01 03 2023 Yelm City Council Study Session Agenda Packet a�ya EST.1924 WASHINGTON YELM CITY COUNCIL - STUDY SESSION AGENDA Tuesday, January 3, 2023 6:00 pm Yelm City Council Study Sessions are held in-person at Yelm City Hall 106 2nd Street SE Yelm, WA 98597 and virtually on Zoom on the first Tuesday of each month. Registration is required to attend virtually by selecting the link below: httris://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN e3JbvD8sSLm3sGXA9s71 g 1. Discussion Items a. Legislative Priorities b. Beautification Grant Updates c. Algiers Drive Closure Discussion d. Fee Schedule Discussion 2. Mayor's Report 3. Councilmember Initiatives Upcoming Meetings— Virtual&In Person Council Meeting,Tuesday,January 10,2023 and Tuesday,January 24,2023 at 6:00 pm Meeting Information All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded.Meetings can be viewed on YouTube,or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities.If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities,please contact Kathy Linnemeyer,at 360.458.8816 at least four(4)working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.velmwa.eov. YeIm Community Beautification Grant Program (YCBP) — Neighborhood, Community, Business The City of Yelm will be offering grants to neighborhoods, community groups, and local businesses (businesses must be located within the city limits of Yelm to improve their neighborhoods or other areas of the community. The program seeks to partner with homeowners, residents, and local business owners in the downtown area to beautify and provide improvements in the community. Yelm's CBP program is accepting applications for project proposals for 2022during the month of February. This is a competitive grant offering. Applications will be reviewed by a grant review committee that will score the applications and make the award selection. The committee will then present their recommendations to Yelm City Council for approval in July of 2022at the first regular meeting in April. Applications are due by Thursday,July 7 at 5:00 p.m March 1st each year. PROGRAM YEARLY SCHEDULE: • Application process opens the first week in February and applications must be submitted by the first Friday in March at 5:00 PM. • Applications will be reviewed by the Yelm Beautification Grant Committee during the 2nd and 3rd weeks of March. • Applicants will be notified by email by the last day of March. • Committee recommendations will be presented to the City Council at the first regular meeting in April. • Projects must be completed by September 30th in the year that they are awarded. • Request for reimbursement must be submitted by October 15th NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT EXAMPLES: Examples of some projects which might qualify include community landscaping projects, common space site furnishings, or cleaning up commons areas and areas that are visible to the public. Projects might involve installation of fencing or paths to improve or control access to common areas or parks. Improvements that promote community gathering spots through resting or active areas are also eligible. The grant is intended to provide community value through enhancing aesthetic appeal.Any project designed with these goals at its core, and designed in a way that benefits the community at large rather than one homeowner in particular may qualify. BUSINESS APPLICANTS: Businesses eligible for grant funding must be located within the city limits of Yelm, preferably in the downtown area. Projects must meet code requirements, follow all local and state laws, and follow all current design standards. Newly constructed buildings,standard maintenance, rebranding or expansion projects are not eligible for funding. If an applicant is not the building owner,it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all approvals for the proposed work are obtained before submitting the application. Documentation of approvals must be provided with the application. Applications that impact multiple business with a shared frontage or are located side-by-side in a business area are highly encouraged. All projects must occur on the exterior of the building such as façade,sign or other exterior beautification projects. Examples of eligible projects are: • Painting or façade material upgrades (routine maintenance does not qualify) • Decorative or significant lighting upgrades • Signage (grants will not be awarded for rebranding/business name changes) • Awnings • Permanent, affixed building decorative elements • Enhancements or changes to trim materials of the building • Window, door, or storefront upgrades in public view for aesthetic purposes • Structural improvements to the building façade • Masonry work or carpentry/molding/trim improvements • Restoration of details in historic or older buildings • Other uses may be suggested AWARD AMOUNT: Up to $5,000.00 for larger projects and first time grant recipients or$2,500.00 for those that have previously received CBP funds. Applicants that have been awarded funds and submitted for reimbursement in two previous grant cycles are not eligible and will not be considered for funding. Funds are awarded on a reimbursement basis upon completion of the project. To enhance accountability and ensure projects provide value to the community, projects which fail to deliver on their initial goals may be denied reimbursement. A city staff representative will be assigned to work with each awardee. CONDITIONS: Applicants that are awarded funding must seek prior approval before changing any plans related to grant funds that will impact the delivery of the project's stated goal,change the stated goal, or change the cost of the project. Failure to do so will risk the loss of reimbursable funds. Applicants will be expected to coordinate with city staff to ensure that project improvements are performed consistent with their applications. In addition, any improvements that are proposed for installation on city property or street right of way will require approval and coordination with city personnel. Reimbursable expenses must be reviewed with city staff prior to initiating work with the vendor or contractor. The property must be regularly maintained to preserve the value of the improvements. Any additional costs incurred are the responsibility of the applicant. APPLICATION INFORMATION: The deadline for applications is Thursday, July 7, 2022the first Friday in March at 5 p.m. All applications must be submitted prior to 5 p.m. Applications can be submitted electronically through the online application or in person at City Hall; 106 Second St. SE. Projects must be completed by November 4;September 30th, 2022 with a request for reimbursement submitted no later than OctoberNovcmbcr 29, 202215th. If applicants reside in a neighborhood with an active Homeowner's Association (HOA), written concurrence from the HOA board is required to be submitted with the application. If applicants reside in a neighborhood without a Homeowner's Association, the application must be signed by at least five households to display a broad-base of neighborhood support for the project. It should also be demonstrated that the applicants have made an effort to communicate the proposed improvement plans to the neighborhood. If a business is applying for an application that will impact neighboring businesses, written concurrence from those businesses is required to be submitted with the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. To maximize the competitiveness of their application,applicants are encouraged to follow these guidelines. • Competitive applications will display broad-based community support, whether through large numbers of signatures, support from volunteers in their planned activities, or through diverse sources of funding. • Competitive applications will provide three (3) pictures of the project area before improvements and will provide as much detail as possible in the project planning section. Do not feel limited to just the blank space provided on the page. • Competitive applications will not only identify how projects will improve visual appeal in the community, but also how improvements in visual appeal will benefit nearby residents. Some examples might include getting to know neighbors better while working on the project, or providing a clean and safe space for outdoor activities. • Competitive applications will provide realistic figures for costs and funding, provide professional quotes for expenses where necessary, and will make realistic assumptions concerning the level of volunteer participation in the project. • Competitive projects will demonstrate how the neighborhood or community will continue to maintain and upkeep the project area if physical improvements are being made. • Competitive applications will provide a match of funds and/or labor to the project. For projects that are awarded funds, a reimbursement procedure will be identified. Please note when preparing to apply that you will be required to submit the following with reimbursement: • A current W-9 for the Homeowner's Association or business. • Three (3) photos of the completed project that may potentially be used in public information and presentations. • Invoices from vendors for work completed with proof of payment. This is a reimbursement process; all payments will be made to the HOA or business with the expectation that the HOA or business covers the upfront cost for the project. • Documentation recapping the completed project that includes how the work was completed, and the benefits gained by your neighborhood or business. Testimonials from residents or neighboring businesses are appreciated. Please limit your recap to no more than 500 words. • A letter or note from the city staff representatives working with you on the project stating that the project has been completed. Prior to submitting for reimbursement,applicants must contact their representative from the City of Yelm to schedule a time for on-site inspection of the project's completion. CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions about applications should be directed to Kathy Linnemeyer at kathvlCaavelmwa.gor(360)458-8816. Completed applications should be filled out online at www.yelmwa.gov/cb or be sent by mail to Kathy Linnemeyer at: Yelm City Hall Attention: Kathy Linnemeyer 106 Second St. SE Yelm, WA 98576 YELM COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION GRANT APPLICATION Neighborhood or Business area (HOA, Business Park or street location) Project site address, GPS coordinates, or include a map of project area. A photo of the current area is required to be submitted with the application. Applicant 1 Name Street Address Phone Alternative phone E-Mail Address Applicant 2 Name Street Address Phone Alternative phone E-Mail Address Other Applicants (neighborhoods without an HOA must include at least five additional signatures for the application to be valid. Business applicants must include signatures from neighboring businesses or customers) Printed Name Signature Email/Phone Funds Requested for project $ Do you live in an HOA or is your business in a business park? ❑Yes 0 N Please describe the proposed project: Demonstrate need for the project, identify objectives and expected results, and describe the activities to be funded and who will perform them. If physical improvements are made, identify who will maintain them. Identify the benefits that your community will derive from this project Include three (3) photos of the proposed project with application. Project Budget: either include a line item budget with application or detail the budget below. Line Item Purpose of Item Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Project Cost $ Project Funding: Please identify all project funding sources, including community groups, volunteers, other financial support, and funds requested from Yelm via the YCBP grant. Community Funding (from groups, HOA, etc.) $ Volunteer Funding (from individuals) $ Other Resources (other financial support, budget relevant in kind contributions) $ Funds requested from Yelm CBP $ Total funding $ Signature of applicant 1: Date: Signature of applicant 2: Date: LST.1924 ',_ WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM DATE: 01/03/2023 SUBJECT: Council Meeting Handouts • The attached documents were handed out during the discussion about the closure of Algiers Drive. Preliminary Cost Estimate PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Reconstruction of ALGIERS LN NE 1/3/2023 Assumptions: 1.Cost of surveying, replatting, ROW dedication,and recording fees are NOT included in this Cost estimate. 2.Algiers Ct NE and Yelm View Ct NE will NOT be reconstructed and will remain as private shared-use driveways. 3.Commercial Collector to be rebuilt to City of Yelm Development stanadards(pavement width=32 feet), road centerline length=780 feet Item Qty Unit Unit Price Extended 1 Minor Change Allowance 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 2 ADA Features Surveying 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 3 SPCC Plan 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 4 Mobilization 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 5 Project Temporary Traffic Control 1 LS $7,500 $7,500 6 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 7 Removal of Structures&Obstructions 1 LS $1,000 $1,000 8 Excavation, Embank. & Grading, Incl. Haul 1,500 CY $40 $60,000 9 Gravel Borrow, incl. Haul 800 TN $25 $20,000 10 Locate Existing Utilities 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 11 Controlled Density Fill 25 CY $200 $5,000 12 Crushed Surfacing Top Course 775 TN $40 $31,000 13 Crushed Surfacing Base Course 1,550 TN $34 $52,700 14 HMA Cl. 1/2" PG 64-22 800 TN $110 $88,000 15 Sawcut Exist. Pavement 200 LF $35 $7,000 16 Temporary HMA 15 TN $250 $3,750 17 CPEP Underdrain Pipe, 12 in. Dia. 200 LF $150 $30,000 18 Gravel Backfill for Drains 400 TN $30 $12,000 19 CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe, 12" Incl. Bedding 750 LF $70 $52,500 20 DI Storm Sewer Pipe, 12" Incl. Bedding 75 LF $125 $9,375 21 Catch Basin,Type 1 6 EA $1,900 $11,400 22 Catch Basin,Type 2, 48 in. Dia. 6 EA $4,600 $27,600 23 Stormwater Treatment Manhole 2 EA $50,000 $100,000 24 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 25 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 800 TN $22 $17,600 26 Removal of Unsuitable Material (Trench) 20 CY $60 $1,200 27 Adjust Water Valve Box 11 EA $550 $6,050 28 Relocate Fire Hydrant 1 EA $180 $180 29 Adjust Water Meter Box 1 EA $350 $350 30 Erosion and Water Pollution Control 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 31 Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching 2,000 SY $3.50 $7,000 32 Topsoil,Type A 350 CY $68 $23,800 33 Root Barrier 360 LF $17 $6,120 34 PSIPE Pacific Sunset Red Maple (min. 3" cal.) 12 EA $1,800 $21,600 35 Cement Conc.Traffic Curb and Gutter 1,950 LF $24 $46,800 36 Cement Conc. Driveway Entrance 200 SY $72 $14,400 37 Cement Conc. Driveway Repair 200 SY $75 $15,000 38 Cement Conc. Sidewalk 870 SY $55 $47,850 39 Cement Conc. Curb Ramp 12 EA $2,700 $32,400 40 Street Light Tube 5 EA $1,700 $8,500 41 Street Lights (PSE) 5 EA $8,000 $40,000 42 Illumination Conduit System 1 LS $40,000 $40,000 43 Permanent Signing 1 LS $9,000 $9,000 44 Painted 4" White Lane Line 1,850 LF $1.25 $2,313 45 Painted Bicycle Lane Symbol 12 EA $100 $1,200 46 Plastic Stop Line (2) 24 LF $15 $360 47 Plastic Crosswalk Line 500 SF $9.00 $4,500 48 Plastic Traffic Arrow 2 EA $155 $310 49 Record Drawings 1 LS $1,500 $1,500 Subtotal Const. $933,358 Construction Contingency(10%) $93,336 Engineering Design (30%) $280,007 Construction Engineering(20%) $186,672 TOTAL PROJECT(Preliminary) $1,493,372 -� , EST.l 924 T e. . WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM DATE: 01/03/2023 SUBJECT: Council Meeting Handouts • The attached documents were handed out during the Fee Schedule discussion Preliminary estimate of costs to the City of Yelm for large events held in the parks that include staff time for work that is not a part of regular employee work schedules Permit application that is completed when the park is reserved for community events. A copy of school district facility rental costs Waiver request form Proposed Fee Schedule D N N Z -a �v m Q- a m '� -< 3 v o O °, 0 9' X. N• '' ro D N m c co p K X - < O y °* = d m O -i rD °, rr N rr ? mss o, ,O+ jr 3 rD fl- 0- O fD o N a o (D CM 3 Do -, N r-o n a tn C 13 <. s 0 sV IMI: 3 •.< °� y 7 go o f7 .< H - N. 7 S rD d rD no y n A- a. O- rD U Q 7 r9 Q rD 7 r+ D, N N A A N Ui N 1-4 i/l• (') 01 01 X X N x X X O O to W In (n c W O O O ` t 3 7. C VI IA- iA• in• F+ Ntn. in. i/- i/� i/ . F.; 00 W in' 0i 01 A A NA., 0 C, W 0 O O I-' O O O O O O O O Q N (I)O O O O O O O O O O O "O v. K Z D 0 -o D K n IT•-l• "0 CD Q- O rD 3 < m O X O N -, _ N. < O. v' 3 �' C <a) cu fD CO fD c 6W, X C N < rf f') o, rr rr O . O = -1 d A- 3 r m o 3 * o ot. cro N 0 * S rD 3 O G" �. .< Do 00 rD 0, 7 N' co H A A 01 N F-' i/L f7 X X X X X O O W W U, W W In u, In O O 3 7 C H i/► i/) i/1 ih i/)• {A N In A Crl 0 I--. 1--% N VI- i) O O O i- O O O O O Q NmO O O O O O O O 0 -V OF V t-4, A 4gsHiTEo� City of Yelm Park Rental Permit Application AGREEMENT: The City of Yelm parks and shelters may be reserved for public use when properly scheduled through the appropriate agency. Due to extremely heavy public use, regulations have been established to maximize use. No group will be refused use of the facilities if the planned program is of community-wide interest, conditions permit the usage, the time and/or space is available, conflicts (beyond normal park usage) with adjacent properties are not created, and insurance requirements are met. Yelm parks and shelters belong to the citizens of the City of Yelm and are available for their use and enjoyment, and are also available to non-residents. Parks and shelters will not be made available to any group or organization that promotes discrimination, or has a record of discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, marital status, age, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability. Permission to use the facility does not constitute an endorsement of a group's philosophies, policies, or beliefs. A group/organization's request for multiple dates for activities/events in a calendar year will be considered, but will not be allowed to monopolize the time available for reserved use. Proposal (please attach additional information as needed) Location(s): Date (s): Hours of use Sponsoring Organization Contact Person: Email: Phone: Mailing Address: Chairperson (non-profit): Phone: Email: If your organization is certified as a nonprofit, tax exempt under section 501© (3) of the IRS code, please attach a copy of the certificate. 1. Will admission to the event be sold on site, off site, or both? 2. How will the proceeds be used? 3. Describe the activities that will take place at the event? 4. How will the activity/event benefit the community? 5. How many people are expected to participate? 6. What are your expected sources of revenue? a. Sponsorship $ b. Vendors $ c. Concessions $ d. Admission $ I hereby agree on my part and for the organization I represent to abide by the City of YeIm Parks rules and policies (as per the Yelm Municipal Code) related to the use of park facilities which includes the following section on "applicant's responsibility." • Any applicant using park grounds and facilities accepts financial responsibility for any damage done to said grounds. Application for use of a park facility will constitute acceptance by the applicant of the responsibility stated above and willingness to comply with all rules and regulations regarding the use of park facilities as prescribed by the City Council of the City of Yelm. In the event of damage, applicant will accept the City Council's estimate of the amount of same. • The applicant must exercise the utmost care in the use of Yelm's Parks and agrees to protect, indemnify and save the City of Yelm harmless from use of requested facilities. Groups/organizations sponsoring community- wide events must provide the city with proof of self-insurance. • Adult leaders of organizations using park facilities will remain with their groups during all activities and will be responsible for the observance of all rules. • All organizations and groups will, in all cases, clean and put in order the park grounds used by them before leaving. • Consumption of any intoxicating liquor on park premises without first obtaining lawful authority, is considered an act constituting disorderly conduct. • Smoking tobacco products by use of cigarette, cigar, pipe or any other smoking device inside the boundaries of any park, without first obtaining lawful authority, is unlawful. • Remaining after closing time prohibited. Hours of park accessibility at all parks is as follows -Winter hours: 6 am to 8 pm, (October 1 to March 31) and summer hours: 6 am to 11 pm (April 1 to September 30.) • All organizations and groups will provide sanicans for any event over 500 people. Minimum of 2 sanicans per 1000 persons. • All organizations and groups will provide their own dumpster for any event over 500 people. • The City of Yelm is not responsible for lost and/or stolen items on city park property. • Park users shall not erect any structure in city parks except temporary stands or tents as authorized as part of a community event sanctioned by resolution of the city council and sponsored by a community-oriented nonprofit organization. • Park users may not stake tents or temporary stands into the ground at any time. • Yelm City Park is a public park, and is available on a "first come first served basis." Please be aware that when you reserve the park, this does not restrict other activities in other areas of the park. • Please initial that you have read and understand all of the above rules and policies: Signature: Date: 12/29/22, 11:54 AM Communications&Community Relations/Fee Schedule 1\1enu .‘AutiLivi Yelm Community Schools Communities Dedicated to Learning and Achievement Community Schools CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 3 CATEGORY 4 FACILITY/SERVICE YCS school Local comm.youth Non-profit,out-of- For profit,individuals& groups sports/groups,gov't district school groups commercial Gym ** 1 ** Main G m n/c, n/c $50.00 **$75.00 Auxiliary Gym/Multi-Purpose n/c **n/c *'$50.00 **$75.00 Room :Commons n/c **n/cl **$50.00 **$75.00] :Classroom n/c **n/cl **$25.00 **$50.001 :Library n/c **n/c **$25.00, **$50.001 Performing Arts Center(PAC)*** n/c **n/c **$25.00 **$50.001 Performing Arts Center n/c $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 Technician* Kitchen(2) n/c **n/c **$25.001 **$50.00 Food Service Employee* n/c $40.00 $40.001 $40.00 Disinfect&Replenish Supplies** n/c $25.00 $25.001 $25.00 Custodial* n/c $50.001 $50.001 $50.00 Technology Employee* n/c $50.001 $50.001 $50.00 Campus Security Employee* n/c $50.001 $50.001 $50.00 Grass Fields I n/c n/c $25.00 $50.00 Parking Lots n/c n/c $25.00 $50.00 RMS Turf Field n/c *$50.00 *$115.00 *$115.00 !YHS Baseball Field n/c *$10.001 *$35.00 *$50.00 !VHS Fastpitch Field [ n/cl *$10.00 *$35.00 *$50.00 YHS Stadium Turf Field n/c ***100.00 ***$215.00 ***$215.001 VHS Stadium Lights n/c $35.00 $50.001 $50.001 !Stadium Scoreboard(1) n/c (1) Included (1)Included (1)Included) !Stadium P/ASound(1) n/c (1) Included (1)Included (1)Included! !Stadium Grandstand-R/R n/cl Included Included Included !Concession Stand n/cl YHS only YHS only YHS only) !Press Box I n/cl Included Included Included) Notes and Terms: • Groups in Category l and 11 will be charged cost recovery fees if costs are incurred for extra utility,cleaning or supervisory services • All rates are by the hour unless otherwise noted(*) • Custodial fee for weekends/off hours-min 2 hr. • Food Service fee for weekends/off hours-min 2 hr. https://www.ycs.wednet.edu/Page/4263 1/2 12/29/22, 11:54 AM Communications&Community Relations/Fee Schedule Menu ** All indoor use will be charged a non-refundable rate of$25.00 per day/per space to allow custodial staff to disinfect,perform a proactive cleaning,and to replenish supplies in addition to fees listed per category 2-4 *** Custodian required (1)Training Required for Use of the Stadium Scoreboard and P/A Sound (2)Food Service Employee is required when kitchen is scheduled for use Address 107 1st Street N PO Box 476,Yelm, WA 98597 Phone Fax 360.458.1900 360.458.6178 fSite Map Back to Top Questions or Feedback? Terms of Use Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy(Updated) Copyright' BIa:k: oeJd Inn hh nuh: rc-sewed NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT ACCESSIBILITY https://www.ycs.wednet.edu/Page/4263 2/2 col V E 14, w j. 'sH!NalQ� City of YeIm Parks Fee Waiver Request Form Organization: Reason for request: Please attach additional pages if needed. Date of Event: Park request: Longmire Cochrane City Park What is the impact to city staff in order for you to carry on this event? Can you operate this event if this fee isn't waived? How many people do you expect to attend this event? Is any group, organization, or business receiving funds from your event? What part of your event are you charging for? Mayor/Administrative decision. Can be appealed to city council. EXHIBIT A YELM DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE Ministerial Actions Construction Permits See Table A Right of Way Permits See Table A Certificate of Appropriateness $125.00 Civil Plan Review $250.00 + consultant costs Ministerial Site Plan Review $250.00+consultant costs Boundary Line Adjustment $250.00 +consultant costs Home Occupation Permits $50.00 Final Subdivisions, Administrative $250.00 +consultant costs and Subdivisions binding site plans Final Short Subdivisions $125.00 +consultant costs Sign Permits $125.00 Street Tree Permit $125.00 Zoning Verification letter $125.00 Administrative Actions Administrative Site Plan Review $750.00 +consultant costs Short Subdivision $750.00 + consultant costs Administrative Subdivision $750.00 +consultant costs Subdivision Alteration or Amendment $375.00 + consultant costs Administrative Variance $375.00+ consultant costs Ouasi-Judicial Actions Hearing Request—Administrative Subdivision $1,250.00** +consultant costs Preliminary Subdivision $2,000.00 +consultant costs Special Use . $2,000. 00 +consultant costs Binding Site Plan $2,000. 00 +consultant costs Planned Residential Development $375.00 +consultant costs Mixed Use Development $375.00 + consultant costs Variance $2,000.00 + consultant costs Critical Area Exception .. $2,000.00 + consultant costs Le:islative Actions Amendment of Unified Development Code $750.00 +consultant costs Conceptual Master Planned Development . $5,000.00+ staff& consultant costs Final Master Planned Development $5,000.00 + staff& consultant costs Yelm Historical Register Listing $125.00 Removal from Yelm Historical Register $125. 00 Comprehensive Plan Amendment .. $2,000.00+consultant costs Appeals Appeal to Hearing Examiner .. $1,250.00** + consultant costs Appeal to City Council $500.00** +consultant costs Other State Environmental Policy Act Threshold Determination $400.00 Environmental Impact Statement Staff and consultant costs Critical Area Report Review .. $125.00 +consultant costs Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA) Staff and consultant costs Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation $350.00+consultant costs Petition of Annexation $2000.00 + consultant costs Right of Way Vacation, Subdivision, or Easement $750.00+consultant costs Wireless Communication Facilities Technical $500.00 +consultant costs Document Review Park User Fees See Table B Park Impact Fee .. Per dwelling unit Single-Family Homes . $1,515.46 Multi-Family Dwelling Units . $1,080.69 Mobile Home Units $1,366.24 *Multiple applications submitted concurrently, excluding Environmental, TIA, and Annexations, are charged one fee based on the highest permit fee. *"Consultant costs" means any outside consultation expenses which the City reasonably determines are necessary to adequately review and analyze the application. *"Staff costs" means the actual costs of City staff time and resources. **Waiver of appeal fee The city council may waive the fee required for filing an appeal when the appellant can: a. Show that the appeal fee will create a financial hardship; or b. Show that the appeal fee is a barrier to public fairness; or c. Show overriding public interest, health or safety; or d. The appellant is a nonprofit corporation registered with the State of Washington, and demonstrates to the City Council that the appeal fee would impact the ability to forward the corporations mission to serve the community of Yelm. The appellant shall apply for the waiver at the same time as the appeal is hied. Appellant shall provide documentation to the satisfaction of the City Council that the appeal fee should be waived. Refund of appeal fee The Hearing Examiner may refund a portion of or the entire appeal fee if a finding is made that the original decision was based on unreasonable grounds or without proper consideration of circumstances. Refund of Hearing Request—Administrative Subdivision Fee The Hearing Examiner may refund a portion of or the entire hearing request fee when the applicant can: a. Show that the fee will create a financial hardship; or b. Show that the appeal fee is a barrier to public fairness; or c. Show overriding public interest, health or safety; or d. The appellant is a nonprofit corporation registered with the State of Washington, and demonstrates to the Hearing Examiner that the fee would impact the ability to forward the corporations mission to serve the community of Yelm. Table A Building Permit and Plan Review Fees Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $23.50 $501.00 to $2,000.00 $23.50 for the first $500.00 and $3.05 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00. $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $69.25 for the first $2,000.00 and $14.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00. $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $391.25 for the first$25,000.00 and $10.10 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00. " $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $643.75 for the first $50,000.00 and$7.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof,to and including $100,000. 00. $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $993.75 for the first$100,000.00 and $5.60 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof,to and including $500,000. 00. $500,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000.00 and $4.75 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00. $1,000,001.00 and up $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000.00 and$3.15 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof Plan Review 165% of Building Permit Fee Stock Plan Review Fee 65% of Building Permit Fee for the first plan, 65% of first plan fee for subsequent plans with no revisions Signs $125.00 per approved sign Other Inspection Fees 1) Inspections outside of normal business hours $47.00 2) Re-inspection Fees $47.00 * Re-Inspection Fees will be assessed on a case by case basis.Typically,a third visit could warrant the issuance of this fee. Roofing Re-Roof(Residential) $50.00 Re-Roof(Commercial) Based on Project Value Plumbing Permit Fees Unit J Unit Fee Plumbing Permit (Residential) $40.00 plus fixture fees Plumbing Permit(Commercial) I $60.00 plus fixture fees Plumbing Fixture I $7.00 per fixture Gas Piping $5.00 up to 5 fixtures, $1.00 for each additional Backflow device over 2 inches $15.00 Medical Gas Piping $50.00 up to 5 inlets for each gas type, $5.00 for each additional Mechanical Permit Fees Unit Unit Fee Mechanic a! Permit(Residential) $40.00 plus fixture fees Mechanical Permit (Commercial) $60.00 plus fixture fees Furnace 1) Installation or relocation of each forced air furnace $13.25 including ducts and vents up to and including 100,000 Btu/h $16.25 2) Installation or relocation of each forced air furnace including ducts and vents over 100,000 Btu/h $13.25 3) Installation or relocation of each floor furnace and vent 4) Installation or relocation of each suspended heater, $13.25 recessed wall heater or floor mounted unit heater Appliance Vents $7.00 Repairs or Additions For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating $12.25 appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit, absorption unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, including installation of controls regulated by this code Boilers, Compressors and Absorption Systems 1) Installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor $13. 15 to and including 3 hp, or each absorption system to and including 100,000 Btu/h 2) Installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor $24. 25 over 3 hp to and including 15 hp, or each absorption system over 500,000 Btu/h 3) Installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor $33. 25 over 15 hp to and including 30 hp, or each absorption system over 1,000,000 Btu/h. 4) Installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor $49. 50 over 30 hp to and including 50 hp, or for each absorption system over 1,000,000 Btu/h to and including 1,750,000 Btu/h $82. 75 5) Installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 50 hp or each absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu/h Air Handlers and Evaporative Coolers Size Up to 10,000 cfm $9.50 Over 10,000 cfm $16.50 Evaporative cooler other than portable $9.50 Ventilation and Exhaust Each fan connected to a single duct $6.50 Each system not a portion of any heating or a/ c system $9.50 authorized by a permit Installation of each hood $9.50 Incinerators Each domestic type $16.25 Each industrial type $66.50 Fuel Gas Piping $5.00 Gas piping system, 1 - 5 outlets $1.00 Each additional system, per outlet Process piping Hazardous process piping system (HPP), 1 - 4 outlets $5.00 HPP system, 5 or more outlets, per outlet $1.00 Non -hazardous process piping system (NPP), 1 - 4 outlets $2.00 NPP system, 5 or more outlets, per outlet $0.50 Miscellaneous Each appliance other than those listed above $9.50 Right-of-Way Permit Fees Unit Unit Fee Right-of-Way Permit Fee Basic $125.00 Standard $250.00 Street Cut Permit Fee Street Cut Size Street Cut Fee 1 1-50 Sq Ft $200.00 1 51-100 Sq Ft II $400.00 100 Sq Ft or greater $400.00 plus $400.00 each additional 100 Sq Ft of path area Admin Fee for each Street I $25.00 Cut Fee 1)Multiple patches that are within the vicinity of each other will be measured collectively to determine the fee. 2) When a patch is associated with street widening to new curb,the patch will be calculated to a max width of 2 ft. 3)Any permit applicant that is required to overlay the street as a condition of their project will not pay the Street Cut Fee for any street cuts in the overlay area. Table B Park/Community Center Rental Rates FACILITY/ CATEGORY CATEGORY CATEGORY CATEGORY Current SERVICE 1 2 3 4 Rates City of Yelm Verified Non- Individual Commercial Groups & Profits Approved Government Groups Cochrane Park n/c $100/1-6 $100/1-6 $150/1-6 $0 hours hours hours $200/6-12 $200/6-12 $300./6-12 $0 hours hours hours Cochrane Park n/c PENDING COMPLETION OF PROPOSED Gazebo PROJECTS Longmire Park n/c $100/1-6 $100/1-6 $150/1-6 $0 hours hours hours $200/6-12 $200/6-12 $300/6-12 $0 hours hours hours Longmire Park n/c $50/1-6 hours $50/1-6 $100/1-6 $0 Kitchen hours hours $100/6-12 $100/6-12 $200/6-12 $0 hours hours hours OilL,T.. ,, Yelm City Park n/c $100 -6 10/1-6 $150/1-6 $0 / \''e N he r• / hou iurs \ $211/6- $214/6- .. $3:10/, 2 ,0 4'D-01.) Vy\ ours hours hours ALS Yelm City Park n/c PENDING COMPLETION OF PROPOSED 2_ '{ Pavilions PROJECTS Yelm VZ 'c Community Center OY A lS Kitchen with n/c $50 $100 $200 $100 curl t;,cvd Room Rental Kitchen Without n/c $50/hr $100/hr $150/hr $75/hr " 'en Room Rental l tk,l '1`C' North Room n/c $50/hr $50/hr $100/hr $50- ~- `� � �` $100/hr �L - South Room n/c $50/hr $50/hr $100/hr $50- $100/hr Both Rooms n/c $100/hr $100/hr $200/hr $100- $200/hr Audiovisual & Meeting Equipment LCD Projector n/c $50 $50 $50 $0 Projector Screen n/c n/c n/c n/c $0 Lectern n/c n/c n/c n/c $0 Microphone n/c $25 $25 $25 $0 Stacking Chair n/c n/c n/c n/c $0 Round Table n/c n/c n/c n/c $0 Rectangle Table n/c n/c I n/c n/c $0 I Bistro Table n/c n/c I n/c n/c $0 Kitchen Supplies *kitchen rental required , Place Settings & n/c $50 $50 I $50 $0 Utensils Water Pitchers I n/c n/c I n/c n/c $0 Coffee Servers I n/c n/c I n/c n/c $0 Table C Finance/Utility Fees YMC 5.05.050 F (B&O) $30 up from $20 NSF Check Return $30. set by bank Credit Care/Debit TF set by company 1 New Account Set Up $20 up from $0 Tamper Fee f $200 up from $60 Late Fee I $5 up from $0 Table D Court Fees Tow Hearing Fee $73 *To be returned if ruled in appellant's favor Civil Appeal Fee I Follow County Fee Schedule Criminal Appeal Fee I Follow County Fee Schedule Passport I Follow US Dept. of State Fee Schedule Warrant Quash Fee $35 1S` $70 2nd Table E Public Records Request (Police Footage) Video Redacting Charge $0.68 per minute I