02 14 2023 Yelm City Council Agenda Packet 0 EST.1924 '•��y'r �a`�y4:.«•.. ,� �f WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA February 14, 2023 6:00 PM Yelm City Council meetings are held in-person at 106 2nd St SE Yelm,WA 98597 and virtually on Zoom. Registration is required to attend virtually; please use the link below to register. httas://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN tiddsoUIRMa716rlbEsf20 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) None Scheduled 4. PUBLIC COMMENT—COMPLETE A BLUE SPEAKER'S CARD OR RAISE HAND VIRTUALLY 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) January 24, 2023 Minutes b) January 2023 Check Register and Position Summary c) Mayoral Proclamation - Black History Month 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Approve Amendment to PSA for Water System Plan Authorize Mayor DePinto to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with RH2, Inc. Inc. for an amount not to exceed $60,530, for development of a water system hydraulic model as part of the update to the City's Water System Plan. b) Resolution No. 631 -Adopting a Travel Policy To establish guidelines and procedures for the authorization and reimbursement of travel and related expenses incurred by employees while on City of Yelm business. c) Resolution No. 632 Agreement for Collection an Disposal of Waste Materials Motion to approve Resolution No. 632 authorizing Harold Lemay Enterprises to provide services for collecting and disposing of waste materials. 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled 106 2nd ST SE•Yelm,WA 98597 •360.58.3244 •www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider 8. STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Public Safety Committee b) Public Services Committee c) Finance Committee 9. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS 10. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 12. ADJOURN MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed at www.velmwa.gov or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816 at least four(4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. Public Comment Guidelines: The City reserves up to five members of the public to address the Council at the beginning of regular business meetings on topics that are not on the agenda. Each speaker will be given 3 minutes and may be asked follow up questions by the Mayor or Council. Further public comment may be allowed on agenda topics as time permits. We ask that speakers use respectful language and remember they are speaking to fellow citizens of Yelm who are committed to listening and responding appropriately to citizens' concerns. Members of the public engaging in disruptive behavior may be removed or blocked from the meeting. Page 2 of 2 „ .�.e. m-”" ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,d t,,, EST.1924 WASHINGTON w,. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY,JANUARY 24, 2023 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Joseph Richardson,Joshua Crossman, Holly Smith, Brian Hess, Ashley Brooks, Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe DePinto. Excused -James Blair Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer and Public Services Director Cody Colt APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Brian Hess to approve the agenda as presented AGENDA Seconded by Holly Smith Motion carried 6-0 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: City of Yelm Employee of the Quarter — Donnie Burnham Mayor DePinto presented Donnie Burnham, Court Clerk with the Employee of the Quarter award for the third quarter of 2022. Public Services Director Cody Colt introduced Gary Cooper the new Planning and Building Manager. PUBLIC COMMENT: Tammi Stewart spoke against the closure of Algiers Road. Jennifer Carmody spoke against the closure of Algiers Road. Joshua Frisc with Prairie Soccer Club asked Council for support and would like to see more soccer fields in Yelm. Jason Preston spoke against the closure of Algiers Road. Jenny Sponson spoke against the closure of Algiers Road. CONSENT AGENDA: a)January 3, 2023 Study Session and January 10, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes b) December 2022 Check Register and Position Summary Motion by Brian Hess to approve the consent agenda as presented Seconded by Terry Kaminski Motion carried 6-0 NEW BUSINESS: None OLD BUSINESS: None STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Services Committee—Chair Brian Hess announced that the Public Services Committee met on January 24, 2023 and discussed the closure of Algiers Road, new sub- division and building updates, recap of permits and business licenses issued in 2022, long range planning, municipal code updates and capital projects. Finance Committee—Joseph Richardson gave kudos to Stephanie Dice Finance Director. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: City Administrator Stancil Updates—City Administrator Stancil announced that the Lodging Tax Grant application process and the Beautification Grant application process are now open, Mayor DePinto will give a State of the City message at the February 14, 2023 Chamber of Commerce meeting and the Olympia Orchestra will be holding a concert at the Community Center. Mayor DePinto— Held a Town Hall meeting at the Community Center with Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland, Representative Andrew Barkis and Thurston County Commissioner Carolina Mejia and attended the Thurston County Chamber meeting. Public Services Director Colt—Gave an update on the status of the Dog Park and announced that the City has issues a RFP for a stage at Yelm City Park. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Richardson —Thanked everyone who attended the meeting, attended the celebration for the Yelm High School football team and the Senior Center Breakfast that is on the second Saturday each month. Councilmember Crossman—Attended the Homeless Taskforce meeting and stated that code updates may help fix Algiers Road. Councilmember Smith—Attended the SE Thurston Fire Authority meeting, Senior Center Breakfast, Town Hall meeting and the Law &Justice Council. Councilmember Hess—Announced that if you are a Veteran with mental health you can receive free medical services at any medical facility. Councilmember Brooks—Thanked everyone who attended the meeting and attended the Creative District Taskforce meeting, Homeless Taskforce meeting, YCS Study Session, Senior Center Breakfast, Senior Center Tuesday Talk, Community Conversations, Government Town Hall meeting, Story Tellers, STEDI meeting and the Tornado celebration. She will attend the Prairie Elementary Kindness Week fundraiser and the Community Resource Fair. Councilmember Kaminski—Attended the Town Hall meeting, the Tornado celebration and the Nisqually River Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Terry Kaminski to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 PM. Seconded by Joshua Crossman Motion carried 6-0 Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, February 14,2023 Council meeting: Payroll Total Expense $ 648,128.52 A/P Checks, EFTs,&Drafts $ 463,768.00 Debt Service $ 86,513.00 Excise Tax TOTAL $ 1,198,409.52 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 1/01/2023 through 1/31/2023: Voucher Check Numbers 10257-10315, Payroll Check Numbers 10196-10209 Certification: I,the undersigned,do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that for any claim listed herein the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described,or that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for a full or partial fulfillment of a contractual obligation, and that the claim is a just,due and unpaid obligation against the City of Yelm,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. b., .91) Auditing Offi er Date The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council,are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion bii at a regular council meeting held this 14th day of February Mayor-Joe DePinto Council member -Josh Crossman Council member-James Blair Council member-Joseph Richardson Council member-Holly Smith Council member-Terry Kaminski Council member- Brian G. Hess Council member-Ashley Brooks CITY CLERK: ATTEST: CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 1 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo 46 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,226.97 December Hours 47 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,018.59 December Hours 48 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,685.62 December Hours 49 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,779.12 December Hours 50 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 146.42 December Hours 51 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,324.55 December Hours 52 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 750.66 December Hours 53 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,587.48 December Hours 54 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,436.11 December Hours 55 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 7,198.14 December Hours 56 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,772.92 December Hours 57 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,986.20 December Hours 58 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,181.98 December Hours 59 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 8,002.36 December Hours 60 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,510.26 December Hours 61 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 750.66 December Hours 62 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,064.86 December Hours 63 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,337.42 December Hours 64 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,073.64 December Hours 65 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,151.03 December Hours 66 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 7,745.97 December Hours 67 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,390.49 December Hours 68 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,917.77 December Hours 69 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,716.80 December Hours 70 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,192.09 December Hours 71 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,940.26 December Hours 72 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,050.40 December Hours 73 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,741.58 December Hours 75 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,353.92 December Hours 76 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,794.94 December Hours 77 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,964.00 December Hours 78 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,052.57 December Hours 79 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 750.66 December Hours 80 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,566.82 December Hours 81 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,844.00 December Hours 82 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,685.39 December Hours 83 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 712.61 December Hours 84 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,126.72 December Hours 85 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,172.86 December Hours 86 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,174.32 December Hours 87 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,518.12 December Hours 88 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,015.39 December Hours 89 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,219.35 December Hours 90 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,548.13 December Hours 91 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,585.93 December Hours 93 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,684.74 December Hours 94 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,265.87 December Hours 95 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,051.67 December Hours 96 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 7,500.38 December Hours 97 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,090.54 December Hours 98 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,855.71 December Hours 99 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,179.16 December Hours 100 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,375.01 December Hours 101 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,664.01 December Hours 102 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,570.34 December Hours 103 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,679.14 December Hours 104 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 750.66 December Hours 105 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,273.20 December Hours 106 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,077.14 December Hours 107 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,321.40 December Hours CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 2 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo 108 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,226.09 December Hours 109 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,591.95 December Hours 110 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 600.66 December Hours 111 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,452.93 December Hours 112 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 9,776.59 December Hours 113 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,491.71 December Hours 114 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,530.73 December Hours 115 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,030.14 December Hours 116 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 13.76 December Hours 117 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,714.90 December Hours 118 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,948.53 December Hours 119 01/06/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 962.04 Murphy Uniform Allowance 131 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT TEAMSTERS 1,432.50 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-Teamsters PW 132 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT WASHINGTON STATE 1,360.61 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To SUPPORT REGISRY 01/05/2023-Garnishments 133 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S 365.50 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To GUILD 01/05/2023-Police Guild Dues 134 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 240.16 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-Aflac Pre Tax;Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-Aflac Post Tax 135 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 14,313.36 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-PERS 3 136 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 20,403.53 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-LEOFF 2 137 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 4,949.46 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-Deferred Comp 138 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 34,413.47 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-PERS 2 139 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY- 3,603.15 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To PFMLA 01/05/2023-WA PFMLA 140 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY 945.23 1st Quarter Unemployment: DEPT 01/01/2023-01/31/2023 141 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 115,393.00 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 01/05/2023-01/05/2023 142 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 168.30 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 01/06/2023-01/06/2023 143 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 LABOR&INDUSTRIES 11,986.59 1ST Quarter L&I:01/01/2023- 01/31/2023 159 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS -0.01 Rounding Error In DRS System 2023 0105 Payroll 208 01/09/2023 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 168.30 941 Deposit For Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 01/06/2023-01/06/2023-VOID -Duplicate Transaction 319 01/03/2023 Claims 1 EFT PAYMENTECH 2,413.40 2023 01-Credit Card Service Fees For 3 Merchant Service Accounts 322 01/03/2023 Claims 1 EFT ETS 420.06 2022 12-ETS Merchant Services Charges 324 01/11/2023 Payroll 1 0 LABOR&INDUSTRIES -2.64 2022 Q4 Rounding Error In L&I System 355 01/12/2023 Claims 1 EFT COY ENGINEERING REVIEW 1,000.00 INVOICE-COY INV 12 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 3 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For COY INV 12 1,000.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-INVOICE 11 SERVICE DATES FROM 12/26/2022-01/06/2023 -20 HRS AT 50 PER HOUR-MULTIPLE PROJECTS- ENGINEERING REVIEW,DEVELOPMENT AND RESPONSE 356 01/12/2023 Claims 1 0 PITNEY BOWES INC.(D) 503.50 INVOICE-2022 1103 Invoices Amount PO For 2022 1103 503.50 METER REFILL-COURT&METER POSTAGE METER REFILL 357 01/12/2023 Claims 1 0 RAINIER CONNECT(D) 10.00 INVOICE-2023 01 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 01 10.00 Rainier Connect Domain Pointer-Account#9020611 -SERVICE DATE 2023 01 - 31 358 01/12/2023 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND(D) 593.40 2023 0104 Deluxe Check Order From Timberland Bank Invoices Amount PO For 02052830578 593.40 2023 0104 Deluxe Check Order From Timberland Bank 359 01/12/2023 Claims 1 0 USDA RURAL 86,513.00 INVOICE-2023 0103 DEVELOPMENT(D) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0103 37,346.51 2023 01 -USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEBT AND BOND PAYMENT- DFCO 2023 0103 49,166.49 2023 01 -USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEBT AND BOND PAYMENT- DFCO 403 01/12/2023 Claims 1 EFT EMPLOYMENT SECURITY- -114.42 ESD PFMLA Rounding Error PFMLA 485 01/12/2023 Claims 1 EFT USDA RURAL -86,513.00 Invoice-2023 0103-Offset DEVELOPMENT(D) Transaction Paid In 2022.Met To Be In 13th Month. 487 01/17/2023 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND(D) -3,903.19 Offsetting Transaction For Credit Card Payment Met To Be In 13th Month 510 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 908.92 January Draw 511 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,639.67 January Draw 512 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 527.40 January Draw 513 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 January Draw 514 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,023.40 January Draw 515 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,183.47 January Draw 517 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,172.96 January Draw 518 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 872.70 January Draw 519 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,811.23 January Draw 520 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,301.94 January Draw 521 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 669.86 January Draw 522 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,086.20 January Draw 523 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,385.25 January Draw 524 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,810.17 January Draw 525 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,280.45 January Draw 526 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 January Draw 527 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,394.94 January Draw 528 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 923.50 January Draw 529 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 881.21 January Draw CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 4 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo 539 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 5,667.89 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 01/20/2023-01/20/2023 962 01/26/2023 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST(EFT) 13.64 INVOICE-INV2588231 Invoices Amount PO For INV2588231 13.64 200651-P-COPIER-WWTP-CONTRACT OVERAGE CHARGES: 12/16/2022 -01/15/2023 963 01/26/2023 Claims 1 0 CONSOLIDATED 2,135.48 INVOICE-2023 0115 COMMUNICATIONS(D) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0115 2,135.48 ACCOUNT 0100836792 ALL LINES-CITY PHONES-CHARGES 2023 0115 - 0214 964 01/26/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 34.25 INVOICE-3742-207769 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-207769 34.25 W54204-GREASE GUN QTY 1;90368-MOLY GREASE QTY 1 965 01/26/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO(D) 377.96 INVOICE-7254112357 Invoices Amount PO For 7254112357 377.96 RENOWN KITCHEN ROLL TOWELS QTY 8;GLOVE NITRIL DISP XL 100 BX QTY 6;GLOVES NITRIL DISP LARGE 100BX QTY 2 966 01/26/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO(D) 157.68 INVOICE-725504096 Invoices Amount PO For 725504096 157.68 RIDGID 10 GAL STAINLESS WET/DRY VAC QTY 1 967 01/26/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO(D) 38.95 INVOICE-726783558 Invoices Amount PO For 726783558 38.95 3563110-GLOVE NITRIL DISP LARGE 100BX QTY 2 968 01/26/2023 Claims 1 0 WA STATE DOL-DRIVING 15.00 INVOICE-2023 0118 RECORDS(D) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0118 15.00 DRIVERS ABSTRACT FOR NEW HIRE-PUBLIC SERVICES 74 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 10196 5,655.44 December Hours 92 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 10197 2,458.77 December Hours 144 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 10198 AWC 90,705.90 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-Medical Benefits; Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-Supplemental Life 145 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 10199 NATIONAL FRATERNAL 1,132.50 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To ORDER OF POLICE 01/05/2023-FOP Police 146 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 10200 WA STATE COUNCIL OF 1,111.50 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To COUNTY&CITY EMPL 01/05/2023-AFSCME 147 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 10201 WACOPS 225.00 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-WACOPS 148 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 10202 WESTERN STATES POLICE 1,035.00 Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To MEDICAL TRUST 01/05/2023-Western States Police Trust CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 5 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo 149 01/05/2023 Payroll 1 10203 YELM,CITY OF 447.76 Pay Cycle(s)01/06/2023 To 01/06/2023-Police Car Use;Pay Cycle(s)01/05/2023 To 01/05/2023-Police Car Use 169 01/05/2023 Claims 1 10209 EXXEL PACIFIC 762.16 80-0010.0-901 RHOTON RD NW Invoices Amount PO For 2023-12954 762.16 339 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10257 AMAZON CAPITAL 448.50 INVOICE- SERVICES INC 1L4T-9XWF-YWNX;INVOICE - 1MRN-MX7N-9R11; INVOICE- 14HH-316G-C1Q1 Invoices Amount PO For 1L4T-9XWF-Yw 349.75 HP LASERJET PRO 4001DN BLACK AND WHITE PRINTER QTY 1 1MRN-MX7N-91 87.84 SOPOBY 600PCS HEAT SHRINK BUTT CONNECTORS16-14 AWG-TINNED RED COPPER MARINE GRADE QTY 2; 1/2"X 520 INCHES TEFLON TAPE FOR PLUMBERS 8 ROLL PKG QTY 1;LICHAMP 10-PACK BLACK ELECTRICAL TAPE WATERPROOF 14HH-316G-CIQ 10.91 FELLOWES LAMINATOR CLEANING SHEETS QTY 1 340 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10258 AQUAFIX,INC. 1,989.80 INVOICE-IN005203 Invoices Amount PO For IN005203 1,989.80 QWIK-ZYPE L(55 GAL DRUM)QTY 1;SHIPPING 342 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10259 AWC 11,979.62 INVOICE-108458;INVOICE- 112605 Invoices Amount PO For 108458 8,226.00 2307-2023 AWC CITY MEMBERSHIP 112605 3,503.62 2307-AWC RETRO SAFETY ALLIANCE MEMBERSHIP 2023 112605 250.00 2307-AWC DRUG AND ALCOHOL CONSORTIUM MEMBERSHIP 2023 341 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10260 AWC (RMSA) 435,137.00 INVOICE- 112703 Invoices Amount PO For 112703 435,137.00 2023 AWC RMSA MEMBERSHIP 343 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10261 DATABAR 2,562.03 INVOICE-259853 Invoices Amount PO For 2559853 2,562.03 STATEMENT PRODUCTION-JANUARY 2023 3,045 @$0.355 AND POSTAGE$1323.74 344 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10262 PHILIP ZACK OR DEBORAH 44.83 02-2120.0- 15716 92ND CT SE HARDY Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13051 44.83 345 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10263 RAKESH K GUPTA 17.55 09-1905.0- 10612 PALISADES ST SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13020 17.55 346 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10264 IFM EFECTOR,INC. 615.89 INVOICE-41203919 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 6 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 41203919 615.89 PE2094 QTY 1;U20176 G1/4 BSPP TO 1/4"NPT ADAPTER QTY 1 347 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10265 J&I POWER EQUIPMENT 411.99 INVOICE-703155 Invoices Amount PO For 703155 411.99 7010-882-0901 -PS 60 PRUNING SAWS QTY 1;0000-882-0702-PL 30 LOPPER 28 HAND QTY 1;7010-882-0702-PP 80 HAND PRUNER 9 QTY 4 348 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10266 CHRISTINA KRAMER 176.75 10-8825.0- 14440 99TH WAY SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13067 176.75 349 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10267 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 200.95 INVOICE-2301-242451 Invoices Amount PO For 2301-242451 200.95 5418959-TOOL HOLDER QTY 1;5336995-PEG HOOK QTY 1;5220298- HOOK PEG ASST QTY 1;5220199-HOOK PEGBOARD QTY 1;51699- HOOK MULTI TOOL QTY1;5006143-HANGER STORAGE 10"QTY 1; 53307019-POWER 350 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10268 NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL INC 2,178.03 INVOICE-242702 Invoices Amount PO For 242702 2,178.03 1 GM BULK-SODIUM BISULFITE-38% QTY 370.0000G- SHIP DATE 12/30/2022 351 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10269 TRAICE&JASMINE 51.91 04-1635.0- 16340 CASCADIAN PRENTICE AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13015 51.91 352 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10270 USA BLUEBOOK 1,476.03 INVOICE-221957;INVOICE- 223538 Invoices Amount PO For 221957 1,466.02 Customer#479404-32940-HACH DPD 4 FOR 10 ML QTY 1;32840 HACH DPD 1 FOR 10ML QTY 2;32485-HACH ASCORBIC ACID POWDER QTY 3; 203698-LAMOTTE CHLORINE BLEACH QTY 1;28236-TOTAL CHLORINE REAGENT 223538 10.01 Customer#479404-90397 BEAKER W/HANDLE 1000ML QTY 1 353 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10271 TONY OR PAMELA 180.27 01-1090.0-406 MCKENZIE VANDERLINDA AVE SW Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13065 180.27 354 01/12/2023 Claims 1 10272 YELM LIONS CLUB 258.00 INVOICE-2022 1211 Invoices Amount PO For 2022 1211 258.00 LIONS CLUB YEARLY MEMBERSHIP DUES-2023 T. STANCIL,L.ROY,C. COLT 516 01/20/2023 Payroll 1 10273 708.00 January Draw 653 01/19/2023 Claims 1 10293 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 9,138.33 INVOICE-FBN4653766 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 7 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For FBN4653766 767.87 ADMIN-MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES-22 CHEVY BOLT 257S2Z- JANUARY 2023 FBN4653766 3,201.26 STREETS-MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES-22 ISUZU STREET SWEEPER 262KFZ-JANUARY 2023 FBN4653766 1,307.56 PARKS-MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES-22 CHEVY SILVERADO 267VD7- JANUARY 2023 FBN4653766 796.41 PARKS-MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES-21 CHEVY SILVERADO 23RJGG- JANUARY 2023 FBN4653766 519.61 CUSTODIAL-MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES-21 FORD TRANSIT 23XDG3- JANUARY 2023 FBN4653766 917.12 SEWER-MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES-21 FORD F-150 23TR65- JANUARY 2023 FBN4653766 836.66 WATER-MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES-21 CHEVY SILVERAGO 23RG9B- JANUARY 2023 FBN4653766 791.84 WATER-MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES- 21 CHEVY SILVERADO 23RN9B- JANUARY 2023 654 01/19/2023 Claims 1 10294 JOSHUA LAZUSKY 321.94 04-1820.0-9970 GREENLEAF LP SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13079 321.94 655 01/19/2023 Claims 1 10295 SCJ ALLIANCE 5,566.25 INVOICE-70573 Invoices Amount PO For 70573 5,566.25 PROJECT 22-000674-YELM LOCAL ROAD SAFETY PLAN-PHASE 01 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2022 1127- 1231 656 01/19/2023 Claims 1 10296 WITHERSRAVENEL,INC 2,280.00 INVOICE- 162562 Invoices Amount PO For 162562 2,280.00 PROJECT:2022 PAVEMENT EVALUATION-#09220875.00 YELM WA PCS AND BP MANAGED SERVICES-PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2022 944 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10298 AMAZON CAPITAL 1,120.73 INVOICE-1JQC-NFKN-PNJN; SERVICES INC INVOICE- 19KH-TQ6V-Q367; INVOICE- 1D79-V3K7-D3C4; INVOICE- 1 VX1-1 WMR-H6TW; INVOICE-1DPC-L1QR-4YQ7; INVOICE- 1397-KJWY-CTMN;INVOICE - 1M3J-NTTX-H9FL;INVOICE Invoices Amount PO For 1JQC-NFKN-PN: 347.95 MILWAUKEE 2695-24 M18 18V CORDLESS POWER TOOL COMBO KIT WITH HAMMER DRILL,IMPACT DRIVER,RECIPROCATING SAW,AND WORK LIGHT QTY 1 19KH-TQ6V-Q3( 354.08 PERFORMANCE TOOL ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT BAR STOOL QTY 4 1D79-V3K7-D3C 43.70 CWM PRE RINSE SPRAYER COMMERCIAL SINK FAUCET SPRAY VALVE QTY 1 1VX1-1WMR-H( 63.39 HYNIX HMA84GR7MF ECC REG DIMM SERVER MEMORY QTY 1 1DPC-L1QR-4Y( 10.70 PRIVACY SIGN,IN USE/AVAILABLE FOR HOME OFFICE QTY 1 1397-KJWY-CTD 136.34 NEO CHAIR OFFICE CHAIR COMPUTER DESK CHAIR GAMING ERGONOMIC HIGH BACK CUSHION LUMBAR SUPPORT WITH WHEELS QTY 1 1M3J-NTTX-H91 120.06 MOBIL 103495 GEAR 600XP 460 GEAR OIL NICKEL QTY 2 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 8 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 1TNT-VMHY-M 27.27 BLOOM DAILY PLANNERS 2023-CALENDAR YEAR DAY PLANNER QTY 1 1MLY-N4VT-4R 17.24 LOFARIS AMERICAN FLAG BLACKDROP FOR PHOTOGRAPHY QTY 1 945 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10299 BEYLER CONSULTING LLC 1,738.80 INVOICE- 12667 Invoices Amount PO For 12667 1,738.80 PROJECT 21.00195.000-CITY OF YELM ON-CALL SERVICES- 207 STEVENS AVE NE-INVOICE#12667- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0112 946 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10300 BIO RECYCLING 6,073.13 INVOICE-38023 CORPORATION Invoices Amount PO For 38023 6,073.13 SEPTAGE DISPOSAL-PUMPED BY CITY TRUCK -34,823 GAL @$0.1744 PER GAL-INVOICE DATED 01/15/2023 947 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10301 CANON FINANCIAL 864.73 INVOICE-29806708; SERVICES,INC. INVOICE-29806710; INVOICE-29806711; Invoices Amount PO For 29806708 21.42 PW COPIER LEASE-PW FAXBOARD CONTRACT#WSCA WA-2023 0101 -0131 29806710 199.33 PW COPIER LEASE- SN 2JV03898-SERVICE DATES 2023 0101 -0131 29806711 142.28 WWTP-IMAGE RUNNER ADVANCE C5540i III-CONTRACT#06619-2023 0101 -0131 29806709 501.70 CITY HALL-IMAGE RUNNER ADVANCE C75651 II- CONTRACT#05214/3091 -2023 0101 -0131 948 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10302 CLEARWORLD LLC 28,350.00 DEPOSIT INVOICE- 1199- YELM PO#2372 Invoices Amount PO For 1199 28,350.00 PAYMENT 1 OF 2-DEPOSIT ON CUSTOM SOLAR LIGHT POLES INCLUDING HARDWARE AND LIGHTING FIXTURES-YELM PO 2372 949 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10303 COAST CONTROLS& 1,064.70 INVOICE-00054531 AUTOMATION INC Invoices Amount PO For 00054531 1,064.70 ANNUAL FLOWMETER CALIBRATIONS SEWER TREATMENT PLANT JANUARY 1 2023-FLAT RATE INCLUDES LABOR AND TRAVEL PLUS MILEAGE NO PARTS USED. 950 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10304 JONATHAN GRUBER 250.00 YCC REFUND-GRUBER 2023 0114 Invoices Amount PO For GRUBER 2023 0 250.00 YCC REFUND-DAMAGE DEPOSIT ONLY FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 0114 -CELEBRATION OF LIFE 951 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10305 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 306.65 INVOICE-2301-243500; INVOICE-2301-244580; INVOICE-2301-245060; INVOICE-2301-245076; INVOICE-2301-246428; INVOICE-2301-246590; INVOICE-2301-246600; INVOICE-2301-246701 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 9 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2301-243500 9.83 3005112-LED FLOATING LANTERN 75L QTY 1 2301-244580 108.33 14TPB- 1/4 4X8 TEMP PEG HARDBOARD QTY 2; 128WW- 1X2X8' FURRING STRIPS QTY 7 2301-245060 45.88 33205 -2X10 SCH 40 PVC ELEC CONDUIT QTY 1;34489- STRAP PVC CNDT 2H 2"BG10 ACE QTY 1;BOLT-MISC BOLT QTY 8 2301-245076 10.82 KEY-ONE SIDED KEY QTY 10 2301-246428 96.13 49943 -PRIMER PVC PURPLE 160Z QTY 1;4011995 -CEMENT RAIN-R SHINE 160Z QTY 1;2695203 -RECIP SAW BLADE 12" 6/9T QTY 3 2301-246590 9.39 24635 -SOLDER 40/60 ROSIN CORE 2301-246600 13.08 1050228-HEX COUPLER 1/4 NPT QTY 3 2301-246701 13.19 BOLT-MISC BOLTS QTY 3 952 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10306 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN 9,246.16 INVOICE-24982 AIR AGENCY Invoices Amount PO For 24982 9,246.16 PER CAPITA ASSESSMENT FY2023 10640 @$0.87 953 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10307 PAPE MACHINERY INC. 255.60 INVOICE- 14147047 Invoices Amount PO For 14147047 255.60 UC23781 TUBE QTY 1 954 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10308 PCI PEST CONTROL INC 154.11 INVOICE- 123452 Invoices Amount PO For 123452 154.11 PEST CONTROL QUARTERLY PREVENTATIVE SERVICE- 106 2ND ST SE- INVOICE DATED 01/10/2023 955 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10309 PRECISION CONCRETE 17,063.77 INVOICE-WA80942BC CUTTING Invoices Amount PO For WA80942BC 17,063.77 MULTIPLE LOCATIONS-INSPECTION AND SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THICKNESS AND STABILITY OF CONCRETE SURFACE. -INVOICE DATED 2023 0111 956 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10310 BRANDI RADEMACHER 107.36 02-1100.0- 1215 THURSTON CT NW Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13170 107.36 957 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10311 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 1,915.48 INVOICE-5385;INVOICE- 5389 Invoices Amount PO For 5385 1,587.58 CITY OF YELM WASTE WATER SEPTIC CONTROLLER SWAP- LOCATIONS: 303 1ST ST,501 1ST ST,301 YELM AVE W-INVOICE INCLUDES LABOR,SERVICE WORK,TRAVEL,MATERIALS AND MOBILIZATION 5389 327.90 SERVICE CALL WITH CITY TECHNICIAN-TROUBLE SHOOT BREAKER TRIPPING ON 4TH STREET-INVOICE INCLUDES DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR AS POSSIBLE. 958 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10312 USA BLUEBOOK 1,148.94 INVOICE-479404 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 15:11:44 Date: 02/01/2023 01/01/2023 To: 01/31/2023 Page: 10 Trans Date Type Acct# Chk# Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 479404 1,148.94 Customer#479404-201332 HR AMMONIA REAGENT QTY 1;200742 HACH NITRITE TNT QTY 1; 17200 1/4'ID X 0.17'D TRANSLUCENT PE TUBE QTY 1; 17201 3/8'OD X 1/4"TUBE QTY 1;32840 HACH DPD 1 FREE FOR 10ML QTY 959 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10313 VERIZON CONNECT NWF, 300.83 INVOICE-OSV000002950611 INC. Invoices Amount PO For OSV0000029506 300.83 MONTHLY SERVICE-POLICE VEHICLES-DECEMBER 2022 960 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10314 WASHINGTON STATE DOT 648.97 80-1000.0-901 RHOTON RD NW Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13168 648.97 961 01/26/2023 Claims 1 10315 WILLIAM AND SHARDAHNA 177.50 03-5069.0- 15239 KAYLA ST WIGGINS SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-13169 177.50 001 General Fund 706,452.59 101 Municipal Street Fund 89,040.00 203 Sewer Revenue Bonds 0.00 302 Municipal Building Fund 5,174.00 316 Road&Street Construction 7,846.25 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 21,410.72 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 160,856.05 412 Sewer Utility Fund 175,331.03 501 IT Equipment Rental&Repair 22,910.55 502 Equipment Rental&Repair 9,138.33 630 Yelm Fiduciary Fund 250.00 Claims: 550,281.00 *Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts 1,198,409.52 Payroll: 648,128.52 2023 BUDGET POSITION TOTALS City Of Yelm Months: 01 To: 01 Time: 15:26:24 Date: 02/01/2023 Page: 1 Fund Revenue Budgeted Received Expense Budgeted Spent 001 General Fund 12,232,666.00 485,743.03 4.0% 8,835,021.32 769,915.12 9% 101 Municipal Street Fund 733,533.20 33,916.67 4.6% 662,510.01 95,037.67 14% 102 Arterial Streets Fund 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 104 Cumulative Reserve 441,437.11 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 105 Park Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 107 Tourism Promotion 334,984.08 0.00 0.0% 40,000.00 0.00 0% 112 Affordable Housing Support 25,000.00 0.00 0.0% 25,000.00 0.00 0% 119 Deposts&Retainage 8,413.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 120 Transportation Facility Charge 218,739.86 7,559.85 3.5% 0.00 0.00 0% 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 495,658.15 0.00 0.0% 469,076.00 0.00 0% 202 Killion Road LID 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 203 Sewer Revenue Bonds 284,781.19 0.00 0.0% 173,026.00 0.00 0% 204 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve 447,204.55 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 302 Municipal Building Fund 1,846,453.00 0.00 0.0% 1,164,158.00 5,174.00 0% 316 Road&Street Construction 2,007,376.77 0.00 0.0% 1,985,373.00 7,846.25 0% 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 911,136.74 42,556.80 4.7% 397,312.00 22,953.81 6% 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 7,774,104.66 243,709.60 3.1% 5,234,064.83 171,645.00 3% 402 Utility Consumer Deposits 100,969.61 0.00 0.0% 5,000.00 800.00 16% 404 Water Capital Improvements 4,419,666.00 47,075.49 1.1% 2,760,000.00 0.00 0% 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemptior 703,131.46 0.00 0.0% 597,168.02 0.00 0% 406 Water Capital Inprovements 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 412 Sewer Utility Fund 6,551,069.20 283,565.62 4.3% 5,463,007.59 190,270.96 3% 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 18,899,737.00 44,758.00 0.2% 18,859,161.00 0.00 0% 415 Sewer Bond Refi&Reserve 128,365.00 0.00 0.0% 0.02 0.00 0% 501 IT Equipment Rental&Repair 984,951.00 49,166.91 5.0% 495,220.00 22,910.55 5% 502 Equipment Rental&Repair 1,825,832.80 31,148.75 1.7% 257,264.08 8,774.83 3% 630 Yelm Fiduciary Fund 77,640.00 1,750.00 2.3% 53,940.00 250.00 0% 61,452,850.38 1,270,950.72 2.1% 47,476,301.87 1,295,578.19 2.7% For a detailed Position Budget Report please contact the Finance Director at stephanied@yelmwa.gov ,....•••• C4 a 2y EST.1924 WASHINGTON City of Yelm Proclamation Black History Month WHEREAS, Black History Month is celebrated throughout the United States of America during the month of February; and WHEREAS, recognition began in 1926 as a program to encourage the study of African American history to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, and was officially expanded to the entire month of February by President Gerald Ford in 1976; and WHEREAS, Black History month is a testament to generations of Africans brought to America and enslaved who, in the face of daily adversity and galvanized by the promise of freedom, strived for equality by exercising strength, endurance, enterprise, and patriotism, while often times being denied the promises guaranteed in the US. Constitution; and WHEREAS, the actions of African Americans are central in the formation of American society, accomplishing civic, economic, professional, medical, scientific, military, and artistic excellence, and the collective actions of Black Americans have inspired people of all backgrounds to pursue noble causes and dreams; and WHEREAS, Black History Month is a time to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice; and WHEREAS, because of the disparities that continue to plague our society, Black History Month echoes the call for equality to future generations and is essential of the formation of a more perfect Union; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Yelm City Council hereby recognizes February as Black History Month. SIGNED IN THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, THIS 14th DAY OF FEBURARY 2023. ,.r GNs� ofye �l Kofi Joe DePinto, Mayor ashiar City of Yelm • EST.1924 4, f 1 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: February 14, 2023 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 WATER SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to authorize Mayor DePinto to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with RH2, Inc. Inc. for an amount not to exceed $60,530, for development of a water system hydraulic model as part of the update to the City's Water System Plan. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: The City of Yelm (City) and RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) are in the process of updating the City's 2010 Water System Plan (WSP) as required by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). On December 12, 2022, RH2 provided draft Chapters 1 through 6 of the updated WSP to the City for review. The work presented in this amendment addresses development of a water system hydraulic model, work not originally scoped for the WSP. The water system hydraulic model is a cornerstone for the City's WSP. This tool will be used to confirm water storage and pump facility sizing, as well as prioritize water main Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) that are presented in the WSP. Since many water system projects have been completed since the model was last calibrated, RH2 recommends a calibration be done to confirm DOH criteria are met. ATTACHMENTS: • Amendment No. 1 -Water System Plan Update RH2) • Exhibit A—Scope of Work • Exhibit B— Fee Estimate Respectfully Submitted: Cody Colt Director, Public Services Department 1 ' Page City of Yelm Contract Amendment No. 1 Water System Plan Update and America's Water Infrastructure Act Compliance RH2 Project No. 0210191 In accordance with our Professional Services Agreement for the Water System Plan Update and America's Water Infrastructure Act Compliance, dated May 11, 2021, this is an authorization to revise the project Scope of Work as described below. The work will be performed and invoiced using the terms and conditions listed in the original agreement, plus previous amendments. Reference attached Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C. The engineering fee authorization will increase by$60,530 for a total authorization amount of$210,680 Please sign this authorization in the space provided below and return to RH2 Engineering, Inc., by mail at the address below, or by email to Contracts@RH2.com. RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Signature Signature Geoffrey G. Dillard, Director Print Name/Title Print Name/Title Date Date RH2 Engineering,Inc.22722 29th Dr.SE,Suite 210,Bothell, WA 98021 City of Yelm,106 Second Street SE, Yelm, WA,98597 01/16/23 4:03 PM \\corp.r$2.com\projects\Prosect\Data\YE.LM\21-0191\00 Contract\Amendment No.1\rnad_1_YEL_MAYSP Update— Compliance.docx EXHIBIT A Scope of Work Amendment No. 1 City of Yelm Water System Plan Update and America's Water Infrastructure Act Compliance January 2023 Background The City of Yelm (City) and RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) are in the process of updating the City's 2010 Water System Plan (WSP) as required by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). On December 12, 2022, RH2 provided draft Chapters 1 through 6 of the updated WSP to the City for review. The work presented in this amendment addresses additional work not originally scoped for the WSP. The water system hydraulic model is a cornerstone for the City's WSP. This tool will be used to confirm water storage and pump facility sizing, as well as prioritize water main Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)that are presented in the WSP. Since many water system projects have been completed since the model was last calibrated, RH2 recommends a calibration be done to confirm DOH criteria are met. DOH criteria for calibrating hydraulic models is shown in Table 1. Table 1 DOH Hydraulic Model Calibration Criteria Accuracy of Readings Accuracy of Flaw Reference Readings Hydraulic grade line of model is within 5 to 10 ft. of field data. N/A AWWA 2017 Water levels within 3 to 6 feet. ± 5%of maximum head loss for 85%of readings ± 5%,where flow 310%of the total WRc 1989 ± 7.5%of maximum head loss for 90%of demand readings Predict the hydraulic grade line to within 5 to 10 ft. at model calibration points during N/A Walski et al. 2003 peak demands, such as fire flows � Note:2.31 feet of head is equal to 1 psi. The City also has requested that RH2 review and identify water customer accounts that may be eligible for significant reclaimed water opportunities that would result in increased volumes of available potable water. Analysis of opportunities for reclaimed water use will be coupled with analysis of the City's 2022 demand, which will extend the period of the approved WSP submitted to DOH.To better understand the City's current and future water right needs, RH2 will analyze hydraulic 1 1/16/2023 4:04:44 PM\\CORP.RH2.COM\PROJECTS\PROJECT\DATA\YELM\21-0191\00 CONTRACT\AMENDMENT NO.1\PSA-SOW-YELM WSP UPDATE+AWIA COMPLIANCE AMND NO 1.DOCX City of YeIm Exhibit A—Scope of Work Water System Plan Update and AWIA Compliance Amendment No. 1 conditions intended to optimize the City's water right beneficial use.The City also has requested that RH2 review the operations and treatment at its Well SW 1A treatment facility as part of this amendment. Task 1 — Hydraulic Model Calibration Objective: Update and calibrate the current hydraulic model of the City's existing water system. Approach: 1,1 Confirm model has all recent improvements and check for consistency and completeness with current water system mapping. Update the hydraulic model node diagram. Coordinate with the City to review water system facilities shown in the model and update the model as necessary based on input from the City. 1,2 Allocate the existing demand data among the nodes in the model on a global basis. 1.3 Perform preliminary hydraulic analyses to identify locations for field pressure and hydrant flow tests and check potential performance at each site. Prepare a template that lists proposed field test locations and data that needs to be collected at each test location. Coordinate with the City to confirm methods and record keeping for field tests. 1.4 Attend (1) full day of hydrant flow testing to confirm that the pressure and flow test objectives are met for the purpose of calibrating the hydraulic model. City staff will operate hydrants, valves, and other water system facilities as requested by RH2. RH2 will provide calibrated pitot and pressure gauges for use during the hydrant flow tests and will record the results of the tests. Operational status of facilities will be provided by City staff (in real-time or from the City's telemetry system following field testing), including flows into the system from supply sources and reservoir levels at the start and end of the tests. 1.5 Perform hydraulic analyses to calibrate the model from the field flow and pressure test data for the purposes of steady-state and extended period hydraulic analyses. 1.6 Coordinate with the City to identify likely sources of inconsistencies between the field calibration data and the modeled results. Inconsistencies may be the result of unknown closed valves in the system or incorrect diameter of water main shown on system mapping or as-builts. If generally accepted industry standards for hydraulic model accuracy cannot be achieved, RH2 will coordinate with the City to determine the next steps. Next steps may include an amendment to this Scope of Work to assist the City in performing additional field flow tests and model calibration analyses. Assumptions: • The GIS data provided in August of 2022 is assumed to be a current representation of the City's existing water system. • Water system model calibration and updates will be limited to the total hours documented in the attached Fee Estimate. • RH2 is not responsible for site safety or for directing any City staff in their work. 2 1/16/20234:04:44 PM \\CORP.RH2.COM\PROJECTS\PROJECT\DATA\YELM\21-0191\OO CONTRACT\AMENDMENT N0.1\PSA-SOW-YELM WSP UPDATE+AWIA COMPLIANCE AMND NO 1.D0CX City of Yelm Exhibit A—Scope of Work Water System Plan Update and AWIA Compliance Amendment No. 1 Provided by City: • Most recent hydraulic model. RH2 Deliverables: • Calibrated WaterCAD hydraulic model for use in steady-state and extended period hydraulic analyses. • Coordination with the City to review the accuracy of the hydraulic water model. Task 2 — Incorporate Recent 2022 Water System Consumption and Production Data into Draft WSP Objective: Analyze 2022 consumption and production records to determine reclaimed water opportunities and assist with water rights utilization and future needs analysis. Approach: 2,1 Analyze 2022 water consumption and production data. 2,2 Update growth projections based on recent planning data from the City. 2.3 Review commercial and irrigation accounts to determine additional water availability and viability of reclaimed water use. 2.4 Update the WSP demand and production data to include 2022 data and water use recommendations. Provided by City: • Water consumption and production records for 2022. • Reclaimed water limitations for types of use and available volume. RH2 Deliverables: • Updated data tables and recommendations incorporated into draft WSP. Task 3 — Review City's Water Right Beneficial Use Objective: Review remaining documentation for DOH and the Washington State Department of Ecology relating to the City's existing water rights and water system operations. Approach: 3.1 Review well production versus existing water rights. Analyze hydraulic conditions for the Downtown Wells and Well SW 1A to meet existing and future water rights and demands, and to perfect the instantaneous quantity (Qi) water right and water right use. 3.2 Update description in WSP of recommendations for water rights moving forward. Assumptions: • The well production data provided by the City will be representative of field operations. 3 1/16/20234:04:44 PM \\CORP.RH2.COM\PROJECTS\PROJECT\DATA\YELM\21-0191\OO CONTRACT\AMENDMENT N0.1\PSA-SOW-YELM WSP UPDATE+AWIA COMPLIANCE AMND NO 1.D0CX City of Yelm Exhibit A—Scope of Work Water System Plan Update and AWIA Compliance Amendment No. 1 Provided by City: • Well production data for Downtown Wells and Well SW 1A. RH2 Deliverables: • Assist City in completing required documentation for water right beneficial use. • Provide water right recommendations to meet City's future demands. 4 1/16/2023 4:04:44 PM \\CORP.RH2.COM\PROJECTS\PROJECT\DATA\YELM\21-0191\OO CONTRACT\AMENDMENT N0.1\PSA-SOW-YELM WSP UPDATE+AWIA COMPLIANCE AMND NO 1.D0CX §/\\//\ `\\ EHE \ \\\\\\\ \\ } i2\\\\ i } !) ;R."442 lz .:> .:z: i / « / \ \ ( dE 3 g j\ \1 “',31 , W E-sgj / }\ ;[ 1J411-13 ,;/ \\/}r 1"""" /: : 1" EXHIBIT C RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. 2023 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES RATE LIST RATE UNIT Professional I $161 $/hr Professional II $178 $/hr Professional III $198 $/hr Professional IV $217 $/hr Professional V $233 $/hr Professional VI $247 $/hr Professional VII $265 $/hr Professional VIII $278 $/hr Professional IX $278 $/hr Technician I $126 $/hr Technician II $137 $/hr Technician III $154 $/hr Technician IV $169 $/hr Technician V $184 $/hr Technician VI $203 $/hr Technician VII $220 $/hr Technician VIII $231 $/hr Administrative I $84 $/hr Administrative II $98 $/hr Administrative III $117 $/hr Administrative IV $137 $/hr Administrative V $158 $/hr CAD/GIS System $27.50 $/hr CAD Plots- Half Size $2.50 price per plot CAD Plots- Full Size $10.00 price per plot CAD Plots- Large $25.00 price per plot Copies(bw)8.5"X 11" $0.09 price per copy Copies(bw)8.5"X 14" $0.14 price per copy Copies(bw) 11"X 17" $0.20 price per copy Copies(color)8.5"X 11" $0.90 price per copy Copies(color)8.5"X 14" $1.20 price per copy Copies(color) 11"X 17" $2.00 price per copy Technology Charge 2.50% %of Direct Labor price per mile Mileage $0.6250 (or Current IRS Rate) Subconsultants 15% Cost+ Outside Services at cost Rates listed are adjusted annually. , 1SI.I7�4 c r^,-) • WASHINGTON Meeting Date: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: Resolution 631 Adopting a Travel Policy PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to adopt Resolution 631, Adopting a Travel Policy KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: This policy is intended to establish guidelines and procedures for the authorization and reimbursement of travel and related expenses incurred by employees while on official City of Yelm business. The proposed policy is in compliance with applicable state laws and guidance provided by the Washington State Auditor's Office. Many of the past practices of the City of Yelm in regards to travel have been incorporated into this policy. ATTACHMENTS: • Travel Policy Respectfully Submitted: Stephanie Dice Finance Director Wage RESOLUTION NO. 631 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON,ADOPTING A TRAVEL POLICY WHEREAS, the City has conducted a thorough review of its current Travel procedures in an effort to revise and update its policies with respect to travel and training expenditures matters; and WHEREAS, on the basis of such review and input, the City has determined to adopt a new Travel Policy; and NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Section 1.Travel Policy Adopted That certain document entitled City of Yelm Travel Policy in Appendix I and dated February 14, 2023 is hereby adopted as the City's Official Purchasing and Contracting Policy for all City Employees. Approved this 14th day of February, 2023 Joe DePinto, Mayor Attest: Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk Appendix 1 9• A��. icy., 1 til 1924 `.: ` WASHINGTON Finance Department Travel Policy 1. INTRODUCTION: T o establish guidelines and procedures for the authorization and reimbursement of travel and related expenses incurred by employees while on City of Yelm business. 2. DEFINITIONS: 2.1. Furnished Meal -A meal provided to an employee, either directly from the City or as a result of the City paying a registration fee or other cost which allows the employee to attend a conference or other event. If the City has already paid for a meal,the employee must deduct the allocated amount when filing their travel reimbursement or per diem request forms. 2.2. GSA—General Service Administration of the Federal Government of the United States 2.3. Incidentals—Parking, fees, tolls, etc. 2.4. Per-Diem—The per diem allowance is a daily payment instead of reimbursement for actual expenses for lodging, meals, and related incidental expenses. 2.5. Travel Advance— Prepayment of estimated travel expenses paid to an employee. Adopted by Res:631 EST.1924 GTON Finance Department Travel Policy 3. RESPONSIBILITY: 3.1. The Finance Director is responsible for administration of these procedures, including the design of forms and review of forms submitted for compliance with state regulations and guidelines established by the State Auditor. 3.2. The City Administrator is responsible for the adoption and administration of policies on behalf of the City Council. For department directors, the City Administrator shall approve travel and related expenses. 3.3. The Department Directors are responsible for approving travel related costs and ensuring their employees follow the adopted procedures. 3.4. Employees are responsible for obtaining Department Director approval before traveling. The employee is also responsible for filling out an expense reimbursement form when they return, attaching any required receipts and vehicle mileage verification, obtain the necessary department approvals, and file it with the Finance Director within 30 days of their return. 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS: 4.1. Pre-Authorization of Travel. All travel must be pre-approved by Department Directors via email and include the dates, place, cost estimate and purpose of travel. 4.2. Lodging and Per Diem Rates City will use Lodging and Meals & Incidental Allowance Per Diem rates established by the General Service Administration of the United States, located at https://www.gsa.gov/travel-resources. Employees are encouraged to use the trip estimator tool and include the total in their pre-authorization approval noted above. 4.3. Travel Involving an Overnight Stay Overnight stays should be more than 60 miles away from City Hall. Overnight stays less than 60 miles away can be approved on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Department Director. Government, conference or discount hotel rates should be obtained whenever possible. The City recognizes that hotel rates may exceed the GSA Rate and will therefore pay the actual hotel cost; as long as it has been pre-approved by the Department Director. Adopted by Res:631 L.; EST.1924 • WASHINGTON Finance Department Travel Policy 4.4. Airline Travel Airfare may be purchased if the Department Director deems it to be the most reasonable means of transport. A. Airfare will be purchased at a coach rate. Efforts should be made to book air travel as far in advance as possible to take advantage of lower rates. B. Frequent flyer miles earned accrue to the individual and not the City, but should not be the criteria for selecting a flight if lower cost alternatives are available. 4.5. Travel Time In most employee travel situations, compensation for travel time shall be pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act. In some cases the Department Director may authorize employees traveling as passengers outside their normal work hours to be compensated for their travel time if doing so would be more cost effective and more convenient than having the employee travel the day before and stay overnight. 4.6. Meal & Incidental Allowance Necessary meals while conducting City business are authorized at the pre-approved GSA rates.The City will reimburse 75%of the combined M&I rate for the first and last day of travel, and 100% of the combined M&I rate on any additional days of travel. Adopted by Res:631 _.. •4 a � u' EST.1924 :. , WASHINGTON Finance Department Travel Policy A. Receipts are not required for per diem reimbursements, unless the employee is using the City Issued Purchasing Card. B. Purchasing card receipts or per diem reimbursement requests must specify the function attended, date and location. C. Tips are included in the GSA approved meal rate.The City will not reimburse over the approved meal rate. D. The City will not pay for alcoholic beverages. E. The City will not pay for expenses for spouses, guests, non-employees or other persons not authorized to receive reimbursement under these procedures or State regulations. F. Purchase by City purchasing card may be made by one person for several employees or officials eating together, as long as all the names are listed on the reimbursement claim. Receipt must include itemization of items purchased. G. If a meal is furnished with conference registration, per diem will be reduced by the amount indicated in the M&I table for any individual meal that is included in the conference registration. Employees must be able to provide their Department Director conference registration details during the pre-approval process. 4.7. Parking/Shuttle/Taxi City will reimburse for the reasonable costs for parking, taxis, shuttles, etc. Use of rental cars during out of town travel must have prior approval of the Department Director. The employee will need to obtain a receipt for these costs and report them in accordance with Paragraph I, below. 4.8. Travel by Automobile. When automobile transportation is necessary, employees are encouraged to use a City vehicle whenever practical and available. When a City owned vehicle is not available, the employee may use their personal vehicle and receive mileage reimbursement per the IRS published Standard Mileage Rate. Department Directors must pre-approve the use of personal vehicles for City business. If a City vehicle is not available and the employee does not wish to use their personal vehicle,the Department Director may approve the use of a rental car. Adopted by Res:631 ..-- - EST.1924 p� ,:, � WASHINGTON Finance Department Travel Policy A. Employees using their personal vehicle will be reimbursed the lesser of their home address to the travel destination, or their official work location to the travel destination. Employees should use a mapping tool such as Google Maps to calculate the mileage and attach as supporting documentation to their Travel Reimbursement Form. B. Employees using their personal vehicles for City business are advised to review their personal auto insurance for coverage of such use, and maintain automobile liability insurance in accordance with RCW 46.30.020. Employees who do not maintain minimum liability coverage shall not operate privately-owned vehicles in an official capacity. C. In the event a City Vehicle is not available and/or the employee does not wish their personal vehicle, the Department Director may approve the use of a rental car. 4.9. Reporting of Actual Expenses. All actual eligible expenses are required to be reported on a Expense Reimbursement Request Form to be filled out by the employee within thirty (30) days after completion of travel. Receipts must be attached for all expenses claimed, with the exception of per diem for meals. Reimbursement requests should be signed by the Department Director and submitted to the Finance Department for processing. 4.10. Use of City Purchasing Card. All travel expenses should be charged to a city purchasing card if one has been assigned to the employee, in accordance with the City's purchasing card procedures. 4.11. Advance Travel Payment. Employee may request advance travel funds for per diem meals and mileage using the Per Diem Request Form. Adopted by Res:631 EST.1924 WASHINGTON Finance Department Travel Policy 4.12. Retreats,Workshops, Meetings,Training A. Council Retreats/Executive Team Retreats/Department Retreats to determine goals and objectives for the department/City: The reasonable cost of necessary food and beverages while conducting a City retreat/workshop are authorized for reimbursement. Each department will be limited to one retreat per year. B. Working Lunch—the City recognizes that there are occasions when it may be necessary for a group of employees to work through lunch in order to meet a deadline, participate in webinars with two or more employees, or to keep a group convened in order to accomplish a task.To be considered for reimbursement as a working lunch, the meeting/task must span over a three hour period which includes the group's normal lunch break, and must have approval from the Department Director. C. Professional Organizations Trainings/Seminars/Business Luncheon Meetings—The City will pay the cost of meals included as part of the registration or purchased separately to be consumed at meetings held during a meal time. D. Special Events-The City policy is to allow for reimbursement the cost of reasonable refreshments for public events such as Open Houses, City Anniversary Celebrations, Council Meeting receptions and hosting delegations from other jurisdictions. Adopted by Res:631 RESOLUTION NO.632 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF YELM,WASHINGTON,AGREEMENT FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS THIS AGREEMENT,made and executed to be effective the 14th day of February, 2023,by and between the CITY OF YELM, a Washington municipal corporation situated in Thurston County,Washington,hereinafter referred to as "City," and HAROLD LeMAY ENTERPRISES,INC.,hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City desires to engage an independent contractor to perform all labor and furnish all equipment and materials necessary to regularly collect and dispose of all solid waste materials, including curbside recyclables, from the existing and future customers of the City for that service; and, WHEREAS,Contractor has submitted a proposal to the City and is ready,willing and able to perform all labor, including bill processing, and to furnish all materials incidental to the collection and disposal of solid waste from the customers, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings herein contained and the mutual benefits to be derived herefrom,the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. TERM: This Agreement shall run for a term of two(2)years,commencing with the 14 day of February,2023,and terminating on the 31 day of December,2025.Upon the expiration of the said two-year term,this agreement shall automatically be renewed and extended for additional terms of two (2) years each for up to 10 renewals or until termination by either party.Termination without cause may occur at the end of any two(2) year contractual period, provided that notice of termination is given by Contractor or the City to the other party not less than 180 days prior to the end of any such contractual period. 2. DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Agreement,the Definitions will be the same as attached to Rural Refuse Tariff. 3. SERVICE: Contractor shall, at its expense, sufficiently perform all labor and provide all materials (including curbside educational materials and schedules) and equipment required for the collection and removal of all waste materials/recycling from customers and shall dispose of the same as provided by law and as set forth herein. Contractor shall do all work and manner of things necessary to the collection and disposal of such waste material in a good and workmanlike manner and shall devote such time thereto as is necessary therefore.Contractor shall establish a definite route through the City and shall make collections of waste materials at least one (I) day every week, and residential recycling one (I) day every other week, which collection day or days shall be approved by the City Council; provided, however, that if such service day shall coincide with a holiday,collection service shall be provided on the day immediately following such holiday. Contractor shall, at its expense,repair or replace any and all containers damaged as a result of its negligent handling thereof. 4. RATES CHARGED FOR SERVICES: Resolution No. 632 Page 1 of 3 a. All categories of rates will be charged at 100% of UTC Rates b. Contractor will provide one (1) 40-yard container per 200 City residential accounts for annual City clean up. c. The City will receive $2,000 annually for payment of Yelm's portion of curbside recycling revenue,which will be billed by the City in January of each year. 1) To determine curbside recycling revenue increases, the payback amount shall be divided by the number of City residential water customers with a readjustment made when the per customer rate fall below$2.00. d. The Contractor shall provide refuse collection services to all municipal buildings and/or sites at no cost to the City. 5. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE: Contractor shall properly pay for all labor,materials and equipment required by it in the performance of this Agreement and shall hold City harmless from any liability arising by reason of its failure to make such payments. Contractor shall further indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all liability resulting from any accidents or conduct of Contractor, its agents or employees, arising out of the performance of this Agreement and shall promptly defend any and all claims or demands resulting from such acts or conduct or arising out of such performance and shall pay any adverse judgement against the City resulting therefrom prior to any action against the City to enforce any such judgement. Contractor shall further obtain and maintain public liability insurance covering all of its operations under the terms of this Agreement,with policy limits of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars($500,000) for death or bodily injury liability and One Hundred Thousand Dollars (100,000) for property damage liability, and Contractor shall supply proof of such insurance to the City within ten(10)days after the commencement of each term of this Agreement. 6. LEGAL COMPLIANCE: Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances,rules and regulations of the United States, the State of Washington, Thurston County and the City of Yelm which relate to the performance of this Agreement, the use of private and public premises and the safety of persons and property. Contractor shall further obtain and maintain, at its expense, all permits and licenses required by state and federal law during the existence of this Agreement. 7. STREET USE RESTRICTION: In the event that the use of any of the streets within City is temporarily restricted to vehicles of certain limited tonnage, such restriction shall be observed by Contractor and Contractor shall use its best efforts to continue the performance of its undertakings set forth in this Agreement by the use of lighter equipment or other means available to it, but shall be excused from such performance during the existence of any such restriction if performance is not reasonably possible. City shall timely notify Contractor, in writing, of the placement and subsequent removal of any such restrictions. 8. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: The Contractor shall through the life of this contract meet all fiscal responsibilities required by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, for a refuse franchise. Resolution No. 632 Page 2 of 3 9. ASSIGNABILITY: Not permitted. City Contractor CITY OF YELM HAROLD LEMAY ENTERPRISES,INC. By: By: Joe DePinto,Mayor Printed Name: Its: Resolution No. 632 Page 3 of 3