 LEONARDO SALCEDO EFT EFT 4333 MASTER METER INC EFT EFT 4334 MCI 4431 MCINTOSH RIDGE PRIMARY ROAD ASSOC. EFT EFT 4332 MICHAEL A MALEK 10857 11/14/2019 Claims 1 4380 MICHAEL A MALEK 1050411/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 11330 11/27/2019 Claims 1 4466 MICHAEL GRAYUM 1051411/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1049411/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 10935 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1049211/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 10728 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4336 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 1085811/14/2019 Claims 1 4381 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 11036 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4432 MOUNTAIN LUMBER Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 5 Amount Memo 534.20 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1114; REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1114 2,987.20 October Hours 96.35 INVOICE - 594900 1,928.10 INVOICE - 43088 3,724.15 October Hours 6,439.21 INVOICE - 134018 15,713.68 INVOICE - 132222; INVOICE - 132875; INVOICE - 134426 106.50 INVOICE - 189494 1,905.81 October Hours 11.26 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1114 677.00 Invoice - 112511; INVOICE - 112536; INVOICE - 602376 448.70 INVOICE - 112147 325.95 INVOICE - 112494; INVOICE - 112517; INVOICE - 112690 2,934.65 INVOICES - 11944407, 11945347, 11944998, 11944944 49.35 INVOICE - 4634447 125.05 01-2564.0 - 15435 94TH AVE SE 4,953.36 October Hours 696.86 November Draw 1,500.00 INVOICE - 208965 4,282.92 October Hours 460.95 November Draw 77.13 INVOICE - 2019 1025 (4268) 250.00 YCC DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND - 2019 1102 3,288.78 October Hours 1,385.25 November Draw 84.30 PER DIEM FOR PAYROLL LAW 2020 ONE -DAY SEMINAR - 2019 1107 61.89 REIMBURSEMNET - 2019 1114 9,448.19 October Hours 19.82 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1121 614.76 October Hours 2,603.57 October Hours 923.50 November Draw 669.78 October Hours 407.96 MOUNTAIN LUMBER INVOICES FOR SEWER/WW; INVOICE - 1910-176159; INVOICE - 1910-176889, 1910-176617,1910-175987 245.99 INVOICE - 1910-175527, 1910-174857; INVOICE - 1910-176392; INVOICE - 1911-179014; INVOICE - 1911-179369, 1911-179400, 1911-180110 255.48 INVOICE - 1911-182155; INVOICE - 1911-183176 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 11331 11/27/2019 Claims 1103711/21/2019 Claims 1072911/08/2019 Claims 10731 11/08/2019 Claims 1073011/08/2019 Claims 10575 11/04/2019 Payroll 1085911/14/2019 Claims 10732 11/08/2019 11039 11/21/2019 10733 11/08/2019 10860 11/14/2019 11040 11/21/2019 11332 11/27/2019 11004 11/21/2019 11041 11/21/2019 10734 11/08/2019 10495 11/05/2019 10936 11/20/2019 10513 11/05/2019 10719 11/08/2019 11028 11/21/2019 11610 11/05/2019 10994 11/08/2019 10735 11/08/2019 11042 11/21/2019 10841 11/14/2019 10842 11/14/2019 10843 11/14/2019 10844 11/14/2019 11341 11/27/2019 11000 11/21/2019 10677 11/08/2019 10862 11/14/2019 10736 11/08/2019 10863 11/14/2019 Claims Claims Claims Claims Claims Claims Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Claims 1 Claims 1 Payroll 1 Payroll 1 Payroll 1 Claims 1 Claims 1 Claims 1 Claims 1 Claims Claims Claims Claims Claims Claims Claims Claims Claims 1 Claims 1 Claims 1 Claims 1 CHECK REGISTER 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Chk # Claimant 4467 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 4433 MOUNTAIN MIST 4337 MOUNTAIN TERRACE BUILDERS 4339 MURRAY NIMON 4338 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TOWN WATCH 4297 NATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE 4382 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 4340 NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL INC 4435 NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL INC 4341 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4383 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4436 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4468 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 0 OFFICE DEPOT (D) 37564515 (ADM) 4437 PARAMETRIX INC 4342 PARKSON CORPORATION EFT EFT EFT 4327 PATRICK T HUGHES 4424 PATRICK T HUGHES EFT PAYMENTECH EFT PAYMENTECH 4343 POLYDYNE INC. 4438 POLYDYNE INC. 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) EFT RAILWORKS TRACK SYSTEM 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 4385 RAINIER LIGHTING & ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4344 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 4386 RAM ELECTRIC LLC Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 6 Amount Memo 201.31 INVOICE - 1911-183405; INVOICE - 1911-183581; INVOICE - 1911-183989; INVOICE - 1911-184012; INVOICE - 1911-183984; INVOICE - 1911-185347, 1911-185351,1911-185355 80.09 INVOICE - 2019 1031 (023279) 110.88 MOUNTAIN TERRACE BUILDERS. LLC. - BUILDING PERMIT REFUND FOR 584 - CUSTOMER 1874 223.91 09-1555.0 - 15326 CARTER CT SE 500.34 INVOICE - 14886 1,029.00 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - FOP Police 12,295.72 INVOICE - 19745;; INVOICE - 19760; 855.34 INVOICE - 155870 855.34 INVOICE - 157702 460.13 O'REILLY INVOICES FOR PD 2019 1028 124.30 INVOICE - 3742-339473; INVOICE - 3742-341126, 3742-341169 68.51 INVOICE - 3742-342227; INVOICE - 3742-342239 99.99 INVOICE - 3742-343530; INVOICE - 3742-343637 105.52 INVOICE - 396902434001; INVOICE - 396903139001 375.00 INVOICE - 14261 1,762.47 INVOICE - ARl/51026405 1,985.67 October Hours 1,258.77 November Draw 5,294.82 October Hours 180.19 REIMBURSEMENT AND PERDIEM - 2019 1024 387.42 REIMBURSEMNET - 2019 1119 1,967.19 PAYMENTTECH FEES FOR 201911 129.75 Refund To Daisie Ann Sutton Via Paymentech/Xpress Refund #114844443PT 686.01 INVOICE - 1400552 686.01 INVOICE - 1403533 18,224.48 INVOICE - 2019 11 (2935) 9,697.21 INVOICE - 2019 11 (5276) 10.41 INVOICE - 2019 12 (2753) 874.68 INVOICE - 2019 12 (9590) 25,703.65 INVOICE - 2019 11 (4915) 3,527.25 INVOICE - 173936 10.00 INVOICE - 2019 1101 207.60 INVOICE - 520859-1; INVOICE -521155-1 2,298.45 INVOICE - 3984 2,651.13 INVOICE - 3983 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 1086411/14/2019 Claims 1073711/08/2019 Claims 11333 11/27/2019 Claims 10491 11/05/2019 Payroll 1101211/21/2019 Claims 10503 11/05/2019 Payroll 10941 11/20/2019 Payroll 10865 11/14/2019 Claims 1073911/08/2019 Claims 11045 11/21/2019 Claims 10705 11/08/2019 Claims 1074011/08/2019 Claims 1104611/21/2019 Claims 1086611/14/2019 Claims 1086711/14/2019 Claims 10531 11/05/2019 Payroll 1095211/20/2019 Payroll 10741 11/08/2019 Claims 1074211/08/2019 Claims 10743 11/08/2019 Claims 1074411/08/2019 Claims 10745 11/08/2019 Claims 1104711/21/2019 Claims 1074611/08/2019 Claims 1104811/21/2019 Claims 10505 11/05/2019 Payroll 1094211/20/2019 Payroll 1073811/08/2019 Claims 1104411/21/2019 Claims 1086811/14/2019 Claims 1053811/05/2019 Payroll 1074711/08/2019 Claims 1133411/27/2019 Claims 11335 11/27/2019 Claims 10543 11/05/2019 Payroll 1074811/08/2019 Claims 1086911/14/2019 Claims 1104911/21/2019 Claims 1052711/05/2019 Payroll 1072711/08/2019 Claims 10573 11/04/2019 Payroll 1051611/05/2019 Payroll 1094811/20/2019 Payroll 1051711/05/2019 Payroll Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Chk # Claimant 4387 RI -12 ENGINEERING 4345 RICHMOND ENGINEERING, LLC 4469 RIDGELINE SCHOOL (R) EFT 4408 ROBERT A CARLSON EFT EFT 4388 S&J FENCING LLC 4347 SCJ ALLIANCE 4441 SCJ ALLIANCE 4313 SHAWN & LYNZIE COVEY 4348 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 4442 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 4389 SKILLINGS, INC. 4390 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC EFT EFT 4349 SOUND LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS INC 4350 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4351 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4352 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4353 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4443 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4354 SOUTH SOUND INTERPRETING & SERVICES 4444 SOUTHGATE FENCE EFT EFT 4346 STACY ROE 4440 STACY ROE 4391 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY SOLUTIONS IN EFT 4355 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 4470 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 4471 TAB PRODUCTS CO LLC EFT 4356 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES 4392 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES 4445 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES EFT 4335 TAMI R MERRIMAN EFT TEAMSTERS EFT EFT EFT Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 7 Amount Memo 18,290.56 INVOICE - 74709; INVOICE - 74710 2,500.00 INVOICE - 5764-A 6,883.65 25-0016.0 - 909 MILL RD SW 5,386.70 October Hours 585.92 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1113 2,164.08 October Hours 1,023.40 November Draw 3,818.50 INVOICE - 1023, 1024 262.50 INVOICE - 58304 247.04 INVOICE - 57675 273.16 04-1820.0 - 9970 GREENLEAF LP SE 4,216.39 INVOICE - B10807535 23,100.86 INVOICE - B10814803; INVOICE - B10818032; INVOICE - B 10818110; INVOICE - B 10823389 7,480.88 INVOICE - 12107 1,750.00 INVOICE - 2019 1111 3,604.30 October Hours 1,280.45 November Draw 269.75 INVOICE - 06216 169.22 10-9012 - 14392 99TH WAY SE 139.44 10-8992.0 - 14344 99TH WAY SE 301.30 10-8998.0 - 14350 99TH WAY SE 253.39 11-0012.0 - 9920 JACKSON ST 4.32 11-0006.0 - 9963 JACKSON ST 100.88 INVOICE - 30903 191.28 INVOICE - 2019 1106 3,661.45 October Hours 1,481.32 November Draw 22825 07-0785.0 - 16204 BIRKLAND ST SE 250.00 YCC DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND - 2019 1109 32.73 INVOICE - 1194405 3,297.58 October Hours 306.98 INVOICE - 105845; INVOICE - 105844 91.56 INVOICE - 105868 555.36 INVOICE - 2450425 688.48 October Hours 13.64 INVOICE - 203549 67.22 INVOICE - 203876 216.20 INVOICE - J0743 4,171.56 October Hours 16.33 2019 1104 980.50 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - Teamsters PW 2,315.09 October Hours 1,031.43 November Draw 688.48 October Hours CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 MCAG 9: 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Page: 8 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 10845 11/14/2019 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 96.88 INVOICE - 858281 11336 11/27/2019 Claims 1 4472 THE OLYMPIAN 97.37 INVOICE - 20191120 (5242) 10528 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 4296 2,450.71 October Hours 11051 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4447 THURSTON CO AUDITOR 7,689.54 INVOICE - 10020-10023 11052 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4448 THURSTON CO PUBLIC 290.00 INVOICE - 20191101 HEALTH 10749 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4357 THURSTON-MASON 633.32 INVOICE - Q3-LPE2019 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ORG, LL 10682 11/08/2019 Claims 1 EFT THURSTONTALK INC (EFT) 400.00 INVOICE - 15038 10870 11/14/2019 Claims 1 4393 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY 411.72 INVOICE - 19-1017 SERVICES, LTD 10484 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,565.27 October Hours 12067 11/10/2019 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) 4,250.57 20191015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSING - GRAYUM; 2019 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - LUCAS; 2019 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - RAMIREZ; 2019 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - STANCIL; 2019 1015 - TIMBERLAN 11053 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4449 TIMMONS GROUP 7,800.00 INVOICE - 231353 10526 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,137.98 October Hours 11054 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4450 TMG SERVICES INC 294.57 INVOICE - 0044439 -IN 10542 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,431.08 October Hours 10954 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,394.94 November Draw 11055 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4451 TODAY'S DENTAL CENTER 1,621.51 20-0179.0 - 502 YELM AVE W (I) A 10541 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 7,328.04 October Hours 10533 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,691.70 October Hours 10550 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 723.48 October Hours 10511 11/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,280.95 October Hours 10945 11/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,172.96 November Draw 10750 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4358 UNIFIRST CORP. 245.44 INVOICE - 3301574453; INVOICE - 330 1574453, 330 1574455; INVOICE - 330 1576569 (WW), 330 1576571 10871 11/14/2019 Claims 1 4394 UNIFIRST CORP. 146.60 INVOICE - 3301576569 (PW) 11056 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4452 UNIFIRST CORP. 271.38 INVOICE - 3301578726; INVOICE - 330 1580856 10751 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4359 USA BLUEBOOK 1,025.39 INVOICE - 039543; INVOICE - 053003; INVOICE - 053384 11337 11/27/2019 Claims 1 4473 USA BLUEBOOK 915.25 INVOICE - 075917; INVOICE - 076057 10872 11/14/2019 Claims 1 4395 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 51.60 INVOICE - 9100246 10752 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4360 VERIZON WIRELESS 490.47 INVOICE - 9839382730 (3503); INVOICE - 9840554498; 10753 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4361 VERIZON WIRELESS 122.20 INVOICE - INVI8078180 11057 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4453 VERIZON WIRELESS 3,163.48 INVOICE - 9841272996 (2673); INVOICE - 9841424764 (3503); INVOICE - 9841238806 (2618) 11058 11/21/2019 Claims 1 4454 WA STATE AUDITOR 4,941.81 INVOICE - L133522 10576 11/04/2019 Payroll 1 4298 WA STATE COUNCIL OF 890.55 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2019 To COUNTY & CITY EMPL 11/05/2019 - AFSCME 11338 11/27/2019 Claims 1 4474 WA STATE DEPT OF 448.00 INVOICE - 5125, 7684, 8471, ECOLOGY 8934,9094; INVOICE - 8391, 8930 10755 11/08/2019 Claims 1 4363 WA STATE DEPT OF 17.40 INVOICE - 9140103 NATURAL RESOURCES City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 1108911/25/2019 Claims 1105911/21/2019 Claims 1057711/04/2019 Payroll 1106011/21/2019 Claims 1075611/08/2019 Claims 1075711/08/2019 Claims 10873 11/14/2019 Claims 11061 11/21/2019 Claims 1133911/27/2019 Claims 1106211/21/2019 Claims 1053211/05/2019 Payroll 1075811/08/2019 Claims 1057811/04/2019 Payroll 1087411/14/2019 Claims 1054911/05/2019 Payroll 1067811/08/2019 Claims 1075911/08/2019 Claims 11063 11/21/2019 Claims 1106411/21/2019 Claims 10875 11/14/2019 Claims 1057411/04/2019 Payroll 1057911/04/2019 Payroll 1058011/04/2019 Payroll 1076011/08/2019 Claims 1134011/27/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Chk # Claimant EFT WA STATE DEPT OF REVENUE 4455 WA STATE PATROL 4299 WACOPS 4456 WALT'S TIRE FACTORY INC 4364 WASHINGTON TRACTOR 4365 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4396 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4457 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4475 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4458 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING EFT 4366 WEST COAST MECHANICAL SOLUTIONS 4300 WESTERN STATES POLICE MEDICAL TRUST 4397 WILBUR-ELLIS COMPANY LLC EFT 0 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 4367 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 4459 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 4460 YELM BOAT & RV STORAGE 4398 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD 4301 YELM, CITY OF 4302 YELM, CITY OF 4368 YELM, CITY OF 1 4476 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 9 Amount Memo 23,070.33 2019 1125 DOR EXCISE TAX 840.00 INVOICE - T2000051 150.00 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - WACOPS 19.09 INVOICE - 86915 69.13 INVOICE - 1960774 5,930.30 INVOICE - 180157; INVOICE - 180436,180531,180609; INVOICE - 178966 (FINANCE CHARGES); INVOICE - FCHRG14916; INVOICE - 179870; INVOICE - 180586; INVOICE - 180673; INVOICE - FCHRG15005 830.00 INVOICE - 180694 1,190.00 INVOICE - 180848; INVOICE - 180849; INVOICE - 180984 396.10 INVOICES - 181090, 181091 228.16 INVOICE - 5007819288 2,254.13 October Hours 2,836.60 INVOICE - 633 958.50 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - Western States Police Trust 1,456.38 INVOICE AND CREDIT MEMO - 13096676RI & 1308920ORI 5,924.70 October Hours 1,198.00 INVOICE -43633; 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 1107; 2,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 1001; INVOICE - 2018 0605 596.17 20-2001.0 - 557 RHOTON RD NW 6,770.12 INVOICE - YCS FUEL USAGE - 1900002958;;;;;;;; 301.00 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - Police Guild Dues 75.00 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - SS Deduction Repayment 183.12 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - Police Car Use 7,501.07 BILLING FOR HOMELESS TASK FORCE EVENTS - SEE INVOICE IN INVOICE MODULE IN BIAS; YELM, CITY OF - WATER BILL - 2019 11 1,292.04 INVOICE - 30584 001 General Fund 419,388.75 101 Municipal Street Fund 66,896.42 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: CHECK REGISTER 11/01/2019 To: 11/30/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 102 Arterial Streets Fund 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Time: 07:41:45 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 10 Amount Memo 247.04 2,500.00 3,892.85 18,202.86 133,306.18 41,320.17 162,215.63 192,935.24 50,253.38 33,150.48 Claims: 1,124,309.00 Payroll: 612,038.64 512,270.36 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, January 28th Council meeting: Mayor Payroll December Total Expense $ 578,700.16 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts $ 1,588,828.24 Excise Tax - November paid in December $ 21,349.16 TOTAL $ 2,188,877.56 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 12/1/2019 through 12/31/2019: Check number 4476 through check number 4629. Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member CITY CLERK: ATTEST: Council member The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 28th day of January 2020. CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type Acct # 12/01/2019 To: 12/31/2019 Chk # Claimant Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: I Amount Memo 11630 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4504 AACT YELM PROPERTIES 63.27 02-0970.0 - 1114 RHOTON CT INVOCE- 1PYY-9K3V-1W7G; LLC NW 11426 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,260.59 Novembers Hours 11668 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4542 ADAM RICE 143.49 05-5700.0 - 15779 104TH AVE - 11WN-F6FG-DQNR; SE 11467 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 683.28 Pay Cycle(s)12/05/2019 To INVOICE - 1QTC-TFLD-VYJJ; 12/05/2019 - Aflac Pre Tax 11468 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 6.76 Pay Cycle(s)12/05/2019 To 1 VKY-M7YM-GGGG; 12/05/2019 - Aflac Post Tax 11631 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4505 ALAN WEBB AUTO GROUP 31,826.27 INVOICE - 126308 11512 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4485 AMAZON CAPITAL 112.98 INVOICE - 1QL3-4WLK-N431; INVOICE - 1HLN-C4T3-1XKN; SERVICES INC INVOICE - 16R1-CQP9-NYKC; INVOICE - 13PL-NQLW-RPNL 11632 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4506 AMAZON CAPITAL 2,611.44 INVOICE - SERVICES INC 1177-WX7T-3GHY; INVOICE - 1GHP-WDH7-FMIVIM; INVOICE - 1G1P-WDH7-WDJ3; INVOICE - IILW-D6YM-GF4K; INVOICE - 1PPX-CHPP-1PN6; INVOICE - 1T1T-Q3MQ-6JKC; INVOICE - 1T1T-Q3MQ-9RJX 11798 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4575 AMAZON CAPITAL 710.71 INVOICE - 1LQV-FRFM-VF93; SERVICES INC INVOCE- 1PYY-9K3V-1W7G; INVOICE - 1GJQ-GG4M-QWJW; INVOICE - 11WN-F6FG-DQNR; INVOICE - 1JP3-TTLN-7W7H; INVOICE - 1QTC-TFLD-VYJJ; INVOICE - 1 VKY-M7YM-GGGG; INVOICE - 1MQJ-PYPG 11966 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4610 AMAZON CAPITAL 269.87 INVOICE - 14RP-PPGC-VFVX; SERVICES INC INVOICE - 1HLN-C4T3-1XKN; INVOICE - 1TGL-44ND-JLFY; INVOICE - lYD7-RM4N-YXYL 11633 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4507 ANCHOR QEA, LLC 540.00 INVOICE - 65356 11436 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,388.22 Novembers Hours 11418 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,339.46 Novembers Hours 11770 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 527.40 December Draw 11456 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6,882.47 Novembers Hours 11799 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4576 APEX HOOD CLEANING 739.16 INVOICE - 65712 11441 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,209.05 Novembers Hours 11461 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,110.17 Novembers Hours 11787 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,321.44 December Draw 11634 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4508 AV CAPTURE ALL INC 271.66 INVOICE - 2012 11469 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AWC 76,334.69 Pay Cycle(s)12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Medical Benefits 11470 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 0 AWC 280.50 Pay Cycle(s)12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Supplemental Life 11753 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT AWC 4.96 MEDICAL BENEFITS AWC - EAP/EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE ADDITIONAL PAYMENT 12/05 11635 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4509 AXON ENTERPRISE INC 497.50 INVOICE - SI -1624584 11513 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4486 B -N -H TOWING 267.59 INVOICE - 34610 11661 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4535 BART MCCULLOUGH 534.68 01-0180.0 - 109 RICE ST SW 11636 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4510 BEAVER EQUIPMENT,LLC 1,521.80 INVOICE - 18225I 11417 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6,163.32 Novembers Hours City Of Yelm Payroll MCAG 9: Payroll Trans Date Type 1176912/20/2019 Payroll 1151412/06/2019 Claims 1180012/19/2019 Claims 1141012/05/2019 Payroll 1140212/05/2019 Payroll 1142912/05/2019 Payroll 1177712/20/2019 Payroll 1164012/11/2019 Claims 12063 12/02/2019 Claims 1146412/05/2019 Payroll 11645 12/11/2019 Claims 11415 12/05/2019 Payroll 1176812/20/2019 Payroll 1180212/19/2019 Claims 1168612/11/2019 Claims 11413 12/05/2019 Payroll 1164412/11/2019 Claims 1198412/02/2019 Claims 1165812/11/2019 Claims 1198612/27/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 12/01/2019 To: 12/31/2019 Chk # Claimant EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 4487 BILL'S TOWING 4577 BIO MANAGEMENT COPIERS NORTHWEST NORTHWEST EFT 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT 1147212/05/2019 EFT 11473 12/05/2019 4514 C & E DEVELOPMENTS 0 CHASE BANK (D) EFT 1144212/05/2019 4519 CHRISTOPHER EVANS EFT 1178812/20/2019 EFT 1151612/06/2019 4579 COAST CONTROLS & AUTOMATION INC 4560 CODY / KAYLA WALKER EFT 4518 COLE DEBLIECK EFT COMMENCEMENT BANK 4532 CONNIE LUEY 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 11510 12/06/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 11833 12/19/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 11989 12/27/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 1196712/27/2019 Claims 1164912/11/2019 Claims 11641 12/11/2019 Claims 11803 12/19/2019 Claims 1145712/05/2019 Payroll 1145412/05/2019 Payroll 11643 12/11/2019 Claims 1180412/19/2019 Claims 1166612/11/2019 Claims 1147612/04/2019 Payroll 11471 12/05/2019 Payroll 1147212/05/2019 Payroll 11473 12/05/2019 Payroll 1147412/05/2019 Payroll 1207212/05/2019 Payroll 1144212/05/2019 Payroll 1146212/05/2019 Payroll 1178812/20/2019 Payroll 1151612/06/2019 Claims 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4611 CORRECT EQUIPMENT 4523 CRAIG GINN 4515 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING CENTER 4580 CRYSTAL SPRINGS EFT EFT 4517 DATABAR 4581 DATABAR 4540 DAVID PERRY 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS EFT DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS EFT EFT EFT 4489 DILLE LAW, PLLC Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 2 Amount Memo 92.35 December Draw 306.84 INVOICE - 19-04227 190.23 INVOICE - 6304 4,111.88 Novembers Hours 7,175.54 Novembers Hours 2,582.05 Novembers Hours 2,173.55 December Draw 81.34 01-1928.0 - 611 TRUMP AVE NW 298,230.00 YELLTGO18 BOND PAYMENT 2019 1202 4,902.73 Novembers Hours 68.43 10-4215.0 - 10013 DRAGT ST SE 215 5,742.74 Novembers Hours 1,639.67 December Draw 896.78 INVOICE - 00053199 65.66 08-9016.0 - 14908 91ST AVE 736.78 Novembers Hours 22.66 10-4138.0 - 14844 100TH AVE SE Wrong Vendor 46.64 05-1260.0 - 309 JEFFERSON AVE NE 2,283.71 INVOICES - 2019 12 (6792), 2019 12 (2603), 2019 12 (2646), 2019 12 (2638), 2019 12 (2611) 123.02 INVOICES - INV2056689, INV2056690 367.98 INVOICE - INV2069479 348.54 INVOICES - INV2058775, INV2072409; INVOICE - INV2073072 6,870.11 INVOICES - 40744, 40745 7.27 03-5191.0 - 15355 CHAD DR 95.00 INVOICE - 201133547 71.45 INVOICE - 14117037 120419; INVOICE - 14275350 120619 4,107.70 Novembers Hours 7,714.61 Novembers Hours 643.15 INVOICE - 243846 1,991.65 INVOICE - 243903 7.62 08-0520.0 - 14902 PRAIRIE VISTA LP SE 4,112.92 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Deferred Comp 22,556.49 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - LEOFF 2 9,704.80 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - PERS 3 41,312.45 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - PERS 2 881.13 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - PERS 1 9,704.80 2019 1205 - PERS 3 Additional Payment Adjustment 5,023.40 Novembers Hours 5,146.54 Novembers Hours 1,232.31 December Draw 3,643.50 INVOICES: 3275, 3276 City Of Yelm Claims MCAG 9: Payroll Trans Date Type 1144612/05/2019 Payroll 11445 12/05/2019 Payroll 1144012/05/2019 Payroll 1178212/20/2019 Payroll 1140612/05/2019 Payroll 11625 12/11/2019 Claims 1166412/11/2019 Claims 1141412/05/2019 Payroll 1151712/06/2019 Claims 1168712/11/2019 Claims 11435 12/05/2019 Payroll 1163812/11/2019 Claims 1171012/02/2019 Claims 1151812/06/2019 Claims 11805 12/19/2019 Claims 1196812/27/2019 Claims 1151912/06/2019 Claims 1142412/05/2019 Payroll 1177412/20/2019 Payroll 1140412/05/2019 Payroll 11651 12/11/2019 Claims 11511 12/06/2019 Claims 1143812/05/2019 Payroll 1165412/11/2019 Claims 11475 12/05/2019 Payroll 1187612/20/2019 Payroll 11423 12/05/2019 Payroll 1164712/11/2019 Claims 1164812/11/2019 Claims 1165612/11/2019 Claims 1164612/11/2019 Claims 1181612/19/2019 Claims 11425 12/05/2019 Payroll 11775 12/20/2019 Payroll 1167012/11/2019 Claims 1142712/05/2019 Payroll 1180612/19/2019 Claims 1197012/27/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 12/01/2019 To: 12/31/2019 Chk # Claimant EFT 4593 EFT 4477 EFT 4574 EFT 4544 EFT EFT EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL COMM JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC INC 4538 EDGAR & CARRIE OOMS EFT 4490 EMERGENCY VEHICLE SOLUTIONS LLC 4561 ERIC AND AYANNA WASHINGTON EFT 4512 ERIN & CAROL BURNS 0 ETS 4491 FOSTER GARVEY PC 4582 FOSTER GARVEY PC 4612 GILLIARDI LOGGING & CONSTRUCTION INC 4492 GIRL SCOUTS OF WESTERN WA EFT EFT EFT 4525 HALF MOON SANITATION EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR EFT 4528 HURRICANE BUTTERFLY LAW ENFORCEMENT LLC 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE EFT 4521 JAMES & ASHLEY FRANCE 4522 JAMES & KATHARINA GIALAZ 4530 JAMES & KELLY LANGLEY 4520 JAMES FETTERLY 4593 JANICE SALAS 4477 4574 4544 JARED RUSSELL EFT 4583 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 4629 JCI PERFORMANCE INF. ATTN: LEA THORPE 11403 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1140712/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 3 Amount Memo 1,142.75 Novembers Hours 6,895.25 Novembers Hours 2,535.37 Novembers Hours 669.86 December Draw 2,731.30 Novembers Hours 123.83 INVOICE - 1980 102.15 01-0120.0 - 105 EDWARDS ST SW 723.48 Novembers Hours 87.44 INVOICE - 541 127.70 02-4542.0 - 9212 CARYS ST SE 4,078.92 Novembers Hours 97.76 05-5240.0 - 10515 YELM TERRA ST SE 48.36 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT FEES - 2019 12 468.50 INVOICE - 2734278 7,869.63 INVOICE - 2734769 2,521.64 INVOICE - 19-1830 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2019 1202 3,106.35 Novembers Hours 851.56 December Draw 5,610.20 Novembers Hours 523.00 INVOICES - 49987, 49988, 49989 2,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 1127 4,849.47 Novembers Hours 840.07 INVOICE - 19-0484 109,653.24 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 - 12/05/2019 5,902.67 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 12/20/2019 - 12/20/2019 1,941.07 Novembers Hours 183.81 03-3343.0 - 9110 PARADISE VIEW ST SE 224.36 10-8635.0 - 9966 DOTSON ST SE 377.20 03-5190.0 - 15401 CHAD DR 143.30 01-0110.0 - 106 EDWARDS ST SW 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2019 1217 4,795.56 Novembers Hours 708.00 December Draw 83.17 03-5166.0 - 15429 91ST AVE 4,567.07 Novembers Hours 7,440.95 INVOICE - 807910 AND CREDIT MEMO - 807946 183,114.36 CHECK REISSUE FOR JOHNSON CONTROLS - INVOICE - 2019-010A(1) ATTN: LEA THORPE 3,247.67 Novembers Hours 6,048.86 Novembers Hours CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type Acct # 12/01/2019 To: 12/31/2019 Chk # Claimant Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 4 Amount Memo 11696 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4570 JOE ZICARO 126.24 01-1350.0 - 303 MCKENZIE AVE SW 11463 12/05/2019 Payroll I EFT 7,873.69 Novembers Hours 11416 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 736.78 Novembers Hours 11665 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4539 JOHN & BERNA PEREZ 39.21 04-8850.0 - 9969 GREENLEAF CT SE 11432 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,772.66 Novembers Hours 11778 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 872.70 December Draw 11419 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,416.28 Novembers Hours 11771 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 December Draw 11451 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,876.93 Novembers Hours 11452 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,138.45 Novembers Hours 11650 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4524 JOSEPH GOVEDRIK 308.00 07-1730.0 - 16326 BIRKLAND ST SE 11676 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4550 JOSEPH H. SMITH 6.95 03-1720.0 - 8634 SWEETCLOVER DR SE 11673 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4547 KALLIE SHELLI 59.90 08-0650.0 - 14948 PRAIRIE VISTA LP SE 11405 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,298.99 Novembers Hours 11971 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4615 KENNEDY/JENKS 17,169.50 INVOICE - 135352 CONSULTANTS, INC. 11674 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4548 KENNETH & DOREEN 24.32 03-3060.0 - 16670 RAINIER SINATRA VIEW DR SE 11972 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4616 KENYON DISEND, LLC 71.00 INVOICE - 189576 11447 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,224.30 Novembers Hours 11783 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,625.36 December Draw 11660 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4534 KRIS MAY 73.27 10-4104.0 - 10018 COLE CT SE 11521 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4494 LAFROMBOISE 80.60 INVOICE - 112533 COMMUNICATIONS INC 11655 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4529 LAFROMBOISE 169.80 INVOICE - 112568 COMMUNICATIONS INC 11987 12/27/2019 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 506.61 INVOICES - 12018993, 12019520,12019573 11988 12/27/2019 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 49.35 INVOICE - 4638363 11657 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4531 LEVINE, ROBERT 108.21 05-5600.0 - 15892 104TH AVE SE 11437 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,959.18 Novembers Hours 11780 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 696.86 December Draw 11653 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4527 MARCELLA/KELLY HUGHES 341.10 05-5240.0 - 10515 YELM TERRA ST SE 11453 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 7,836.97 Novembers Hours 11785 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 December Draw 11662 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4536 MCI 84.62 INVOICE - 20191125 (4268) 11807 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4584 MCLENDON HARDWARE 232.05 INVOICE - C89979/5 ACC #134694 11692 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4566 MELANIE WILSON 44.10 03-6080.0 - 9367 PRAIRIE WIND ST SE 11689 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4563 MICHAEL & TONIA WEBB 42.28 10-8170.0 - 10017 JENSEN DR SE 11439 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,729.66 Novembers Hours 11781 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,385.25 December Draw 11421 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9,792.22 Novembers Hours 11520 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4493 MICHAEL GRAYUM 31.63 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1203 11652 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4526 MICHAEL HART 77.54 01-2511.0 - 15426 94TH AVE SE 11411 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,765.87 Novembers Hours 11766 12/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 923.50 December Draw 11682 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4556 MIKE UNDERWOOD 40.55 05-1540.0 - 10330 THIRD ST 11808 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4585 MILES SAND & GRAVEL CO 411.63 INVOICE - 1758182 11639 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4513 MILTON & PATRICE BUTLER 100.25 01-1260.0 - 315 MCKENZIE AVE SW 11525 12/06/2019 Claims 1 1162612/11/2019 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) Claims 1 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Claims 1 1169712/11/2019 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) Claims 1 MCAG 9: 12/19/2019 Claims 1 12/01/2019 To: 12/31/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 11522 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4495 MINUTEMAN PRESS 1140912/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 11523 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4496 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 11663 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4537 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 11809 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4586 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 11973 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4617 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 11974 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4618 MOUNTAIN MIST 11810 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4587 NAPA (ACCT # 1170 1) 11480 12/04/2019 Payroll 1 4480 NATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE 11811 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4588 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 11524 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4497 NORTHWEST CHEVROLET 11812 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4589 NORTHWEST CHEVROLET 11813 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4590 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 11975 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4619 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 11814 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4591 PARAMETRIX INC 1141212/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1176712/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 11431 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 11969 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4613 PATRICK T HUGHES 11711 12/02/2019 Claims 1 0 PAYMENTECH 11525 12/06/2019 Claims 1 1162612/11/2019 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) Claims 1 1183412/19/2019 0 Claims 1 1169712/11/2019 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) Claims 1 11835 12/19/2019 Claims 1 1183612/19/2019 Claims 1 1183712/19/2019 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) Claims 1 1183812/19/2019 0 Claims 1 1183912/19/2019 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) Claims 1 1184012/19/2019 4533 Claims 1 1152612/06/2019 Claims 1 1165912/11/2019 Claims 1 1162712/11/2019 Claims 1 1197612/27/2019 Claims 1 1166912/11/2019 Claims 1 4498 PCI PEST CONTROL LLC 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 4571 PROTHMAN COMPANY 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 4499 QUILL CORPORATION 4533 QUISHA/JEFF MACAULEY 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 4620 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 4543 REYNALD ROBLEDO Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 5 Amount Memo 63.99 INVOICE - 38374 669.78 Novembers Hours 43.94 INVOICES - 1911-185728, 1911-185771; INVOICE - 1911-186294 540.68 INVOICES - 1911-186025, 1911-186236; INVOICE - 1912-187469; INVOICE - 1912-187712; INVOICE - 1912-187711; INVOICE - 1912-187807; INVOICE - 1912-188848; INVOICE - 1912-188667 41.79 INVOICE - 1912-188881; INVOICES: 1912-189565, 1912-189592 6728 INVOICE - 1912-192632; INVOICE - 1912-193065 60.45 INVOICE - 20191130 (023279) 698.23 INVOICE - 150949 955.50 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - FOP Police 9,662.06 INVOICES - 19019, 20109, 20144 949.16 INVOICE - CT+S34975 239.08 INVOICE - CTCS35155 256.20 INVOICE - 3742-345541; INVOICE - 3742-345747; INVOICE - 3742-345559 11.99 INVOICE - 3742-345778 1,741.25 INVOICE - 15122 1,988.91 Novembers Hours 1,258.77 December Draw 5,303.03 Novembers Hours 17.28 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1206 2,007.29 PAYMENTECH FEES 2019 1203 564.44 INVOICES - 37089, 37507, 37508,37509 175.47 INVOICE - 3310182475 556.29 INVOICE - 3310128196 8,013.92 INVOICE - 2019-6865 12,666.41 PRE DATE TRANSACTION - Payment Made Via Draft On 2/11/2019. Not Entered Into BIAS As Transaction. Account #4915 1,048.95 PRE DATE PAYMENT - Payment Made Via Draft On 2/28/2019. Not Entered Into BIAS As Transaction. Account #5276, Entered Into BIAS On 12/12/2019 19,688.05 INVOICE - 2019 1230 (4915) 949.71 INVOICE - 2019 1230 (9590) 10.41 INVOICE - 2019 1230 (2753) 9,394.37 INVOICE - 2019 1227 (5276) 6.64 INVOICE - 2930382 88.64 09-1505.0 - 15205 CARTER LP SE 10.00 INVOICE - 2019 1201 829.16 INVOICE - 4017 31.71 02-3320.0 - 15736 95TH CT SE City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 11815 12/19/2019 Claims 11675 12/11/2019 Claims 1140812/05/2019 Payroll 1163712/11/2019 Claims 11515 12/06/2019 Claims 1142012/05/2019 Payroll 1177212/20/2019 Payroll 1143012/05/2019 Payroll 11671 12/11/2019 Claims 1167212/11/2019 Claims 1152712/06/2019 Claims 1181712/19/2019 Claims 1152812/06/2019 Claims 1197712/27/2019 Claims 1181812/19/2019 Claims 1182012/19/2019 Claims 1144812/05/2019 Payroll 1178412/20/2019 Payroll 1166712/11/2019 Claims 1167712/11/2019 Claims 1197812/27/2019 Claims 1206412/31/2019 Claims 12065 12/31/2019 Claims 1206612/31/2019 Claims 1167812/11/2019 Claims 1167912/11/2019 Claims 1142212/05/2019 Payroll 11773 12/20/2019 Payroll 1168012/11/2019 Claims 1181912/19/2019 Claims 11455 12/05/2019 Payroll 11801 12/19/2019 Claims 11821 12/19/2019 Claims 1197912/27/2019 Claims 1146012/05/2019 Payroll 11681 12/11/2019 Claims 1182212/19/2019 Claims 11443 12/05/2019 Payroll 1147812/04/2019 Payroll 11433 12/05/2019 Payroll 1177912/20/2019 Payroll 1143412/05/2019 Payroll Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 12/01/2019 To: 12/31/2019 Chk # Claimant 4592 RI -12 ENGINEERING 4549 RICHARD SIRES EFT 4596 4511 ROBERT BROWN 4488 ROBERT W. CORL EFT 4598 EFT 4623 4478 EFT 4545 SCHOOL YELM TAGS AWARDS & ALTERNATIVE 4546 SCJ ALLIANCE 4500 SE THURSTON FIRE SPECIALTIES AUTHORITY 4594 SE THURSTON FIRE TEAMSTERS AUTHORITY 4501 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 4621 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 4595 SKILLINGS, INC. 4597 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC EFT EFT 4541 SOPHAL & SAMMANG PHOUK 4551 SOUND LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS INC 4622 SOUND LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS INC 0 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 0 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 0 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4552 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4553 SOUNDBUILT HOMES EFT EFT 4554 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY SOLUTIONS IN 4596 STEPHANIE SMITH EFT 4578 STEVE BORMAN 4598 STREETSCAN, INC. 4623 SUNBELT RENTALS INC EFT 4555 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES 4599 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES EFT EFT TEAMSTERS EFT EFT EFT Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 6 Amount Memo 15,051.15 INVOICE - 75095; INVOICE - 75096; INVOICE - 75097 78.25 05-8016.0 - 15432 107TH LP SE 10,699.24 Novembers Hours 58.92 06-6006.0 - 10010 GREENBRIER CT SE 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2019 1202 2,106.40 Novembers Hours 1,023.40 December Draw 1,966.00 Novembers Hours 8,921.99 06-0260.0 - 107 FIRST ST N 2,362.50 INVOICE - 58711 1,675.80 IMPACT FEES - 2019 10 1,052.28 INVOICE - 2019 11 333.85 INVOICE - B10887193 1,956.74 INVOICE - B10933845, B10980708 14,711.01 INVOICE - 12158 2,250.00 INVOICE - 2019 1206 4,076.50 Novembers Hours 1,280.45 December Draw 41.46 10-8110.0 - 9921 JENSEN DR SE 269.75 INVOICE - 06258 269.75 INVOICE - 06297 318.65 Overpayment Refund For KR -94B 318.65 Overpayment Refund For KR -94G33 318.65 Overpayment Refund For KR -94G-80 166.23 11-0010.0 - 9932 JACKSON ST 24.09 KR-94G-SOUNDBUILT LID PAYMENT REIMBURSEMENT 5,377.33 Novembers Hours 1,481.32 December Draw 32.73 INVOICE - 17051857 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2019 1216 3,574.21 Novembers Hours 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2019 1217 10,465.00 INVOICE - 10306 1,348.51 INVOICES: 96711190-0001, 96623823-0001 688.48 Novembers Hours 318.44 INVOICE - J0784; INVOICE - 204568 55.64 INVOICE - 204651 5,185.06 Novembers Hours 1,000.50 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Teamsters PW 2,221.32 Novembers Hours 1,031.43 December Draw 688.48 Novembers Hours City Of Yelm Payroll MCAG 9: Payroll Trans Date Type 1162812/11/2019 Claims 1162912/11/2019 Claims 1164212/11/2019 Claims 1144412/05/2019 Payroll 1198012/27/2019 Claims 11823 12/19/2019 Claims 1182412/19/2019 Claims 11401 12/05/2019 Payroll 1145912/05/2019 Payroll 1178612/20/2019 Payroll 1145812/05/2019 Payroll 1145012/05/2019 Payroll 1146612/05/2019 Payroll 1142812/05/2019 Payroll 1177612/20/2019 Payroll 11683 12/11/2019 Claims 11825 12/19/2019 Claims 11985 12/02/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 12/01/2019 To: 12/31/2019 Chk # Claimant 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 4516 THOMAS CUNNINGHAM 4479 4603 4624 THURSTON CO AUDITOR 4600 THURSTON CO PUBLIC 4625 HEALTH 4601 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY 1 SERVICES, LTD EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 4557 UNIFIRST CORP. 4602 UNIFIRST CORP. 0 US BANK (D) 11684 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4558 USA BLUEBOOK 11826 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4603 USA BLUEBOOK 11981 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4625 USA BLUEBOOK 11529 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4502 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 11685 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4559 VERIZON WIRELESS 11827 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4604 VERIZON WIRELESS 1169812/11/2019 Claims 11481 12/04/2019 Payroll 1169912/11/2019 Claims 1179612/20/2019 Claims 1148212/04/2019 Payroll 1168812/11/2019 Claims 1182812/19/2019 Claims 1198212/27/2019 Claims 1169012/11/2019 Claims 1144912/05/2019 Payroll 11483 12/04/2019 Payroll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4572 WA STATE AUDITOR 4481 WA STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY & CITY EMPL 4573 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOGY EFT WA STATE DEPT OF REVENUE 4482 WACOPS 4562 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4605 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4626 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4564 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING EFT 4483 WESTERN STATES POLICE MEDICAL TRUST 11691 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4565 WHISLER COMMUNICATIONS Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 7 Amount Memo 106.13 INVOICE - 524177326 76.83 INVOICE - 524619376 66.26 01-1740.0 - 302 EDWARDS ST NW 2,451.29 Novembers Hours 1,485.50 INVOICE - 2019 1210 290.00 INVOICE - 2019 1127 1,110.48 INVOICE - 19-1174; INVOICE - 190414 7,818.55 Novembers Hours 2,433.44 Novembers Hours 1,394.94 December Draw 7,330.01 Novembers Hours 3,708.64 Novembers Hours 723.48 Novembers Hours 2,985.23 Novembers Hours 1,172.96 December Draw 431.05 INVOICES - 330 1583032, 330 1585166 235.32 INVOICES - 330 1578728, 330 1580858, 330 1583034, 330 1585168 767,474.28 YELM CITY OF WATER REV BONDS SERIES - 2010 - LP 0762 4 1 2017A 1,176.10 INVOICE - 087777 594.98 INVOICE - 090464, 090631 196.93 INVOICE - 099482 76.11 INVOICE - 9110246; 94.70 INVOICE - INV18363690; CREDIT MEMO - RTN2592445 3,413.47 INVOICE - 9843488831 (3503); INVOICE - 9843300613 (2618); INVOICE - 9843335452 (2673) 737.61 INVOICE - L134000 890.55 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - AFSCME 64.00 INVOICE - 8979 21,349.16 2019-11 USE/EXCISE TAX*** DRAFT 2019 1220 150.00 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - WACOPS 792.20 INVOICES - 181238, 181323 631.55 INVOICE - 181406; INVOICE - 181405 396.10 INVOICES - 181587, 181588 228.16 INVOICE - 5008157367 1,895.99 Novembers Hours 958.50 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Western States Police Trust 2,412.20 INVOICE -20190910 11695 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4569 YELM, CITY OF 001 General Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 202 Killion Road LID 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 8 Amount Memo 190.56 INVOICE - 4440 62,633.48 INVOICE - 23753W-01 7,611.34 Novembers Hours 1,214.03 INVOICE - 44244 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 1204 8,080.00 IMPACT FEES - 2019 10 545.00 PRAIRIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SUPPORT OF DISC GOLF COURSE PROJECT 4,450.00 INVOICE - 2019 11 6,195.54 INVOICE - 1900002951 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2019 1217 279.50 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Police Guild Dues 246.68 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Police Car Use; Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - SS Deduction Repayment 4,296.85 YELM, CITY OF - WATER BILL - 2019 12 446,370.76 52,029.54 414,142.50 980.04 39.60 73,098.48 15,897.16 124,339.35 33,871.13 650,750.00 114,677.48 199,566.62 28,685.87 34,429.03 Claims: 2,188,877.56 Payroll: 1,610,177.40 578,700.16 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: 12/01/2019 To: 12/31/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 1182912/19/2019 Claims 1 4606 WHISLER COMMUNICATIONS 11983 12/27/2019 Claims 1 4627 WHPACIFIC, INC. 11465 12/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 11531 12/06/2019 Claims 1 0 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 11693 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4567 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 11530 12/06/2019 Claims 1 4503 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 11694 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4568 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 11830 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4607 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 11831 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4608 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 11832 12/19/2019 Claims 1 4609 YELM FOOD CO-OP 11479 12/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD 11484 12/04/2019 Payroll 1 4484 YELM, CITY OF 11695 12/11/2019 Claims 1 4569 YELM, CITY OF 001 General Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 202 Killion Road LID 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Time: 07:43:31 Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 8 Amount Memo 190.56 INVOICE - 4440 62,633.48 INVOICE - 23753W-01 7,611.34 Novembers Hours 1,214.03 INVOICE - 44244 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 1204 8,080.00 IMPACT FEES - 2019 10 545.00 PRAIRIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SUPPORT OF DISC GOLF COURSE PROJECT 4,450.00 INVOICE - 2019 11 6,195.54 INVOICE - 1900002951 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2019 1217 279.50 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Police Guild Dues 246.68 Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - Police Car Use; Pay Cycle(s) 12/05/2019 To 12/05/2019 - SS Deduction Repayment 4,296.85 YELM, CITY OF - WATER BILL - 2019 12 446,370.76 52,029.54 414,142.50 980.04 39.60 73,098.48 15,897.16 124,339.35 33,871.13 650,750.00 114,677.48 199,566.62 28,685.87 34,429.03 Claims: 2,188,877.56 Payroll: 1,610,177.40 578,700.16 Pay Item Totals City Of Yelm MCAG #: 12/05/2019 To: 12/05/2019 Community Devel Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 1 Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate Salary 12/05/2019 1577 GREEN , AARON M OT Time and a hal 3.00 46.6800 140.04 12/05/2019 1516 HARDY , JASON C OT Time and a hal 3.50 56.9700 199.40 OT Time and a half 2 6.50 339.44 Community Devel 2 6.50 339.44 Executive OT Time and a half 2 13.50 611.61 Executive 2 13.50 611.61 Finance Date Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate Salary 12/05/2019 1920 KOLLAR, ANDREW P OT Time and a hal 12.50 44.8800 561.00 12/05/2019 1539 SPIVEY , DANA L OT Time and a hal 1.00 50.6100 50.61 OT Time and a half 2 13.50 611.61 Executive 2 13.50 611.61 Finance Date Emp # Name Earning Item I Hours Rate I Salary 12/05/2019 1559 FRIBERG , GRACE E OT Time and a hal 1 0.25 39.1100 9.78 12/05/2019 1627 MALEK , MICHAEL A OT Time and a hal 1 15.50 43.1700 669.14 OT Time and a half 2 15.75 678.92 Finance 2 15.75 678.92 Police Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate Salary 12/05/2019 1504 BARD, BRIAN M OT Time and a hal 10.00 52.4600 524.60 12/05/2019 1510 FIELD, STACY D OT Time and a hal 12.50 60.4700 755.88 12/05/2019 1514 GERAY , JARED C OT Time and a hal 1.00 59.3300 59.33 12/05/2019 2377 HENKEN, BRYAN OT Time and a hal 3.50 51.5700 180.50 12/05/2019 1536 ROMPA , MATTHEW A OT Time and a hal 19.50 59.9000 1,168.05 12/05/2019 1538 ROZIER II, DANIEL L OT Time and a hal 3.00 57.9600 173.88 12/05/2019 1549 SPARKUHL , ANTHONY OT Time and a hal 0.50 53.1000 26.55 OT Time and a half 7 50.00 2,888.79 Police 7 50.00 2,888.79 Public Works Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate I Salary 12/05/2019 1521 HARPER, TYLER W OT Time and a hal 12.00 37.8200 453.84 12/05/2019 1572 KOLB , ERIC J OT Time and a hal 14.00 35.6300 498.82 OT Time and a half 2 26.00 952.66 Public Works 2 26.00 952.66 Total Earnings 15 111.75 5,471.42 Pay Item Totals City Of Yelm MCAG #: 01/06/2020 To: 01/06/2020 Community Devel Date: 01/23/2020 Page: 1 Date Emp # Name Eaming Item I Hours I Rate I Salary 01/06/2020 1577 GREEN , AARON M OT Time and a hal 7.50 46.6800 350.10 01/06/2020 1516 HARDY , JASON C OT Time and a hal 7.50 56.9700 427.28 OT Time and a half 2 15.00 777.38 Community Devel 2 15.00 777.38 Court Date I Emp # I Name I Earning Item I Hours I Rate I Salary k/06/2020 1554 B1IRNTIAM , DONNIELLE D OT Time and a hal 8.00 35.8200 286.56 OT Time and a half 1 8.00 286.56 Court 1 8.00 286.56 Executive Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate I Salary 01/06/2020 1920 KOLLAR, ANDREW P OT Time and a hal 5.00 44.8800 224.40 01/06/2020 1539 SPIVEY , DANA L OT Time and a hal 10.50 50.6100 531.41 OT Time and a half 2 15.50 755.81 Executive 2 15.50 755.81 Finance Date I Emp # I Name I Earning Item I Hours I Rate I Salary 01/06/2020 1 1627 MALEK , MICHAEL A I OT Time and a hal 1 10.50 43.1700 453.29 OT Time and a half 1 10.50 453.29 Finance 1 10.50 453.29 Police Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate Salary 01/06/2020 1515 DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER R OT Time and a hal 16.00 59.1200 945.92 01/06/2020 1510 FIELD, STACY D OT Time and a hal 7.50 60.4700 453.53 01/06/2020 1514 GERAY , JARED C OT Time and a hal 6.00 59.3300 355.98 01/06/2020 2377 HENKEN, BRYAN OT Time and a hal 5.00 51.5700 257.85 01/06/2020 1536 ROMPA , MATTHEW A OT Time and a hal 3.00 59.9000 179.70 01/06/2020 1538 ROZIER II, DANIEL L OT Time and a hal 3.00 57.9600 173.88 01/06/2020 1507 TAYLOR, DEVON D OT Time and a hal 10.50 58.4600 613.83 OT Time and a half 7 51.00 2,980.69 Police 7 51.00 2,980.69 Public Works Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate Salary 01/06/2020 1521 HARPER, TYLER W OT Time and a hal 6.00 37.8200 226.92 01/06/2020 1572 KOLB , ERIC J OT Time and a hal 6.00 35.6300 213.78 01/06/2020 2046 PFLUGMACHER, DILLON J OT Time and a hal 9.00 33.5700 302.13 OT Time and a half 3 21.00 742.83 Public Works 3 21.00 742.83 Waste Water Date I Emp # I Name I Earning Item I Hours I Rate I Salary 01/06/2020 1576 CAMPEAU , JEREMY I OT Time and a hal 1 8.00 53.4800 427.84 Pay Item Totals City Of Yelm Date: 01/23/2020 MCAG #: 01/06/2020 To: 01/06/2020 Page: 2 OT Time and a half 1 8.00 427.84 Waste Water 1 8.00 427.84 Total Earnings 17 129.00 6,424.40 EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Pride of the Prairie" To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Grant Beck, Community Development Director Date: January 17, 2020 Subj: Updated Interlocal Agreement - Regulation of Transportation Network Companies RECOMMENDATION Authorize Mayor Foster to sign an interlocal agreement between the Cities of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Yelm regarding the joint regulation of Transportation Network Companies. BACKGROUND The Cities of Yelm, Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater worked together to develop a common regulatory framework for Transportation Network Companies (TNC's) wishing to operate within Thurston County. The City Councils of each of these jurisdictions adopted nearly identical regulations regarding the administration and enforcement of TNC's and TNC drivers. Yelm's regulations are codified at Chapter 5.18 Yelm Municipal Code. Yelm's code authorizes the delegation of administration and enforcement to another City that is party to the proposed interlocal agreement. Pursuant to an interlocal agreement adopted by the Yelm City Council in 2016, the City of Olympia has administered and enforced and enforced the provisions of the TNC regulations on behalf of Yelm of Yelm. The cities of Lacey and Tumwater also entered into the interlocal agreement, creating a single regulatory system for TNC's and TNC drivers. The interlocal agreement for the administration of TNC's expired at the beginning of 2020. Olympia has indicated that it is willing to continue to administer the program and a new interlocal agreement has been prepared to reflect this continued joint regulatory effort through 2025. The City of Yelm retains the right to supplement audit and enforcement activities at any time, and may withdraw from the agreement at any time. CURRENT SITUATION The City Council should consider authorizing Mayor Foster to sign the interlocal agreement. Options include Yelm staff administering the current code, creating a duplicate regulation system for TNC's and increase workload for Yelm staff or repeal the regulations for TNC's, eliminating the ability for Yelm citizens to utilize ride share services. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF LACEY, OLYMPIA, TUMWATER AND YELM REGARDING JOINT REGULATION OF TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the cities of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Yelm, collectively referred to as "the Parties," for the purpose of joint regulation of transportation network companies. WHEREAS, RCW 39.34.030(2) permits any two or more public agencies to enter into agreements with one another for joint and cooperative action; and WHEREAS, new technology-based companies, known as transportation network companies ("TNCs") or commercial transportation services providers, offer a new model of commercial transportation service using online -enabled digital platforms to connect passengers with drivers using personal vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Parties currently have regulations providing reciprocity to honor occupational permits issued by any of the Parties to for -hire vehicle drivers; and WHEREAS, RCW 48.177 defines commercial transportation services providers and commercial transportation services provider drivers as distinct from taxicabs and for -hire vehicle companies creating the need for separate regulations; and WHEREAS, the Parties have adopted nearly identical ordinances to provide for and protect the safety and welfare of the general public by creating regulations and enforcement provisions applicable to TNCs and TNC drivers; and WHEREAS, by this Interlocal Agreement, the Parties seek to streamline these new regulations by authorizing the delegation of the administration and enforcement of TNCs and TNC drivers to one jurisdiction; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the term and conditions contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: Section 1. Scope of Services. a. The Parties have adopted nearly identical ordinances regarding the administration and enforcement of TNCs and TNC drivers which authorizes the delegation of administration and enforcement to another city that is a party to this Agreement. Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 1 of 5 b. The City of Olympia is hereby designated as the agency with authority and responsibility for providing any and all administrative services required for the licensing of TNCs. The administrative services to be performed by the City of Olympia include but are not limited to the following: 1. Create application forms for the licensing of a TNC, to include a sworn affidavit that the TNC is in full compliance with Olympia's TNC ordinance, codified as Chapter 5.11 of the Olympia Municipal Code (OMC), including driver, vehicle, insurance and operational requirements. 2. Review the application, confirm compliance, collect the license fee, and issue the annual license. 3. Perform audits of the TNC's continued compliance with OMC Chapter 5.11. 4. Enforcement of the rules and regulations consistent with OMC Chapter 5. 11, including the conduct of hearings pursuant to OMC 5.11.120. c. In exchange for Olympia's performance, the license fees paid by a TNC will be retained by Olympia and the Parties will honor valid TNC licenses issued by Olympia. d. The Parties retain the right to supplement audit and/or enforcement activities at any time. e. The delegation of licensing of TNCs does not apply to business license requirements of TNC drivers. TNC drivers are independent contractors and must obtain a business license from each Party. Section 2. Duration. The terms and performance of this Agreement shall commence after the approval by the governing body of each Party and following the recording of this Agreement with the Thurston County Auditor or posting it on each Party's website as provided in RCW 39.34.040. This Agreement will terminate on January 1, 2025, unless amended by agreement of the Parties. Section 3. Withdrawal from Agreement. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement at any time. Withdrawal shall be effective immediately upon receipt of written notice by the other Parties. Section 4. Changes. Any party may request changes to this Agreement, however, no change or addition to this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 2 of 5 any Party unless such change or addition be in writing and signed by the Parties. Such amendments shall be attached to and made part of this Agreement. Section 5. Administration. Each Party shall be responsible for administering the terms of this Agreement. No separate legal entity is created by reason of entering into this Agreement. No joint organization is created. No common budget is to be established. No personal or real property is to be jointly acquired or held. Section 6. Entire Agreement. The Parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Further, any modification of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the Parties. Failure to comply with any of the provisions stated herein shall constitute material breach of contract and cause for termination. The Parties recognize time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement. It is also agreed by the Parties that the forgiveness of the nonperformance of any provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of the provisions of this Agreement. Section 7. Notice. Notices required to be given by any Party shall be deemed given when served on the respective City Clerks of each Party. Section 8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington as to interpretation and performance. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any lawsuit between the Parties arising out of this Agreement shall be in Thurston County Superior Court. Section 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be considered for all purposes as an original. Section 10. Remedies. In addition to the remedies provided by law, this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable by any Party. Section 11. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement, which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. [Signatures on following page.] Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 3 of 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the Parties as of the date set forth below. CITY OF LACEY Andy Ryder, Mayor Date ATTEST: Peri Edmonds, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: David Schneider, City Attorney CITY OF OLYMPIA Cheryl Selby, Mayor Date ATTEST: Sean Krier, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark Barber, City Attorney Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 4 of 5 CITY OF TUMWATER Pete Kmet, Mayor Date ATTEST: Melody Valiant, City Clerk APPROVED AS FORM: Karen Kirkpatrick, City Attorney CITY OF YELM JW Foster, Mayor Date ATTEST: Lori Lucas, City Clerk/HR Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brent Dille, City Attorney Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 5 of 5 Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 5.18 TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES Page 1 of 14 Chapter 5.18 TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES Sections: 5.18.010 Purpose. 5.18.020 Definitions. 5.18.030 Yelm business license required. 5.18.040 TNC license required. 5.18.050 TNC driver requirements. 5.18.060 TNC requirements. 5.18.070 Vehicle inspection and maintenance. 5.18.080 Insurance requirements. 5.18.090 Registered agent required. 5.18.100 Audit. 5.18.110 Operational requirements. 5.18.120 Nondiscrimination — Accessibility. 5.18.130 Revocation, suspension, or denial of TNC license. 5.18.140 Enforcement. 5.18.150 Penalty. 5.18.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide for and promote the safety and welfare of the general public and not to create or designate any particular class of persons who will or should be specially protected by its terms. Nothing contained in this chapter is intended, nor shall be construed, to create any liability on the part of the city or its employees for any injury or damage resulting from the failure of the licensee or driver to comply with the provisions of this chapter, or by the city's or its employees' enforcement or failure to enforce any part of this chapter. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). The Yelm Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1054, passed September 24, 2019. Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 5.18 TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES Page 2 of 14 5.18.020 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions apply: A. "Transportation network company" or "TNC" means an entity that uses a digital network to connect passengers to TNC drivers who use personal vehicles to transport passengers for compensation between geographical points chosen by the passenger. B. "Digital network" means an Internet -enabled platform or application used to connect passengers with TNC drivers. C. "TNC driver" means an individual who uses a personal vehicle to provide transportation services arranged through a TNC's digital network. D. "TNC vehicle" means a personal vehicle used by a TNC driver to provide transportation services arranged through a TNC's digital network. E. "Operate a TNC in the city of Yelm" means a TNC uses its digital network to connect a TNC driver to a passenger for a trip originating in the city of Yelm. F. "Operate as a TNC driver in the city of Yelm" means a TNC driver accepts a trip request over a TNC's digital network that originates in the city of Yelm. G. "Person" means any natural person of either sex, firms, corporations, partnerships and associations either acting by themselves or by servant, agent or employee. The singular shall include the plural and the masculine pronoun shall include the feminine and neuter. H. "Administrator" means the Yelm city clerk. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.030 Yelm business license required. A. It is a violation of this chapter for any TNC to operate in the city of Yelm without a current and valid city of Yelm business license as provided for under Chapter 5.02 YMC. B. It is a violation of this chapter for any TNC driver, who is an independent contractor affiliated with a TNC, to operate in the city of Yelm without a current and valid Yelm business license as provided for under Chapter 5.02 YMC. It is the responsibility of the TNC to communicate this requirement to TNC drivers. C. TNC drivers must keep a copy of their business license in their vehicle when logged on and accepting rides from the TNC's digital network. It is the responsibility of the TNC to communicate this requirement to TNC drivers. D. Except as described in subsections B and C of this section, the TNC shall have no obligations as to TNC The Yelm Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1054, passed September 24, 2019. Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 5.18 TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES Page 3 of 14 driver business license requirements. (Ord. 1046 § 11, 2018; Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.040 TNC license required. A. It is a violation of this chapter for any TNC to operate in the city of Yelm without a current and valid city of Yelm TNC license. This license is in addition to the business license that is required under YMC 5.18.030 and Chapter 5.02 YMC. B. The administrator or designee may issue a TNC license; provided, that the TNC applicant submits an affidavit sworn under penalty of perjury, on a form provided by the city, that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, formed after a diligent inquiry into the facts, the TNC is in full compliance with this chapter, including, but not limited to, all driver, vehicle, insurance, and operational requirements. C. The TNC license shall be effective for one year. D. The annual TNC license fee shall be $1,000 and shall be paid in full at the time of submitting all initial and renewal applications to the city. (Ord. 1046 § 12, 2018; Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.050 TNC driver requirements. A. TNC drivers shall certify that they have no known physical or mental infirmity which jeopardizes the ability to operate as a TNC driver. B. TNC drivers shall be at least 21 years of age. C. TNC drivers shall possess a valid Washington State driver's license and shall have been continuously licensed as a driver by the state of Washington and/or another state for at least one year immediately prior to operating as a TNC driver in Yelm. A home state driver's license with active military ID or student ID with proof of full-time enrollment and nonresident status may be an acceptable alternative, subject to review and approval. D. TNC drivers shall not have been convicted or found to have committed three or more moving violations during any 12 -month period during the three years prior to operating as a TNC driver in Yelm. E. TNC drivers shall possess proof of motor vehicle registration and proof of current automobile liability insurance. The TNC shall certify that all drivers have insurance that meets the requirements of this chapter, including insurance coverage for use of the vehicle for transportation of passengers for -hire as required by Chapter 48.177 RCW as enacted or subsequently amended. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.060 TNC requirements. A. The TNC or its agent shall maintain accurate and up-to-date records for all TNC drivers accessing its digital network to provide TNC services in the city of Yelm. Said records shall include the driver's name, age, address, social security number, criminal history, driver's license, motor vehicle registration, vehicle safety inspection records, and proof of automobile insurance coverage for liability, including insurance coverage for use of the The Yelm Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1054, passed September 24, 2019. Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 5.18 TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES Page 4 of 14 vehicle for transportation of passengers for -hire as required by Chapter 48.177 RCW as enacted or subsequently amended. B. Prior to permitting a person to act as a TNC driver on its digital network, and annually thereafter, the TNC shall obtain and review a criminal background check report for such person. The criminal background check shall include a search of no less than five years of database history, unless prohibited by law, in which case the duration of the search shall be the maximum number of years permitted by law. The criminal background check shall include local, state, and national criminal history databases and national and state sex offender registries. Any person who is on a sex offender registry or who has a criminal conviction, within the past five years, of crimes involving driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances, felony fraud, sexual offenses, felony property damage or theft, acts of violence, acts of terror, reckless driving or negligent driving, or use of a motor vehicle to commit a felony, shall not be permitted to act as a TNC driver on the TNC's digital network. The TNC or its agents shall maintain records of such criminal background checks for a period of two years. For purposes of this section, the term "criminal conviction" includes a "conviction or other disposition adverse to the subject" as defined under RCW 10.97.030, and bail forfeitures. C. The TNC shall only permit an individual to act as a TNC driver on its digital network if it finds that the standards set forth in this section are met by such individual. The TNC shall revoke a driver's authority to act as a TNC driver on its digital network if the standards set forth in this section are not met. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.070 Vehicle inspection and maintenance. A. TNC vehicles operating in the city of Yelm shall be no more than 10 years old. B. The TNC shall inspect or cause to be inspected annually and every year thereafter every motor vehicle used by a TNC driver before allowing the driver to use the motor vehicle to provide transportation services. C. The inspection required in subsection B of this section must include, without limitation, an inspection of the foot and emergency brakes, steering, windshield, rear window, other glass, windshield wipers, headlights, tail lights, turn indicator lights, braking lights, front seat adjustment mechanism, doors, horn, speedometer, bumpers, steering system, muffler, exhaust, tires, rear view mirrors, and safety belts. The inspection must ensure that all of the components listed are in proper functioning order. D. The TNC shall maintain vehicle safety inspection records for a minimum of three years. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016) . 5.18.080 Insurance requirements. The TNC shall comply with the automobile liability insurance requirements contained in Chapter 48.177 RCW as enacted or subsequently amended. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.090 Registered agent required. The Yelm Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1054, passed September 24, 2019. Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 5.18 TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES Page 5 of 14 The TNC shall maintain a registered agent for service of process in the state of Washington. The name, telephone number, and physical address of the registered agent shall be submitted to the city of Yelm at the time of license application. The TNC shall notify the city of Yelm in writing of any changes to its registered agent during the term of the license. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.100 Audit. A. No more than twice per license year, the city may audit the TNC's records to review compliance with this chapter. Each audit shall be limited to records relating to no more than 20 randomly selected TNC drivers operating in the city of Yelm. In the event the audit reveals discrepancies in the records reviewed, the city reserves the right to audit all of the TNC's records related to TNC drivers operating in the city of Yelm. B. The audit shall occur at City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, Washington; provided, that the city may in its discretion agree to an alternative location. C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city may require the TNC to produce records at any time to investigate a specific complaint regarding compliance with this chapter. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.110 Operational requirements. A. While in service in the city, TNC drivers shall only transport passengers who have arranged transportation through a TNC's digital network and shall not solicit or accept street hails by persons seeking transportation. B. While in service in the city, each TNC vehicle shall display removable trade dress or marks which are visible from 50 feet and clearly associate the vehicle with a licensed TNC company. C. The TNC's digital network or website shall display for the passenger the first name and photograph of the TNC driver as well as the make, model, and license plate number of the TNC vehicle. D. The TNC's digital network or website shall display for the passenger the applicable rates being charged and the option to receive an estimated fare before the passenger enters the TNC vehicle. E. The TNC shall implement a zero tolerance policy on the use of drugs or alcohol applicable to any TNC driver on its digital network. The TNC shall provide notice of the zero tolerance policy on its website, as well as the procedures to report a complaint about a TNC driver with whom the passenger was matched and whom the passenger reasonably suspects was under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of the ride. The TNC shall immediately suspend a driver upon receipt of a passenger complaint alleging a violation of the zero tolerance policy. The suspension shall last the duration of the investigation. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.120 Nondiscrimination — Accessibility. A. The TNC shall adopt a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of destination, race, color, national origin, religious belief or affiliation, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity with respect to riders and potential riders and notify TNC drivers of such policy. The Yelm Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1054, passed September 24, 2019. Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 5.18 TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES Page 6 of 14 B. TNC drivers shall comply with all applicable laws regarding nondiscrimination against riders or potential riders on the basis of destination, race, color, national origin, religious belief or affiliation, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. C. TNC drivers shall comply with all applicable laws relating to accommodation of service animals. D. A TNC shall not impose additional charges for providing services to persons with physical disabilities because of those disabilities. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.130 Revocation, suspension, or denial of TNC license. A. A TNC license may be revoked, suspended, or denied by the administrator for any of the following reasons: 1. Failure to meet or maintain any of the requirements or qualifications set forth in this chapter for obtaining a TNC license. 2. A materially false statement contained in the application for the license. 3. Any violation of this chapter. B. Prior to any revocation, suspension or denial of any TNC license, the city shall inform the TNC of their right to a hearing thereon. Such hearing, if requested, shall be conducted before the city prior to the implementation of any revocation, suspension or denial. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). 5.18.140 Enforcement. The administrator shall have the administrative authority to implement and enforce this ordinance. The administrator may adopt rules and regulations for its administration, not inconsistent with this chapter. This provision shall not be construed to abrogate or limit the jurisdiction of the Yelm police department to enforce any provisions of this chapter or of any other city ordinance relating to motor vehicles or the operation of taxicabs or TNC vehicles. (Ord. 1013 § 2, 2016). The Yelm Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1054, passed September 24, 2019. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF LACEY, OLYMPIA, TUMWATER AND YELM REGARDING JOINT REGULATION OF TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the cities of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Yelm, collectively referred to as "the Parties," for the purpose of joint regulation of transportation network companies. WHEREAS, RC W 39.34.030(2) permits any two or more public agencies to enter into agreements with one another for joint and cooperative action; and WHEREAS, new technology-based companies, known as transportation network companies ("TNCs") or commercial transportation services providers, offer a new model of commercial transportation service using online -enabled digital platforms to connect passengers with drivers using personal vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Parties currently have regulations providing reciprocity to honor occupational permits issued by any of the Parties to for -hire vehicle drivers; and WHEREAS, RCW 48.177 defines commercial transportation services providers and commercial transportation services provider drivers as distinct from taxicabs and for -hire vehicle companies creating the need for separate regulations;. and WHEREAS, the Parties have adopted nearly identical ordinances to provide for and protect the safety and welfare of the general public by creating regulations and enforcement provisions applicable to TNCs and TNC drivers; and WHEREAS, by this Interlocal Agreement, the Parties seek to streamline these new regulations by authorizing the delegation of the administration and enforcement of TNCs and TNC drivers to one jurisdiction; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the term and conditions contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: Section 1. Scope of Services. a. The Parties have adopted nearly identical ordinances regarding the administration and enforcement of TNCs and TNC drivers which authorizes the delegation of administration and enforcement to another city that is a party to this Agreement. Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 1 of 5 qJ4 SCANNED b. The City of Olympia is hereby designated as the agency with authority and responsibility for providing any and all administrative services required for the licensing of TNCs. The administrative services to be performed by the City of Olympia include but are not limited to the following: 1. Create application forms for the licensing of a TNC, to include a sworn affidavit that the TNC is in full compliance with Olympia's TNC ordinance, codified as Chapter 5.11 of the Olympia Municipal Code (OMC), including driver, vehicle, insurance and operational requirements. 2. Review the application, confirm compliance, collect the license fee, and issue the annual license. 3. Perform audits of the TNC's continued compliance with OMC Chapter 5.11. 4. Enforcement of the rules and regulations consistent with OMC Chapter 5.11, including the conduct of hearings pursuant to OMC 5.11.120. c. In exchange for Olympia's performance, the license fees paid by a TNC will be retained by Olympia and the Parties will honor valid TNC licenses issued by Olympia. d. The Parties retain the right to supplement audit and/or enforcement activities at any time. e. The delegation of licensing of TNCs does not apply to business license requirements of TNC drivers. TNC drivers are independent contractors and must obtain a business license from each Party. Section 2. Duration. The terms and performance of this Agreement shall commence after the approval by the governing body of each Party and following the recording of this Agreement with the Thurston County Auditor or posting it on each Party's website as provided in RCW 39.34.040. This Agreement will terminate on January 1, 2020, unless amended by agreement of the Parties. Section 3. Withdrawal from Agreement. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement at any time. Withdrawal shall be effective immediately upon receipt of written notice by the other Parties. Section 4. Changes. Any party may request changes to this Agreement, however, no change or addition to this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 2 of 5 any Party unless such change or addition be in writing and signed by the Parties. Such amendments shall be attached to and made part of this Agreement. Section 5. Administration. Each. Party shall be responsible for administering the terms of this Agreement. No separate legal entity is created by reason of entering into this Agreement. No joint organization is created. No common budget is to be established. No personal or real property is to be jointly acquired or held. Section 6. Entire Agreement. The Parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Further, any modification of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the Parties. Failure to comply with any of the provisions stated herein shall constitute material breach of contract and cause for termination. The Parties recognize time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement. It is also agreed by the Parties that the forgiveness of the nonperformance of any provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of the provisions of this Agreement. Section 7. Notice. Notices required to be given by any Party shall be deemed given when served on the respective City Clerks of each Party. Section 8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington as to interpretation and performance. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any lawsuit between the Parties arising out of this Agreement shall be in Thurston County Superior Court. Section 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be considered for all purposes as an original. Section 10. Remedies. In addition to the remedies provided by law, this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable by any Party. Section 11. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement, which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. [Signatures on following page.] Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 3 of 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the Parties as of the date set forth below. MYwall a1 T -4 w1 C"Alcf-. Scott sp(ncY8vManager Date ATTEST: Carol Litten, City Clerk APPROVD David Schneider, -City ey CITY OF OLYMPIA 44wcilltl� Cheryl Selby, M yor Date ATTEST: ane Kirkemo, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: `A� xvlt� — Mark Barber, City Attorney Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 4 of 5 10IIW911W 11t8)0Y."41DIN Pete Kmet, Mayor a Date ATTEST: &A�� Lo-� Melody Vahaid, City Clerk APPROVED AS FORM: Karen Ki kp , rick, City Attorney CITY OF YEL Ron Harding, MayKr fzA Date' A TEST.: la'xw A"/, nine Schnepf, City Clerk P O AS TO FORM: Brent Dille, City Attorney Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 5 of 5 City of Yelm 105 Yelm Ave W Yelm WA 98597 www.ci.yelm.wa.us (350) 458-3244 We are sending you the following: Letter of Transmittal Contract/ Agreement : Interlocal: Joint Regulation of Transportation Network Companies Yelm, Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater Copies Gate Pages 1 D5-24-15 5 Transmitted - Reason Description Interlocal for Joint Regulation of Transportation Network Co. Signatures requested -all parties listed: Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater Forward to next city for signature Please sign, make copy for your fries and forword to next City. Please mail fully executed document back to City of Yelm. I will send you a fully executed copy in return. Janine Schnepf, Clerk City of Yelm las Yelm Ave W Yelm WA 98598 'ty of Lacey, Carol Litten, City Clerk 420 College Street SE. Lacey, WA 98503 'ty of Olympia, Jane Kirkemo, City Clerk P.O. Box 1967, Olympia WA 98507-1987 City of Tumwater. Melody Valiant, City Clerk 555 Israel Road SW, Tumwater WA 98501 DUL. -71(11201(, INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF LACEY, +OLYMPIA, TUMWATER AND YELM REGARDING JOINT REGULATION OF TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the cities of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Yelm, collectively referred to as "the Parties," for the purpose of joint regulation of transportation network companies. WHEREAS, RCW 39.34.039(2) permits any two or more public agencies to enter into agreements with one another for joint and cooperative action; and WHEREAS, new technology-based companies, known as transportation network companies ("TNCs") or commercial transportation services providers, offer a new model of commercial transportation service using online -enabled digital platforms to connect passengers with drivers using persomi I %-eliicles; and WHEREAS, the Parties currently have regulations providing reciprocity to honor occupational permits issued by any of the Parties to for -hire vehicle drivers; and WHEREAS, RCW 48.177 defines commercial transportation services providers and commercial transportation services provider drivers as distinct from taxicabs and for -hire vehicle companies creating the need for separate regulations; and WHEREAS, the Parties have adopted nearly identical ordinances to provide for and protect the safety and welfare of the general public by creating regulations and enforcement provisions applicable to TNCs and TNC drivers; and WHEREAS, by this Interlocal. Agreement, the Parties seek to streamline these new regulations by authorizing the delegation of the administration and enforcement of TNCs and TNC drivers to one jurisdiction; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the term and conditions contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: Section 1. Scope of Services. a. The Parties have adopted nearly identical ordinances regarding the administration and enforcement of TNCs and TNC drivers which authorizes the delegation of administration and enforcement to another city that is a party to this Agreement. Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Pagel of 5 b. The City of Olympia is hereby designated as the agency with authority and responsibility for providing any and all administrative services required for the licensing of TNCs. The administrative services to be performed by the City of Olympia include but are not limited to the following: 1. Create application forms for the licensing of a TNC, to include a sworn affidavit that the TNC is in full compliance with Olympia's TNC ordinance, codified as Chapter 5.11 of the Olympia Municipal Code (OMC), including driver, vehicle, insurance and operational requirements. 2. Review the application, confirm compliance, collect the license fee, and issue the annual license. 3. Perform audita of the TNC's continued compliance with OMC Chapter 5.11. 4. Enforcement of the rules and regulations consistent with OMC Chapter 5.11, including the conduct of hearings pursuant to OMC 5.11.124. c. In exchange for Olympia's performance, the license fees paid by a TNC will be retained by Olympia and the Parties will honor valid TNC licenses issued by Olympia. d. The Parties retain the right to supplement audit and/or enforcement activities at any time. e. The delegation of licensing of TNCs does not apply to business license requirements of TNC drivers. TNC drivers are independent contractors and must obtain a business license from each. Party. Section 2. Duration. The terms and performance of this Agreement shall commence after the approval by the governing body of each Party and following the recording of this Agreement with the Thurston County Auditor or posting it on each Party's website as provided in RCW 39.34.440. This Agreement will terminate on January 1, 2024, unless amended by agreement of the Parties.. Section 3. Withdrawal from Agreement. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement at any time. Withdrawal shall be effective immediately upon receipt of written notice by the other Parties. Section 4. Changes. Any party may request changes to this Agreement, however, no change or addition to this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 2 of 5 any Party unless such change or addition be in writing and signed by the Parties. Such amendments shall be attached to and made part of this Agreement. Section 5. Administration. Each Party shall be responsible for administering the terms of this Agreement. No separate legal entity is created by reason of entering into this Agreement. No joint organization is created. No common budget is to be established. No personal or real property is to be jointly acquired or held. Section 6. Entire Agreement. The Parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Further, any modification of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the Parties. Failure to comply with any of the provisions stated herein shall constitute material breach of contract and cause for termination. The Parties recognize time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement. It is also agreed by the Parties that the forgiveness of the nonperformance of any provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of the provisions of this AgreeinE�nt. Section 7. Notice. Notices required to be given by any Party shall be deemed given when served on the respective City Clerks of each Party. Section 8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington as to interpretation and performance. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any lawsuit between the Parties arising out of this Agreement shall be in Thurston County Superior Court. Section 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be considered for all purposes as an original. Section 16. Remedies. In addition to the remedies provided by law, this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable by any Party.. Section 11. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement, which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. [Signatures on following page.] Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 3 of5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the Parties as of the date set forth below. CITY OF LACEY Scott Spence, City Manager Date ATTEST: Carol Litten, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: David Schneider, City Attorney CITY OF OLYMPIA Cheryl Selby, Mayor Date ATTEST: Jane Kirkemo, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark Barber, City Attorney Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 4 of 5 CITY OF TUMWATER, Pete Kmet, Mayor Date ATTEST: Melody Valiant, City Clerk APPROVED AS FORM: Karen Kirkpatrick, City Attorney CITY OF YEL Ron Harding, Ma r . a2 p Date A TEST:Ata�- ��. nine Schnepf, City Clerk P O AS TO FORM: f Brent Dille, City Attorney Interlocal Agreement for TNC Delegation of Joint Regulations and Enforcement Page 5 of S TAXICASt COMPANY�LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Mail: CITY OF OLYMPIA, PO BOX 1967, OLYMPIA WA 98507 Olympia Drop D : CITY HALL, 6014"' AVE E, OLYMPIA WA 98501 Questions?: Email: licensing ci.alympia.wa.us or: Phone: 360.7S3.84-38327 COMPANY INFORMATION Applicant Name WA State LIBI # - Doing Business As (DBA) City Business License Acct# (IF DIFFERENT THAN ABOVE) {IF DIFFERENT THAN WA STATE UBI #j Owner/Principal Name(s) Physical Address STREET clay STATE ZIP CODE Mailing Address IIF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) STREET OR PO BOX City STATE IIP CODE Contact Phone No. Email Address IMPORTANT SPECIAL LICENSE INFORMATION r Requirements as adopted in Chapter 5.11 DMC and referenced in the Attestations section below are attached hereto. TNC license is effective for one year from date of receipt by city of complete form and $1,000.00 application fee. i No special license document will be issued by city. Retain copy of payment receipt, completed and signed application form and attached TNC Requirements for your records. [Acll rlv d"&06A-- ` — COMPANY AXW517MONS 1. 1 a"ovt that applicant's operators are in and will be in compliance with Port "A" of the attached Requirements "TNG Driver Requirements" while operating vehicles in the City of Olympia under the authority of applicant. I.% 2. 1 rxF; t that applicant's vehicles are in and will be in compliance with Part "B" of the attached Requirements "Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance" while in the City of Olympia and operating under the authority of applicant. r. 3. 1 atkl5t that applicant is in and will be in compliance with the automobile liability insurance requirements contained in RCW Chapter 48.177 as enacted orsubsequently amended. %�N 4. 164#est that applicant is in and will be in compliance with Part "C" of the attached Requirements "Operational Requirements" while conducting taxicab andlor TNC business in the City of Olympia. %3- 5. I attest that i have authority to execute this application on behalf of the company making this application. I hereby declare under penalty of perj'ury,rF the laws of the State of Washington that, to the best of my knowledge, formed after a diligent inquiry into the fafts, the TNC is in full compliance wit this chapter, Including, but not limited to, all driver, vehicle, insurance,pwd operational requirements A SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE DATE PRINT NAME OF SIGNATORY TITLE CONTACT PHONE PART `A- TNC DRIVER REQUIREMENTS OMC 5.11.0501 TNC driver requirements A. TNC drivers shall certify that they have no known physical or mental infirmity which jeopardizes their ability to safely operate as a TNC driver transporting the public. TNC drivers shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. C. TNC drivers shall possess a valid Washington State driver's license and shall have been continuously licensed as a driver by "hr State of Washington and/or another state for at least one (1) year immediately prior to operating as a TNC d� ..:_f .n Olympia. A home state Driver's License with active Military ID or Student ID with proof of full-time enrollment and nonresident status may be an acceptable alternative, subject to review and approval. a. TNC drivers shall certify that they have insurance that meets the minimum liability requirements for the State of Washington, including insurance coverage for use of the vehicle for transportation of passenger for hire as required by RCW Chapter 48.177 as enacted or subsequently amended. E. TNC drivers shall not have been convicted or found to have committed three or more moving violations during any twelve (12) month period during the three (3) years prior to operating as a TNC driver in Olympia. F. TNC drivers shall possess proof of motor vehicle registration and proof of current automobile liability insurance. The TNC shall certify that all drivers have insurance that meets the requirements of this chapter, including insurance coverage for use of the vehicle for transportation of passengers for -hire as required by RCW Chapter 48.177 as enacted or subsequently amended. PART "'B" VEHICLE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OMC 5.11.070 Vehicle inspection and maintenance A. TNC vehicles operating in the City of Olympia shall be no more than ten (10) years old. B. The TNC shall inspect or cause to be inspected annually and every year thereafter, every motor vehicle used by a TNC driver before allowing the driver to use the motor vehicle to provide transportation services. C. The inspection required in subsection B must include, without limitation, and inspection of the foot and emergency brakes, steering, windshield, rear window, other glass, windshield wipers, headlights, tail lights, turn indicator lig-its, braking lights, front seat adjustment mechanism, doors, horn, speedometer, bumpers, steering system, muffler, exhaust, tires, rear view mirrors, and safety belts. The inspection must ensure that all #o the uorupwier}ls listed are in proper functioning order. Q. The TNC shall maintain vehicle safety inspection records for a minimum of three (3) years. 4 PART "C` OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS DMC 5.11.110 Operational Requirements A. While in service in the City, TNC drivers shall only transport passengers who have arranged transportation through a TNC°s digital network and shall not solicit or accept street hails by persons seeking transportation.. B. While in service in the City, each TNC vehicle shall display removable trade dress or marks which is visible from fifty {E0} feet and clearly associates the vehicle with a licensed TNC company. C. The TNC's digital network or website shall display for the passenger the first name and photograph of the TNC driver as well as the make, model, and license plate number of the TNC vehicle- D- Tho TNC'S digital network or website shall display for the passenger the applicable rates being charged and the option to receive an estimated fare before the passenger enters the TNC vehicle. E. The TNC shall implement a zero tolerance policy on the use of drugs or alcohol applicable to any TNC driver on its digital network. The TNC shal provide notice of the zero tolerance policy on its website as well as the procedures to report a complaint about a TNC driver with whom the passenger was matched and for whom the passenger reasonably suspects was under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of the ride. The TNC shall immec iateiy suspend a driver upon receipt of a passenger complaint alleging a violation of the ze`o tolerance policy. The suspension shall last the duration of the investigation. CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1058 AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 9.68 Yelm Municipal Code, relating to Park Rules amending the hours of operation of City parks. WHEREAS, the Yelm Parks Advisory Board has revised the rules and regulations relating to the use of public parks in Yelm, including hours of operation; and WHEREAS, the Board has consulted with staff from the Parks Division of the Public Works Department as well as staff from the Police Department; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to change the hours of operation of parks within the City; and WHERAS, the Board has made such recommendation to the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Yelm, does hereby ordain as follows Section 1. Section 9.68.030 YMC is hereby amended as follows: 9.68.070 Use of Parks. City of Yelm Parks are open to the public, and for all events not requiring the approval of the City Council, are available on a "first come first served basis". The public will have the opportunity to reserve Yelm City Parks pavilion space during designated park hours. The City will establish criteria for the use of each park. Such criteria will be available at the City Clerk's office. Section 2. Section 9.68.160 YMC is hereby amended as follows: 9.68.160 Remaining after closing time prohibited. It is unlawful to remain in any park after the posted closing time. City of Yelm parks will have visibly posted hours of public accessible use times. Remaining in any park outside of the posted public accessible use times is unlawful. Hours of park accessibility at all parks shall be sunrise to sunset. is, Section 3. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after publication, as provided by law. Section 4. Savings Clause. City Code repealed or amended by this Ordinance shall remain in force and effect until the effective date of this Ordinance. ADOPTED by the Yelm City Council at the regular meeting this =day of 2020. JW Foster, Mayor Lori Lucas, City Clerk PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2020 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: James Blair, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. Absent: Tad Stillwell was representing Yelm as Mayor Pro -tem at the Thurston County Commissioners meeting. 20-008 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO EXCUSE TAD STILLWELL FROM THE MEETING. SECONDED BY CODY COLT. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 2. Agenda Approval 20-009 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - December Student of the Month - Kya Ramirez 4. Public Comment - Amanda Putnam from the Thurston County Coalition against Human Trafficking explained the "Pathways for Hope" program and invited the Mayor and Council to attend the "Pathways for Hope" event on January 30, 2020, 6:00 pm at the Lacey Community Center. 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: January 14, 2020 Minutes b. Financial Reports for December o Council Approval for November 2019 Vouchers $1,124,309.00 o Council Approval for December 2019 Vouchers $2,188,877.56 20-010 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. Interlocal Agreement - Regulation of Transportation Network Companies 20-011 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN THE UPDATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF YELM, OLYMPIA, LACEY AND TUMWATER, REGARDING THE JOINT REGULATION OF TRANSPORATION NETWORK COMPANIES. SECONDED BY JOE DEPINTO. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 1058, Park Use Hours 20-012 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN ORDINANCE NO. 1058 CHANGING THE PARK USE HOURS. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business - none scheduled 8. UPDATES - City Administrator - • City staff is working with Washington State Department of Transportation on the traffic issues. The Public Works department will now assist with traffic control during I-5 shutdowns. • Received our second Government Finance Officers Association Award for the 2019-2020 Budget. January 28, 2020 Page 1 1 • The Homelessness Task Force report was received today and posted to the City website. • February 4, 2020 will be a Town Hall/Study Session to discuss the recommendations and hear from the public on the recommendations. • The General Government Committee is working on scheduling the Council Retreat. • The Public Works Director position and the Communications Specialist position are still posted and we are still receiving applications. • The City is eligible to apply for the Small Cities Grant from the Port of Olympia for Economic Development. If Council would like to discuss an item for submission, please contact Michael soon. • Staff is working on 2020 Budget Amendments that will be brought to Council in the near future for their review and approval. • Staff will be meeting with local businesses to educate them on the Fats, Oil and Grease Program. • Public Works is working on replacing the dugouts at Longmire Park and the bathrooms will be repaired and opened soon. Councilmember Blair attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting. Councilmember Carmody would like to see a Dog Park in Yelm. Councilmember Carmody will be in Washington DC March 15-17 representing Intercity Transit. Councilmember Carmody left the meeting at 7:14 p.m. Councilmember Colt attended the Medic One EMS Council, South County meeting. Councilmember Wood attended the Administrative Board of Directors for TCOMM 911 meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended his last South Thurston Economic Development Initiative meeting with Councilmember Stillwell and is attending the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Action Days in Olympia this week. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Thurston Thrives meeting and the Nisqually River Council meeting. Mayor Foster attended the Yelm Planning Commission Retreat, the "Great Kindness Week" at the Lackamas Elementary School, a roundtable with the Salvation Army, and AWC City Action Days in Olympia. Mayor Foster reported that the sidewalk project along Yelm Avenue Is looking great in spite of all the raining that we have had lately. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 20-013 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10.d_j/o/u/arnJeda 7:39 p.m. C Attest: JW FosTer, Mayor 6cci-6uc-a These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. January 28, 2020 Page 1 2