01 26 2021 MinutesVIRTUAL YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2021 MINUTES 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Roll Call Present: James Blair, Molly Carmody, EJ Curry, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 2. Agenda Approval 21-009 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - December 2020 Student of the Month - Mina Siatuu 4. Public Comment - no public comment 5. Consent Agenda - a. January 5 & 12, 2021 Minutes b. November 2020 Financials $1,650,103.19 c. December 2020 Financials $1,486,084.35 21-010 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. Professional Services Agreement for Design Engineering Services - RH2 Engineering, Inc. 21-011 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RH2 ENGINEERING, INC IN THE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $182,270.00 FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE PROPOSED UPGRADES TO THE CITY'S DOWNTOWN WELL HOUSE. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 6-1, (NO -JAMES BLAIR), MOTION CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 611, Closed Record Appeal Hearing 21-012 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO TO MOVE THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF YELM, WASHINGTON APPROVE THE APPEAL AND DENY THE DECISION BY THE HEARINGS EXAMINER ISSUED ON NOVEMBER 24, 2020. SECONDED BY JAMES BLAIR. 5-2 (NO -TO THE MOTION MADE, YES -AGREEING WITH THE MOTION MADE. ABSTAIN -JOE DEPINTO AND JAMES BLAIR) MOTION FAILS. 21-013 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO UPHOLD THE HEARING EXAMINERS DECISION. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 5-2, (ABSTAIN -JAMES BLAIR AND NO -JOE DEPINTO), MOTION CARRIED. c. Legal Services Rate Adjustment 21-014 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY MOVED TO ACCEPT AND MODIFY THE LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES WITH THE FOLLOWING RATES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. January 26, 2021 Page 1 1 21-015 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO AMEND MOTION NUMBER 21-014, ADDING: TO FURTHER DIRECT THE YELM CITY COUNCIL FINANCE SUB- COMMITTEE TO FOLLOW UP ON REVIEW FOR A LEGAL SERVICES CONTRACT TO DEVELOP A FULL LEGAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH PERIODIC REVIEWS AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. d. Resolution No. 610, Authorizing the Purchase of Real Estate 21-016 MOTION BY TERRY KAMINSKI AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO EXECUTE THE PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE FOR AN ACCESS ROAD AND FUTURE PARK AT 902 RHOTON ROAD SE IN YELM, WASHINGTON. SECONDED BY E) CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. e. Teamsters Memorandum of Agreement 21-017 MOTION BY 30E DEPINTO AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT EXTENSION WITH THE TEAMSTERS UNION EXTENDING THEIR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2021. SECONDED BY E7 CURRY. 5-2 (NO -MOLLY CARMODY AND TRACEY WOOD), MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business — None Scheduled 8. UPDATES— City Administrator — Michael Grayum • Nisqually Tribe generously gave the City of Yelm a $5,000 grant that will be used to contract with a part-time Probation Officer at the Municipal Court. • Executive Assistant will be meeting with Council Committees to discuss their needs on the Boards and Commissions and will update Council at the March 2, 2021 Study Session. • Cochrane Park Improvements will going out to bid soon. • The Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) applied for a low interest loan and was approved. The WRF will go out to bid in July. • February 2 Study Session will include Overview of Enterprise Funds, Council Committees and Thurston County Economic Development Contract Expectations. • Public Works Director Cody Colt updated Council on Phase 1 of the Community Garden. Every phase of the Community Garden will be funded by grants or charity funding. • Mayor Foster thanked the Nisqually Tribe for the generous donation that will be used for sidewalk installation for ADA access to the Community Garden. Councilmember Blair will attend the Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting on February 3. Councilmember Carmody attended the Intercity Transit Authority meeting, the Yelm Finance Committee meeting and the Yelm Public Works Committee meeting. Councilmember Curry thanked the Nisqually Tribe for the grant received by the Yelm Senior Center. Councilmember Curry attended the Thurston County EMS Council meeting. January 26, 2021 Page 1 2 Councilmember Stillwell attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative meeting, the Thurston County Law and Justice Council meeting and the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting. Councilmember Wood attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting and the Transportation Policy Board for Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting. Councilmember DePinto will attend the Board of Directors of Economic Development Council tomorrow. Councllmember DePinto attended the Yelm Public Works Committee meeting and the Thurston County Chamber State of the Community Event. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Thurston Thrives Coordinating Council zoom meeting and thanked Candy O'Rear for her love of community and making the purchase of the 902 Rhoton Road property possible. Mayor Foster attended the Association of Washington Cities Mayor's Forum, chaired the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting, attended the Thurston County State of the Community Forum, met with and approved the applicants for the Capital Metro Independent Investigation Team Community Representatives. The Thurston County EMS Council will rotate to the Mayor of Tenino. 9. Executive Session - 20 Minute Executive Session to Review the Performance of a Public Employee RCW 42.30.110 (g) At 8:04 p.m., Council went into an Executive Session to Review the Performance of a Public Employee. 21-018 MOTION BY 30E DEPINTO TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY JAMES BLAIR. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Attest: 4"ea a JW Oster, Mayor Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. January 26, 2021 Page 1 3